
Wednesday 30 May 2018

Serene Garden Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Yesterday turned out to be a lovely day, our lovely hairdresser and friend Freya came to cut mine and the girls hair in the morning, she bought her new baby Jasper, we were hoping for cuddles but him slept soundly, despite lots of chatter and laughter, never mind there's always next time. 
While Freya was finishing up Sue arrived, i was so pleased to see her as its been three weeks since we last met up, it was Sue's birthday in fact.
We did a lot of talking, more than crafting in fact, we had a lot to catch up on, it was so lovely to hear all about her holiday, it sounded amazing.

Today's card features another new Stamp set from the New Stampin'Up! Catalogue, its called 'Serene Garden', Omg, its a stunning stamp set...
Serene Garden
As you can see there are lots of elements to this set, there are Thinlets too which cut out that beautiful, graceful bird, the flowers from the main image, the larger flower and butterfly, also a corner piece to emboss that main corner image and another die that cuts out selected leaves.
I stamped the main image twice and embossed it, i then coloured the leaves with Old Olive ink and a blender pen. The flowers i stamped and did cut and coloured with Rich Razzleberry Stampin Blends, i placed them onto the image with dimensional adhesive pads, i stamped, fie cut and placed the larger flower and butterfly, added some sparkles for the butterfly trail and added the sentiment from 'Share what you love' stamp set.
I hope you like my card.

It's Pat day today, so more craft and chat, I so wish we could all craft together, imagine the noise! There would be lots of laughter too! 

Right, i must get on, I have a buge 'to do" list to wotk through.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra, beautiful colours on it.

    Two days with crafty company-sounds perfect.

    Busy day yesterday-work kept me occupied all day thrnse went Hospital visiting. My Father in Law was much brighter & alert than I’ve seen him since he ended up in hospital. He’s trying to speak-not much of it is making sense as it’s all coming out in a rush. Just as we were saying Goodbye, he grasped my hand and said “See you tomorrow “ as clear as anything. We were nearly dancing round the room. Such progress, next thing is to assess him for swallowing.


    1. I am so pleased your FIL seems to be making some progress I hope it carries on

    2. Hi Michele so pleased that your FIL is getting on better. Must be such a relief for you and the familyx

    3. That's amazing news Michele xx

    4. Hi Michele, what a lovely response from your FIL I hope he continues to improve. xx

    5. Hi Michele
      Great news that your FIL seems to be making some progress. Fingers crossed that his progress continues. I bet Phil was over the moon.

    6. Hi Michele. It is so good to hear that your FIL is managing to get some understandable words out. Wishing his progress continues x

  2. Weather’s really cold now - or feels it!
    Have fun with PAT - more crafting, perfect
    Managed to get a huge smile from MIL on Sunday I thought I’d see how she got on with a colouring book and Sharpies Her hold with pencils is far too light and she Ioved it She struggled to get lids off pens etc but her eyesight is immaculate So I’m off to buy her own items because although I get saying she could borrow/keep them She insisted she buys her own It was such a thrill to see her face light up that she’d found something to take to our craft club
    Home alone tonight Now what can I do ....!

    1. Hi Karen, What a lovely reaction from your MIL. Hope she enjoys her colouring. xx

    2. Hi Karen
      What a lovely reaction from your MIL. Good that she can have something of her own to do at home and craft club.

    3. Hi Karen. How lovely to hear you have helped your MIL find some pens that she can manage. No wonder she gave you such a big smile x

  3. Morning everyone.
    Your card is pretty,Sandra.xHave fun with Pat.

    Doctors went OK yesterday. I'm anaemic again and I've been given these vials of red liquid which look like blood and taste revolting to drink each day. Also got an appointment with the asthma clinic next month and an appointment with a dermatologist the month after. I've got this red mark which appeared on my cheek a couple of months ago and is slowly growing.In view of my DIL problems I'm probably a bit neurotic so I mentioned it and hence the hospital appointment. Better safe than sorry.
    Off to play crib later but just doing some housework first. The house is quiet this morning as Gracie's gone to be clipped.
    Hugs to all especially Margaret, Lilian and Lynda.x
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val, you are right to get the mark on your cheek checked out, it maybe nothing but always better to check. Enjoy your crib. Bet Gracie looks lovely after her visit to the beauty parlour. xx

    2. Hi Val
      Good that you decided to get the mark on your cheek checked out. Hope you enjoyed crib.

    3. Meant to say Val, your drink for your anemia sounds disgusting.

    4. Hi Val. Sorry to hear you are anemic and the treatment sounds disgusting, poor you. I bet Gracie will be feeling a bit cooler now she has been clipped. I hope you got on well at Crib x

  4. Hi All, very wet here, but still very warm.

    Sandra very pretty card, lover the stamps.

    I heard from my drs yesterday, she is on holiday, so have an appointment on the 11th June, first one available, no news from cardiologist yet. Glad I’m not seriously ill.
    Michele so glad re the news of your Father in law, hope it continues.

    Does anyone watch the tennis? Serena’s out fit was something to see.

    Not much else going on, hope you have a nice day with Pat. Hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lillian, I'm pleased you have at last got an appointment with your doctor. As you said it's a good job you are not seriously ill. But you do need the medicine to try and improve your quality of life. Please take care. xx

    2. Hi Lilian
      I think it’s absolutely disgusting that you’ve had to wait so long for an appointment or any information from the cardiologist. I’m sure somewhere along the line someone is doing something wrong.

    3. Hi Lilian. Thank goodness you have finally managed to get an appointment with your Dr. Dreadful that you have to wait so long though. The NHS is really awful when it goes wrong and so good when it works well isn't it. I do hope you get to see the Cardiologist very soon. Sorry but .don't watch the tennis, or any other sport apart from the Six Nations rugby, but even that is starting to get like the football with players pretending to be hurt etc! X

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely card Sandra, can't wait to see the new catalogue. I know I can always look online but there's something about holding a catalogue and flicking through the pages.
    What a pity you didn't get to hold Jasper yesterday, but as you say there's always next time. I just hope his mum had a peaceful afternoon and he didn't play up after being such a good boy when he was out visiting. Pleased you got to see Sue and catch up on all of her news. SUE please give my love to Margaret next time you see or talk to her. xx

    Ladies I hope you are all having a good day, take care. Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda. Mum is blessed to look in each day but she can't leave a comment for some reason. Even Chris couldn't work out what is stopping her from commenting. She sends her love and says thank you for the beautiful card. I agree about the new Stampin Up catalogue, books and magazines etc. will continue to be loved as you just don't get the same experience from looking at a screen do you x

  6. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Wow stunning card from you today Sandra. What a beautiful stamp set lots of possibilities. Hope you had a lovely time with Pat. Did you both do some crafting & chatting in between.
    MICHELE so pleased your Father in law is improving hope he continues. A relief for you & Phil. Xx
    VAL how awful that red blood sounds you have to drink. Your not a vampire 👹are & stocking up your supply are you.💉💉💉🤣🤣Hope all appointments go ok. Thanks for the Hug's Val. Sending some back to you Hug's xx
    LILIAN glad you have a doctors appointment at last & hope you get the cardiologist appointment soon to put your mind at rest as you say no news is good news. Sending Hug's xx
    KAREN glad your MIL enjoyed her colouring books. Good luck getting her own set of pencils. Xx
    Well I still haven't got my voice back yet but still got this bl..dy cough why is it worse at night. So not sleeping very well.🤧
    I've been in craft room trying to make Harry's birthday card it's not till the 12th June can't believe he will be 4 he is growing up so fast. I had a lovely cuddle 🤗from him on Friday when Darren came to fix our car.& a big 🤗one when they were going home Darren said what about cuddle for grandad he said no only Nannie.I said poor grandad so he did give 🤗 him one after all.
    LOVE Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      So sorry to hear your voice and cough is still bad. Fingers crossed it clears soon. Gentle hugs coming your way.
      Hasn’t the weather been awful today. You wouldn’t think we were nearly in June. Hope it clears up as we’re off to London on Monday for 4 days.
      Well, I’ve just informed Pete we need to wash up. I’ve been doing it on my own for the last 2 weeks or more. Pete has been sleeping again and he’s very lethargic, his get up and go has just got up and went. Wish he could get it back it’s quite worrying to see that he has no energy to do anything.

    2. Hi Lynda. I'm sorry that you are still suffering with a cold and no voice. I bet Terry teases you something rotten about the peace, just like Chris and Pop would if Mum or I had no voice! Sending you a big hug and one for Terry too of course.
      Where have the last 4 years gone, can't believe your gorgeous Harry is going to be that old in a few days. I wonder how long he will keep those wonderful golden curls and that beautiful but cheeky smile ? X

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    This card is lovely Sandra. It looks even lovelier in the flesh so to speak. I’m into Groovi at the moment so I’m not buying any stamps etc at the moment.
    Funnily enough we didn’t do as much chatting as usual. Sandra was busy stamping things which looked a bit tricky. I did some Groovi things as per usual. I have 2 major ones to do for June. Amy will be 22 and Sophie will be 20, both my beautiful granddaughters.

    1. Pat sorry to read Pete still hasn't got any energy. I hope he will be ok for your trip upto London. Are you going up for a show or just site seeing.
      Sending him some energy Hug's ( not that I have much energy but I will share what I can 🤗 ) Look forward to seeing your groovi makes for your granddaughters .
      Love Lynda xx

  8. I should have said earlier that I love your card SANDRA
    Still got lots of ideas for the cc this week May do a third later this evening
    Night night

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I love today's card, and the colours work perfectly together don't they.This stamp and die set is so pretty, one that is going to be used over and over I think 😊 I hope you are getting your swaps done ready for Saturday my lovely. Mum is so disappointed that she can't be there with you but hopefully she will be able to go to the next one with you. She sends her love to you all and says a big thank you for the beautiful cards she is receiving 😊
    A quiet day for me as I had migraine, it has gone now thankfully. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Thank you Sue for your Hug's. Give Mum a big Hug from me & hope she isn't in to much pain. Also glad your migraine didn't last long.
      Love Lynda xx
