
Thursday 17 May 2018

A New Home card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is absolutely gorgeous, it was our New Home card from Lilian, I have photographed them all as we received them in the chair of moving in and my tablet decided to stop reading the memory card with all the photos on, so I managed to upload them yesterday. 
I had forgotten how lovely this card was, so much work has gone in to colouring it, Paul liked it too with it having a Beehive on, he would dearly love to Keep Bees!
Did you Watercolour the sky Lilian? It looks so perfect!
Thank you so very much for such a beautiful work of art. XXX

I had a quiet day yesterday,I felt generally washed out from Tuesday's eventful day and I didn't sleep great either, in fact when Milo came in and jumped on our bed at 4am I had only just started to drop off, so I got up and fed both of them so that they didn't wake Paul. 
I got up and dressed early as I was expecting a parcel and I was just having a lay on my bed when I heard someone knock on the back door, normally by this time (9:50am ) I have bleached down my worktops tidied the toaster away and sorted the breakfast pots etc, but today I just wasn't up to it.  So I make !y way to the back door to find Mr Sainsbury standing there, he said hello and spoke about the weather and said "shall I come in" !!  Of All the days, anyway I let him in, he had sctuactu come to chat to Matt about some farm work, he mentioned how different people were reporting back to him saying they had seen Matt and Paul walking the dog etc.
He was telling us how his mother wanted this house to replicate the Manor Farmhouse, explaining different things that she was passionate about.
It was nice, he was very friendly but I just wanted to say, can you call before dropping in next time! 
I have never cleaned the kitchen as fast in all the time we have been here, luckily Matt got him talking about John Deere lawn mowers and the two of them disappeared to look at his!!

We have Paul's parents coming to visit for the first time tomorrow, they are staying until Monday, Paul is looking forward to seeing them, it seems like ages since we last met up, after Christmas I think!  Paul's brother and sister in law are popping around on Saturday afternoon too, I am hoping for nice weather so that we can sit in the garden.

Thank you to all of you that watched my video on Tuesday, I am so grateful for your support. Xxxx

Have a lovely day Ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Beautiful card Lilian. Just love the beehive.
    Glad you're feeling somewhat better Sandra after you're experience at the hospital.
    Up and out early today. My friend Pippa and I are going on a days coach trip to Cartagena.Should be fun.
    See you all tomorrow.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you enjoyed your visit to Cartagena today.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-What a beautiful card from Lilian. It looks like a painting.
    You Day sounded better than the previous one. Funny about Mr Sainsbury though!

    Yesterday at work was crazy-we didn’t break for lunch until 14:15 which made for a rushed afternoon. We went Hospital visiting last night-my Father in Law actually woke up while we were there, he’d been sleeping all day. One of the nurses was hilarious, she was brilliant with F in L, so jolly and actually talked to him . It made visiting a pleasant experience.
    I’m doing the Tesco shopping after work then hopefully I can relax and sort a few things out at home.


  3. What a lovely card and very appropriate as bees symbolise achieving
    What a monster of a couple of days you’ve had SANDRA I do hope you’re feeling better today As others have said you can always turn the op down even to the point of being in the anaesthetic room! But I wouldn’t wait that long just in case! You must explain what happened previously and that’s why you’re so against surgery but also remember there’s been so many advances in medicine too
    I hope you’ve had your meds sorted LILIAN and they’re better suited for you
    Big hug to MICHELE and PHIL
    Has the bruising from your recent fall faded MARIA
    I hope you’re feeling less sore today LYNDA
    It’s craft club tonight where I’m hoping MIL will enjoy making the latest Christine Emberson charity kit We’ll See
    Take care all

  4. Morning Everyone
    We have a much better start to the day after an awful day yesterday. It was just as though we had gone back to winter it was so dull/grey and cold.

    LILIAN- I always love your cards. They are always more like a piece of art work and you put so much detail into them. I hope you are making headway with news re your new meds.

    I have to change bedding this morning and that always floors me so I can't see me doing much crafting today Bahhhh.

    Anyway the CAFE is OPEN for those who wish to visit and have a chat and a cuppa.

    HUGS are on their way to you all with loads of extras for Dear Friends not feeling up to the mark. xxxx

  5. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    We have a brighter day after yesterdays dull & very strong winds. I have a Shingles injection this afternoon feeling like a pin cushion this Week.
    Feeling a little less tender this morning so hopefully try & do my Challenge card while CU goes & cut someone's grass this morning.
    Still can't shower today as nurse said on Tuesday so looking forward to having one tomorrow.
    Sandra lovely card from LILIAN it's gorgeous love the beehive which colouring pencils do you Lilian your colouring is beautiful.
    MICHELE glad FIL was a little more with it yesterday Hug's xx
    Well battery is nearly out
    Love Lynda xx

  6. Margaret Palmer17 May 2018 at 12:16

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra how nice that Paul's parents are coming to stay, you can show off your new home, I am sure they will love it & the village. I think Mr. Sainsbury sounds a typical farmer so he would not have taken any notice of the kitchen, but I know what you mean. Hope you had a better
    Lynda please take care & do not overdo
    Lilian a beautiful card you sent to Sandra, Pop would love to keep bees as well, hope you are feeling abit
    It is bright & sunny but still nasty wind out. I went with a couple of friends last night to see live performance at cinema of American In Paris which is on at the Barbican. It was superb the leads played by Robert Fairchild & Leanne Cope were outstanding, so much energy, if you get the chance go & see it.
    Sending hugs to Lilian, Lynda, Sandra & all who need them love

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card from Lilian on show today.
    I hope you enjoy your visit with Paul’s parents. Please try not to stress to much as they come you see you both and the family, not what the house looks like.
    We have the painter in today painting our new doors. Jane the pain…ter is how she signed her email to us. It turned out that they knew each other years ago.
    My friends daughter worked on an American in Paris in London. She just started working on The Lion King in London. She makes and maintains costumes the costumes.

  8. Hello All, dry and a bit blowy, lovely day to dry the washing.

    What a surprise to see my card, at first I thought someone had done a card like mine!!!
    It’s a very old chocolate baroque stamp, the background if I remember is done with chalk pastels, I’ve had a box for years , bought them from a shop in broad st, Oxford, when we lived at Yarnton. Probably used water colour pens for the rest, but can’t remember.

    Sandra, Lynda and Maria hope you are feeling better.

    Not much happening here today, seem to very tired all the time, hugs Lilian

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra What a lovely card you received from Lillian. As always Lillian your art work is in a class of it own, you have created a real masterpiece. I love it xx

    Oh dear I sympathise with you opening the door and finding Mr Sainsbury standing there. I'm sure he didn't see things as messy as you describe. We all have our standards - but why do casual callers always stop by when our routine is up to our normal level. I'm sure he didn't notice. Hope his visit will open doors for Matt. xx

    We have had a mega busy day, started off with a visit to hairdresser friend. Then shopping etc we returned home six hours later. Did a few jobs in the garden then had dinner and remembered I hadn't left a message... Oops!

    I hope everyone has had a good day. Hugs Brenda xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely mixed craft Saturday today. Great show ladies. Plenty of buys as well.
    Well ours new doors are done and dusted as Rich came in this morning to put the handles back on. Really really pleased with the work he’s done.
    As per usual my SIL in Bournemouth emailed my SIL in Australia and gave her all the details of the wedding. Gill told her that Australia and probably most of the world would have had blanket coverage of all the details over the last few weeks.
