
Wednesday 6 June 2018

Lynda's Lovely Anniversary card

Good Morning Ladies,

Just look at this stunning card that Our Lynda has made for her Daughter and Son in Law's Wedding Anniversary, it's so amazing, Lynda by used a Crafter's Companion 3D Cut and Emboss folder "Butterfly Kiss", the flowers are John Lockwood's Gerbera's, using the same colour throughout the design has really worked, sometimes we have to step out of our comfort and try something different to discover works of art like this!
Lynda has highlighted all of the detail with Golden Gilding Wax.
An absolutely gorgeous card Lynda that your daughter will love. Thank you so much for sharing it with it us. xxx

Well yesterday was ' One of THOSE days', I was so looking forward spending the day with Sue, however we didn't get much ' quality time' together, firstly after Sue had only been in for about 20 mins, Matt came home from cutting our landlord's lawns looking really fed up, his virtually new I phone fell out of his pocket into the path of the ride-on mower, this happens the day after he lost his Prize Ram, I hate seeing any of my children so low, he certainly seems to be having a run of bad luck, you feel so helpless!  
Anyway while I was trying to sort him out, finding contact numbers for his phone service provider etc, my mobile rings to say that my Mum had been rushed into hospital after being found collapsed on the kitchen floor, she was complaining of back pains the day before (my sister said), she has a UtI that by the sound of it may have spread to her Kidneys, she couldn't speak properly, her words were really slurred, they think she has a Pulmonary Embolism too, she was about to go for a CT scan but her blood pressure dropped really low so they had postponed it until they have her stabilised.  This is where living so far away is a nightmare, my sister's both stayed with mum the whole day and were really good about keeping me posted with what was happening.  So I will wait to hear hopefully the results of the CT scan this morning.  My sister did stay that mum has been having a lot more of her "Absences" of late, the last two she described sounded more like mini strokes, I told her to make sure that she told her medical team.  
My heart wants to up sticks and get straight over there to be by her side but with Sophie and Lucy in the middle of their A levels and waiting for an appointment for Lucy I can't leave them here either. 
I was so thankful to have Sue by my side all day to keep me going, so thank you my lovely XXX

Thanks again Lynda, I was so grateful to have your card to share today as I was in no frame of mind to 'create' last night.

I hope you all have a lovely day Ladies ,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-what an absolutely beautiful Card, it’s gorgeous.

    Sandra-sorry to hear about your Mum. I think you’re best waiting for an update from your sisters before thinking about visiting. I think if it’s TIA’s then they’ll review her medication & discuss her diet/lifestyle and keep monitoring her. A UTI can produce quite extreme symptoms in older people do fingers crossed they get that dealt with quickly. Hope you get some better news today & that Matt can sort out a replacement phone.


    1. Thank you so much Michele for your lovely comment on my card.
      Hug's. Hope FIL is making good progress. Xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    to all who pops in today for a chat.

    LYNDA- I love your card. In fact I saw it on FB and loved it then. That colour is so scrumptious and I just know that your Daughter and Son in Law will love and cherish it.

    SANDRA- so sorry to hear that Mum has been rushed into hospital. I have everything crossed that things will be sorted quickly so that she will be on the mend.

    K&N was lovely. We were two down in numbers but it was a good afternoon. I also think I made my CC for this week as the card we had to make included squares.

    HUGS have been despatched to you all. Take care everyone.xxxx

    1. Thank you so much JANET for your lovely comment. Funny story about the card being on FB. I will explain in my comment.
      Hug's on the way. Xx

  3. Morning all,
    LYNDA stunning card. Love the combination of the beautiful EF and Johns gerberas. Hope that nasty cough is clearing up.x

    Sandra so sorry to read that your mum is in hospital. Hope that she is soon sorted out and on the road to recovery. Poor Matt. Hope his phone is sorted soon.x

    Off to crib today but got to make a few sympathy cards first as the shops run out again.

    Hugs to poorly friends. Lilian and Brenda hope those awful migraine s and their after effects have cleared up now.x

    Pat, hope you and Pete are enjoying your stay in London.x
    Love Valx

    1. Hi VAL thank you for your lovely comment. Cough is still with me & stopping me from sleeping.
      Hug's xx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra so sorry to hear mum is in hospital, I know it’s difficult when your mum is so far away, your sisters will keep you up-to-date with what is happening, I know you want to be in both places right now but the best place you can be is just where you are right now and support your girls and your sisters when the ring . Sending gentle hugs do take care dear friend. xx
    Poor Matt what a horrible thing to happen with his new iPhone. Phones are so precious these days I hope you can get something sorted out soon. Sorry to hear about his Ram as well. Life is it S – – at times, one thing goes wrong and then another. He will get through this because he’s got you there for him. xx

    LYNDA I love the anniversary card you’ve made for your daughter and son-in-law. As you know I also have this embossing folder and it’s beautiful, one of the cards I made using it was on the blog on the 13th of May it’s very different from and not as elegant as yours, Love the addition of the Gerberas, they really add even more dimension. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful card with us.

    Feeling a little brighter today, just hope it lasts.
    Have a good day everyone, love and hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Thank you BRENDA your very kind sure about using same colour of flowers but I was pleased with it.
      Glad your feeling brighter today sending Hugs xx

  5. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Thank you for showing my card today Gosh no wonder you didn't feel like making a card yesterday. I'm so sorry your mum was rushed to hospital yesterday. I'm sure your sisters will keep you up to spead with what's happening
    Sending you love & Hug's sweetheart xx You also need to be with the girls as the pressure of their exams they need you with them too.xx
    So sorry for Matt crushing his phone & losing his prize Ram in same week I can imagine how he is feeling. Sending him some Hug's xx
    Well my card I thought I would share it on Crafting with DANNII page not sure what I did I said to Sandra did it go onto DANNII page she said no it's gone on FB I said OMG Lisa will see it before she gets it on the 8th. Sure enough she did & comented "well that has spoilt the surprise hasn't it " she was ok & had a good laugh I did say I would make her another one she said she wanted that one as it's gorgeous. What am I like. Any way I did get it on Dannii's page in the end. That will teach me not to share anything if I haven't given it first. So will send picture of Harry's card after we have given it to him. As Sam goes on FB too.
    I'm still coughing mainly at night which is annoying so not a lot of sleep again last night plus my feet & legs were burning inside so I'm like a zombie at the moment. Going to try CC later if I can keep awake.🤧
    Sending everyone Big Hug's
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Lovely card you made for your daughter and SIL. Shame she saw it on a post before she’d received it.
      Saw kinky boots this afternoon. Pete missed half an hour of it as he was sitting in the Theatre well out of it. We’ve had dinner and are supposed for going into the Atrium bar for a drink, but he’s completely out of it again. Don’t know if it’s the aftershock from the treatment or something. Worrying times I must say.
      Sounds like your not having to good time of it either. Hope your cough etc clears up soon.

  6. Oh LYNDA what a gorgeous card No wonder LISA doesn’t want you to do another one
    Oh my oh my what a day you had SANDRA! I hope MATT gets his phone sorted and that your mum will be OK Tough times Like everyone has said your sisters will keep you up to date You wouldn’t be able to do a lot for your mum if you were there If able maybe you can FaceTime her when your sisters visit
    Your girls need you at the moment
    Home alone tonight I hope to do cc later
    Take care all xxx

  7. Hi All, beautiful day here, so all the washing on the line, if in rather a higgly piggly way, Roger so he insists on pegging the washing out, uses 3 times more pegs than I do.

    Sandra so sorry to hear your Mum is in hospital, hope they sort her out quickly.
    Also sorry about Matts phone and ram, hope he can replace easily, sure he will have saved all his data.

    Lynda ,what a fabulous card, love that folder, not seen those before, can see why daughter loves it.

    Not much else happening here, hugs to all, Lilian

  8. hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely card Lynda for your daughter and SIL. Must say I love these 3D folders.
    Sorry to hear about your Mum though Sandra. But in spite of the girls you probably couldn’t do much when you got there anyway. Better for your sisters to let you know how things are going first. Perhaps she’ll feel better in a few days if she has had a UTI. As you know Bet had to keep on going into hospital because of a UTI. It does make them go very odd and very grumpy usually.
    Fingers crossed once she’s had a scan.
    Gentle hugs coming your way.

  9. Margaret Palmer6 June 2018 at 19:06

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I am so pleased to be able to comment, I could read it each day but not comment. Thankyou for my lovely card & your thoughts. I am home but cannot do anything as I cannot put any weight on my l.leg, I am using a frame to hop with about 10 hops otherwise have commode that has wheels. Great fun. Sorry to hear about Mum hope you get better news
    Thank you all for my cards & hugs they mean alot, will email
    Hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx
