
Monday 14 May 2018

Monday Challenge

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

This week's Challenge is a little bit different, we are all encouraged to go Green and recycle, so I thought we could carry that theme over into our crafting.
So this week I would like you to make a project, it doesn't even have to be a card, I would like your project to include something ''Recycled''.
It could be absolutely anything, part of an old card, an embellishment from an old card (I have a draw full of those)!
Old buttons, ribbon from gift packaging.  You can decorate bottles,boxes, bags, use packaging, Michele has made  lovely card from the patterned cardboard of a tissue box. The possibilities are endless.

My card started out life as a gift bag with ribbon handles, if was given to me by my lovely team mate Mel Hatten (with chocolate and prosecco in)!!   I loved the colour of the bag so much I couldn't part with it.  When I saw that challenge today I knew straight away what I wanted to use.  
I cut the bag apart and used the paper as my background, I ironed the ribbon handles flat and added one to the centre of my card.  I used two die cuts (SU Springtime thinlits) shhhh sneak peek!!!  at opposite corners of my card and die cut a pretty frame for my sentiment (another sneak peek)! 
I used the other ribbon handle for my bow and trimmed it with a silk flower that had no stem. I popped a few pearls here and there and added a die cut flower to the die cut at the top.
I am really pleased with my 'Recycled' card.  I can't wait to see what you all come up with.

Have a lovely day my lovelies,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card & a fantastic challenge for us this week. There’s so many possibilities for this challenge. I’m looking forward to spending some time in my craft room working on something for this.

    As if my week off hasn’t been stressful enough-my Dad decided he felt unwell yesterday, ended up in A&E and has been admitted! After about 10 phone calls from him it was almost time for bed especially as hubby was up extremely early this morning to catch an early train.

    I’m almost looking forward to going into work to escape from everything or maybe it will just tip me over the edge!!


    1. Oh my goodness Michele, what an awful time you're having. Hope your dad is OK and its something that can be treated quickly.
      Also hope Phil's dad is improving.
      Thinking of you.x

    2. WhT a shame I hope your dad is ok and that FIL is improving

    3. Oh Michele so sorry your dad's been taken into hospital hope he is ok & your FIL is improving.
      Sending you & Phil Hug's xx

    4. Oh Michele, what a shock, I hope your dad will be out of hospital soon. How is Phil’s Dad? xx

    5. Sorry Michele to hear news about your dad as well now on top of everything else. Hope he is not too bad and he gets better soon. xx

    6. Margaret Palmer14 May 2018 at 16:30

      Hi Michele so sorry to hear dad is in hospital now, hope he recovers soon & FIL is progressing

    7. Hi Michele
      Sorry to hear that your Dad was admitted to hospital. Hope that he and your FIL will make a speedy recovery.
      Such a shame all that had to happen on your week off.
      Gentle hugs to you and Phil

  2. Morning Everyone
    A very interesting Challenge this week. It will certainly get the crafting juices flowing - I hope.

    MICHELE-you must feel 'what's next' with one thing on top of another. I hope DAD is OK and can be sorted and I'm also hoping PHIL's DAD is a little better. We're all here for you.

    Well another week and to start mine the washing is churning away and I'm hoping I can get them outside to dry. It's also Mr Tesco morning so I'd better get a wriggle on.

    The CAFE is OPEN and looking bright and cheerful with Tulips on every table - different colour for each table. I think they are one of my favourite flowers.

    HUGS should be arriving any minute for you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Sunny weather today but I didn’t have any washing to do myself. Pete went over to Craigs to help him with his wall. He’s home now but very unwell. He’s absolutely shattered doing not a lot.
      The carpenter came today to fit our new internal doors, so I wasn’t able to go to school.
      The tulips look lovely.

  3. What a great idea I have “saved” a few cards with the idea that I can use them again and never have!
    Yesterday was lovely sunshine and cuddles with Oscar

  4. Hi everyone. Just pressed the wrong button and lost my long comment.Agggg.
    Great challenge Sandra. Must have a route in my craft room boxes.
    Just waiting for Pip my window cleaner to arrive. The kettles on for his strong cup of tea.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

  5. Hello Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA what a great Challenge for this week. Your card is gorgeous with your sneak peak Dies they are very pretty. Will defently have a go at this.
    I have blood💉 This morning.washings almost finished so hopefully get it on line before I leave. Then this afternoon I'm home alone so will have a play in craft room such a chore 🤣
    Well better get my shower & get ready.
    Hug's for everyone 🤗🤗
    Love Lynda xx

    1. I’ve also been home alone Lynda. Well apart from the carpenter fitting our new doors. I started some Groovi work but had to stand up to use the Lightwave so didn’t do to much.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Very interesting challenge this week Sandra......I repeat challenge! Normally I would say I’ll put my thinking cap on , But I have to admit I’m scratching my brains with this one, I think I’ve got the splinters in the fingers to prove it. Ha ha There must be something I can come up with, I’ll have to delve into some of the boxes in the craft room. I really love your recycle card, I could borrow your idea as I also have some lovely gift bags I have kept - BUT I can’t bring myself to cut them up.

    Hope everyone is having a good day, Hugs Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra
    As Brenda has said. Very interesting challenge. Love the card you’ve made and of course it’s in my favourite colour.
    We have the carpenter here putting our doors on. So as Pete has gone over to Craig’s to help him with his wall, I’m unable to go to school today.
    But we have a very busy 2 weeks, next week will be took up with hospital visits.

  8. Margaret Palmer14 May 2018 at 16:40

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely card but you have really given us a challenge this week, will probably be Friday before I get a chance to have a go, good idea
    It has been lovely sunny day, washing all dried & ironed before lunch, long may it continue.
    Book club tonight so must have early dinner so will send hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hi everyone.
    Lovely card Sandra and I will do my best to be in the challenge this week as I often cut up old cards and keep bits from othunny day so also got the washing out on the line. A friend popped over and we sat for a long time outside drinking coffee and catching up with news about her and my parents who are about the same age and they all going through things that need visits to hospitals and other helps. It was nice to talk.
    I hope you all had a nice day and managed to enjoy some of the sunshine too. Many hugs to all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I’m glad you had a lovely meet up with your friend and we’re able to sit out in the sunshine.

  10. Hello All, it’s been a lovely day here, we have painter here doing the outside walls, so hoping it stays dry.

    Sandra lovely card, not sure what I’ll do for this challenge. Might be something sewn.

    Michele sorry to hear your Dad is also in hospital, sending you special hugs to you both.

    Going to do the dishes, so I’ll say good night. Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Any sign of your new medication yet. I suppose the consultant being the boss is a law unto himself. Nobody to give him a slap on the arm for being so slack. I wonder if your surgery could chase him up for you.
      It must be so frustrating.
