
Thursday 31 May 2018

Karen's Beautiful Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Karen sent me this absolutely Stunning card that she made on Monday, I just love everything about it, that Navy Blue Spotty dress is gorgeous, such a beautiful image.  You would never guess that the dress was a die cut, it looks like part of the background, the two unrelated items work perfectly together.
Here is Karen's description:

''The background is from an old MCS CD-ROM and the die is Purdie from TL cut 3 times and the different colours and snipped and mounted together''

Thank you so much Karen for allowing me to share your gorgeous card today xxx

We ended up having a somewhat stressful day yesterday, which started with me needing to make an emergency appointment for Lucy, I was desperately hoping to get results either today or in the next couple of days, but No, she has been given a 14 day referral, so we all get to worry, she doesn't need the extra stress on top of revision for her A levels next week!  I tried in vain to explain that to the GP, why don't they ever seem to listen.
I spent the rest of the day in 'Auto pilot', I tried crafting to take my mind off of it but nothing worked and i just wasted card as everything went in the bin.
So sorry if I wasn't as 'chatty' as usual Pat, I just couldn't clear my mind.
I was trying to make cards to go in with my catalogues, I ended up using ones I had already made, the card and products on each of them are from the new catalogue anyway.  I also made some 'Page Toppers' to put in with catalogues, so that you can mark off your favourite products.

I have a busy day ahead, I have swaps to make for Saturday, I also need to make a 'wow' project for a display table, no pressure then!!  So I need to get my thinking cap on!

I hope you have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-your Card is absolutely beautiful, I love the favourite.

    Thank you all for your good wishes about my F in Law, he’s still extremely poorly & has a very long way to go. He’s still paralysed on his right side, still Nil by Mouth but the “talking” was a huge breakthrough.

    I went out for a meal last night-met a friend (the one who was by my side throughout the horrendous time I had at work-which still isn’t over ) and she insisted on paying as she’s forgotten my birthday. She apologised then explained that she’s had a few health issues & is waiting to hear back from some tests, she’s had biopsy’s done-testing for womb cancer. She was quite upbeat and should get the results next week. She’s such an amazing friend-I hope she’s ok.

    Today is looking like it should be quiet at work so I should be able to catch up-fingers crossed!


    1. Hi Michele, let's hope that after such a huge breakthrough FIL starts to improve day by day.
      So sorry to hear about your friend. Hope her results are good.x

    2. Thank you I hope your FIL carries on improving even it will be a long road
      Your friend sounds amazing and hope her test results come back ok

    3. Hi Michele
      I hope that your FIL continues to improve.
      I hope that your friends tests go well, it sounds like she a very good friend indeed,

  2. Thank you SANDRA for showing my card I’ve had the die ages It was at a bargain price somewhere but didn’t know how to “mount” her I took it into work and it was snapped up So Ivwill be making more It was really easy to do once I’d got my head around how many layers to cut and snip
    I hope you can have a bit more of a relaxing day today SANDRA
    I’m really frustrated for you LILIAN Like you say it’s a good job you’re not seriously ill but you could be better with the right treatment
    How’s the throat LYNDA
    I hope FIL is getting better MICHELE
    I hope you get on OK VAL
    Craft club tonight I’ll be taking some easy crochet with me as I know I’ll have to supervise MIL with her colouring
    Take care all

    1. Thanks Karen,
      I just adore your card. No wonder it was snapped up.
      Enjoy your craft club tonight.x

  3. Morning Everyone
    Well we had rain all day yesterday and it was torrential at times. My poppies in the garden have really taken a battering.

    KAREN- I love your card. That die is just beautiful and one that I haven't seen before.

    Not sure what I'll be doing today.

    OPEN as usual so pop in if you can.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with a few extras for those in need. xxxx

    1. Thank you JANET Both the die and CD-ROM are old stock but I didn’t buy the die until recently when it was on special offer

  4. Morning ladies,

    Simply stunning card Karen, I've not seen the dress die before. Hints on where to find one?

    Busy day yesterday with a visit to my parents along with Tiegan, Joseph, Milly May with a surprize guest my goddaughter/niece Suzie who had come down from Staffordshire. Mum & Dad were thrilled to see her along with us.
    Funny conversation in the back seat between Tiegan, Joseph and Milly-May. After reading and colouring in her book, she wanted to play games on their phones and was quite indignant when Joseph said she couldn't play on his as the game was not for a little child. She responded with "I not a little child". Tiegan's:"Yes you are" was also met with a firm "No I not". Joseph:...."Well what are you then?" Milly-May:..."I Milly-May!" End of conversation hahaha

    lucky dips bags to be packed up today and stored ready for my first stall of the year next month is my main job for today, then a few more cards plus the challenge card will keep me busy this afternoon.

    Hugs to all in need or just because...

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Thank you CHERYL and what a sweetie Milly May is

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Karen what a gorgeous card, I'm not surprised it was snapped up quickly, probably to be followed by more orders. xx

    Poor Lucy having to wait so long for a referral that on top of her A level stress is really something she can do without right now. Stay strong for her and Sophie, they are both going through such a stressful time and need all the support and love they can get. Girls you have both worked so hard, just give it your best, breathe deeply and give it you all. xx

    Sandra good luck sorting out your swaps and sorting out your WOW table. What a shame Margaret can't be with you, I'm sure she will be thinking of you.xx

    We are off shopping, a bit late today OH has had a few distractions. But our time is our own .

    Hope you are all having a good day, Hugs Brenda xxx

  6. Hi All, thick fog all morning, but looks as though the sun might be about to come out.

    Sandra sorry Lucy has to wait so long for a referral, especially at this time.

    Karen your card is stunning, love that die, works so well with the background.

    Not much else on , have a good time , hugs Lilian

    1. I was very pleased with how it turned out I really did know how to back it at first Thank you

    2. I mean “didn’t know”

  7. This may be old news to everyone but Memory Box are on C&C

  8. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Some what chilly today last evening we had some thunder & lighting & heavy rain but only lasted for about a hour.
    KAREN your card is absurlutly beautiful. I love that lady Die haven't seen it before. Thank you for asking my thought isn't sore but taking its toll with all the coughing. I defiantly needed Tenner Ladies 🤣😂 Why is it always worst at night.i think I managed about an hour's sleep.🛌 & I'm full of cold 🤧 🤧🤧 just want it gone.
    SANDRA sorry Lucy has to wait for a referral not good for her with more stress on top of her A level Exam's Give her a Hug from me & one for Sophie as well
    CHERYL Milly May is so funny they do come out with all the answers. I know Harry dose he takes in everything you say. When they came down last Friday Darren said the Sat nav was on & Harry said I know where we are we have just past Pearson street. cute.
    I've just finished Harry's birthday card so now I had better get CC done & still have to make Lisa & Ian's Anniversary card. Not sure if they will happen as I'm aching all over as well as the needle area but hoping that's due to not feeling well as not seen any change with pain.
    Oh stop moaning woman sorry ladies I've put soap box well & truly back in the corner.
    Hug's for everyone extra for MARGARET LILIAN MARIA.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Thank you LYNDA The Die was on special offer somewhere

  9. Well I’m not to sure what happened as I had to sign in with blogger and my long comment disappeared.
    Short version now just in case.
    Wow Karen such a beautiful card. No wonder it was snapped up.
