
Friday 18 May 2018

Something Floral for Friday by Michele

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and prepared for a nice relaxing weekend!  I think the weather is supposed to be dry which I'm thankful for as Paul's Brother and his family are coming over on Saturday to visit Paul's parents while they are here, apparently coming for tea!!! That will be 12 to cater for then!! I will have to think of something fairly easy to prepare.

Today's 'Something Floral' card is s real WOW card, so pretty too, I think that these pop-up box cards are a real showstopper!  Our Michele by has designed this one featuring some beautiful floral paper, I believe it's a Papermania pad, I have it in Navy, one of those that I have stroked but hardly used!  The flowers that Michele has used are Sue Wilson's 'Faux Quilled Blooms' they make a fantastic display.
Michele said that this was one of her older cards, I wish my older looks were so amazing! 
Thank you so much Michele for bailing me out at the last minute!! I really do appreciate your help xxxx

I got so carried away preparing for our visitors that I completely forgot to make a card for today's blog!! 

If any of you have anything crafty or shopping to share for tomorrow's blog I would be very grateful. 

That's all from me for now, I have to go make myself look like a domestic goddess!!!! Hahahaha xx

Have a lovely day Ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Lovely card from MICHELE Very delicate and impressive
    I haven’t done any crafty shopping in ages now apart from a couple of Distress Oxide pads and a 4mm circular knitting needle - so a bit too boring to photograph and send in
    I have a couple of cards you might like So I’ll route them out
    Must dash they’r About to close our road for mending and we need to get out of the way

    1. Hi Karen
      Wow, your actually having your roads fixed. The roads in Oxfordshire are atrocious. Instead of fixing the majority of holes they fix a couple. They dump a shovel full of tarmac and pat it down with a shovel. Which comes out after a couple of weeks.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-thank you for showing my Pop up card , the papers are Papermania Eau De Nil. I have a 12 x12 pack and the quality is fantastic. They’re more like card than paper-it’s not something I remember buying so I’m guessing I might have won the papers. In fact I don’t even remember making this card-the green background is the old colour paint in my old craft room before I swapped rooms with hubby.

    I hope your guests are all considerate and don’t outstay their welcome. Can I suggest a simple meal of Baked potatoes, salmon & salad or if it’s lovely weather-ham salad and fresh crusty bread??

    Fingers crossed today isn’t as busy as the last few days as I’m shattered already.


    1. Hi Michele
      Lovely pop up box and I do have that paper card. Only used it twice since I’ve had it.
      Love your ideas for a lunch/ dinner for Sandra. I love fresh bread 🥖.
      Asda’s not to far away in the car from them.

  3. Morning Everyone
    MICHELE- a really beautiful and delicate card/box. It would suit any lady young of old and I'm sure it's in a keepsake box somewhere.

    SANDRA- take things steady and get the girls to help you out. I'm sure that all your visitors will love whatever you give them.

    We went to our local Amdram last night. We nearly forgot that we had the tickets but arrived in time to see the play.

    It's that 'swear' word day again - I'm sure we've gone from Monday straight into Friday this week. I also have to email my CC which I should have done yesterday and just didn't get round to it so it's a MUST today.

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all to pop in for a quick chat and a cuppa.

    HUGS should be arriving very shortly to you all.xxxx

  4. Morning Sandra and all,
    I just love your box Michele.The papers and flowers are so pretty. I love the look of these pop up boxes but so dislike making and annoyingly Paul has just taken an order for one
    in the shop.

    Sandra hope your visitors don't tire you out too much. Remember your visitors come to see you so keep the food simple.

    Off to craft club later. Haven't even thought what I'm taking today.

    Daughter in law has her op today so fingers crossed for her.

    Have a lovely Friday everyone.
    Love Valx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely pop up box today made by our lovely Michele. I’ve not done one yet but do have a Utube video of how to make an easy version of one. So I really must give that a try.
    Well, we went to the Theatre 🎭 yesterday evening to see the Illegal Eagles which were great. Pete didn’t feel to good but came. However, he virtually nodded off at least 3 times that I know off. The group are fantastic and we did see them last year when they were in Oxford. Now how he could fall asleep I have no idea.
    The painter is here again to finish off our doors.
    Enjoy your weekend with Paul’s family Sandraand please try not to stress to much.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies

    MICHELE I love your pop up card, the papers look beautiful. xx

    SANDRA Enjoy your visitors, PLEASE try and relax and make the most of there visit. It great opportunity for your in-laws to two sons at the same time also to enjoy time with your lovely family xx

    Garden calling, will pop in later, Hugs Brenda xxx

  7. Me again
    I hope the in law visit goes well Please don’t stress They’ve come to see YOU and the FAMILY (and maybe have a nose at your lovely new home)
    I’d go with salad with lovely fresh breads in other words a buffet

  8. Hello All, lovely day here again, hope it lasts the weekend.

    Michele love your card, never made a pop up card, so I don’t think I’ll try now, just enjoy looking at yours.

    Painter has finished today so we are looking very smart out side, he’s done a love neat job, only charged £900, so we were really pleased.

    I’ve been bag making again today, not sure what I’ll do with this one Amelia has several already, but love making them, maybe I’ll see if a charity shop would like them.

    Going to make some pasta for dinner, so il see you tomorrow, looking forward to watching the wedding. Hugs to all Lilian

  9. Margaret Palmer18 May 2018 at 18:02

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra hope you have a lovely weekend with Paul's parents & brother, I am sure whatever you decide to eat will be
    Michele beautiful pop-up card, thank you for helping Sandra
    Lynda hope you are feeling less sore, hugs on
    Maria hope you are
    Lilian hope you hear from consultant
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  10. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Well I thought I commented this morning must be all the needles this week giving me Senior moments 😳
    The Shingles immunisation yesterday boy my arm is so painful today gone really hard where he injected. The nurse did tell me it would.
    Still tender where I had the injection in my spine feels bruised inside. We went Tesco this morning & by the time I got home i Was worn out. So going to take easy tomorrow. If got a follow up appointment through this morning for 26th June. So I'm hoping I feel a lot better by then &a pain free.
    I'm a bit worried about my son he got this horrible virus in his mouth & throat like big lumps he hasn't been able to eat anything & so painful just drinking water. They we're on holiday last week so he couldn't enjoy it he has lost almost 3 stone up till now he has finished his cause of penicillin. Still not eating. I told him to go back to the doctors Monday. He's worrying about work as he got a few text asking when he's going back.
    MICHELE I love your card in a box it's really beautiful love those papers.
    SANDRA I hope you didn't get to stressed out with feeding your guests. Hope it went well it must have been nice for Paul with his parents & his brother visiting.
    MARIA hope your feeling ok my friend sending you big Hug's.xx
    MARGARET thank you for the Hug's sending some back. Hope Sue is enjoying her holiday. Xx
    Love Lynda xx
