
Wednesday 16 May 2018

So Detailed, pretty card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is very 'lacy', We were given the ''Delightfully Detailed" Speciality paper panels to make a card with at our Onstage event, I didn't use mine as I wanted to bring it home and use it with other things as they had the materials to make a basic design and in my opinion these gorgeous panels are worthy of a little luxury!!
The panel behind the lacy lacy one is actually can note card that I cut the back off to use as a topper, so I guess I 'recycled' it!!
I put some glue on my finger and just patted it here and there on the back of the lacy panel and stuck it onto the 'Blackberry Bliss' notecards, I then mounted this onto a Very Vanilla mat and then into another Blackberry Bliss mat, I then added some very vanilla card to a card blank and mounted up my card.  I then cut a narrow strip of the same coloured card and punched either side with the ''Ticket Tear '' punch, then added some very vanilla lace with Fresh Fig narrow ribbon threaded through, I added mounting foam onto the back and added to my card, I tied a triple bow with the same ribbon and cut a tiny flower from another lacy panel and popped a tiny pearl in the centre and dotted a few around the card.
I hope you like it xxx

Now onto yesterday, let's just say the day didn't go as planned!!!
I set off early as I explained yesterday, Sophie and I had a nice couple of hours together.  Paul came to pick us off and we dropped Sophie off at school, I then started with crazy palpitations that turned into a major anxiety attack on the way to hospital! I composed myself enough to go in, we saw Consultant who explained the MRI scan picture, it showed that the lower discs of my spine have deteriorated and moved and are compressed, which he thinks is what's causing some of the problems in my legs.  He suggested spinal injections to see what effect they have, depending on results he thinks that Surgery us the way forward to salvage what's left and relieve pressure on my spine and nerves (I think)!  I am not ready to trust anyone to not mess me up further right now.  But they kind of don't take no for an answer!! Next thing I know I am waiting for a pre-operative assessment and being instructed how to wash my body with Hibiscrub the night before and morning of procedure!  MRSA swabs taken, height and weight done and weight loss leaflet handed over!! :0 !
We got back in car to come home and I explained to Paul that I felt a bit tingly and numb in the tops of my arms and legs .which we put down to palpitations.  Once we got home Paul whizzed ahead as he was going back to work, I remember getting ready to get out of car and undoing my belt and opening the door, the next thing I was aware of was Paul kneeling over me asking if I was ok and asking why I was laying on the grass!!! I have no idea to be honest, probably aftermath of panic attack, Paul helped me to bed where I remained until he got back from work as instructed! 
So not the best day, but we did get some answers!

Lynda, I hope you are feeling ok today my lovely XXX

Pat, I hope Pete feels brighter today XXX

Michele, big hugs to you XXX

Love and hugs hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what an absolutely beautiful card. You did the right thing bringing those panels home looking at this card.
    Such a shame that you were so unwell yesterday. It’s totally up to you if you want to go ahead with any procedure.

    If hubby is home from work in time, we’re going to go to the hospital this evening.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope your hospital visit if made, finds your FIL shows signs of improvement.

    2. You take care Michele, hugs to you all xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- Ohhhhhhhhhhh what a beautiful card and I love the colours. That paper is just gorgeous.

    As MICHELE says it is completely up to you whether you want to have any procedure done despite what any consultant says. Hoping you have a much better day today.

    I managed to get my CC done yesterday so I just have to get them photographed and sent off.
    Today - I really don't know what's on the cards as it's Jim's last day of duty so it's cooked meal at lunch time instead of tea time. Perhaps I can find some crafting to do lol.

    PAT-I hope that PETE is feeling better today and not planning on doing anything silly.

    MICHELE- I hope that you find your FIL a little more comfortable when you visit tonight.

    LILIAN- any news on your new med front?

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual and all tables set even the outside ones though it is a little grey and cloudy this morning but there's plenty of room inside.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all with loads of extra for SANDRA today.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      It’s also grey and windy here as well.
      Pete was sat watching a programme he recorded but has fallen asleep. As we’re off out to lunch with friends hopefully he won’t be doing to much today. I started to cut our hedge last night. As it’s over 100 ft it’s a big job. Pete was re potting tomato plants. 2 tomato plants would be enough for us, so having about 8 plants is way to many. His friend gives him plants but Pete won’t say no, nor has he the energy to plant them out.

    2. Best staying indoors today as the weather here have changed into rain and stormy winds, brrrr. Have a nice day xx

    3. Hi Janet
      Thank you very much for the accordion file instructions. They arrived this morning
      Hug's Lynda xx

  3. Hi everyone.
    SANDRA such a beautiful card. I can see why you too k the paper panels home. They're exquisite. Sorry you had such a bad day yesterday. It sounds as though you're being pushed into something you're not 100% with. Its your body Sandra and your decision what happens to it. Wishing you a better day today. Hugsxxx

    Very happy I got my card orders made yesterday. Made some 'congrats on passing your exam' cards and thought of some ideas for Fathers Day cards next month. No crafting today as Im out to play crib later.

    Hugs to all and special ones for Pat, Pete, Lynda, Lilian, Michele, Maria and of course Sandra.x

    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      Thanks for the hugs there very much appreciated. I’m glad you managed to get your cards finished.

    2. Have fun playing crib today. Thanks for the hug, hope to give you a real one one day xx

    3. Hi VAL thank you for the Hug's much appreciated
      Have good game of crib enjoy.
      Love Lynda

  4. Margaret Palmer16 May 2018 at 09:20

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I am so sorry you felt so poorly yesterday, I understand where you are coming from, the decision is yours, hugs on way. A lovely card
    Lynda I hope you are not feeling too sore & had a good night, hugs on
    It is grey & windy this morning, after the brilliant sunshine yesterday looks really gloomy. Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret thank you for your Hug's.much appreciated.
      Feelin a little sore this morning.
      Love Lynda

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card today and the panels are gorgeous. I can see why you wanted to bring them home with you rather than use them at the Stampin Up meet up.
    Such a shame you had a panic attack before you saw the consultant.
    Perhaps the injections will help. However, it seems as if an op is the way to go.
    I know that it’s entirely up to you whether you have an operation or not. But given how you seem to be deteriating with you knee etc I think you need to bite the bullet and go for it. I know it’s not a nice thing for you seeing as the problems you had before. However, as it’s been bad before you even went to see the Dr, if left for longer it could become inoperable.
    Pet doesn’t seem to be to bad today. But once he moves to do anything he’s wiped out.
    At least he has 2 appointments with the Heart consultant next week. 1 appointment to see the Cardiologist and the next day to see the person who checks his pacemaker. Then 2 appointments with Oncology. So between them they might come up with some answers.
    We’re off to lunch with friends today, so that will cheer him up.
    Dull and windy here today.

  6. As you can gather I don’t have a pet only Pete. Not to sure what happened to the e on the end of his name.

    1. I thought maybe Pet was your pet name for Pete. That reads like a tongue twister. Try and say that when you've had wine with your lunch lol.x

    2. I found treating my hubby as a pet he is happy as soon he gets watered, fed and gets he's naps Lol
      Hope you both have a better day, big hugs xx

    3. No Ladies I don’t have a pet name for Pete. He calls me womble though. Karen bought me a backpack years ago of Orinoco and Pete though it looked like me so the name stuck.
      Not sure if he’s coming out for lunch today as he’s quite unwell, and is once again asleep.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Gorgeous card Sandra,love how you made it.
    Sorry to hear you got anxiety attacks and worries after seeing the doc but like the other saying it is up to you if you going down the road with a operation. I understand you are scared, look up all the options before. Take it easy today and rest. hugs
    Lynda- hope you managed to get some sleep last night. You take it easy to my friend, hugs
    Lilian- hope you feeling better and are able to do some crafting either it is sewing or card making today, hugs
    After yesterday's outing I'm so tired and a bit upset. I had a great time meeting up with friend but then went to Bon Marche to look for some clothes for the upcoming holiday and it was no good so will go to town tomorrow and see if they got anything.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing today, many hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria thank you for your Hug's appreciated.
      Just resting today have a headache.
      Sorry you couldn't find anything for your holiday. Hope today is succeful
      For you. Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Maria
      I hope you manage to find something for your holidays. Are you off to Zell Em Zee again or somewhere else ?.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday, it was just one of those days when life took over, I was glad when it was time to go to bed.

    Loved your video Sandra thank you so much for taking the time and trouble to make it for us. Sorry to read about the awful events of yesterday, as you worked out it’s probably the result of the panic attack, the best place for you was to rest in bed and hopefully calm down. When you had your pre-op did they ask you how many operations et cetera you’ve had in the past? Normally they want your life history. PLEASE Make sure they are aware of what you went through with your last operation and the trauma you suffered afterwards.

    MICHELE pleased your dad is allowed home Monday, I hope you’re taking things steady at home. XX
    PAT sorry to read about Pete being continually exhausted. I hope you are looking after yourself. XX
    LYNDA Hope you are not feeling too sore, sending gentle hugs XX

    Sandra I forgot to say what a lovely card you’ve posted today, you know I love that colour and everything else about this card is just beautiful XX
    I hope you’re taking things steady today after all your excitement yesterday. How are the girls coping now that it’s exam season, wish them all the best from me XX

    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing, love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      I know what you mean about life getting in the way of everything else. I actually started cutting our hedge yesterday. My word what a job that is. Pete was worn out just transplanting a few tomato plants 🌱.

  9. Good afternoon Sandra & Ladies
    Thank you all for the extra Hug's much appreciated.
    Feeling sore & have a headache which they said I would get. But if headache gets really bad worce than migraine go A&E. but don't think it will.
    Yesterday I had appointment for 12.30 was shown waiting room which was full apart for two seats well we were still sitting there for over a hour The was called in to see surgeon just run through everything & sign consent form back to waiting room still waiting,then at 3.30 I was shown to my bed & went down at 4 o'clock came back at 5.30. Was given a disgusting sandwich & cup of tea.
    We got home at 7.45 such a long day. Most of the time waiting.
    I had a good night sleep. Went & had a wash this morning as not allowed to shower for two days. But standing washing I started getting a pain in my called my pet CU🤣 To help me downstairs & sitting in my recliner chair.
    SANDRA so sorry you had such a stressful day yesterday ending with you getting out the car & passing out falling on the grass so I hope your not too sore this morning. As everyone is saying Sandra YOU have to decide what is best decision for you. It will be stressful after everything in past operations I can totally understand how your feeling my lovely.❤️
    SANDRA your card is amazing love love it so pretty no wonder you wanted to bing them home. I loved your video yesterday that's a clever stamping tool & the cards you made with it are lovely.
    PAT hope Pete was able to go for lunch today sending Hug's xx
    I have just got a cupper & Sandwich.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      After much persuading Pete did come out with me for lunch. We had a lovely time and a good laugh which did Pete good I think. I was telling Robert and Marion about the garden and what I think Pete should do with it. Or at least get someone in to do it. Pete says I know what you say is right, but. I think it’s just the thought of loads of garden to dig and plant with veg.

    2. Crikey Lynda
      Whatever happened to me mentioning about your long long wait for your op. Hopefully you’ll be feeling a bit better soon. Good job CU was about to help you.

  10. Hello All, wet and cold here today, the painter has nearly finished painting out side, just the black around the bottom to do, he’s a real craftsman, such a pleasure to see his work.

    Sandra lovely card today, sorry you had such a bad day yesterday. Hope you are feeling better today.

    Lynda do hope you are also feeling a bit better today.

    Still thinking about challenge, nothing is getting through the fog that my brain these days.

    Still no news about new meds or what else they are going to do.

    Have a good day tomorrow, hugs Lilian
