
Friday 25 May 2018

Something Floral For Friday

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Its so nice to think that we are at the start of another lovely long weekend, I thought that originally they said that the weather would be rubbish but they have changed their minds and it now looks like it will be lovely.  Which I am glad about as I am expecting a very special guest on Saturday....
Dannii, she called and asked if it was ok for her to come and visit, I was delighted to say the least, its so much nicer to be able to sit in the garden when the weather is good and you have guests, although I think the main reason for the visit is crafting!!

Today's card is another sneak peek at a Brand New Stamp set in the new catalogue, this set is called 
'Accented Blooms' and coordinates the 'Tailored Tag' punch from the last catalogue, it's great when they carry things like that over as you get more value out of your purchase.
I stamped the image and coloured the flowers with my Stampin Blends, in Daffodil Delight, Pumpkin Pie, Calypso Coral and Old Olive, I stamped the sentiment in Old Olive too.  I then punched the sentiment out and added some dimensionals to raise it up a little.  I mounted this onto a piece of Pumpkin Pie card, added some Daffodil Delight Ribbon and mounted onto a die cut mat of Old Olive card and then onto a white card base.  I tied a bow with the same ribbon and finished it with a Glitter Enamel Dot in Old Olive.

What have you all got planned for this weekend?  

I want to send huge hugs to our lovely Margaret, I hope that they get you fixed up fast, I know that you will get frustrated laying there being unable to keep busy, we shall have to get Sue to organise you a craft kit to keep you busy, although I can't imagine what the cards will look like while you are on morphine! I am picturing a 60's hippy look! xxxx

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra. Really lovely.
    I wonder how much crafting you’ll manage when Dannii comes over on Saturday-not much possibly if the weather is nice & you sit outside.
    We’re meant to have rain today & for once I hope the forecast is correct-the garden desperately needs the rain.

    Not hospital visiting today-hubby needs a break. We’re going tomorrow afternoon.

    Margaret-wishing you a speedy recovery.


    1. Hi Michele
      Glad to hear your both having a break from hospital visiting. It’s very tiring tooing and frooing from hospitals.
      Take care my friend and gentle hugs are coming your way.
      By the way it’s raining here as well as it did most of yesterday apparently.

  2. Morning everyone.
    Very pretty card Sandra. Love the colours.

    MARGARET hope you're comfortable

    Craft Club today. Its a big Birthday for Wendy on Sunday as well as Maria's so were only having a short craft class today. Then all 10 of us are out for a celebration lunch. Should be fun.
    Had a good day yesterday. Lost 3lb at slimming club. Mind you that was for two week but still pleased. Then did some clothes shopping and then lunch at my favourite restaurant. We topped it off with watching Alien. Its a film I've not seen before even though it was made in 1979. Don't think I'll be watching it again!!!
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you all have a lovely lunch for Wendy and Maria’s birthday.
      Well done with the weight loss. I really need to lose a bit off weigh. I don’t really eat a lot but don’t probably have enough exercise.
      I wouldn’t watch Aliens either. I saw a trailer when it first came out and that was enough for me.

    2. Wish Wendy a sunny Happy Birthday from me Sunday. I'm in Colchester so won't be able to go on the lappi unless I use my stepsons, they are taking me out for the day so who knows what happening. Alien is a Classic, have to be in mood for those kind of films Lol Have a nice day xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    We seem to have had some rain in the night so the garden will have benefitted from it.

    MARGARET- I'm so sorry to see that you've had a fall and are in hospital with a broken hip. Please do as you're told and get better quickly. HUGE HUGS gentle ones of course lol.

    SANDRA- a pretty card for today.

    My visit re my MOT went reasonably well. All main checks were OK but I have a Drs appointment this morning re my pain management so my housework will be put back somewhat (what a shame).

    The CAFE is OPEN and ready for you all. HUGS are on their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends in need. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      It’s raining here as well today.
      My MOT last week consisted of taking some blood and taking my blood pressure. Not to sure what I expected but a bit more than that I think.
      Hope the pain management appointment goes ok.

  4. Hello Sandra and Ladies,

    Love today is called Sandra, it's so clean and fresh looking love the colours you have used as well.
    Have a lovely time with Danni tomorrow I know you'll be excited about her coming to visit, I'm sure the time will just fly bye .
    MARGARET I hope you are comfortable and are being treated well, take care dear friend, thinking of you XX
    JANET please MOT went reasonably well, I hope today's visit to the doctors it's not too painful. XX
    LILLIAN pleased you rang the doctor. I cannot understand why he has not sorted out your meds though. After all you've been through. Sometimes I think our NHS needs a good shake up. Take care. XX
    LYNDA hope you are okay and coping with all of your problems XX
    SUE I had to smile at your story about little Penny and the teddy I can imagine what a picture her little face must've been. Thank you for sharing XX

    Hope everyone is having a good day, enjoy your weekend.
    Love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. I don't realise today was called Sandra - I thought it was Friday!

      Of course you did realise it should read. CARD ! Ha Ha xx

    2. Hi Brenda
      Apparently Lilian has a longish wait for an appointment. Although we have a long wait we can see the dr on duty if we ring up or go down early enough. It does sound like where Lilian lives the Drs and the hospital need sorting out. With what Lilian’s been through it’s really not good enough.

    3. Thanks for the thoughts ladies, unfortunately I’m not classed as urgent, if you you can get an appointment with maybe a doctor or more likely a nurse and they will not interfere with my prescription, it has to be my own GP, hence the wait.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Great card today Sandra. I see you finally decided on the green hullo. Great to meet up yesterday.
    I sent Margaret an e card and she replied that she was having a new hip fitted today. Mind you I’d always assumed she already had 2 new hips. I don’t know why I thought that though.
    Well our weather forecast is that it’s going to rain all over the weekend. Wish I’d mowed the lawn on Tuesday or Wed when it was dry. This area will even have thunder storms on Sun, well so his iPad tells him. So I do hope you have nice weather when Danni and her husband are there. Apparently Pete lost 3 hrs yesterday through sleeping. He dropped off just after his lunch at 12.00 at woke up just after 3.00pm. Plus he slept in the evening. If Jackie the nurse doesn’t ring with his blood results on Monday I’m going to ring her and find out. Pete says it’s awful falling asleep every time he sits down. Not to sure if I mentioned that he kept nodding off during a concert in Oxford last week. We saw the Illegal Eagles and there quite loud.

    1. Hi Pat
      Yes, Mum has had both of her hips replaced, one 13 years ago and the other 14 years ago so they are just about ready to be replaced anyway x

  6. Hi All , it’s dull here, we were supposed to have rain but none yet.

    Managed to see my sister and cousin yesterday. We were a bit late , the traffic is horrendous already, so she was fretting by the time we got to the restaurant, only about 5mins late.

    Sandra love your card, hope you have a lovely crafty time on Saturday.

    I’ll wish you all a lovely weekend, we shall stay home out of the traffic, hope it’s not too much rain as my oriental poppies have just come out. Hugs to all .

  7. Lovely card SANDRA Enjoy your visit with DANNII
    Oh MARGARET Take care and hope you’re comfortable
    I’m glad PENNY liked her teddy (bunny) SUE I did smile at her reaction I wasn’t expecting that I’d confuse her Bless her Is it OK if I send SANDRA a photo of one I will give to Harefield Hospital?
    This weekend will be an “ordinary” one for me as OH is working tomorrow and Monday Lots of time to craft!
    Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen. Penny already loves her Bunny and has taken it to bed since she got it on Wednesday. She strokes her cardi then strokes Bunny, so funny and sweet 😊 Of course you can send a picture to Sandra. I will send one of Penny with it too, once I remember!!! Xxx

  8. Hi everyone.
    Gorgeous card Sandra. Have a nice time with Danielle.
    So sorry to see Margaret had a fall and in hospital. Wish you op goes well and you soon back up on your feet. Many hugs xx
    Lovely to hear tho you had a nice holiday Sue. We haven't been to Greece much but love to go one day. Love Greek food Lol
    Lynda- hope the pain is easing for you and you can walk better soon. Bless little Bailey, hope the meds will help quickly.
    Michele- take care and enjoy a break from hospital visits and Pat ,I wish you and Pete some better days too.
    Hope your day is ok ? I met up with some of the ladies from the pain clinic this morning which was nice and then I did some clothes shopping before taking a taxi home for then I was so tired. Hate trying things on and having to get a size up again after losing control of my eating. Will have to sort it out back from holiday. Well done Val for losing 3lb.
    Big hugs to you all xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Mum is back on the ward after a successful complete hip replacement which has been wired into place. She had both of her own hips replaced 13/14 years ago so they both are just about ready to be replaced. A rather extreme way of getting at getting one done though!! Mum isn't able to comment for some reason but she ends you all her love and thanks for the kind words and hugs xx
    I love today's card Sandra and you will have a great time with Danni tomorrow but I wonder how much crafting you will get done 😊 xx
    Another long day so I'm off to bed now. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Sorry you probably won't see this post as it's so late cut long story short
    The machanic didn't Come yesterday & Terry rang him today & he said can't do it as had his tools stolen out of his van, Darren phoned on his way home from work told him & said he would come down &do it So bonus seeing Harry too.
    Bless him he got down at 4.30 then him & Terry went to buy new starter motor so got back 5.15 & started working on car he didn't finish till after 7pm.
    Harry brought his books with him. He's very good Sam wrote his name &a he copyed it perfect he gets so excited.
    SANDRA your card is stunning love the colour's & the stamp set is gorgeous.
    Have a lovely time with Dannii tomorrow .
    MARGARET hope they have sorted your hip today & your not to uncomfortable Big Hug's xx
    Love Lynda xx
