
Thursday 24 May 2018

Pretty Floral Thank you card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, this week has gone so fast, it doesn't seem possible that it's Friday again tomorrow and we have another lovely long weekend, although I don't think we are going to be as lucky with the weather.

Today's card is in a new favourite colour way, I just love the Navy/Yellow combination, (Night of Navy /So Saffron).  I was inspired to use those colours by the beautiful new paper padvi was using.  The paper collection is called "Garden Impressions", it's 6x6 and has some stunning designs.  The good thing about Stampin'Up! Paper collections is that you always have the matching ink and card to hand, making the paper go further and your projects look amazing. 
The stamp set I used is  'Share What You Love'. Which has some lovely sentiments and pretty florals and a background colour wash stamp to, which I used on my card. 
I used the Triple Banner Punch to add some detail to my card and a few coloured pearls.
I hope you like my card. xx

I think Pat maybe popping over today inbetween appointments, which will be nice. Crafting is much more enjoyable when you do it with friends.

Sophie's University visit was a success she got offered a place on the spot, which is reassuring, she had a huge smile on her face when she came home.  Coventry is only about an hour away too.
They both have some big decisions ahead.

I am going to pack some Stampin'Up! Catalogues ready to send out, if you would like one please let me know.

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely card, that’s a great colour combination.

    I’m still getting stomach cramps & I still have some discomfort from my Sciatica so I’m feeling sorry for myself.
    Not going into work until next week which is a reload I’m exhausted. We went up the hospital yesterday (traffic was horrendous) to find they’d fitted yet another NG feeding tube despite the doctors saying it wouldn’t be until today. F in L didn’t wake up at all do we had a chat with the doctor and left. That was a three and a half hour round trip-hubby is completely exhausted too. I think we’re going to phone the ward and see if there’s any changes today before we set off as we can’t keep this up.

    I’m off to Tesco to do some shopping-fridge is looking empty. Might sit outside after that as we have another sunny day.


    1. Sounds like you could do with an r+r day. Michele to charge your batteries. Take care x

    2. Stay home today and look after eachother, no good if you getting ill as well. Many hugs xx

    3. Michele sounds like you & Phil need some R n R stay home & both relax ( if that's possible ) think your wise phoning the hospital before you visit.
      Take care both of you.
      Love Lynda xx

    4. Hi Michele, Hope you and Phil will have a peaceful day at home. Sorry your sciatica is also playing up, you have my sympathy. xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    We have a very dull start to the day here and it feels quite chilly too.

    SANDRA- a lovely card which shows off the colour s cheme beautifully.

    It's the other half of my ''MOT' this afternoon. This is the part I always dread. No doubt I'll come back having been told to lose weight and get more exercise. Easy for some people to say when it's difficult to even climb the stairs etc.

    The CAFE is OPEN and ready and waiting for you all.
    Have a good day whatever you're all up to.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Good luck with your MOT Janet.x

    2. Good luck Janet with the MOT today, fingers crossed xx

    3. Good luck at hospital today sending Hug's xxx

    4. Thinking of you Janet. Hope MOT part two goes well. xx

  3. Now I don’t think I’d have thought to put navy and yellow on a card in flowers but it looks gorgeous
    I’m glad the uni visit went well BIG decisions as you say
    Enjoy your visit from PAT
    It’s dull and decidedly colder too
    Off to work soon and later I hope to do cc

    1. Have a good day at work Karen. Hope to meet up soon xx

  4. Hi everyone.
    Love the colours of this pretty card Sandra. Enjoy your time with Pat.x

    Off to Slimming Class shortly then to a large retail park. They have a C+A and Primark.-heaven. Then off out for lunch to my favourite restaurant so a lovely day in store.

    Its been raining during the night and I left my sun bed out. Fortunately the sun is out now so it should hopefully dry.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Funny how you still got C+A , I used to love to shop there. Have a nice day xx

  5. Morning.
    Love the card Sandra ! Very happy the Uni visit went so well. Have fun today with our Pat. Give eachother a hug from me :>)
    Off in to town (again) for a trim this morning. OH is moaning because we gone in so many times the last few days but I buy him a coffee and cake at Valerie so hopefully he be ok Lol It's been raining since last night and windy so fleecy back on and long sleeve-T
    Many hugs to you all xxx

  6. Morning ladies,

    I love the opulence of navy and yellow together, very regal.

    Very hot day yesterday, rather cooler today with plenty of greyish white clouds. Ideal time to finish my container planting.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  7. Hello All, dull here today.

    Rang the Drs yesterday told I was on her list, no appointment have to wait for her to phone me, so no further.

    Sandra lovely card, love navy and yellow together. Glad the uni visit went well.

    Michele sending you a big hug, hope you will soon feel better.

    Going out to lunch today, to see my sister and my cousin, not feeling much like but have to push myself. Really hobbling at the moment with all my joints aching.

    Will drop in later , hugs Lilian

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Yay, it's so good to be back, I have just spent a very happy hour or so catching up on all of the wonderful cards etc. Sorry I didn't get on yesterday but was busy getting washing and unpacking done then off to get the girls as usual then had a call saying that Mum has broken her hip after a fall in the morning so it was off to see her in hospital. She is ok and the morphine is keeping the pain at bay, just waiting for a scan to see exactly what is broken/chipped/cracked as the x-rays were unclear. Of course I will keep you all up to date with what is happening. Hopefully Pop will have taken Mum her phone charger so that she will be able to comment herself, she is going to be bored otherwise as she was in a single room last night once she was bought up to the ward where Chris and I were waiting to see her. Fingers crossed they are able to fix Mum up quickly. If you are looking in Mum, love you and see you later xxxx
    We had a fabulous time in Corfu, stayed up on the northern end of the island about 5 mins by car to either shops or beaches in a small place which was perfect, so peaceful and wonderful staff who are so kind and helpful. We would certainly go there again.
    Mchele, I'm sorry to hear about your FIL. My thoughts are with you all at this very difficult time X
    Maria, what were dreaming about when you fell.out of bed I wonder. I am so glad that you didn't sore damage to yourself though
    I hope you are having a better day today than you have been having X
    Karen, wonderful news about Oscar taking his first steps, they all get there at their own pace dont they. I bet his face was a picture of pride bless him.
    And what a wonderful package was waiting from you on our return home. Thank you for my beautiful card and for Penny's teddy. Tim and Roz were as speechless as we were when they saw what you had made for Penny. She was so funny when we gave her the teddy, she looked at it, looked down at her top, looked at teddy again looked at her top then gave teddy a kiss, as if to say "Ok, I normally have a cardi that looks like this teddy but he's lovely too". It was so funny watching her face trying to work it all out. You really are so very kind for thinking of her. Tim and Roz say thank you so much too.
    Lilian, I do hope you get your new meds soon, you are in my thoughts X
    Lynda, sorry that you're struggling too, sending love to you and CU xx
    I hope everyone else is as well as possible, silly me didn't make notes so I am sorry if I have missed any important things out. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Michele and all in need. Take care xx

    1. You are very welcome
      I would have liked to have seen her face I didn’t think about it confusing her Bless her
      Good to hear you had a lovely holiday I’m so sorry to hear about your mum Give her a hug from me xxx

  9. Hi Sandra & ladies
    MARGARET I'm so sorry you had a nasty fall & broken your hip. Hope they can sort you out today. Sending you massive Hug's.xx
    SUE pleased you had a lovely holiday.
    SANDRA Your card is stunning love the colour's. Have nice time with Pat.
    Well mechanic came yesterday fitted the starter motor Terry got from breaker's & that didn't start either so still had to pay him £70 & he is going to buy a new one & coming back today to fit it so god knows how much that's going to cost. Also had to get Bailey to the vet as he's been really scratching himself & crying. The vet said he hasn't got fleas but might be a pollen allege gave him a injection.& a course of flealine just in case he might have had one that's bitten him Rea is fine & not scratching but said to give her flealine too. So that was another £85.
    Think I might have to stand on street corner but probably have to pay them
    Well have to get ready & get a bus into Broadstairs & get some money out to pay mechanic.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Ah Lynda poor Bailey. Hope the injection sorts him out.
      Also hope your car is fixed soon as well with no more expense. Hugs Valx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a stunning card Sandra, So Saffron and Night of Navy are a match made in heaven, so beautiful together, loving the backing paper. ( wish list growing!)

    I am delighted Sophie was offered a place at Coventry, they recognise talent when they see it. I’m sure she is feeling really thrilled, you and Paul must be feeling very proud of her. GOOD LUCK SOPHIE xx

    MARGARET so sorry to read you had a fall and are in hospital. I hope you will not have to stay in to long. How long do they keep you in with a broken hip these days? I can’t imagine you sitting doing nothing, you are always on the go, playing your beloved Pétanque, baking, chauffeuring etc etc. Thinking of you and sending big hugs xx

    Had a busy morning, did the shopping and a few other messages while we were out, this afternoon I am chilling out, just can’t get my mojo to work.

    Hugs for everyone, Brenda xxx

  11. MARGARET so sorry to read you've had a nasty fall and broken your hip. Hope you're comfortable, not in too much pain and getting lots of attention hugs Valx

  12. Hi so sorry to hear you have had a fall Margaret, hope they sort you soon and they keep your pain at bay, hugs to you.

  13. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Well it’s very late for me today.
    Fantastic card Sandra. Isn’t it odd that cards look nicer in the flesh.
    Had an horrendous journey up to the JR hospital. We just about made it on time. Luckily we didn’t have to pay any car parking charges as we had a parking ticket from the Churchill. Another day again tomorrow. I’m truly sick of travelling up to hospitals this week. After Pete was feeling better at the beg again. He was back down again. Ate his lunch at 12.00 and fell asleep and woke up at 3.00. Doesn’t even know that he’s falling asleep 💤 just drops straight off. He’s also very lethargic again.
    Oh Margaret I was so sorry to hear that you had a fall and probably broken your hip. Gentle hugs coming your way.
    Lilian have you spoken to your Dr asking him to chase your Consultant up re your new meds.
    Lynda I hope your 4 paws is ok and your car was able to be fixed.
