
Monday 21 May 2018

Monday Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and relaxed after a weekend of lovely weather.

I thought I would go for a sketch this week, partly because I was just too exhausted to think about anything else. I thought that this was quite a nice sketch that you can make as simple or embellished as you like.
I have some fab ideas in mind and I hope to sit and play later today after Paul's parents have left.
We had a lovely weekend, we pretty much spent the whole weekend sat out in the garden. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves which makes it worth any pain and discomfort I am feeling, it was so lovely seeing Paul relaxed with his family xx

This week is Sophie and Lucy's last official week of 6th Form, I can hardly believe I will have no school age children, makes me feel old!! They are both excited and anxious about their future! I am looking forward to when they have finished their exams and we can get back to a relaxed family life.

Well I am off to wish our visitors a safe journey home, I may then have an hour to just relax and chill and then I will sit in my craft room for a couple of hours.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely sketch for us this week Sandra, fingers crossed I will be able to find some time to join in. Hubby want to visit his Dad an extra day this week as he’s not away at all-most unusual.

    Hopefully you’ll be able to recover today once your guests have gone. It’s lovely seeing family but so exhausting.


    1. Sounds like another busy week for you Michele. Hospital visiting is so tiring. Thinking of you x

    2. Hi Michele
      As Val says sounds like a busy visiting week again for you. Pete has appointments Tues-Fri this week. So we’ll have a busy week as well.

  2. Morning Everyone
    We have had a glorious week-end of sunshine and warmth which makes everyone feel so much better and the forecast for this week seems a good one too.

    SANDRA- an interesting Challenge for this week.

    Well it's Mr Tesco between 09.00 and 10.00 for me and then I'm not sure what. I know I shan't be sitting around twiddling my thumbs (that's if I could anyway).

    The CAFE doors are open as usual and tables are set outside so everyone can sit and watch everyone go be.
    HUGS should be arriving shortly with you all.
    Good Luck to all Dear Friends who have hospital appointments this week.xxxx

    1. Enjoy your day Janet whatever you decide to do. X

    2. Hi Janet
      I hope you have a lovely day after Mr Tesco arrives whatever you decide to do.

  3. Good morning ladies.
    Hopefully Sandra you can now relax after this beautiful weekend with having Paul's parents visiting I'm sure you had a brilliant time and you could sit outside which was a big plus but I knew from own experience how tiring it can be so I hope you now not in too much pain and just get back to normal duties Lol and you have done a great one by giving us a sketch to follow this week. Thank you for getting our brain cells (the few i got left) to work overtime , hope to get something together.
    Good luck for anyone having to see a dentist or doc this week, will be thinking of you and Michele, you and the family are in my thoughts too.
    Hoping for another glorious day as feeling so much better. Tummy ok thanks, hate feeling queasy, must have been the pills or something.
    Love and hugs to you all, xxxx

  4. Lovyidea SANDRA I will put my thinking cap on later today
    I’m glad the weekend went well for you as tiring as it was
    It was lovely to read that PETE felt better yesterday PAT I hope he continues to feel more like his old self
    Huge hugs MICHELE
    How’s the pain LYNDA I hope the op is helping
    LILIAN and MARIA I hope you’re getting sorted
    BREAKING NEWS - Oscar walked for the first time on Saturday! He has hyper mobility which has delayed his walking skills He’s still got a long way to go as at mo will only walk to daughter but he’s getting there (thankfully)
    Taking MIL to her chair exercise class this afternoon and out dancing this evening
    Take care all

    1. Ah how cute that Oscar started walking. Hope you were there to see him. Enjoy your dancing.x

    2. Hi Karen
      Great to hear that Oscar has now started walking 🚶‍♂️. He’ll be up and running in no time at all once he gets going.
      I also hope Pete is now over whatever he had wrong with him. Will speak to the Drs or whoever we see tomorrow and see if they have an explanation for it.
      Enjoy your dancing 💃 later.

    3. Hi Karen, Now Oscar has found his feet he will soon have the confidence to take - just one more step! (famous last words) Charlotte will need eyes in the back of her head. Treasure every moment with him, they grow up so quickly. xx

  5. Morning all.
    Sandra. Glad you had a lovely weekend. Hopefully you can have a well deserved rest today.x
    Lovely sketch for our cc today. Thank you.x

    PAT so pleased Pete was feeling better yesterday. Good luck with this weeks hospital appointments.x

    LYNDA Hope you're now pain free x

    LILIAN have you received your new meds yet? They're really dragging their heels aren't they? Hope you're feeling a bit brighter today.

    Well the sun is shining, the washing is out drying and I really should be doing some housework but really can't be bothered so I've decided to have a lazy day. May craft later but not doing much else.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

  6. Good morning Sandra and ladies,

    It really is a good morning, sun is out and the washing I have washed the patio - again, because tortoise decided that was the best place to use as a toilet!!! Just a small price to pay for having a pet. He is really funny at times. He loves pasta and gets it as an occasional treat, well this morning he was eating it from my fingers, as I was lifting it out of the bowl he couldn’t wait for it to hit the ground, I just kept holding it (it was spaghetti pasta) and he was eating it as it was hanging from my fingers.

    Sandra I am so pleased your weekend went well - what a relief!!! I’m sure Paul was so happy to have his family stay with you all and catch up on what’s happening with your home and the family. XX

    Nice challenge this week, hopefully I will get around to joining in. Last week was a busy week. Lots of gardening etc. This week should be calmer, no more bedding plants to go in, I just need to keep an eye on the greenhouse. Oh and keep watering the plants.

    PAT so pleased Pete was able to have a good day yesterday. Good luck with the rest of this week. Hope you manage to find parking spaces at the hospitals. XX

    LYNDA hope you are taking things easy. I think crafting is a good therapy but go easy on the housework it will still be there when you are feeling better.XX

    Have a good day everyone, love and hugs and extra gentle ones for those not feeling up to par. Love Brenda XXX

  7. Hi All, cloudy but very warm.

    Not feeling great today, difficultly breathing, and terrible pain in my knee. No word on any new meds, feeling very low.

    Sandra glad you had a lovely weekend, the sketch looks good, hope to have a go later in the week.

    Back to telly watching, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lillian, I wish I could wave a magic wand to help you feel better, when we feel so low it seem that nothing can help. I would suggest you ring your consultants secretary and ask why is it taking so long to sort out your medication. I have found many times that route has worked.
      I really hope you feel brighter soon. xxx

    2. Hi Lilian
      I’m sorry to hear your still not feeling good. I agree with Brenda that you should ring the consultants secretary to find out why it’s taking so long to get your new meds. Or perhaps call into the surgery and ask them to ring. I know they do thisvat ours as they did it for Pete. The hospital faxed the information to them straight away. Gentle hugs coming your way.

    3. Oh Lilian, so wish we could help you somehow. Hopefully if you called the surgery like the other saying, you might manage to get it moving. It's horrid to feel like you do now, bless you. Many hugs xx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Great sketch this week Sandra.
    Great that Paul’s parents were able to stay for a few days with you. So much nicer sitting out in the garden isn’t it. So much more relaxed than sitting around a dining table to eat.

  9. Margaret Palmer21 May 2018 at 21:40

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased to hear you had a good weekend, no wonder you feel tired. Hope you have restful
    I am sorry I did not thank you all for your comments on Saturday, thank
    I am late today been busy getting housework & washing all done, it is lovely when you can dry outside.
    I hope Pat that Pete's appointments go
    Lynda hope you are feeling benefit of injection, hugs on
    Lilian what can I say it is not good enough, I really hope you get meds sorted soon, hugs on

    Maria pleased you feel better, hugs on
    nding hugs to all who need them love
