
Friday 8 June 2018

Something Floral For Friday

Good Morning Ladies,
I made today's "SomethingFloral For Friday' card with a Free stamp set that came with 'Simply Cards & Papercraft', the stamps and matching dies are from  'Christina Griffiths' her business is 'Card Making Magic'.
Sorry about the glare but this is the stamp set, it's A4 in size, you also got a die set.....
Again, sorry about glare, lighting was terrible last night. This die set cuts the main flower stamp, the Butterfly, a bow and a leag, they are all really good sizes.

I stamped the large flower stamp 3 times around the top of my piece of Whisper White paper, in Versamark ink, I added White Embossing powder and heat set, I then added the leaves in same way. I coloured my flowers with my Stampin Blends, OMG! They honestly blend so perfectly, I have both Promarkers and the Original Spectrum Noir pens but couldn't acheive a decent blend with either, these work beautifully, you get a light and dark pen for each colour so no fussing with finding matching shades. I may do a live tutorial just to show how fantastic they are.
After colouring my flowers and leaves with blends I picked up 'Worn Lipstick' Distress Oxide and blended it into the whole of my card. To add some detail and texture I used my water brush to pick up some 'Pink Pirouette' and 'Balmy Blue' ink and tapped my brush to give light splattering of colour.
I stamped my sentiment in 'Balmy Blue' and cut with a Banner punch and placed it onto a Mat of Balmy Blue.
I also used these two colours to mat and layer my card. 
Something a little different but i like it.
I got the idea for the card from the many samples in the magazine.

Mun should be discharged from hospital today, all being well, she will be on Antibiotics for a while, for both a chest and Water infection. Having spoken to her GP they will double her dose of anti Epilepsy drugs fot a couple of weeks to see if that affects her 'seizures', if not she will be referred to a Neurologist for further tests.
She will also have an appointment with the COPD nurse, who will assess her to see if she needs an OT assessment. We are going over on Sunday as planned. I want to try and encourage her to stop smoking, she only ever smoked a few each day but now she has 20+,  which is causing her to suffer even more with her breathing etc and she will not use her inhaler, despite both my sisters and her dear friend trying to push her. 

Well thats all from me today, I hope you all have a good day.

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card today Sandra, very pretty. Good to hear your Mum is being discharged-the Hospital & all community Pharmacy shops have Smoking Cessation clinics so perhaps you could ask your sisters to look into that as that would be the perfect place to help you Mum to stop smoking.

    We rushed over to the hospital to visit my Father in Law last night only to find him fast asleep. We had a nightmare trying to find the Rehab unit so we were hoping to just sit & try to chat to him, we went into his room a few times but he was not for waking up so we had a chat with one of the Nurses who said he’d be seen by Physio next week then they’d have an MDT meeting in a couple of weeks to discuss his & any future plans (meaning where he goes when they discharge him). We drive all the way home (this was by now a 2 & 1/2 round trip) to be told by my Mother in Law that Keith had actually had a Physio session & was very tired afterwards which is why he sleeping! I honestly don’t think we can keep trying to visit after a day at work-it’s just too much. No doubt we’ll not be popular but unfortunately we need to think of ourselves (for once) as this could be a very long term situation.


    1. I think you have got to think of yourselves more Michele especially is FIL is going to be in hospital for a while. Hospital visiting is tiring enough but you've quite a journey there as well as working all day. Maybe you could just visit at the weekend?
      Thinking of you.x

    2. Michele you & Phil have to take care of yourselves otherwise you will both be shattered . I agree just visit at the weekend especially if he is sleeping when you arrive in the evening. Thinking of you
      Hug's xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    and to all who pops in for a sit and a chat today.

    SANDRA- pleased to hear that Mum is fit enough to be discharged and that you will be visiting on Sunday.
    I hope that all the appointments go ahead and that things work out.

    I cannot believe that it's got to Friday again. This week has just flown and of course it means that I will be 'swearing' this morning doing my usual Friday jobs.
    We had quite a cold day here yesterday and today has started the same.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all with loads of extras this morning for Dear Friends in need of them. Have a good day xxxx

  3. Morning ladies,

    Such a pretty card Sandra, I bought the same magazine whilst away in Norfolk last weekend with Jamie, meeting up with a lovely couple we met on our USA coach tour, as I thought the stamps were big enough for Milly-May to have a go at stamping when she comes tomorrow. She is also staying overnight which will probably be fun for both of us.

    Good to hear they are on top of everything with your Mum, it is always a relief to hear good news regarding your parents.

    Once washing done then it's more bags to cut out for my stall and maybe get some time to make the challenge card. In fact I think I might do that m=now whilst I am thinking about it.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx


    1. Tonight I shall be out with family for Pete's Memorial Dart Team Trophy match. Should be good night as all his mates vie to be the winner. Milly-May not coming as Mum is going out tomorrow with her friends hence the sleepover has been swapped.

  4. Lovely card SANDRA I rarely buy any magazine but they had this one in my local newsagents so I treated myself It does seem very good value for money
    Yesterday was OK We sorted MIL with hairdresser etc and visited my mum’s grave Any anniversary like that churns up memories of other losses doesn’t it
    I then had a phone call at 9.30pm from my dad’s wife to say that he’d had a fall and was having a hip replacement this morning
    So the 7th of June 2018 was a bit of a monster for me It sounds like a few of us are not enjoying June at the moment
    Ooh! and one of the nicest bosses I’ve ever had is leaving today
    Take care all xx

    1. Sorry it was such a bad day yesterday Karen. Hope your dad is OK after his op and hope today is a better day for you.x

  5. Margaret Palmer8 June 2018 at 08:53

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra great cards yesterday & today. Pleased to hear Mum is coming
    Karen hope Dad is OK thinking of you & sending you
    Lynda no I do not have anybody come in to wash me I have live in help in the form of Pop, he is very good. I am managing very well alot stronger, can "hop" from chair in lounge to bed in conservatory now. Hope your cough is improving, hugs on
    Brenda thanks for giving me a giggle. Thank you for your hugs &
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret. Xxx

    1. Hi Margaret awww good job for Pops he sounds amazing with looking after you❤️ You take care No hop skipping & jumping yet.
      Love Lynda xx

  6. Hi everyone. I did comment yesterday but it seems to have disappeared.
    Very pretty card Sandra. It a lovely stamp set. Glad you're mum is in a better position. Its really difficult to make someone stop smoking, even for their healths sake, if they don't want to. Maybe as Michele said, she could be referred to a professional. X
    Craft Club today. My bags are packed all ready to go. I know you'll laugh but I'm taking Christmas things in to make cards today!!!!

    Good news. My DIL has had the results of the biopsy back on this latest lump and its benign. Phew, what a relief.

    Hugs to all not feeling so good. Lovely to see Margaret's comment.
    Love Valx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. What a beautiful card. Love the delicate colours and the stamps are great, a really good selection. After you showed it to me on Tuesday I popped into Sainsbury's and bought it with the last of my birthday money, along with Creative Stamping which has a great selection of animal and sentiment stamps as the freebie. I haven't bought the Creative Stamping mag before but there are loads of examples throughout the mag using the stamps one of which is a tutorial on mirror stamping, a technique I want to try. Maybe we could have a go at it next week Sandra?
    Sandra, I'm glad that your mum is feeling better. Fingers crossed she can stopped at least cut right down on the cigarettes with the help of a programme.
    Michelle, sorry to hear you and Phil had a wasted journey last night and also that a favourite colleague is leaving work X
    Val, what a relief to get good news about your DIL. Enjoy craft club, you have to start early getting all of your beautiful cards made for Christmas, will you be the only one making them at this time of year? As usual I have only madden a couple, so much for my one a week starting in January 😊 x
    Janet, Where does the week go? I hope you can craft after doing the *#©%¥ this morning 😊 x
    Karen, anniversaries can be hard. Sorry to hear about your Dad. Fingers crossed all goes well for him x
    Cheryl, have a lovely time with Milly-May over the weekend. No doubt you will both have a lovely messy time together X
    Mum, see you later. Glad you are feeling ok and managing to hops bit further each day. Your arm muscles will be super strong at the end of the 4 weeks left won't they. I wonder how much that will change how you play Boule? (Or playing bowles as a doc put in your notes 😂) love you xxxx
    Brenda, Lilian, Lynda and Maria, I hope you all have a good day too. Sorry I have forgotten anyone. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sandra good news your mum is coming home today. Xx
    Your card is simply gorgeous Sandra those pens look amazing. Lovely free gift on the magazine.
    Well hope Lisa has now got her Anniversary card in the flesh so to speak after her silly mum plastered it all over FB by mistake. She has put her wedding pictures of their wedding 14 years ago on today beautiful they are too.
    Still coughing mainly at night so no change there. I did get my Challenge card made yesterday & sent to Sandra. When CU came home yesterday we went foe a walk with 8 paws🐕🐾 it was nice getting some fresh air into my lungs.
    Home alone today so going to have a play later in craft room.
    Have a good day everyone Hug's for all.
    Love Lynda xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a beautiful ‘Floral Friday’ card Sandra, love the colours you’ve used. The colouring pens/brushes sound great. I remember you were showing then to us at Ally Pally. They are on my wish List. With a lot more things as well. Ha ha

    Pleased mum will be out of hospital today. When you visit on Sunday your time would not be so restricted. Hopefully you will be able to convince her that the smoking has added to her problems. We have something similar with my father. I once saw him having a coughing fit, Which ended up with him collapsing to the floor, he made me promise not to mention it to my mother. Sometime later he was in hospital and was really poorly, The doctor said to him if he didn’t stop smoking he would be dead within a few months, that really was a shock to him. From that point he gave up smoking and lived for quite a few years after that. I’m not saying that’s what you should say to your mum. I just hope she has taken on board some of the comments made by the doctors. xx

    MARGARET it sounds as if you are really doing well and you sound bright and cheerful, which is lovely. It also sounds as if Alan is doing a great job looking after you. Keep up the positive attitude and you will be running around in no time. xx

    VAL Great idea to start the ‘C’ cards early, with the amount you make I would say the earlier the better. xx

    KAREN Sorry Dad is in hospital, I hope his operation is straight forward and he makes a speedy recovery. Thinking of you xx

    LILLIAN and LYNDA hope you are both feeling brighter and the sun is shining down on you. xx

    It’s a lovely day here, hope it’s the same wherever you are.
    Take care everyone, Love and hugs Brenda xxx
