
Tuesday 29 May 2018

Cheryl's Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

Cheryl made an absolutely gorgeous Challenge card, I didn't get to share it on Sunday so as I always promise, if you go to the trouble of making a card I will always share it on the blog.
Cheryl has used a combination of lovely decorative papers to create her challenge card, an embossed panel across the top of the card is the base for Cheryl's sentiment panel.  Pretty lace adds a touch of luxury, it's just peeking out behind that central border. A pretty layered floral topper creates a gorgeous focal point and that rosette created in a paper that matches the card perfectly gives a lovely finishing touch.

Thank you so much Cheryl for taking part in this week's Challenge. XXX

A bit of a dull overcast day here, hoping to get some crafting done, Paul was organised and made a 'To Do' list, he is wanting to sort out the Greenhouse that hasn't been used in quite a few years by the look of it, he needs to sort out the soil after getting rid of the weeds, he also planned to spend a couple of hours at his allotment, which he did on route to picking up the girls. No relaxing for us this weekend.

I hope you all got your garden jobs done, Michele I hope the nettles didn't win the battle!!  Have any of you ever tried Nettle Soup??
It's supposed to be delicious and very good for you!

I'm off into my craft room for an hour or two, have a lovely day ladies.

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl-lovely Card, very pretty.

    We did some weeding yesterday-I just got the shears to the nettles & hacked a path round the greenhouse as it was too hot to start weeding. It’s a real sun trap up by the greenhouse-nice to sit in but not to work in. I sat outside all day (once I’d done a couple of chores) and read another book-it was so peaceful and relaxing.

    Well-I’ve decided to head off to work this morning. I’m sure there will be plenty for me to sort out. We’re Hospital visiting tonight so it will be a quick turnaround when I get home.


  2. Your card is very pretty CHERYL
    Yesterday was lovely The happy couple were completely taken aback when we all shouted “Surprise”
    So off to work now I hope to craft later

  3. Morning Everyone
    Yesterday was a day of two halves. It was very dull and grey all morning and then in the afternoon the sun came out and it turned quite warm. Hoping for similar today as I wash my winter housecoats last evening and I want them outside to dry.

    A quiet day on the cards here so I'm hoping to make a start on my CC for this week.

    The CAFE is OPEN (usual hours) pop in when you can. I hope all Dear Friends not feeling 100% have a better day.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

  4. Hi everyone.
    Pretty card Cheryl.

    Off to the doctors this morning then some shopping. Hope to get in my craft room later.

    Hugs to poorly friends.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

  5. Hi All, very dark and muggy here today, rain forecast for later.

    Cheryl love your card, very delicate colours.

    Not much else going on, might try to make another bag this afternoon.

    Hugs to all, Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Cheryl your cc card from last week is lovely. I’ve tried again to poison the ivy brambles etc at the top of the garden. Needed to strim my way through the long grass yesterday but as I just finished the lawn the strimme ran out. Got to the side fence but had to pick my way through a ladder, pieces of wood. Couldn’t get to the bottom part as I needed to move an old wheelbarrow full of earth. It’s full of holes so why Pete wouldn’t empty it and give it to the scrap man I haven’t a clue. I think gardenwise I’m bashing my head against a brick wall. Sooner or later I’m going to have to put my foot down with a firm hand to get the garden cleared.
    As predicted when I rang Prof Prothero’s secretary this morning she’d made an appointment with the specialist nurse instead of the Dr. Appointment will now be at 4.00 on the 19th with the Dr.

  7. Went up to Karen’s yesterday with Doreen for a barbecue at teatime. Keith hadn’t told Karen as she was on a bike ride with Amber. I’d packed Pete off to visit his friend so he picked Doreen up as Dave his friend lives by Doreen. Keith dropped Doreen home on his way to work last night.

  8. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Very overcast already had rain but looks like it's about to start again it's very muggy. I still feel rough aching all over, not sure how I managed to do the ironing this morning.
    CHERYL your card is very pretty love the colour's you've used.
    SANDRA hope you enjoyed your weekend with Dannii & her husband. Did you get lots of crafting done.
    MARGARET hope your feeling better & in less pain. Are you still in hospital sending big Hug's.xx
    I was going to try my Challenge card but haven't got any get up & go at the moment. Didn't sleep very good last night with coughing so think I will try &have couple of hours now.
    Love lynda xx

  9. Hi everyone.
    Very pretty card Cheryl.
    Hope most of you had a nice weekend. Sorry Lynda to hear you not well and to anyone else not feeling good, I wish you better. Is Margaret back home ? Michele-thinking of you all. many hugs x
    Had a lovely time in Colchester but will not bother to bring lappi again because their wifi is really crap unless to pay for it at the hotel. It was nice to be with the boys over the weekend.
    Best get peeling the spuds for the mash, need something solid in this weather we got today. Talk about changeable
    Have a nice evening everyone xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What on earth has happened to our weather? yesterday we had a beautiful sunny day and although today started off nicely within an hour so we had rain and thunder and lightning for most of the day. Although the rain has now stopped I can hear distant rumblings of thunder, but it's too late to go out into the garden now to do anything, Hayhoe tomorrow is another day!

    I hope Becca enjoyed the wedding, I am intrigued to know about a wedding on a campsite, was it the full blown wedding regalia or shorts and T-shirt? I just how couples do their own thing these days.

    CHERYL your challenge card is really beautiful. XX

    I hope everyone has had a good day, Love and Hate Brenda xxx

    Oh dear I have just picked up the iPad, I hadn't pressed publish. Better do that now or Tuesday will be in danger of crashing into Wednesday !!!

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Cheryl, what a pretty card, live the colours you have used X
    It was so good to see you today Sandra, we may not have got too much crafting done but it was great to have a proper "catch up" 😊
    M is doing very well, physio are very pleased, as are the nurses etc. TheTphysio also said that can go home when she feels confident to do so which is such good news, they don't kick you out when they have had enough of you like other hospitals!!! Mum is quiet happy, and so was I as I didn't have help her change her t shirt.. again 😂 Sorry Mum, you know I am only teasing you. Love you xxxx
    The weather certainly did change quickly today, it was lovely here until about 10.45am then the sun more or less vanished. I hate not knowing what type of clothes to wear!
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx
