
Thursday 7 June 2018

Bit Box Beauties...

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is the first in a series of cards I am going to call "Bit Box Beauties'', as thats exactly what they are made from...the odd 'bits' of patterned paper that I can't bare to through away.
This card is just 4 X 4 inches, so a small card but I think that its kind of cute, the piece of ''Share What You Love'' Dsp was only 3x3inch, I cut it into 3 pieces and matted onto the gorgeous new 'Blackberry Bliss' coloured card, I absolutely love it!!!
I matted each piece onto Blackberry Bliss card and them mounted them onto my card base that I had matted with a bit of Whisper White card and stamped 'Thanks' into the bottom corner. I stamped the insert to match.
I think that it's made something fab our of something that could have been discarded.

I spent most of the day on the phone to the hospital/my Brother/my Sister etc, so that I could be constantly updated on Mum, I have asked my sisters time and time again to keep pushing for them to look into Mum's 'episodes' but it seems that because that's not what she was taken in for it's not a priority.  I have also told them that she needs an Occupational Therapy Assessment as she is struggling to move around without oxygen. I think she could do with a Walking Aid too. So we will have to wait and see what happens.

Lilian you made me chuckle about Roger Pegging out your washing, nobody hangs their washing out the same, we all have our little 'ways'.  I cringe when I see that Paul has hung Becca's work dress out by the shoulders, I will put it on a hanger and peg that to the line.  Trousers by the waist NOT the bottoms of the legs, T shirts by the hem too, what are your Laundry 'ways'??

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra-I wish I could make something so lovely out of my “bits box”.

    Fingers crossed you get some answers today about your Mum. I think you are right to insist that someone tells the hospital about the “episodes” she’s been having.

    My Father in Law was moved to a different hospital on Monday evening-not too sure why as we haven’t had a proper explanation. We’re going visiting tonight as hubby got his car back late yesterday evening.


  2. Morning ladies,

    Pretty Bit Box card Sandra, I often make them as a quickie for 'thank you' and 'get well soon' cards.

    Spent the day pottering about getting several small jobs out of the way then went outside and used my patio table as surface to cut out several bags for my forthcoming first stall.

    Milly-May is coming out on Friday to stay the night. First time for that. Then on Saturday, Cannington has it's 'Open Garden Scheme' with 4 houses this year hosting cream teas. Will probably only go to 4-5 out of the 8 (a couple are on the outskirts of the village) as I expect she will get tired of walking and she is too heavy for me to pick her up these days.
    Hope your day is as sunny as it is here, gentle healing hugs for all.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. I do hope your mum improves SANDRA I can see what you’re sisters mean about her”episodes” but the doctors etc need to know her full medical history
    It was lovely to see you in MARGARET Please take care

    I hand T shirts Dresses etc under the arms Trousers by the waist My friend however has a mantra (is that the right word) “hang tops by the bottom and bottoms by the top”

    Having a day off work today as it’s the anniversary of my mum’s passing We will visit her grave later

    First I have to go to MIL’s to ensure she’s OK and let the hairdresser in as MIL can’t remember how to work the door entry sometimes (or doesn’t hear it)

    Have a better day all and here’s a big hug for those that need it xx

  4. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    A very pretty card Sandra made from your bit box. Just shows what lovely cards that can be made. SANDRA I hope you get some news on how your mum is doing today. It must be so frustrating for you not being able to ask the questions you want answering. Hope your sister rings today with some positive answers on how she is.sending you some Big Hug's xxx
    MICHELE I hope you find out this evening why your FIL was moved to a differant hospital & it doesn't add to your journey. Hug's on the way.
    MARGARET probably nice to be home although you can't get around much. Have you got a care assistant coming in to wash & dress you. ( are you sleeping downstairs ) hope your not in too much pain.please take care. Love & Hugs Lynda xx
    PAT shame Pete is out of it a lot of the Time especially while you are in London.
    Hope you both can enjoy some of your time there. How's the weather ?
    Hug's for you both. Xx
    CHERYL enjoy yourself with Milly May's sleep over have a loveiy time. I don't think Harry would stay over as he's still very much a mummy's boy.
    I would just like to thank you all for your lovely comment yesterday on my card.
    I didn't get into do my Challenge card yesterday as Margaret came to collect her mail & stayed for a couple or more hours. Then after she left CU was home from his gardening job. We had a cupper & then we both fell a sleep. I was so tired with not sleeping. Have some washing to put out as first load has just finished.mind you it's very overcast this morning we had thunder in the early hours but no lighting or rain.
    I'm hoping to get CC done today home alone again so after a bit of housework I can spend some time in my room. I've still got some tidying to finish in there too.
    Better wake Terry up & get some breakfast.
    Have a lovely day everyone Big Hug's for you all.
    Love Lynda xx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Oh dear Sandra I can feel your frustration, as long as your sisters keep reminding the doctors about mums episodes you can only hope once she is stabilised that someone looks into the bigger picture. You can all appreciate that they are treating her for what she was admitted for, but in the long term and it will possibly be part of the care plan and they will have to check out what has really been going on in her life. I know it’s difficult for you not to get stressed, especial when you feel so helpless, but for now stay where you are, at home with the love and support of your family. By the weekend things could look quite different and if you are able to visit then you will be presently surprised at her improvement. 🤞 Big Hugs coming your way xxx

    LOVE today’s card from you bit box. Just proves it’s worth hanging on to those bits.

    MARGARET pleased you are home, I am sure you are so frustrated not being able to move about. NOW LADIES let’s all sing “Things can only get better” . Also the joy of having a commode on wheels ( 😜 not peeping honest! ) Needs must as they say. Sending love and thinking of you. xxx

    PAT hope you are enjoying your time in London. Sorry Pete is out of it at times, but with all the drugs and treatment he has had recently his body must be exhausted. Take care, Big Hugs on there way to you xx

    CHERYL, what a treat to have Milly-May for her first sleepover, now that is really grown-up. I’m sure she will enjoy your outing tomorrow. XX

    MICHELE I hope you find your father-in-law in good spirits and happy with the change of hospital. Hopefully it’s closer to you than the previous one. Take care xx

    Right time to peg out washing, .....decisions decisions I usually hang bottoms from the top and tops from the bottom as Karen said, I do have one small issue when pegging clothes out - the pegs have to match on each item, socks have to be hung next to their partner. I’m sure there are other things I will think of while I’m pegging the garments out. A washing lie story ...... it was over 50 years ago we had a rather grand family living next door, I was pregnant at the time. For comfort I just felt the need to change my knickers several times a day. One day one of the ladies from the family came to the fence and asked me do you really have that many pairs of pants on each day? I could not believe what I was hearing, flabbergasted comes to mind! With that thought ladies I will leave you get on with the task in hand.
    Have a good day, hugs Brenda XXX

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Yesterday flew by at Mum and Pops, firstly by me helping Pop by doing some ironing (that is the only "household" job he hadn't done) and Chris helping him bring a spare single bed downstairs ready for Mum. It needed some extra wood bits adding to fix a piece of equipment which partly slides under the mattress and also sits on the side of the bed which Mum will use to help pull herself to get out,(sorry don't know what it's proper name is) as Pop was worried it wouldn't be sturdy enough on its own. It was lovely listening to Pop and Chris working together, so much teasing and laughter.
    Mum.its so good to have you home again. You are doing so well, so proud of how you have/are coped/coping. Love you xxxx
    Sandra, I hope you can get some answers about your Mum. It is so frustrating when the docs don't seem to listen to all of the symptoms isn't it. How can they know how to treat her if they haven't got the whole picture! You are doing the right thing by staying at home with the girls, much as your naturally want to be with your Mum too, she has your sister and brother with her and it is really important to be there for the girls for the next couple of weeks. Sending you gentle hugs my lovely xx
    I love this little card, so sweet and pretty and a great way to use up the lovely bits that are too good to throw away.
    Have a good day, or as good as possible ladies x
    I have a mountain of ironing so better get on. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
