
Saturday 19 May 2018

Mixed Craft Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

We have a lovely selection of crafts and shopping again this week, so I will get straight on with the show........

Janet has shared  two fantastic craft items with us this week the first is at the top of the post today, 3 stunning paintings and the second is a beautiful Watercolour Notebook, that front cover is stunning Janet!
I will add Janet's description below....

"The notebook is a watercolour memory book. As you can see I've decorated the front cover and shown a page inside.
The three little pictures are watercolours. I used Crafter's Companion Fairy/Wishes stamps and coloured them with Spectrum Noir Aqua colour and Sparkle pens."

Thank you so much for sharing your crafts Janet.


Danielle has made this gorgeous Owl Sun Dress, It is absolutely gorgeous Dannii, Layla looks lovely in it, she must absolutely love it Dannii, I think Layla is so cute and adorable.
Thank you so much for sharing my lovely.

Lilian, Omg I absolutely love this bag, you have used some stunning fantastic, bright and cheerful fabric too.  I would love if you could make me, I will pay you for it, just let me know.
Thank you so much for sharing your bag Lilian.

Margaret, such a gorgeous Cross-Stitched card for sweet little Penny's first birthday, it is such a lovely keepsake.
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful card.


Karen has been busy making cards this week, they are all fantastic, I will add Karen's description below:  
First for a lady that loves her flip flops and ice cream A little girl who’d just had her bedroom decorated with rainbows and butterflies Oscar! A colleague going to St Lucia Hence the translation All done with Serif and items within ScanNCut cut (apart from the clouds)
Thank you so much for sharing so many of your cards with us, using the sandpaper for the sand is genius idea. 

Lynda ordered one of Stampin'Up!'s most popular stamps over the years, the Lovely as a Tree set,
I am looking forward to seeing what you make with it.


Michele shared her lovely, crafty birthday gifts with all of us, you must have been over the moon with these gifts, great for relaxation!
Thank you so much for sharing.  


Margaret has also been shopping with Stampin'Up!, you have bought a lovely selection of both old and new products, I bet you can't wait to see your cards and projects. What did you think of the new ink pads?? I hope you bring your stamps when you come to play!
Thank you so much for sharing your shopping with us.

Thank you all so very much for sharing all of your crafts and shopping with us ladies, its so kind of you.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    What a fantastic selection of crafts & goodies today.
    I’m looking forward to using both my gifts-just need a little spare time which I don’t have right now. I’m meant to be going to give blood this afternoon but my Sciatica has flared up again so I’ve taken a few painkillers so I’ll need to rearrange the appointment. Hubby wants to go to the hospital this afternoon so we can relax at home this evening and we’ll have all day tomorrow to catch up with some chores.


    1. Hi Michele
      Love the record sleeve card and your presents.
      I tried silk painting at the NEC awhile ago. Decided I wasn’t much good at it.
      Hope your visit to see your FIL went well this afternoon.

  2. Morning Everyone
    What a lovely mix of crafting we have this morning. Some of that shopping looks really interesting and I cannot wait to see some results.

    We have a sunny start here which is good as we're off on our usual Saturday shopping trawl.

    The CAFE is up and running already this morning for anyone who wishes to pop in and have a look.
    HUGS should have arrived with you all by now.

    Have a good Saturday xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Fantasticfairy cards at the top of the page today. Great notebook as well. Hopefully the shops weren’t to busy if everyone was watching the wedding,

  3. Wowser! Everyone has really come up trumps
    Some great crafting and some great shopping
    Who’s watching the wedding? I’ll have it on in the background I just want to see THE dress and what everyone else is wearing
    If you don’t mind the royal family being sent up The Windsors - Royal Wedding Special is very funny
    Have a lovely day And those in pain have a better day than yesterday xxx

    1. Hi Karen
      4 fantastic cards from you today. Fancy Oscar being 2 now, how time flies. Love the seaside/holiday themed cards.

  4. Margaret Palmer19 May 2018 at 08:50

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing all the lovely things this morning, I think the star of the show is Layla in her owl sun dress, thank you for sharing Danni. Hope you all have a lovely family day Sandra, weather is
    I am taking my friend Pam to a couple of friends & we are watching the wedding together which will be lovely.
    Hope all feeling poorly feel better today hugs on way.
    Val hope DIL is ok thinking of you all, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Great buys and card Margaret. Well a cross stitch really isn’t it.
      Hope you all enjoyed the wedding this afternoon. I didn’t watch it.

  5. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Lovely selection or craftiness this morning. I love my new stamp set looking forward to using it. The glue gun is great it has 150 foot of tape on it I was fed up with the small tape runners just run out so quickly. I saw one they was selling on Hochanda in the week. So I looked on eBay & found this one I bought the refill as well so think 300ft of tape will last me ages.
    MICHELE love your birthday gift look forward to seeing what you create. Have you done any silk painting before? Sorry your sciatica has visited you again.
    JANET your water colour note book is lovely & the stamps you have coloured are beautiful.
    DANNIE I love the little dress you have made for your daughter she is adorable.
    WOW LILIAN your bag is gorgeous your very talented beautiful fabric colour's.
    KAREN love your cards especially Oscar's birthday card.
    MARGARET you have some lovely Stamping Up shopping love all the stamp sets. You will have lots of fun playing with them all. Your cross stitch card for Penny is beautiful.
    Not sure what the weather is doing at the moment it's quit dark & still windy.
    Not up to much today I have some ironing & CU is going to cut the grass front & back. I have still got to put some bits on EBay. Then send Sandra the pictures of my recycle challenges.& maybe some crafting.
    Just had a call from Darren to see if we wanted to meet up with them in Hastings. So better get in shower.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Thank you LYNDA Like HARRY, OSCAR is a little dreamboat

    2. Enjoy your stamps Lynda. I’ve just read your comment down below so I wonder what happened to your AA membership. Glad that CU managed to get home. Good job you weren’t on your way or in Hastings. We visited Hastings when we stayed in Eastbourne 1 year. Unless it’s changed drastically it wouldn’t be at the top of my list to visit again. It was very run down and that was just the seafront. Mind you that was on a 2nd of January.

  6. Hi all,
    A gorgeous lot of Saturday goodies. Everyone's been really busy making and buying. All of it is lovely.
    Lynn's coming home early so we can watch THE wedding together which will be lovely.
    Helens op went OK but sadly the surgeon found something else to worry about which means another operation and then radio therapy. It never seems to end.
    Hope you all have a lovely day whatever you're up to.Hugs to poorly friends.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val sorry to read Helen has to have another operation she is going through it. Sending her some gentle Hug's. Sending you some Hug's too. Enjoy watching the wedding with Lynn.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Thank you Lynda for your kind thoughts.x

    3. I am sorry to hear about Helen It’s a real blow for you all Take care

    4. Hi Val
      Oh my word Helen is certainly going through the mill. I hope her op goes ok. Not really what you all wanted to hear was it.
      Gentle hugs for you all.
      I hope you and Lynn enjoyed the wedding as much as you can.

    5. Margaret Palmer19 May 2018 at 21:40

      Hi Val,
      Val I am so sorry to hear that Helen needs further surgery, you must all feel what next? Sending you all hugs.
      Love Margaret. Xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Have a lovely day with the family Sandra and enjoy, don't stress, they are coming to see you and Paul. I'm sure they can help you out for something to eat and you can sit on the new garden furnitures outside all day.
    Sorry I haven't been in for a few days but so it can go sometimes. I loved the card you got from Lilian, a stunning art work. Lilian, your cards and todays bag is just fantastic. I'd love to buy a bag from you.
    Michele- love the pop up box. Like to try again to make one. Looking forward what you make with the birthday treats. Take care this weekend.hugs
    Wonderful show and tell today ladies. Love your water colouring in Janet and the notebook.
    Danielle- the cutest little owl dress for your daughter, tfs.
    Margaret and Lynda- some lovely shopping from you both.
    Karen- great card for Oscars 2nd birthday and the others are fab too.
    Val- hope you had a nice day in Cartagena. Sending special hugs to your DIL and to you all.
    Pat- hoping Pete is feeling a bit better soon. Up and down each day it goes for us all. Hope you can enjoy the nice weather we are having at last.
    Watching the Royal wedding in stages , sitting outside in the sunshine too to feel better than the last few days when my tummy have had it's own mind.
    Have a lovely day everyone, love and hugs from moi xxx

    1. Hi Maria sorry your tummy has been playing you up the last few days
      Sending you some Hug's my friend take care. HUG'S from CU as well.

    2. Ooh take care MARIA Thanks for your lovely comment xx

    3. Hope your tums feeling a lot better Maria.x

    4. Hi Maria
      I hope your tummy upset rights itself soon. Nothing worse than not feeling 100%. Take care my friend. Gentle hugs coming your way.

    5. Margaret Palmer19 May 2018 at 21:49

      Hi Maria sorry you have not felt well for a couple of days. Hugs on the way to you, love Margaret. Xxx

  8. Hi PAT i hope Pete is feeling better today special Hug's for you both. Xx
    SUE I hope your enjoying your holiday Hug's xx
    Well we didn't get to go to Hastings.Terry went to pets at home first as Bailey has been scratching himself rather a lot. He rang me as he couldn't get the car started & asked me to ring the AA As He didn't have his mobile on him ( never blooming got it ) so I rang them they couldn't find him on their screen his membership didn't run out till 27th so after giving them our last three post Code they said the membership no isn't registraing so I had to rejoin & had to pay £133 now for them sending roadside out to him.
    Then it's £7.99 a month anyway they had to tow him home as the starter motor has gone. In a way God job we weren't on our way to Hastings.!!!
    Now he's cutting the front & back garden.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Oh Lynda what an annoying and expensive day you've had. Hope its not too expensive to get the car fixed. Sending hugs for a better day tomorrow.xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      I hope you manage to get your car fixed soon and it’s nit to expensive.
      Petes very up and down at the moment thank you very much for the hugs. He even nodded off 3 times that I know of when we went to see the Illegal Eagles 🦅 on Thursday. Not to sure if we’re going to get answers either at the hospital on Tuesday.

  9. Hi Sandra andladies
    Not to sure what happened to my post this morning.
    What a fabulous array we have today. Love them all.
    Rich came to finish our doors off today. Putting handles on etc. What a fantastic job he’s done on them as well. Quite expensive but well worth the money.
    Well as usual my SIL in Bournemouth emailed my SIL in Australia and gave her all the details of the wedding arrangements. Gill emailed her back and said that Australia and probably most of the world had had blanket coverage over the last few weeks.
    Bryan Pete’s brother in Australia has MSA which apparently if I have the initials correct is a rare form of Parkinson’s. So she’s also emailing Gill to tell her what the Drs ought to be treating him. I think Gill is getting a bit peeved off with her to tell the truth. When my SIL tells me what our weather is like I usually tell her yes I know I can look out of our window and see what it’s like. She still does it though.
    Enough of my soapbox rankings I’ll put it back in the corner and shut up.
    Gentle hugs for all who need one today.

  10. Danielle I love the owl dress you made for Layla, isn’t she a gorgeous little girl.
    Lilian just love love your bag. I hope that the consultant has pulled his finger out and told your surgery what new meds he wants you to take. Gentle hugs coming your way.

  11. Hello All, sorry to be so late, I was sure I posted this morning.

    I’ll keep it short as it’s bed time, just wanted to lovely crafts and shopping today, loved it all. I’ll say goodnight,sleep tight, I’ll leave the rest , you all know the saying. Hugs Lilian

  12. Hi Lilian
    Perhaps your post went on walkabout with mine.
