
Friday 1 June 2018

Janet's Beautiful Floral Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I couldn't wait until Sunday to share this card of Janet's as its absolutely stunning, Janet has framed a piece of glitter covered white card with a pretty pink frame, around the edge of that frame Janet has arranged some gorgeous silver metallic die cuts, they look like they are actually metal with pearls added in the centre of the flowers.  I would love to know who makes the dies Janet.
Janet finished the card with some pearls and a pretty die cut sentiment.
Janet I hope you don't mind me sharing one of your cards early. Thank you so much for sending it in.


I took some time out to spend some time with the girls today, we didn't do anything in particular, just made lunch together and smoothies, a particularly delicious smoothie that contained fresh Mango, blueberries, orange and frozen raspberries. it tasted so good and felt healthy too. Later in the afternoon they retreated to their rooms to continue their revision and I went into my craft room to finish my swaps etc for the weekend.

We had to go out and fetch the cats in this afternoon as it became dark all of a sudden and boy did the heavens open, torrential rain and hail and the loudest thunder ever, I think that even if we hadn't called them in they would have dashed in once the storm started, I think they knew that there was a storm in the air as they didn't venture far past the patio.
The torrential rain continued on through the evening, Paul dashed out between showers but got his timing a little out and came back like a drowned rat with a very sad looking Harley!

I hope you have all stayed dry and safe and the rain isn't causing too much disruption where you are.

Have a lovely friday ladies,

Love and Hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-what an absolutely beautiful card, it’s so pretty. As Sandra says-the leaves look like metal-gorgeous.

    Yesterday went quickly at work then I did the Tesco shopping-there was so many empty shelves, very annoying! After we’d eaten we sat out with a glass of wine chatting about possible holiday destinations. Then sky looked an odd colour so we checked the plants in the greenhouse then came in. Within minutes it started to rain and oh my..did it rain, it was torrential. Good for the garden though.

    Hospital visiting tonight as hubby has work to do this weekend so I’ll have to amuse myself-hopefully it won’t be too warm to sit in my craft room.


    1. Hi Michele
      We had so much rain yesterday evening as well. Quite a few places had flooding. Hailey Rd which is the main rd at the bottom of our road had the manhole covers lifted there was so much water.
      Doreen lives on a hill and her road as well as ours was running like a river. She had to mop her hallway out as the water was coming under her front door. Mind you she said the water was bouncing off of her bay.

  2. Morning everyone,

    Beautiful card Janet, love the silver/pink combo.

    After yesterday's dreadful downpour, I had gone out to check the washing a few minutes earlier, the washing had around wash. Our Sky signal and internet connection went down so lost contact. For quite a while as they both kept coming on and off.

    Apparently we have more to come over the weekend so travelling with spare clothes to change into if needed wherever I go. Nothing worse than having to sit in wet and damp clothes when visiting someone.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. Very pretty JANET and they do look like metal embellishments
    The weather here has been dry Tuesday we had torrential rain
    Must go get ready for work Roll on retirement I am hating my job at the moment

    1. Hi Karen
      Not to sure how I found time to work after I retired. I think it must be very demoralising working at a job your not particularly happy with.

  4. Hi everyone.
    Beautiful card Janet. Just love the embellishments.x

    Off to craft club later. Wendy isn't with us this week as she's in the UK. Jen, one of our other ladies is showing us how to make a 'magic' card. Sounds interesting.

    Keep safe everyone that's caught up in those nasty storms.

    Enjoy your day.
    Hugs to poorly friends.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you enjoyed making your manic card today. I think I’ve seen these on Utube somewhere.

  5. Morning Everyone
    We have managed to stay dry this week the weather being sunny/dull/sunny dull etc but very dry. I really feel for all who have been on holiday down south. It's awful when you plan/save up for a holiday and then it pours all week.

    My card is an 8x8.The background paper is from 'Decadent Damask' pack by Phil Martin (I've had this pack for a few years). The dies are Tonic from 'Square Flourish Die Set'. These dies were launched earlier this year. As you can see they cut beautifully particularly using their High Gloss Mirror Card (250gsm).

    Well it's that day again where I get to 'swear' so I'd better get a move on. I'm hoping to get a little playing done later.

    The CAFE is OPEN and brollies are by the door just in case it's raining when you wish to leave.

    HUGS should be arriving shortly with you all. Have a good Friday whatever you have planned for the day.xxxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    JANET What a beautiful card, I will borrow your idea if you don’t mind and cut some embellishments out in mirror card, they really look like metal, I’m sure the quality of the die also helps. xx

    Sandra it’s lovely you got to spend some time with the girls yesterday - just chilling out. Just what they need at this stressful time. These special times are so precious and make great memories. xx

    John has just returned from doing some shopping in Streatham. Well he is outside on the pavement talking so I may not actually see him indoors for a good half hour or so ....... and he says women talk !!!!

    Time to make a coffee I think.

    Love and hugs to all especially those feeling under the weather or just not up to par. Brenda xxx

    1. I had to laugh at myself, yes John was talking for about half an hour - but it took me even longer to publish my comment. IPad was not picking up the internet, when it did it still wouldn’t publish. Not sure why .....ours not to reason!!

  7. I’m glad you spent some quality time with the girls It probably did all three of you good
    So the weekend has started ( and not soon enough for me) Not a lot planned May go dancing later Tomorrow OH is working and Sunday we’ll be caring for MIL
    She didn’t come to craft last night She did look rough To too it all the Carer didn’t do her inhaler which is the whole point of their 6pm visit She’s too senile to “do it later” as written in her notes I was not a happy bunny!

  8. Hello All, it’s been trying to rain all day, very dark and humid.

    Janet your card is superb,very posh looking, must use some of my mirri card, hope you don’t mind if I use you idea.

    Sandra thank you for my new catalogue and card, love that backing paper, lots of nice things in the catalogue.

    Not doing much today, physio rang to say I will have a telephone consultation with a physiotherapist on Tuesday. Not sure how they can tell what’s the matter with my knee over the phone. Dr just prescribed ibuprofen jell, which is not much use, would have liked to have seen my doctor but as it happened 10 days ago couldn’t see anyone. Going from bad to worse at my surgery ( going to put soap box away).

    Just watching the tennis, we have one Brit left. Hugs to all.

    1. Hi Lilian
      Sounds like your surgery and hospital need a kick up the backside. I think you need to borrow the soapbox and stand and complain firstly at your surgery, then at the hospital.
      Been quite a nice day here as well.
      Haven’t been watching the tennis at all, not really interested in tennis 🎾.

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A lovely card today from Janet
    Love the dies you’ve used on the Miri card Janet, it looks like you’ve added some metal work to the card. Did a lot of ironing today not my favourite job. Plus I’ve been doing some white work on the Groovi work I did at Sandra’s,

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I'm sorry to hear that Lucy needed to see the doc on Wednesday. Sending love and hugs to her and the rest of you too of course. Docs so often don't take what you say to account do they. Fingers crossed she is seen quicker than the full two weeks my lively. I hope you have managed to get your swaps etc finished for tomorrow. Mum will certainly be thinking of you and wishing she could have joined you, bless her xx
    Karen, yesterdays card was gorgeous, I love the lady and her beautiful dress against a perfect background X
    Janet, your card is beautiful, so much to look at, and so pretty X
    Maria I hope you have a great holiday but don't go getting sunburnt please X
    Must get on with ironing, it's like a Chinese laundry in here at the moment! want it all put away before tomorrow as we have the 3 oldest grands for the weekend so will be busy having fun with them and seeing Mum, of course xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue give Mum a Hug for me & wish her well.
      Hope you got all your ironing finished.
      Have good time wit grand kids
      Hug's xxx

  11. Hi Sandra& ladies
    Looks like the cyber people have pinched my comment from
    this morning. We had a nice day weather wise sunshine & quite warm.
    Bailey & Rea both went & laid on the grass together so sweet.
    JANET your card is gorgeous love the colour's & embellishments Xx
    KAREN sorry your MIL wasn't up to going to craft club. Very bad the carer didn't give her inhaler. Sending her some Hug's &I hope she gets better soon.xx Sorry your hating your Job at the minuet Hug's. Xx
    LILIAN I agree with Pat you should use the soap box your doctor& hospital should get their act together regarding your treatment.sending Hug's.
    PAT I also did some ironing I don't know ware it all comes from being only two of us. Hope your groovi white work went ok. Hug's for you & Pete xx
    MICHELE hope your FIL continues to improve Hug's on the way
