
Saturday 2 June 2018

Mixed Craft Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

We have another fantastic line up of crafts and shopping, I forgot to photograph my swap gifts and the box I made for the display table until Lynda reminded me at about 11pm last night.  So I will photograph them today and share them with you next week.

Dannii has shared a photograph of the gorgeous little bags that she has made for Swaps for our team event tomorrow, they are super cute and all made with the 'Share What you Love' suite.  I can't wait to get my hands on one, they are full of sweets too! 
Dannii has done a YouTube video on these bags so if you would like to make one head over to her channel: Danielle Rose
Thank you so much Dannii for sharing your bags with us.


Val has been trying another new card making technique this week, Paper Piecing is a great way to use up all of the odds and ends in your Bit Box, just look how amazing those clothes and undies look!
They work perfectly with your stamped washing line Val, such a fantastic idea. The paper you have chosen works so well with the stamped images.
A word of warning though Val..............
I hope those birds don't poop on your washing!!!!!
Thank you so much for sharing your new technique, maybe we could try this for a challenge one week, what do you all think???


Karen has made an absolutely adorable Bunny, its similar to the one that she made for Sue's Granddaughter Penny. I absolutely love him Karen, he looks like he needs a Hug, his long, floppy ears are perfect for little hands to grasp, I can imagine this one looking a little bedraggled in a few years time, as some little cutie has dragged him round by his ear, not wanting to let him go! The wool is such lovely, subtle colours.
You could make a fortune selling these Karen, they look like something you see in these Up Market, exclusive Baby Boutiques, with a price tag to match.
Thank you so much for sharing him with us today.

 Lynda's Shopping

Lynda has shared her last few weeks shopping with us today, starting with a Stampin Up Stamp, which I am guessing is an Ebay Bargain, it looks a really useful stamp set Lynda, great for those 'Just because' kind of cards.
Tim Holtz Distress Crayons is something I haven't used so far, I have seen him demonstrate them and they look amazing, what are your thoughts on them so far Lynda??
Crafter's Companion Cut and Emboss Folder, now I picked this up about three times at Ally Pally but ended up forgetting to buy it, I think it is a lovely design and I can't wait to see what you make with it.
Paper Rose Train stamp, Lynda bought this stamp for CU's birthday card, I think it's fantastic, my Father in Law would love this too, I am looking forward to seeing the card you make for him.  I haven't heard of this make of stamp before but I love how much detail they put into their designs.

Lynda made both of these cards with her new Distress Crayons, she used them with different masks, I love both of them, the butterfly one looks very dramatic!  
Thank you so much Lynda for contributing to today's post.

An early start for us today, we are leaving at about 7am to get into Birmingham city centre for 10am start, I am looking forward to seeing all of my Stampin'Up! Team, I have met most of them before so nothing too daunting, Paul is off shopping with Dannii's husband Simon and I think they will go for some lunch too. We were thinking of going to my Mum's tomorrow but Paul thinks it will be too much in one weekend, I think he is right so we will probably go next Sunday instead, plus the girls want to come too and they start their A level exams on Monday, so I think a nice relaxed Sunday is what is needed for everyone.

I hope you all enjoy whatever you have planned.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Great selection of shopping & Crafting today. I ordered some crafty items which arrived on Thursday-not had chance to open them plus my Stampin’Up catalogue arrived yesterday which is also unopened-should get some time this weekend.

    Busy day yesterday at work, finished early (4:30) so I could get some washing done before we set off to the hospital. Father in law was trying to chat to us but he was getting frustrated that he couldn’t make himself understood plus he was obviously tired. The ward Sister (who didn’t seeem very interested) said he’ll be assessed on Monday for a RIG feeding tube and possibly going to Thestre at the end of next week, it’s highly unlikely that he’ll make any more physical recovery now so they need to start thinking about where he’ll go when he’s discharged from hospital. Think hubby was a bit upset-not nice hearing that sort of news. As we were leaving the hospital there was torrential rain, thunder & lightning. By the time we got home the weather was quite nice -it’s only 25 miles!


    1. Thinking of you both Michele. So sad for Phil to see his dad like thisxxx

    2. So sad MICHELE It’s very distressing hearing news like that Sending both you and PHIL a hug

    3. Hi Michele
      So sad and very distressing news for you to hear.
      Sending you both hugs.

  2. Morning Everyone
    A dull start here but hoping for sunshine later.

    What a lovely mix of crafts today. I always love seeing what everyone has bought and made.(I'm told I am very nosy lol)

    Off on my usual Saturday shopping visit to Meadowhell and for this afternoon who knows.

    Everything is ready for you all to pop in.
    HUGS are on their way to everyone with a few extras for Dear Friends in need. xxxx

    1. Enjoy your shopping Janet and whatever you're up to this afternoon.x

    2. Hi Janet
      I hope you enjoyed your shopping in Meadowhall today. I wonder if you’ll get any crafting done today.
      I’m slowly doing some whitework on a card for my granddaughter as she’s 20 on the 10th. Will have to get a wriggle on with the colouring though as we’re in London on Monday until the 7th.

  3. Morning all,
    Lovely to see everyone's contribution today
    Karen such a cute bunny. You're so good at making these lovely cuddly toys.x
    Lynda love all your buys especially the cut and emboss folder. Your cards are really different. The crayons look stunning on both stencils.x

    Sandra I had to put the birds on my card as I had an inky finger mark and a butterfly just wouldn't do!!!

    Ironing this morning after breakfast and then meeting my friend for a coffee. After that I've got to get on with more Fathers Day cards.

    Have a good Saturday everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. I love your cards They’re my kinda cards I love anything that’s slightly cheeky! That bra and pants one could make a lovely quirky wedding card!

    2. Hi Val
      Two great cards from you today. Love the bra and pants on the washing line. Now, I’m not to sure but we’re these a free gift on a magazine as I seem to have seen them before.
      Hope you enjoyed your meet up with your friend and managed to get some more Fathers Day cards done.

  4. Some gorgeous projects and shopping Like JANET I am nosy! Even at work if a parcel arrives for one of us I like to see what’s inside - a bit like Christmas for me!
    Thank you for your lovely comments SANDRA about my bunny I hope PENNY loves it as much as I loved making “him” I was surprised how good it looked in this baby yarn and not “proper” colours I will be making a few to take to Harefield Hospital as they’re fairly quick to do
    Enjoy your swap day SANDRA

    1. Meant to add that a paper piecing challenge sounds like a good one SANDRA x

    2. Hi Karen
      Love the bunny you’ve made. I bet Harefields love them to.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies. I hope you enjoyed your meet up with the team of ladies your with Sandra. Lovely to see some of Danni’s bags as well.
    Hope you have a restful Sunday tomorrow.
    Olivia has 11 more exams to go. She wants to be a chef and has another 3 exams in whatever they call cookery nowadays. The problem is they’ve not had a cookery teacher for 2 years. The fill in ones they’ve had haven’t got a clue ( well so Livvy says ). So the one they’ve had for the last 2 months is permanent and has been trying to cram as much as possible into a lesson as she can. Livvy says she’s brilliant but has been thrown in at the deep end at the last minute.
