
Friday 11 May 2018

Something Floral For Friday

XX Happy Birthday Michele XX

Good Friday Morning,

First up today I want to wish our lovely Michele the Very Happiest of Birthdays, I hope that you and Phil get to spend the day together, doing something really special. Sending you Huge hugs on your Special day xxxxx

Well that week went fast, but Thank goodness it's Friday!  The only downside to this Friday is that Paul has a course at work, so won't be finishing early ;( !  I guess I could just craft the afternoon away, that's a close second.

Today's something floral is a little sneak peek!!! I used a new Stamp set that I was able to pre-order,
its called Varied Vases and has a matching Punch. I think it is a very versatile set that can be used to create a very simple card like the ones I have made, or you can build up pretty scenes, the extra stamps that you get in the set are great for Borders and building backgrounds.
I simply stamped the vase and flower stem and then added the coloured blossoms, I used a Stamp tool to make this easier.  I am going to do a video today to show how I made the cards.
I wanted to show case the Brand New 'In Colours' for 2018-2019.  The colours are:
Blueberry Bushel
Lovely Lipstick
Grapefruit Grove
Call Me Clover
Pineapple Punch
Varied Vases Stamp Set

I wanted to share a picture of the stamp set with all of you, this image is in German, so I will tell you the sentiments... Thanks, Hello, Birthday Wishes, Hoping Your Day Blooms with Happiness and
You are simply the Best!

Have you all got plans for the weekend? I don't think that the weather is going to be quite so glorious this weekend, some of us should hopefully stay dry though.  I know that we went around closing all the windows last night as it got really chilly.  I think it's probably our fault that the weather has changed, because we ordered garden furniture, we will get to sit on it this summer? hehehe

Have a lovely Friday ladies,

Love and hugs,



  1. Hi everyone.


    Lovely set of cards Sandra. Very pretty design and lovely colours.

    Off to Craft Club later. I'm taking some stamping goodies with me to have a play.

    Just off to get dressed and take Gracie out before it gets to warm.

    Have a good day everyone, especially the birthday girl.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you enjoyed your craft club today and that Gracie enjoyed her walk this morning.

    Lovely looking stamps and colours SANDRA
    The weather is still sunny but decided cooler
    As OH will be working tomorrow I’m not sure what I’ll be doing There’s so much to do though like sort out clothes for charity Tidy craft room Finish filling kitchen cupboards Craft Craft and more Craft

    I hope the rainbow bruising is easing MARIA and I hope it goes well today LILIAN

    BIG hug to MICHELE and PHIL I hope FIL improves

    1. Hi Karen
      I really need to tidy my craft room up. I usually start but something comes along to distract me.

  3. Morning Everyone
    An interesting set of cards SANDRA with lovely colours.

    MICHELE HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I hope you and PHIL can manage to get time together and have a lovely day.

    LILIAN- I'll be with you on your hospital visit today giving support and hoping you get good news.

    LYNDA- would you like me to send you a copy of the instructions for the concertina file. In fact if anyone would like copies please let me know.

    As it's that 'swear' word day I'd better get a move on although it will be a snail's pace today.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in when you can for a chat and a cuppa. HUGS are already on their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet that's very kind of you & yes please I would love the instruction
      Thank you again my friend love Lynda xx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Thanks for the birthday wishes-I love the picture you have used Sandra. Just wish I could spot our real hedgehogs-we know they’ve about as they keep leaving “deposits “on the lawn.

    Sandra-I live the set of cards you have made, they’re so crisp & clear.

    Hit Home late last night after hospital visiting as we went for a drink with my brother in law. We’re not going to the hospital today-a treat for both of us! We’re off out into Southport for lunch then I want to wander round the shops. Just hope it stays fine as we’re planning on going by train so we can see our newly refurbished station.


    1. Enjoy your birthday lunch and shopping Michelex

    2. Hope you have a lovely lunch. Enjoy your ‘Special day’ I also love the card Sandra posted for your birthday, Don’t think she could have chosen better. Have a great day XX

      Hope you & Phil enjoyed your day.
      Hug's xx

  5. Margaret Palmer11 May 2018 at 09:27

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Firstly Happy Birthday to Michele from me & Sue in case she doesn't get in, hope you have a lovely
    Sandra love your cards today & the stamp set. Sorry I did not comment yesterday, it was just one of those days were nothing went
    Danielle loved your card yesterday, thank you nfor
    Hope you all have a lovely day my special thoughts are with Lilian so hope you get meds sorted, everything crossed for
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. A very Happy Birthday to our Michele today, have a lovely day !! Enjoy your day in Southport.
    Lilian- thinking of you today. Hopefully you will get the help you need. Gentle hugs.
    Love the CAS cards Sandra, so useful and I like how you used the same colour for the flowers as in the card.
    Really stumped how you been treated reg the garden furnitures, what company takes a order and take your money when they don't even have any furnitures to sell ?! I hope that you soon get the other though Amazon, it's gone colder but hopefully it is just a hick up and the summer will still come and we get the chance to complain about how hot it is :>)
    Val- how unusual to have hailstones in Spain but this weather gets weirder and weirder so you never know what's next. Have a fun day at craft club.
    Had a nice day with SIL and her hubby yesterday. We managed to sit outside on our patio for coffee but I kept my fleecy on. Late afternoon we popped over to Frost and had a lovely time sitting again outside at their grassed area and had more coffee and cake, it just had to be done and it was sooo good hihihi Today back to healthier eating and hope when hubby decided to come up we can go for a nice long walk. Whatever you are up to today I wish you a nice day and sending many warm hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  7. Hi Michele
    Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. Enjoy your lunch out and your trip into Southport. Hope the new station lives up to expectations.


    Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I love the cards you’ve posted today Sandra, they are so clean and fresh looking. The new colours look very interesting, although I have a few of the older colours on my Wish List which I need to replenish, must get around to it this weekend.

    LILLIAN Hope the hospital appointment went well sending love and gentle hugs XX

    MARIA, Are you still looking like Joseph’s technicolour dream coat, Or a whiter shade so pale? Take it easy and have a good weekend. XX

    SUE If you look in - hope you and Chris are have a lovely relaxing holiday XX

    SANDRA, Hope you are filling your day, I know you always look forward to Friday afternoon, take care. XX

    It has taken me forever to get to this point I started this message at 11:30. Soon after that John returned from doing some shopping, so we had a cup of coffee, then the postman turned up - nothing exciting, But it did include some work I have to give my attention to - maybe tomorrow !! Then a phone call - I’m sure the gremlins are trying to steal my day.

    Whatever you’re doing I hope you’re enjoying it.
    Take care, Love Brenda xxx

  9. Hi All, raining and cold this morning, but sun has now come out.

    Michele hope you had a lovely birthday, and had a lovely window shop.

    Sandra love the ste of cards you have made, always a good thing to do these little sets.

    Well I saw the “top” cardiologist this morning, wanted to know why I wasn’t taking the new meds, had to point out that the dr was waiting to hear from them.
    I did point out that I have been waiting nine months for this to be sorted, he said he hadn’t gone through his mail over the last couple of weeks. So I still have to wait for him to let dr know which of the new meds I will take.

    Hope you are all ok, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Well what a carry on at the hospital. Surely the cardiologist only has to let his secretary know and she would write a letter. I know that when Pete had to have some new medication and the surgery hadn’t had the information. I rang his consultants secretary and asked her to fax the info over to the surgery as the medication he was to take was supposed to start ASAP. This she did and his Dr rang us to say it was down at the pharmacy.

    2. Wow Lilian, what a carry on. It shouldn't take this long to sort out your medication. So hope you get sorted soon. Take care.x

    3. Margaret Palmer11 May 2018 at 20:06

      Lilian I think that is disgusting, I would have thought you have a good case to complain about the way they have treated you. Sending you hugs love Margaret. Xxx

    4. LILIAN sorry you still haven't got your new medication sorted yet. that's discusting. You should send ,a letter of complaint.
      HUGS Xx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A bit cloudy here today and windy.
    Love the new stamp set though Sandra and a great set of cards.
    Not much doing here but Petes mate brought him some more vegetables round to plant. Apart from the fact I said Sandra could have a cucumber 🥒 plant. I’m not to sure he thinks we’re going to do with 8 of them.
    We don’t eat courgettes but he still brought us a load of plants round, and he knows we don’t eat them as well.

    1. Hi Pat, we love corgettes, we use them in the spiraliser for stir fries. Craft Club was great thanks. Always good to chat with crafters.
      Enjoy your evening.x

  11. Margaret Palmer11 May 2018 at 20:09

    Hi All in cafe,
    Sue sent a message to say that she is having a great time & thinking of you sll.

  12. Hi everyone
    Sorry so late i don't know where today went. Terry was out again.So I did house work downstairs & all upstairs & I was knackered. Margaret phoned asked if she could come round to collect her mail. She stayed over two hours. So Will have to finish off tomorrow,
    SANDRA I love your cards the new colour's are lovely. The Stamp set has a lot going on.My favourite is the stamp you used for Michele's card gorgeous .
    Sue glad your enjoying your holiday xx
    Love Lynda xx
