
Sunday 20 May 2018

Your Challenge Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Thank you all for another fabulous response to our weekly challenge, you have absolutely 'aced' this challenge with some stunning cards, all from recycled things too.

My card (above) was made from an old gift bag, I love how it turned out.


Anna's (from Dannii's fb group) took part in the challenge this week and made this lovely New Baby card, I will add Anna's description below..... 
"This is my take on the go green challenge i used a card some one gave me for the birth of grand childi did recycle the ribbon but i cant think what it was off"

 Thank you so much Anna for taking part in this weeks challenge.


Dannii made this gorgeous little basket by recycling an old Grape tub, lining it with pretty paper and adding pretty pleated paper to the outside, finishing with some lovely Navy ribbon.
Thank you so much for taking part in our weekly challenge.


 Janet's first two cards were made using fronts from old cards, they look fantastic Janet, I am glad that this challenge inspired you to use them.
Janet's third project is a beautiful 'Book Folding', such a fantastic way to recycle an old book!
Thank you so much Janet for taking part in this weeks challenge.


Karen's fantastic card is made using some Recycled Tissue boxes, Karen has a friend that saves them for her.  There are some lovely patterns in your card Karen, I love the hexagon design too.
Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks challenge.


Lilian's card is amazing, I love how you have used both the recycled map and an old Topper, both elements work perfectly on this card.  
Thank you so very much for taking part Lilian.

Lorraine (Dannii's fb group) was inspired by Michele's tissue box idea too and made this absolutely stunning card, that was one pretty tissue box!
Thank you so much Lorraine for taking part.


Lynda made two projects for this weeks challenge, the first is a stunning card that started life as a Jiffy bag!! Lynda has worked her magic with the background, you would never guess that that card started out being that brown colour! A real work of art Lynda !
Lynda's second project was turning an old spice rack into a pretty storage rack for all of her embellishments, what a genius idea Lynda, it looks brilliant.
Thank you so much for taking part despite a rough week with hospital etc.


Maria has made two lovely challenge cards, the first is a lovely Yacht scene, a great Man card.
The second card is super cute, Maria made both cards by using old toppers.  You would never guess that from looking at them, they look like they were made that way.
Thank you so much for taking part.


Michele made two cards for this weeks challenge, which is amazing after the week she has had!
Her first card is so pretty, the recycled part is that cute little sentiment topper, I love how you have taken the inspiration from that tiny little piece to make such a fantastic card.
Michele's card is the one made from a Tissue box, such a great design Michele.
Thank you so much for taking part.

Once again I want to thank all of you that took part in this weeks challenge, what an amazing display of cards, all featuring things we would have thrown away.  I hope you won't blame me for making your hoard tissue boxes etc from now on! hahahah.

We had a lovely day yesterday with Paul's family, luckily the weather was beautiful and we spent all day in the garden.  I will admit that by the time Paul's brother and family left at 10pm I was about fit to drop, but it was worth it to see everyone having a lovely time.
A lazy day is on the cards today, well apart from cooking roast for 9, hopefully I can just 'supervise' some of it!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    So many wonderful cards & crafty projects today.
    Sandra-I sent you an email with my makes for today’s challenge, I’m guessing it might have got lost in cyberspace.

    Hospital visiting wasn’t great-my Father in Law has pulled yet another feeding tube out. This is despite him meant to be wearing a mitt AND there’s meant to be a nurse there at all times. The staff couldn’t even agree when it happened!

    Housework plus some weeding today so doubt I’ll get time to go in my craft room until this evening.


    1. This must be such a worry for you all Michele. Thinking of you.
      Hope you can have a relaxing day off, you deserve it.x

    2. What a worry I find it so frustrating these days working for NHS when staff can’t even agree when an incident happened Grrrh!
      Take care Xxx

    3. Thinking of you all Michele, try to have a rest today xx

    4. Hi Michele
      What a worry for you all. Frustrating as well that the NHS is so understaffed that they’re unable to do their job properly.
      I hope your able to have a lovely rest today.
      Gentle hugs coming your way.

    5. Hi Michele
      Thinking of you both Such a worry. Try & rest today if you can.
      Sending big Hug's xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    What a bumper bundle of recycling today. No-one would ever guess what the original supplies looked like.

    T've opened up the CAFE so anyone can pop in and have a look and a chat. Lunch menu today is traditional Roast Beef so place your orders.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Yes please Janet. Roast Beef and everything that goes with it.x

    2. Me too JANET Roast beef with all the trimmings Yum!

  3. Hi everyone,
    Fantastic recycled cards and projects today ladies. Such great ideas especially the tissue boxes. Sandra, many apologies, I have made a card but forget to send it in. Its sitting on my desk.
    So enjoyed the wedding yesterday and the football later. I was happy with the final score but sorry MU fans. As a result of sitting watching tele all day I've got a few put off jobs to do. First though I'm off to the Sunday Market.

    Have a lovely Sunday ladies especially Pat, Pete, Lynda, Maria and Lilian. Hope you're all feeling a bit brighter today.

    Lots of love Valx

  4. Ooh there are some lovely Makes today and great to see some of DANNII’s FB group take part The grape box is gorgeous and by using pleated paper has inspired me to tackle a couple of odd shaped boxes ai have
    I remember book folding - was a huge huge trend and made one but it was so fiddly - I could have sent that in too
    Mine was truly inspired by MICHELE
    I had another idea but just ran out of time
    Have a great day Taking MIL and her sister out to lunch and then dancing which I’m sure they’ll enjoy watching- it’s close to where the aunt lives So easy to take her home after Hopefully Oscar will be going So there’ be 4 generations!

  5. Morning ladies to another beautiful day and to come in to the cafe and see all the wonderful recycled cards and other objects it's just so much fun. Amazing to see what we collect from tissue boxes, jiffy bags to fruit and spice storages. You really starting to see things differently when you are a crafter, what could I do with that, best keep it just incase Lol
    Sending many ,many hugs and hope the day is good for you all. Roast beef sound very yummy so put me on the list for later Janet xxox

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    What a stunning array today of cards using recycled goodies. Everyone so different as well.
    I’m glad you had a lovely time with Paul’s family yesterday. I’m assuming Paul’s parents stayed over last night if your cooking for 9 today. If the girls rallied round and helped you and Paul could have an easier day. Many hands make light work or so they say. That’s as long as Matts dog hasn’t scoffed the meat as he sometimes does. Hospitals all this week except Friday. However they have major road works on Headley Way which is the main road into the hospital. The Churchill we can go along the A40 bypass and go in a different way. But the JR we can only go along that road. Plus parking is a nightmare, not enough spaces.
    The hospital trust wanted to build a multi storey or an underground car park. The council vetoed that idea and said it would create more traffic. I wonder who parks in a hospital car park ? Oh yes hospital patients. So I’m not to sure where Oxfordshire council is coming from.
    Crikey, I pulled out the soapbox again. Janet you’d better find another place to put it so I can’t find it.
    Gentle hugs to all who need one today.

    1. I agree with you PAT What a stupid way to think when like you say it’ll only get used by patients (providing it’ Not too expensive) Our roads near the hospital get choked because it’s too expensive to use the car park!

    2. Hi Karen
      Our car parks at the hospital are quite reasonable. However, at the moment Pete doesn’t have to pay. When he was having his weekly treatment before he paid but got it back.

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Thank you Sandra for showing everyone's amazing recycling Challenge today. All brilliant & all so different.
    Weather not too good very dull but at least the wind is now just a breeze.
    Having a lazy day so far but must do the ironing as it never got done yesterday. After the car saga & not being able to go to Hasting's.
    Hopefully I can get in craft room for a play. I did make two quick cards yesterday using the new SU stamp set "lovely as a tree". I have so many stamps that I haven't used yet. I think I'm going to start making Christmas cards as I've got so many birthday cards already made from all the challenge cards that I've made.
    Also must tidy craft room up & see if I can find so many things that have gone missing. Oh & yes I have got to make Harry's birthday card for 6th of June. Really can't beleave he will be 4 where do these year's go.
    Take care everyone have a good Sunday.
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Margaret Palmer20 May 2018 at 12:46

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely lot of cards this morning, sorry I did not get one made, I tried but it didn't work out. Lovely to see Anna, Danni & Lorraine taking part, hope to see you again. Hope you enjoy rest of time with
    Lynda sorry to hear about your car, hugs on
    Maria hope you feel better today, hugs on
    Val I enjoyed the wedding as well, so nice to watch them so happy & weather was perfect. Nobody can put on an occasion like that but the English can
    Janet please may I have roast beef with all the trimmings.
    Sending hugs to all who need them, we have not seen Cheryl in café for a while hope you are well, love

  9. Hi All, very dull and chilly here today, quite a chilly breeze.

    Wonderful lot of cards today, my tissue boxes don’t have the lovely patterns that yours have. Lynda love your little pots.

    Michele sorry that you have such a worrying time with your father-in- law, hope things improve for him.

    Late dinner tonight as R playing for evening service at church as well as this morning.

    Looking forward to see what Sandra comes up with for us tomorrow, hugs to all .

    1. Hi Lilian
      Sorry to hear the weather wasn’t to great down your neck of the woods today.

  10. Hi ladies
    Had a lovely lunch at Yarnton. Pete had roast beef and Doreen and I had a had a ham salad with new potatoes. We decided to have a small salad as it was enough for me last week. Matty one of the waiters brought our lunch over and our salads were huge. Well I knew they were for you he said as I’d heard you order them.
    We then met Craig ( Petes son ) and Xander ( our grandson ) came over to Thrupp and they hired a canoe for an hour. Good job Pete was feeling more like his old self today. He even had 3 cups of tea at the cafe beside the canal, he said it didn’t taste to bad today. He hasn’t been able to have any hot drinks as they’ve tasted awful. He’s only had squash and milk. Fingers crossed he doesn’t go downhill again.

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a fantastic display of up cycling Challenge cards and crafting, you are all so clever ladies. xx

    Sandra I’m pleased yesterday went so well, isn’t it lovely having an outdoor sitting room!!! I think everyone finds it easy to relax when we sit outside.

    Been out in the garden again today, picked our firs lot of strawberries then planted all the garden plants we bought. I have some tomatoe plants in the greenhouse but they are not ready to plant on yet, give them another week and they should be ready.

    Hope you have all had a good weekend. Hugs Brenda xxx
