
Tuesday 15 May 2018

My video sharing how I stamped the Varied Vases cards from Fridays blog post

YouTube Video

Good Morning Ladies,

I know you have already seen the pictures of these cards but as I had such a fun time stamping them I decided to do a video on Friday afternoon.  It's nothing too serious, just me getting over excited about this fab stamp set and the Stampin'Up! 'Stamparatus' stamp tool.  
I have had the stamp tool for a couple of months but as I already had a Tim Holtz stamp tool I hadn't really used the SU, apart from an initial quick play.  
The Varied Vases stamp set is a multilayer stamp that I find challenging, I'm not sure if its just me being a bit useless or the fact that I struggle to stand and stamp and lining one stamp perfectly on top of each other requires a steady hand and standing still long enough to do that is not one of my strengths.
So this stamp tool has two separate plates rather than the one plate that all others have, each plate is double sided so I was able to design my whole card and have every stamp on the plates, this makes multilayer stamping so easy, batch card making is simple, I just love the versatility of it, I was pleasantly surprised, infact I had never achieved a perfect multi layer stamp that matched so accurately time and time again.  I feel I have come a long way since the old 'Faux Misti' !!!
Of course I don't expect you all to buy one, I would love you to spend a few minutes watching my video, there's no hard sell, just fun xx

I have an appointment with that horrible doctor today at the hospital in Banbury, I feel sick just thinking about it, he was so rude and arrogant.  It will be interesting to see what he has to say about my MRI scan results though.  I believe it was to determine whether the pain and problems are being caused by my back or my hip, I am going to ask about my knee though as that is getting worse by the week. Having said that he wasn't the kind of person you could ask questions, I will try though.  Why we end up feeling so intimidated by these arrogant surgeons is beyond me!

Oh yes, I almost forgot...the patio furniture arrived, such a lovely chap that delivered it, he was telling me how the company he works for had had a take-over, he was glad he still had his job but was struggling because he had gone from being paid weekly to monthly, added to that the company that gone bust hadn't paid his last weeks wage, he told me he had made one pack of noodles do three meals, filling them out with tin tomatoes etc, OMG I felt terrible, I told him that I had plenty of meals in the freezer that he was welcome to, to tide him over until Wednesday when he got paid, he refused and said he would be fine, do you think he was being genuine, maybe he wanted money although he never asked for it.  It's my own fault, I shouldn't engage the delivery men in conversation I guess, I just like to be polite, I know what a difference it makes if somebody takes the time to speak to you.

Well I must get ready, I have an early start as Paul is going into work for an hour before we go to hospital, so Sophie and I are going to have a Mummy/daughter date as she has free periods until 11am and it makes sense for me to be in Carterton rather that Paul coming all the way back here.

I hope you all have a lovely day, thanks in advance for watching my video!

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I can’t wait to watch the video, I just love the cards you made . Something to look forward to watching tonight. I think the delivery driver sounded genuine & at least he knows you offered him food. If he had gone on to mention money then I would have been concerned-I think you have to trust your instincts. I hope you have a more positive experience at your appointment today-good luck.

    Thank you for all your kind comments yesterday-my Dad was discharged at lunchtime. Had tests & a CT scan and they found nothing wrong. He’s waiting for an MRI scan and has been told he can’t drive until that’s been done.
    My F in L isn’t any better-he’s still critical/high risk. He can’t speak, move the right hand side of his body. He pulled his N G tube out on Sunday night and was trying to pull out his Catheter & his Cannula yesterday. The doctors believe he has Stroke induced Epilepsy but think he might make some sort of recovery. It’s all very vague at the moment but he doesn’t seem to be making much progress so it’s not looking good.


    1. Hi Michele, so pleased your dad is home now. So sad for your FIL. Hope all goes well for him.
      Thinking of you and Phil.x

    2. Sending you and Phil hugs. Take care xx

    3. Hi Michele
      I’m glad to hear that at the moment they could find nothing wrong with your dad. I hope that the MRI shows nothing much either.
      Not such good news about your FIL though.
      Gentle hugs coming your way.

  2. Morning everyone
    We had a beautiful day yesterday weather wise. Sunshine all day so I could have doors etc open until just after tea. I also managed to get washing out and dry before Jim went off to chauffeur. He has an extra day (tomorrow) because of May Day BH this time.

    SANDRA- will look at the video a little later. Good luck with the hospital appointment.

    My aim for today is to try and sort something for my CC so I'll be delving into drawers and cupboards. Might just have to tie a piece of string around my wrist so that I don't get lost hehehe

    The CAFE is OPEN and fully stocked so pop in and help yourselves. The tables are all ready set outside so people watching can be the order of the

    HUGS on their way to you all with extra for Dear Friends in need.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, hope you not disappear anywhere. You are a very important person and you would be very much missed. The cafe' would not be the same Lol Love the tulips on the tables. A huge thank you for sending me the instructions. Not very good at reading them but will have a go, only need to get a A3 card first. Have a nice day xx

    2. Hi Janet
      I just love people watching. It’s my favourite past time. I do hope you don’t disappear. Tie the other end of the string to a chair or something.

  3. Hello it's my again.
    PAT- I hope PETE is feeling a little better after a night's sleep and that he isn't going to do much today.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Thanks very much. I left him in bed today when I went to school. He seems to be unwell although he can’t say why he feels unwell and feeling sick every other day. He can be wiped out and feeling and looking ill doing absolutely nothing. I must say I’m quite worried.
      He has an appointment with the consultant next Tuesday. In fact he has appointments Tues- Friday. Two at the JR for his pacemaker/ heart and Two at the Churchill.

  4. Morning everyone.
    Love these cards Sandra. Looking forward to watching the video with my coffee later. Hope you get on well at the hospital layers. I think its really sad that we have to question peoples motives. I'm a sucker for a sob story so I'd would believe the delivery man. If he'd have mentioned money it would have been different but he was just probably happy to tell his troubles to a sympathetic listener.x

    Woken up with a banging headache this morning but got a few card orders so going to have a sit and relax before I go up to the craft room.

    PAT Hope Pete is OK todayx

    Hugs to all.
    Love Valx

    1. Hope you feeling better by now Val and can enjoy your day and make some of your wonderful cards. hugs xx

    2. Thanks Maria, yes my headaches cleared up now and I'm just taking a break from card Making.
      Hope you enjoyed coffee with your friend. Its nice that all the pain group keep in touch.
      Enjoy your day.x

    3. Hi Val I do hope your headache is better now and you manage to get your cards finished. At the moment Pete doesn’t seem to bad. He’s seems to be unwell nearly every other day. Or some days he’s not so bad. So he has bad days and not so bad days.

  5. A good morning to you all.
    Love the cards and will look at the video later, I'm going home to one of the ladies from the pain clinic for a coffee and on the 25th we meeting the others too at a cafe' for a catch up. A lovely bunch of ladies.
    Sandra, hope fully the doctor is more pleasant this time and are listening to you and can give you some answers, good luck. Glad your garden furnitures have arrived. Take a photo, love to see them.
    Pat, thinking of you and Pete. Many hugs to you both.
    Sending many hugs to you all and wish you a nice day. Love Maria xxox

  6. Good morning
    A quick post as i am off to hospital for my spine injections operation
    I will call in when i get home.
    SANDRA hope your appointment goes ok .
    Love Lynda xxx

    1. Hope everything has gone OK at the hospital. Sending hugs.x

    2. Margaret Palmer15 May 2018 at 14:58

      Thinking of you today Lynda, have everything crossed for good result. hugs on

    3. Hope the op went well and you are now ok and just taking things easy for you will be sore I'm sure for a few days. Gentle hugs winging is way to you xx

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Another lovely day today and a day at school for me. Left Pete in bed this morning as he was quite unwell. He’s been totally wiped out for the last 5 weeks.
    I hope the Dr has improved his bedside manner today Sandra. Pete had a horrible consultant when he was diagnosed with his Prostate Cancer. Thankfully we’ve never seen him since as he was in Urology.
    Lynda I hope your injection goes ok.

  9. Meant to say Sandra that I’m glad your garden furniture arrived and that we have the weather to be able to use it.
    Not to sure how you got into a conversation about losing jobs and taking about pay though. I’m always polite and ask how they are but have never got into those conversations,

  10. Margaret Palmer15 May 2018 at 15:19

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I hope you see somebody different this time & your MRI shows what the trouble is, fingers & everything crossed for you. Pleased your furniture has arrived, hope this weather
    Pat sorry to hear Pete not very good, must be so worrying for you hugs on way.
    Michele hope they find out why Dad feels ill, pleased he is at home, sorry FIL is not any better, hugs on way for you &
    Val hope DIL gets on ok thinking of you
    Maria pleased to hear you are keeping in touch with Pain Clinic group, I am sure you will benefit from
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  11. Late visit today The morning just flew by and another visit to the dentist too
    I hope your appt went better than you anticipated SANDRA
    I hope PETE is OK PAT
    How are you feeling LYNDA I hope the op went well
    Big hugs to those that need them I’m hoping to have a go at cc later xx

  12. Just watched video Great idea I was wondering how two platforms would work No wonder you was excited
    Pretty batch cards I need to do something similar for my MIL to have in store
    The guy seemed genuine as he didn’t mention cash I’d have believed him
    Night night
