
Saturday 26 May 2018

Michlele's Magazine Review & Much more

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

Come on,who stole the sunshine?? Michele and Janet is it up your end of the country??  I think we are forecast Rain but then there's always the Craft Room to retreat to.

Michele has written another fabulous Magazine review below, but first I want you to look at the absolutely amazing Fish Bowl card that Michele made for her friend, so much amazing detail it looks real, you must be so pleased with it Michele. 

Michele's Magazine Review

Simply Cards & Papercraft this month has a brilliant free gift-a set of Stamps, Dies & a stencil called “Coffee Break”. There’s loads of ideas & inspiration inside the magazine using this free gift. This is a set you could use all year round for many occasions.

Cardmaking & Papercraft has a lovely Stamp set plus an Embossing Folder and free papers Free this month. There’s an interesting feature on Border punches-something we’ve all probably bought and not used for some time

Papercraft Essentials has a great gift this month-perfect for making those difficult “Male” cards! There’s lots of ideas inside showing a variety of cards using the free gift. There’s also a great article on “Off the Edge Diecutting” -a great way to use your Dies to make a different looking card.

Making Cards magazine has a fantastic stamp set Free this month plus some coordinating papers. These would appeal to any cat lover -Perfect for my crazy friend who is a purple loving, cat obsessed person!

This is a Special edition of Diecutting Essentials (Issue 7) which has an alphabet die set, stamps, an Embossing Folder and some lovely papers. There’s loads of ideas inside the magazine-one great article is on Eclipse Cards.its very well explained and I think I might have a go at this technique having read the feature.

Papercraft Inspirations has a lovely oriental stamp set. Lovely ideas inside the magazine using your free gift. There’s a feature using Circle nesting Dies which has made me think how I can get more use out my sets of Dies. There’s also a feature on using Twine-I have amassed quite a collection of this & am never quite sure how to use it so this is a great inspiration for me.

Diecutting Essentials has a stunning free die this month -Pretty Quick stained glass Peacock. There’s so many ideas inside the magazine just using this die set. There’s another feature on Nesting Dies, different shapes in this feature which makes you realise how versatile the basic shape Dies are.

That’s all for this months magazine review.


Thank you so much Michele for another fantastic Magazine Review



Pat sat and made some Distress Oxide Backgrounds when she came over a couple of weeks ago to use behind her Groovi projects, they work perfectly Pat, so bright and cheerful.

Pat has shared some photographs of her new doors that divide her lounge and dining room, the top photo is the hole left after the removal of the old doors.  I must say Pat, they look like they let much more light in. Thanks for sharing the photos.


Maria has shared the cards that she has made for two previous challenges, the first was a Sketch challenge, you have made a fantastic card for that challenge Maria.
The second card that Maria has shared is for the Embossing Folder challenge from a couple of weeks ago.  I love that Embossing Folder that you have used , that cute ribbon rose is the perfect embellishment.
Thank you so much for taking part Maria.

Thank you to all of you that took part in todays post, the weekend blogs are for sharing all of your hard work, I love seeing what you all make.

Margaret had her operation yesterday afternoon, so fingers crossed she feels a little better today, sending love and hugs Margaret. XXX

Love and Hugs to all of you too,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Great photos Pat & Maria, lovely to see what you’ve been creating. Nice doors Pat.

    My fish card was a challenge card set by an online friend-we challenge ourselves to use a free gift from a magazine. My crazy friend suggested making one with a cat looking into the fishbowl and I have just the stamp for that.

    We had rain-lots if it yesterday and I was so pleased. We’d emptied the huge water butt on Wednesday and hubby had ordered a replacement tap (he broke it a few years ago) which arrived on Thursday. Tap fitted & water butt now completely full!! Today is sunny but breezy. I’m popping into Southport for a few bits then we’re Hospital visiting this afternoon as we’re not going on Sunday/Monday..


    PS -Sandra hope you have crafty fun with Dannii today .

    1. Hi Michele
      Thank you for the reviews.
      Hope your visit to the hospital is ok today. Take care and hugs coming your way.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Well we had enough rain yesterday to meet requirements for Noah's Ark. It was raining when I went out to the Frs and never stopped. At one point yesterday afternoon the road at the side of us was just like a river and the rain was pounding down. This morning it is dry and we have a little sunshine.

    Thank you MICHELE for the mag review.
    PAT- love your backgrounds that you have been experimenting with.
    MARIA- love cards I particularly like your second one.

    Off to do my usual Saturday morning shopping and then hoping for a quiet afternoon.

    The CAFE is of course OPEN as usual for you all.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I thought it might be better to try and make my own backgrounds as the ones that Barbara Gray sells as they’re quite expensive.

  3. Morning ladies,

    Very dull and overcast again and according tot he weather forecast last night, Somerset is in for the heavy rain and thunder storms. Great! just what we ordered.

    Forgot to take photos of my latest craft stash from Craft Declutter to include with today's mixed crafts and shop buys. Doh! It must be because I earlier I had gone into town and got my hair cut, I think I left my memory there also lol.

    Many hugs for Margaret, wishing you well as you improve.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl.
      Well apart from a bit of rain this morning it’s been quite warm if a bit breezy here. I also leave my memory somewhere sometimes.

  4. Morning
    A great review MICHELE There’s a couple of magazine articles I’d like to read after seeing your reviews I hope your hospital visit goes ok
    Great backgrounds PAT Perfect for your Groovi I hope PETE is getting better and not so tired Hopefully the blood tests will reveal what’s up
    The new doors look beautiful It’s lovely to be able to close off a room sometimes
    Lovely cards MARIA
    I will be crafting today as OH working I’m enjoying my knitting at the moment and my mojo has disappeared so knitting is easy relaxing and I don’t have to concentrate too hard
    Have a great gay all Weather here is dull dull dull!

    1. Hi Karen
      I’m glad you liked are new doors 🚪, we had them made, fitted and painted. Our previous doors were brown wood with 15 small panes of glass in which made it quite dark.
      Pete hasn’t been to bad the last 2 days. He’s still fatigued but doesn’t feel I’ll as well.
      We had a letter today with an appointment for the 19th June at 9.30. They didn’t have any appointments when we saw them on Tuesday. Now the secretary usually has to cancel someone else’s appointment to fit Pete in. So this seems a bit early to have received one. Perhaps I’ll ring on Tuesday and check that it’s with the Dr and not Jackie the nurse specialist who we saw on Tues.

  5. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    Yaaay we have a working car 🚘 my son came down yesterday after he finished work bless him & went with Terry to buy a new starter motor & he then fitted it witch was a nightmare anyway all done.😀
    MICHELE thank you for a great Mag review. Hope FIL is brighter.Hug's.
    PAT love your backgrounds you've made pretty colour's for your groove.
    Your new doors are lovely.Hug's
    MARIA love both your cards. Have a lovely holiday Hug's
    MARGARET. Glad you've had your operation hope your feeling more comfortable & less pain. Take care of yourself Big Hug's xx
    SANDRA have a lovely day with Dannii xx
    Well better get ready as going Tesco.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I’m so pleased that you now have a working car. You don’t realise how much we rely on them until it’s not working.

  6. Hello Sandra and Ladies,

    I hope you have a great day with Danni and enjoy whatever you end up doing, hopefully sitting in the garden, although that seems to be a bit hit and miss across the country - anyway fingers crossed.

    MICHELE, Thank you for the magazine review. Love your card. Hope you are able to have a peaceful weekend after today's hospital visit. xx

    PAT, Lovely backgrounds for your Groovi art. The new doors look great. Thank you for sharing. xx

    MARIA, Two great cards from you, love both of them. xx

    MARGARET, I hope you have had a comfortable night, I'm sure they won't let you rest in bed for long, you will be up and dancing around your room before the weekend is out! Take care, sending BIG Hugs xx

    Whatever your plans are - have a good weekend ladies xx

    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Yes, we’re very pleased with the doors, they make such a difference.

  7. Hello ladies.
    Thanks again Michele for the reviews and I have bought two of the mags myself so will see what I can make. Have a nice day. My thought are with you all.
    Lovely backgrounds Pat, it looks great made with the Groovi.Very nice new door, hope you happy. Take care.
    Thank you for your nice comments on my cards ladies. I'm a bit slow sometimes but tried to use the cc and sketches that been over the last few weeks and they were great for cards to send abroad as they are thin and not too big. The postage have once again gone up.
    Weather here is also funny and we thought it would be rain so sadly hanged the washing indoors today and can you believe it, the sun is out.
    Margaret -hope you ok and soon back home driving everyone crazy Lol only joking M, take it easy, hugs xx
    Sending hugs to all and extras for you who need some.
    have a good day Sandra and Danielle. xxx

  8. Hi everyone,
    Hope you're all having a good day.
    Michele thanks for the great mag reviews. Your gold fish card is really cute. I've got the Making Cards mag. After much thinking I've subscribed to it and this cute cat themed one is the first to arrive. Hope all is well at the hospital today.x

    PAT lovely backgrounds. I bet they look really good with your groovi designs. Love your new doors. Hugs to you and Pete.x

    MARIA two lovely cards from you. Both pretty but love the EF on the second one.x

    Its been an early start today. I was out by 8.30 for my appointment to have my nails done. After that I met my friend for lunch. We've been deciding which coach trip to go on next month. We've decided on a place called Mojacar. Neither of us have visited there before so should be an adventure.

    MARGARET hope you're OK after your op and you're comfortable.x

    Bye for now.

    1. Congratulations on winning the giveaway on Christine Emnersons blog Val. Hope you enjoyed your lunch today and that you managed to book up for a trip next month.

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Once again Michele for reviewing the craft magazines for us.
    Great cards Maria. Love the embossing folder on the second card.
    Thanks for the good wishes today ladies.
    I hope you have a lovely time with Danni and her husband Sandra. The weather is quite sunny now although it was quite wet first thing,

  10. Meant to say I hope your comfortable Margaret after you op.
