
Tuesday 22 May 2018

My Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

Here is my Sketch Challenge card for this weeks challenge.  I made it using the 'Share What You Love ' suite from the brand new Stampin'Up! Catalogue, this suite is actually on early release so you could order it right now if you wanted to. I love the rich colours that work so well for summer as well as Autumn and Winter too.
All of the elements i used were from this suite including that gorgeous  Velvet Ribbon and the Polka Dot Tulle Ribbon both of which give that real touch luxury.

I finally got into my craft room about mid afternoon yesterday after seeing Paul's parents off, they seemed to have really enjoyed their stay, they love the house and the garden, which is where we spent pretty much all weekend, including eating our Roast beef dinner on Sunday evening.

A couple of days relaxing is on the cards for me, mostly spent in my craft room hopefully!
I have a very special visitor coming over today......Margaret is coming to do some crafting this afternoon, I can't wait, crafting is much more enjoyable when you have someone to share your excitement with.

Our car failed its MOT on Friday on the emissions part of the test, so today its going in to the garage to have sensors changed on the catalytic converter, its going to be a very expensive job, fingers crossed that it gets finished today as Paul is taking Sophie to Coventry University on Wednesday for an interview, this is a re-scheduled appointment from when we had snow earlier this year.

I hope that you have a lovely day however you are spending it...

Love and hugs



  1. Good morning ladies,

    Great sketch for the challenge card this week Sandra, looking forward to attempting one this afternoon.

    Did yo all have the rain last night, after a beautiful stonking hot day the rain came down very heavy around 9pm. It is rather cloudy this morning so we will see what the day brings.

    Hugs to one and all
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, you have been missed. Hope you are alright ? We had some rain here at 5pm for about twenty minutes, at least I didn't have to water the pots last night . Take care xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a gorgeous card. It’s really lovely. I’m sure you’re going to have a super fun day Crafting with Margaret-enjoy.

    Cheryl-nice to see you commenting. Hope you’re ok.


  3. Lovely card SANDRA This is a hard challenge for me because I don’t do ribbon! But I will give it a go and see what I can come up with
    Enjoy your crafting with MARGARET- you lucky things
    Will need to go to MIL’s this afternoon but. I hope to craft later
    Take care all

    1. Wonderful to hear little Oscar is taking some steps, hopefully it wan't now stopping him to keep going. Big him a big hug from me. Have a nice day Karen xx

  4. Morning Everyone
    A lovely piece of inspiration SANDRA. Thank you.

    We didn't have any rain last evening and it's cooler this morning with a little bit of wind.

    It's K&N this afternoon so I'm off to get my bag packed.

    The CAFE is OPEN for you all as usual.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day whatever you have planned. xxxx

    1. Have a fun day at K & N Janet. hugs xx

  5. Morning everyone,
    Such a pretty card Sandra. I just love the colours.
    Hope you and Margaret have a lovely time crafting and chatting together.x

    Well the washing is hanging out, the plants have been watered and I've just got a bit of ironing to do before I get ready to meet friends for lunch.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Have a lovely lunch Val. What's on the menu today ?
      hugs xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all.
    Gorgeous card Sandra to get our thinking and mojo's working however today will not be the day because we have SIL and her hubby here soon ( again) Lol We have real fun together and today we taking them into town for some hours mooching and maybe some shopping too.
    Have a great day crafting together with Mamma hihi
    Lynda- hope you ok ? Sending you and Terry many hugs x
    Lilian- do call the doctors today and find out what's happening. Sending you extra hugs because you are worth it x
    Have a nice day everyone, love Maria xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Thank you Sandra for your inspiration for this weeks CC. Love the papers you have used. I would say that this card probably looks even better in the flesh, these beautiful rich colours are gorgeous.
    Hope the car gets sorted out iand doesn’t break the bank, n time for Paul and Sophie to go to Coventry on Wednesday. Give her my VERY best wishes, fingers crossed 🤞 all goes well.xx
    My family lived In Coventry. In fact my parents were bombed out in Coventry and walked from there to Rugby with my sister in her pram, a distance of about 14 miles, to my grandmothers house, she from her garden gate could see the sky glowing with fire, she was so relieved they had survived the bombing, there were so many who didn’t. I was born in Rugby and later my parent moved back to Coventry where they remained until I was 8years old, when my fathers work (he was steam engine driver) took him to Leicestershire. SORRY I did go on a bit there. I got lost in memory lane.xx

    Sandra have a great afternoon with Margaret. Think of us when you are eating ‘That Cake’ ...... No! I’m not the green eyed monster. HA HA Have a great afternoon girls xx

    Must get a move on, it’s timr for lunch.
    Enjoy your day, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. What a fascinating story No wonder your gran was relieved

  8. What a great story Brenda. I don't think any of us can appreciate just what that generation went through during the last war. Hope you're having a good day.x

  9. Margaret Palmer22 May 2018 at 18:33

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra thank you for a lovely afternoon, we did not do much crafting but I did have a look at lovely new stamps etc that will be on sale next week. Your card today is lovely, the camera does not do justice to the colours they are really lovely. Hope car is ready for Paul to take Sophie to Coventry tomorrow, wish her luck from
    Cheryl good to see you in this morning hugs on
    Tea nearly ready so must go & dish up, sending love & hugs to all love

  10. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Oh don't know where my day went did some housework not to much as my lower back started aching I'm a bit frustrated having the spine root block done
    & still in pain. It dose say in the patient information it could get worse before it gets better & usually takes three or four weeks to settle down so hope so. Terry saiid he can see I'm walking better,but just want the pain to go.
    Sorry feeling a bit down. Went in craft room did CC but not happy with it. Will give it another go tomorrow.
    SANDRA sorry you also had car trouble ours is still sitting outside not at all well a Mobile car doctor came today to put new starter motor in but he said he couldn't do it so Terry phoned another mobile mechanic hopefully he's a Car surgeon HaHa he's coming tomorrow so fingers crossed.
    MARGARET glad you had a lovely day with Sandra ooo was Lemon coconut Drizzle cake on the menu ( jealous )🎂 Sounds like you will be getting some new SU goodies next week.
    MARIA hope you had a nice day with SIL.Big Hug's xx
    Hug's for everyone
    Love Lynda xx

  11. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Well I have love battery so must keep it short. Lovely card today. Had a funny day at the hospital and Pete was between 2 consultants thinking that the other one needed to see him. So saw the Radium consultant instead of the oncology people. They think Pete will have Chemo next but we see the consultant in 1 month. He might also need to have an iron infusion as his iron levels are very low.
    Sounds like you and Margaret had a lovely day together.
    Lynda I hope your injection starts working soon.
    Lilian I hope your feeling a bit better today.

  12. Hope the car gets fixes. Yours also Lynda.
