
Thursday 10 May 2018

Dannii's Embossing Folder Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Well I knew I would get confused with the days this week, I thought yesterday was Tuesday, so was a little confused that Pat was coming over!!!  The good thing is that its Friday tomorrow!!! I love Fridays, as Paul finishes early and its the start of the weekend!

Todays card is Dannii's Embossing Folder Challenge card, she has shared it on the Facebook group that I also feature our challenge on, so I thought I would share it with you too, to give you all a little inspiration.
Its so pretty, using one of  the Petal Pair Embossing Folders from Stampin'Up!, Dannii has trimmed either side of the embossed piece with the Ticket Tear Edge Punch.

To create the background Dannii took a couple of ink pads, squeezed them to get ink onto the lid and them added water with her waterbrush, she then tapped the brush over the card, giving that lovely spattered effect. To finish the card she stamped the sentiment, added a few gemstones and tied some ribbon around the embossed piece.
I love your card Dannii, I shows another way of making embossing folders the 'stand out' feature on a card.  Thank you so much for allowing me to share your card xxx.

It was lovely to see Pat yesterday, lots of chatting and crafting as usual, Pat was concentrating on making some Distress Oxide backgrounds to use as a background on her Groovi cards, she made quite a few and they were all lovely and worked perfectly behind her Groovi work.  
I spent most of the time on the phone trying to chase up our new Garden Furniture, it was supposed to arrive between 9-11 am, by 2pm nothing had arrived, I had had confirmation from the Courier and the company we ordered from to say it was on its way.  After what seemed like hours on the phone they finally explained that it had NEVER actually been in stock, despite them taking payment and confirming the order!  They said that they hoped to have it to us by the end of June, I told  them where they could stick it!!!!!
Paul got on the phone to get his money refunded when he came home.
To say I was disappointed was an understatement, we have managed to order another one that is similar from Amazon, fingers crossed this time! xxx

So I won't be sittting in the garden today sadly, but I will be in my craft room which is second best!

Have a lovely day Ladies,

Love and Hugs



  1. Hi everyone,
    Very pretty card Danii. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Sandra bet you were so mad about the furniture. I certainly would be. Hope Amazon deliver the new stuff soon.x

    Off out to Slimming Class shortly then hairdressers the meeting a friend for coffee so won't be back until this after.

    It was beautifully sunny yesterday until about 6pm when the black clouds rolled in and we had thunder but no lightening for about half an hour and then it started hailstoning. Hailstones the size of golf balls fell for about 15minutes. I went out into the porch to watch and everyone was doing the same, some even photographing the white gardens. I've never seen hailstones over here in my 20 years of living here. What is happening to the world weather?

    Well must dash and have a shower.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      Enjoy your time having you hair done and having coffee with your friend.
      My word fancy having hailstones in Spain. You never associate that with Spain do you. Well I don’t anyway.
      My SIL in Australia says its 23/25 degrees at the moment where they are in Australia. ( Campbell town which is an hours drive from Sydney ), and it should be their Autumn. Artic weather coming tomorrow apparently. She thinks the worlds weather is absolutely crazy.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Dannii.

    Sandra-such a shame about the patio furniture & insisting on a refund was the right thing to do.

    We have a sunny day here, breezy though. I think we’re going to go for a walk today, probably into the village and we might stop off at the Chocolate shop for a coffee. I’ve just been paid for something I sold on eBay almost 3 weeks ago -got a message saying sorry for late payment, been on holiday & no internet!!! I find it extremely annoying when people don’t think about when the bids will end. Looks like I’ll be calling at the Post Office.


    1. Hi Michele
      That sounded a plan for today.
      Gentle hugs coming your way today.

  3. !Morning Everyone
    It turned quite cool yesterday after tea so much so that I actually turned the heating on!!!
    What's happening to the weather cycles this year.

    LYNDA- the boxes that I took to K&N were the ones I sent out to you all sometime last year. (the octagon ones). I would love to see if any of you managed some time to make one of those as they always look so pretty and are of a very useful size.

    MARIA- don't worry about the 'cot' hehehe I'm sure you could put your crafting goodies in it hehehe

    I have to photograph my CC today and get it sent off.

    SANDRA- gone are the days when 'the customer is always right' and retailers care about their customers. We seem to hear so many stories like yours these days. Fingers cross that you get all your money back and the new order is delivered soon.

    The CAFE is as always OPEN for you all. HUGS are on their way to you all with extras for MICHELE and PHIL and the family.xxxx

    1. Thank you JANET
      While I was tidying my craft room yesterday I came across your box & thought I must have a go at putting it together so that's my project sorted. How did you make the boxes you put on the blog on Saturday. I know I'm a pain haha. We had heating on yesterday evening too.
      Hug's xx

    2. Just to let you know Lynda Pete is sat in his chair with his coat on. It’s chilky but it’s nit that cold.

  4. What a shame the furniture didn’t materialise I hope Amazon deliver the goods
    Pretty card from Dannii I hope to play this afternoon and do a different cc
    Still go sunshine here but does feel a lot cooler
    Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen
      It’s been sunny here as well today, but quite windy. I had some cropped trousers on earlier but changed them after tea for a pair of trousers 👖.
      It also feels colder without our doors 🚪 in place as well.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    What a lovely card Danielle has made Sandra. It’s lovely Danielle.
    Had a lovely day yesterday with Sandra. As Sandra said I made some background to put my Groovi makings on. They seem to bring out the colours you use on the parchment very well. As your mostly colouring in the back the colours are quite muted. You can colour on the front but have to be very careful you don’t go over the white embossing.
    Well Sandra, I must say the company you ordered your garden furniture off of had a cheek taking your money when it wasn’t even in stock. Once they realised that ( and they should have once the order was looked at ), they should have phoned as asked what you wanted to do. Wait for delivery or have a refund to re order from somewhere else.
    Hopefully There won’t be a problem coming from Amazon.
    A bit cooler here today. Petes just took off his shorts and put his jeans on. He was sat here last night in shirts and a thick fleece and was still cold. Funnily enough I wasn’t. He was freezing cold he said. So the fire was put on.
    Hugs to all who need one today.

  6. Morning all.
    Nice card from Danielle.
    Had hoped to make some yesterday but after post office ,Son dropped me off at Dobbies and walking home,around 2 miles, with 7 new plants and put three of them in I could hardly move for the rest of the day. SIL is coming for the day so best get ready.
    Have a nice day everyone, hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Please take care as that’s quite away to walk with your knees. Especially carrying plants.

  7. Hello All, not sure where my comment from yesterday went, I’m positive I wrote one.
    Dry but very chilly here, had to put the heating on as my hands are useless when it’s cold.

    Lovely card from Dannii, I made one yesterday, but it’s a bit dark so I’ll try another.

    Cardiologist again tomorrow, appointment is 10-35, but need to be there 30mins early, hope they give me some new meds, as at the moment I’m really suffering.

    Hoping you all have a good day, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Fingers crossed that your appointment goes well and they give you some different meds to help you.

  8. Hello Sandra & ladies
    DANNII your card is gorgeous love the embossing folder you've used & pretty colour.
    SANDRA how frustrating for you about not getting your garden furniture & very annoying especially having paid for it. Hope Amazon deliver promptly.
    We have sunshine but very windy & chilly good thing washing dried quickly.
    I have altered the cover of my journal book as I wasn't happy with so perhaps I will send picture to Sandra & show what I have done to it instead I'm happy with it now.
    PAT glad you had a productive day at Sandra's yesterday look forward to seeing your backgrounds so hope you have taken pictures. Hug's for you & Pete.
    LILIAN hope cardiologist goes well tomorrow & they can help you with your pain. Sending Hug's xx
    Well have to pop Tesco now Terry is home.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Thanks for the hugs. They’re very much appreciated. Not to sure my efforts are blended quite right. However, they look quite good with my work on top of them. Perhaps I used the wrong colours together, but any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely card Danielle, Love seeing possible folder that you have used, thank you for your inspiration. XX
    Sandra how disappointed you must of felt yesterday when your garden furniture didn’t show up. It’s disgusting that companies can take orders AND customers money for furniture when they haven’t actually got - Or ever had. I think they should be reported to trading standards or some official body. I hope Amazon wil not let you down.
    Thank you ladies for your lovely messages. I was thrilled to win the Hump Giveaway stamp on Christine Emberson’s blog. XX

    I hope you have all had a good day, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Oh dear, was talking to OH and didn’t read my comment before I pressed publish.
      It should say ‘I love the embossing folder you have used’ SORRY xx

    2. Hi Brenda
      I wasn’t to sure if you’d seen Christine’s blog to know that you were a winner.
      I quite agree that this firm should be reported for selling something they didn’t have, noe telling you so at the time.
