
Sunday 27 May 2018

Your Challenge cards

xxx Happy Birthday Maria xxx

Good Morning Ladies,

First of all today I would like to wish our lovely Maria a very Happy Birthday, I hope you have a lovely day with your family and a lovely holiday xxx

This weeks sketch was more tricky than usual but that didn't stop you lovely ladies, just look at these amazing cards.....


Janet went for a Monochrome theme for her challenge card, I have actually got the pad you have used to make your card, I have no idea what it is called though.  I love your design Janet that stamp is lovely.
Thank you so much for taking part.


A fantastic Christmas card from Karen for this weeks challenge, your design works perfectly for this weeks sketch, using that snowflake as your focal point is a fantastic idea.  
Thank you so much for taking part, congratulations on starting your Christmas cards! 


Lynda has made two amazing cards for this weeks challenge, both totally gorgeous, Lynda's first card is made with some lovely papers and that stunning Lace gives a real touch of luxury.
Lynda's second card is made with a selection of pretty papers that all work together perfectly, I love those colours, those pretty flowers really finish your card perfectly.
Thank you so much for taking part especially as you have had such a trying week.


Maria has made a beautiful birthday card, that butterfly is absolutely stunning Maria, adding lace as your border was a fantastic idea and works perfectly for this sketch.
Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks challenge. Have a lovely Birthday too.


Michele has designed a super cute birthday card, I absolutely love that Hedgehog topper you have used,
again using Lace as a border is a fantastic idea and works perfectly with your design.
I am so grateful that you made time to make a card despite being so poorly and spending half the week at the hospital,


WOW Val, your card is so beautiful, I love the gorgeous papers you have used and that Spellbinders border is stunning. A truly stunning card Val, this one will fly off the shelf!
Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks challenge.

A beautiful display of cards again this week ladies, thank you all so very much for taking part despite it not being the easiest of challenges.

We had a lovely day with Dannii and her husband Simon yesterday, they are staying for a few hours today too, I think Dannii and I are hoping to do some crafting,

Our Becca was looking a bit fed up yesterday as she was hoping that the weather was going to stay dry as she is attending a wedding that has a 'Picnic in a Meadow' theme in Dartmouth Devon, she is also camping as part of the wedding too, at a Horse Sanctuary, the weather forecast is looking like rain and after rain today it will be muddy, she was having a last minute search for wellies rather than wearing her new sandals. Fingers off for a spell of sunshine for the ceremony.  

Have a lovely day whatever you are up to, I think most of us will be inside!

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Maria-Happy Birthday to you, hope you have a wonderful day.

    What a great selection of challenge cards , mine didn’t really follow the sketch as I just couldn’t concentrate on making my challenge card.

    Hope the weather stays fine for Becca to wear her sandals & you have fun crafting with Dannii this morning.


  2. Morning Everyone
    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIA- I hope you have a wonderful day and the your card has arrived in time.

    A lovely selection of cards this week. The board is looking lovely in the CAFE which is OPEN of course.

    I have despatched HUGS to you all for the day.
    Have a really good BH week-end. xxxx

  3. Sorry BECCA After a few rumbles of thunder and a short burst of heavy rain we have glorious sunshine at the mo
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIA Hope you have a lovely day
    I did find this challenge hard for some silly reason Was it the ribbon or trying to fit in another patterned paper or blood sugars low when I was attempting to craft? I don’t know
    MIL is coming for dinner today She wants to see the new kitchen (she has seen it already but can’t remember) and her sister is coming over later to stay for a couple of days
    I hope you’re pain free MARGARET and as BRENDA said yesterday you’re probably up and about already Take care
    Have a good Sunday everyone Enjoy your crafting SANDRA and DANNII

  4. Morning ladies,

    Another gorgeous array of challenge cards.
    Needless to say mine is still waiting to be photographed, somehow I forgot that.

    The thunder storm started last night around 9pm and was amazing. Rain started at the front of my house and seemed to have been cut off from the back garden by an invisible curtain on top of the roof; it was bone dry for a while, so I took a chance and stood outside the back door. The heat was so intense I expect it must have been about 70-75 degrees or even higher. Never have I experienced that before except when we lived in Nigeria. Then the rain came over the roof and the back garden was sodden within seconds. My poor little pansies and violas took such a beating from the downpour. Sheet lightning lit up the sky and low growly thunderclaps rolled along the clouds to disappear into the distance before the next lot arrived. It lasted well into the small hours I expect, I eventually fell asleep around 11.30pm.
    This morning has brought more heavy rain and a few small grumbles of thunder. I think Becky will definitely need her wellies today Sandra, weather reports are not good across the South West with more rain and thunderstorms coming for the whole of Whitsun weekend.

    Many happy birthday wishes for today Maria, have a lovely time with your family.

    Hugs galore as usual.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Thank you for your well wishes and for all the lovely cards I just opened this morning !!
    Many more very nice cards on show as well in the cafe' today. Strawberry gateau, Chocolate cake and Ice Cream for you all this afternoon so help yourselves.
    OH wants to get going so best get a wiggle on. Hope to catch up with you on Tuesday evening .
    Have a nice day everyone xxx

    Have a brilliant day.
    I seem to have lost your e-mail address with the last update my iPad did, I have lost lots.
    Your card will be late, John and I are just back from a holiday in Italy.
    Patricia xxx

  7. Hi All, thunder started at about 7pm, and 3.30am was still going, torrential rain.
    This morning thick fog and still very hot.

    Sorry I didn’t get a card done this week, I only seem able to sit with my knee on a stool.

    Lovely cards, will do better next week.

    Happy Birthday Maria, hope you have a lovely time.

    Sandra glad you had a lovely day with Dannii, and today as well.

    Have a lovely Sunday all, hugs to all Lilian

  8. Hi everyone.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIA have a lovely day and a happy time with your family's

    Lovely cards yet again everyone. I must admit I didn't make mine until let's yesterday. Where do the weeks go?

    Just got back from the Sunday Market. I was there for 9am and it was very pleasant walking around but wow the crowds built up quickly and by the time I left, we could hardly move.

    Not much on today so may sort another few boxes of craft things out.

    Hugs to Margaret. Hope things are progressing nicely with your hips

    Hugs to all and special ones for poorly friends.
    Love Valx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Great cards on show today for Sandra’s challenge.
    I hope you and Danni manage to fit some crafting in today before they go home 🏠.
    Hope the weather cheers up for Becca as well. I suppose everyone was camping at the wedding for Becca to do so as well.
    Margaret, I hope your hip is progressing nicely and you’ll soon be allowed home. If your not already out.
    The weather here can’t make up its mind what it wants to do. It was dull and a bit windy first thing. The sun is now out but it rained as well. So whether we end up at Thrupp by the canal I don’t know. I’ll take our chairs just in case.

  10. Hello Sandra & Ladies
    SANDRA & DANNII enjoy your time crafting today xx
    MARIA HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FRIEND πŸŽ‚πŸ₯‚πŸΎπŸŽπŸŽ‰ enjoy your day wth your family. BIG HUG' S from me & HUG'S from
    Lovely cards today ladies for Sandra's Challenge all lovely.
    We have lovely Sunshine today after bad storm thunder & lightning Last night into the early hours.
    MARGARET I hope your feeling more comfortable today & your doing as your told. Take care of yourself. Sending love & Hug's xx
    PAT hope your able to get up at Thrupp by the canal sounds lovely & relaxing.
    Big Hug's for you & Pete.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Yes we did manage to get to Thrupp. It was very busy with narrow boats going under the bridge. We must have seen at least 20 going under it. Someone has to get off the boat to lift the bridge. It lifts automatically once you press the button. Plus the canoes and kayaks were in and out of the water. A tearoom is there as well as the canoe and kayak hire. We left about 6.00 ish. Took our own chairs to sit on.

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY. MARIA hope you are having a great birthday, XX

    Sandra I hope you and Danni managed to get into some crafting today, but then I’m sure whatever you did - you both had a great time.

    A fantastic display of Challenge cards today, love them all. Sorry I didn’t send a card, I did start one then lost my mojo, the half finished card is still sitting in my workspace in the craft room. Maybe I will get it finished sometime this week.

    Hope everyone is enjoying this long weekend.

    Love and hugs Brenda xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today.
    Sorry it's such a late comment again but thank you for sharing another beautiful selection of Challenge cards 😊
    Did write it twice this morning but managed to delete both so had to give up as we were on the way to visit Mum. She has s doing well, had a bit of a bad night last name night but is feeling much better today. Love you Mum. See you tomorrow xx
    We had a very long day yesterday at a lovely family wedding, thank gooodness the Bride and Groom were blessed with wonderful weather after a VERY wet start to the day!
    I hope you are all well, I am hoping that we can get back to something like normal this week 😊
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

  13. πŸŽ‚πŸ·Sorry Maria. HAPPY BIRTHDAY I hope you have had a wonderful birthday being spoiled rotten with yummy cake and a glass or two of your favourite tipple πŸ·πŸŽ‚ xx
