
Wednesday 9 May 2018

Embossed Vellum Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies

Another challenge card today, this time I embossed onto a square of vellum using the 'Lovely Floral Dynamic' Folder and used chalks to add colour to the reverse of the embossed image as it gives a subtle look and doesn't smudge.
I added some cosmic shimmer glue to the centre of the flower and under the pearls so that it didn't show. I was going for a simple look so I added two tiny bows in opposite corners and a few pearls.
I mounted it onto Pink Pirouette Card to keep with the subtle look.
I hope that I am giving you some ideas.

Today was a very quiet day around the house, Matt was here for part of the day and he mowed both lawns which takes a while, so it was our turn to break the peace!  The lawns are absolutely full of moss, to the point that they are soft and spongy to walk on, Matt said maybe we should treat the lawn but I said no!
I was listening to the radio on the weekend and Pam Ayres was on talking about Hedgehogs, she was explaining that they are in serious danger of becoming endangered which is so sad.  She was suggesting ways of encouraging them, a mossy lawn has lots of worms that hedgehogs feed on, she suggested wood/log piles so that if nothing else bugs would congregate there and feed them too.
Making a small circular hole in your fence so that they can meet up and mate with their neighbours, putting little bowls of water out in the hot weather.  All little things that can help us protect those little cuties.
So if it helps a hedgehog, I am perfectly happy to have a mossy lawn, its very soft to walk on too.

I heard from Sue yesterday, she said she arrived safely and had settled in, they were greeted with bottles of cold water and a cold beer too.  They were going out for dinner and then having an early night after a very early start.  I hope it was the perfect start to the perfect holiday for them. xx

Pat is coming over today which will be nice, we also have some new patio furniture being delivered, which I am very excited about. Maybe we can have lunch in the sun.

Michele,I can't imagine how hard this week must be for both you and Phil, I am sending hugs to you both and I am also always at the end of the phone if you need to talk xxx

Maria I hope you aren't too sore after your incident my lovely xxx

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and big squishy hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-lovely Card, really pretty.

    We have hedgehogs visiting every night-I leave hedgehog food out (similar to dried cat food) plus a fish of water. We don’t use any chemicals on the garden especially slug pellets as they’re the worst thing ever-I think they should be banned.

    Difficult visit to the hospital yesterday. Father in law is very poorly right now. Hubby got so upset that we left early-didn’t see his brother as he was shattered so had left to go to the B&B he’s staying in. No doubt we’ll see him today.


    1. Sending you all hugs xx

    2. Michele, thinking of you. xx

    3. Hi Michele
      I’m sorry to hear that your FIL is still very poorly. We also have hedgehogs visiting our garden.

  2. Morning Everyone
    from a cooler Sheffield this morning. We still have beautiful sunshine though.

    SANDRA- a beautiful card for inspiration for us. At the moment I for one am in need for as much as I can

    MICHELE-you are all in my thoughts and prayers Dear Friend.

    K&N went very well and no one got into too much trouble with the boxes. I had done most of the work on them eg cutting out/scoring etc so putting together was the only job left.

    I'm hoping for an easy day today -we'll see what happens lol.

    PAT- everything crossed that when you get PETE's results later that they are good.

    The CAFE is as usual OPEN for all to visit. Sunshades are out for you all to sit under whilst 'people watching'.

    HUGS winging their way to you all with extras for MARIA today who I hope is not suffering too much after her recent xxxx

    1. I'm fine thanks, only a bit worried as OH is looking for cots. What is he trying to say ? Lol Have a nice day xx

    2. Hi Maria
      Perhaps he’s going to come into a fortune if he could be pregnant.

    3. Hi Janet
      I’m glad to hear that K & N went well and that the ladies managed to put their boxes together.
      As far as they can tell the Radium treatment seemed to go well. Won’t know the results of his blood tests until we see the consultant in two weeks. We know that his PSA last month went down from 800 odd to 600 odd. Plus his ALP reading were just over 300 which I think are his bone marker. I think over 200 is about normal.
      We then need to find out what happens next. I’m assuming that at some point he’ll have another bone scan.

  3. Pretty card SANDRA I made cc last night but I’m not sure about it
    Oh MICHELE I really don’t know what to say but you know we’re all here for you
    I hope you’re ok MARIA Have you heard of the saying “take more water with it next time”
    The Aran cardigan I intend to make is for OH I thought if I start it now there’s half a chance it’ll be finished for winter! I use Symfonie wooden needles which in my opinion are brilliant They seem kinder to the aches and pains and they don’t make my hands hot and sweaty but that is my opinion
    Enjoy your break SUE
    Take care all xx

    1. Very good Karen Lol I was actually fast a sleep when it happened so a bit of a shock to suddenly be on the floor hihihi. Have fun knitting, hugs xx

  4. Margaret Palmer9 May 2018 at 08:25

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra another very pretty card from you this morning. Hope your garden furniture arrives although it is not so warm this morning. Enjoy your time with
    Michele my thoughts & prayers are with you, very difficult
    Maria hope your bruises not too bad
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Well ,it is a bit like the rainbow but in darker colour Lol hugs to you and Pop xx

  5. Morning everyone,
    Very pretty card Sandra. The bows just give it the finishing touch. Hope your furniture arrives early so you can sit out with Pat. Have a good day both of you. I've never seen a hedgehog over here. Maybe we don't have them? Must look that up.

    Michele such sad news. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Phil.x

    Maria bet you're all the colours of the rainbow today. You take care.x

    Off to crib later. Love sitting out playing in the sunshine. Only downside is that a couple of them smoke and as my asthma is bothering me at the moment for some reason, I hate the smoke drifting in my face. I'm a reformed smoker and were always the worst critics ha ha.

    DIL saw the consultant yesterday and she'll have the op and skin graft within 20 days. Pretty efficient service.

    Hugs to all.
    Love Valx

    1. You know it, I just said to Margaret it is like a rainbow but much darker Lol Have a great day and tell the smokers to go somewhere else if they need to smoke. Hope all goes well for your DIL. hugs xx

    2. Hi Val, You have my sympathy sitting amongst smokers, I have never smoked, did try it and didn’t like it. Since I was a child whenever I’m in company of smokers - the smoke always drift in my direction and I end up with my eyes really streaming. I have no problem with people smoking if they enjoy it, but please don’t let your smoke come in my direction. Best of luck with the crib XX

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Beautiful card Sandra, I’m sure you have realised I really love Vellum, your card really sings to me - it’s gorgeous.
    I hope your new patio furniture arrives early today, then both you and Pat can enjoy it. The garden furniture you get theses days is lovely. Our eldest daughter has a lovely curved sofa a arm chairs, her kitchen has byfold doors that open onto the patio, it’s really lovely she even has a box of soft blankets (only Ikea) as no one ever wants to go inside even if it’s feeling chilly. Enjoy your garden room xx
    Today it’s back to the gardening, it’s a never ending task, once i start, I always spot something else to do. But at least it’s nice and warm out there and the time just flys by.

    Enjoy your day everyone. Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Have a nice day in the garden Brenda. The garden furnitures have come a long way since we bought ours, there are some wonderful onse in Frost and Wayvale. We staying with our plastic chairs as they are ok. Brought 6 of them back in the back of our car from Bournemouth with Son sitting in his carseat next to them hihihi not sure how we got them in. hugs to you and John xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all, hope you still got a nice day with some sun even if it's gone a bit cooler.
    Very pretty card Sandra, lovely soft looking. Hopefully you get the new garden furnitures in time for you and Pat to enjoy sitting in them today. Send a picture.
    Have some H-work to do and must pop to the post office. Son will take me so I'm sooner back to play a bit this afternoon. Hubby have gone to football so won't be back until midnight yay I got the Tv control tonight Lol
    Cheryl- hope you too have had a chance to enjoy the nice weather. Any upcoming craft fairs to make things for ?
    Lilian- hope the sun is greeting Cornwall today. Have a nice day, hugs
    To all ladies visiting Sandra's blog,stay for a while and tell us about your day and what craft you like to do. The more the merrier ....
    Love Maria xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Great card today and it’s lovely to see it in the flesh so to speak. I hope you managed to sort out the problem with your garden furniture. Good job it wasn’t a comment as it could have been in cyberspace.
    Congratulations to Brenda as I’ve just seen she’s a winner on Christine Emberson blog.

    1. I don't think he tells me he is pregnant Pat, more likely I should have the bars so not fall out of bed again hihihi Hope you had a good day xx
      Congrats Brenda for your win xx

  9. Good evening Sandra & ladies
    Well I did comment this morning but it's no we're to be seen so frustrating booming cyberspace what with yesterday flying up the top.
    I did congratulate BRENDA on winning Wednesday Hump day on Christine's blog a lovely stamp set you have won.
    MICHELE sorry FIL is so poorly my thoughts & Prayers are with you all Hug's .
    MARIA sorry your black & blue you trying to catch up with me 🤣🤣 Sending you some gentle Hug's 🤗🤗xx
    JANET pleased K&N went well & the ladies made your boxes ok. Was it the ones that you shared on Saturday I loved those.
    SANDRA your card today is stunning your such an inspiration. Hope you & Pat had a nice day.Shame. Your garden furniture didn't arrive .
    PAT sorry you have to Waite so long for Pete's blood results such a worry. Hug's for you both 🤗🤗xx
    Love Lynda xx
