
Monday 28 May 2018

Monday Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and relaxed after a lovely long weekend, our weather brightened up yesterday lunchtime after some pretty torrential rain showers in the morning, Matt was frustrated as he was moving his sheep from one field to another, it was the first time that he had used his Dog Harley to help round the sheep up, he did really well, not necessarily going round in the right direction but for his first time I think he did well, the rain hampered the job though and turned it into a rather muddy experience! I haven't heard from Becca but I am hopeful that the sun shone down on the happy couple for their wedding ceremony.
I hope that you all managed to enjoy your plans in the sunshine too.

I thought that I would do a TicTacToe challenge this week, the categories are perfect for pretty floral Summery cards, you have the colours Green, Yellow and Pink, then their are flowers, leaves, circles categories to add shapes and embellishing your Projects.  I really like this challenge and can't wait to see your beautiful cards.

I didn't manage to get a card finished in time for todays post so I have used a card from a few weeks ago that works perfectly for the challenge it used
Categories:  Yellow, Green and flowers. 
I really love this Embossing Folder, it has a super deep emboss and looks really effective.

We are on Dad's Taxi duty for the girls work run today and we will go to the allotment for a couple of hours before we collect the girls from work, I will supervise while Paul is busy doing the heavy stuff!  Weather permitting of course!

Margaret, I hope you are starting to feel stronger each day, sending healing hugs XXX

Enjoy your day ladies whatever you are doing.

Love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning Ladies

    Great challenge for us all this week-some great combinations on the Tic Tac Toe.

    We never got the predicted rain or thunder yesterday. It stayed sunny but very breezy which was perfect for the dreaded weeding. We cleared the front drive which took virtually all morning. Today’s job is to clear a path round my greenhouse-it’s being taken over on one side by weeds and a lot of nettles so it’s time for me to be brave and cut them down.


  2. Morning Everyone
    We had another glorious day yesterday with sunshine all day. This morning is more subdued rather dull and misty at the moment.

    SANDRA- a good Challenge for this week and I can't wait to get on with it.

    MARGARET- I really hope that you're feeling better and that your pain has now gone. Take great care Dear Friends. Huge hugs on their way to you.

    Well for me it's Mr Tesco as usual this morning and then sort out the washing which should be ready to hang outside. Perhaps then I can get a little crafting done.

    The CAFE is of course OPEN as it doesn't matter whether it's a bank holiday or not.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day.xxxx

  3. A lovely challenge I like tic tac toe and it looks like you’re letting us really mix it up too
    We had a gorgeous day yesterday until about 7pm and then the heavens just opened Talk about torrential rain!
    We’re off to a Ruby Wedding celebration this afternoon- but don’t tell anyone It’s a surprise for the happy couple
    Hope you’re ok MARGARET and things are progressing as they should
    Take care all xx

  4. Morning everyone.
    I do like this type of challenge Sandra. Thank you. Plenty to chooses from. I'll have a go at making it later after I've done some more tidying and can make a space on my desk.

    MARGARET hope you're getting on OK and if you're not already home, hope it won't be too longs

    LILIAN Sorry your meds haven't been sorted out yet. It can't take much longer surely? Do hope you're feeling more comfortable and not in too much pains

    Hope everyone has a lovely Bank Holiday Monday and the weather stays fine for you.
    Love Valx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Tic tac tie this week. Will be lovely to see what everyone makes if it.
    Very foggy this morning and we had friends to visit until just before lunch.
    Now it’s lovely and sunny 😎. I decided that the lawn needed cutting, it should have been done last Tuesday but wasn’t, and was then to wet to do it.
    Pete put in 4 cabbage plants which left him totally worn out. So I’m having a go at cutting it for him. I’m doing it in easy stages. He’s going to visit his friend who along with his wife is virtually housebound. Apart from carers Petes the only one he sees. So Pete goes as often as he can.
    Won’t be able to next week as we shall be in a London. Also need to ring the hospital tomorrow to make sure Pete is seeing the consultant to discuss what happens next and not Jackie the specialist nurse. I suspect that he’s been given an appointment to see her again rather than the Dr.
    Lilian I hope your Drs appointment to see about your meds isn’t to far down the line now.
    Margaret I hope your feeling more comfortable today.
    Well I suppose I’d better go and finish the lawn.

  6. Hi Sandra &everyone
    Yesterday evening I started to feel really unwell 🀧didn't get much sleep & I have no energy. This morning not much better in fact I feel worce i ache all over my throat herts & I've now got a cough which isn't helping & a headache.
    CU is happy because I can't shout at him πŸ€πŸ€’He is just taking 8 paw's for a wallk so I have a hour's peace.
    SANDRA great Challenge this week love your card I now own this stamp too & i love it. I will try & make a card this week hopefully feel better in a day or too.
    We have a lovely sunny day I'm just sitting looking out the patio at the birds on the feeders. Terry filled them up this morning & they have eaten 4 of them already.
    MARGARET hope your feeling better. Are they getting you mobile now. When are you able to get home. Please take care baby steps. Love Lynda & CU xxx
    MICHELE Sorry to read your FIL has pulled his tubes out again. You take care doing all the weeding πŸŒΏπŸƒπŸŒ±πŸƒπŸŒΏ have a rest now & again.
    Hug's all round
    Love Lynda xx

  7. Hi Lynda, sorry you're not feeling so good. Hope you've felt better as the day's progressed. Take it easy. Valxxx

  8. Hi All, very hot and heavy here today.
    Spent the morning pricking out snap dragons, sowed seeds about a month ago, so a bit late.

    Sitting watching the tennis this afternoon, very lazy.

    Lynda very sorry you are not feeling well, there is a nasty bug going around down here. Hope you soon feel better.

    Michele hope you are having some rest time, I know how exhausting having someone so close being ill.

    Sandra love the challenge and your card, hope to have a go this week.

    Have lovely evening, hugs to all Lilian

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I lived this gorgeous card on seeing it for the first time and love it just as much seeing g it today 😊 I hope Becca and wedding party had a dry time,such a shame if it rains after all of the organising that goes on beforehand isn't it. See you in the morning for a good catch up my lovely. Xx
    Another busy day with friends here until a while ago so now we are dropping Chris jnr home than seeing Mum. Xx
    I may not be commenting much ladies but I do read to see what is happening. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Nice challenge, Like the choices.

    Had a lovely day, my sister came over and spent the day with us. We were lucky with the weather and able to sit outside, something she always enjoys. Unfortunately just as we were about to eat John had a Meniere’s attack. Without going into details he rested on the sofa, my sister and I had our dinner and now OH is well enough to climb the stairs and go to bed. Normally after a good nights sleep he is back to his normal self ..... 🀞

    Sleep well everyone, Love Brenda xxx
