
Tuesday 8 May 2018

Another Embossing Folder Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I almost said ''Monday'  morning, Bank Holiday weekends always leave me confused for the rest of the week, the biggest bonus is that next weekend comes sooner!
I do hope that you all had a lovely long weekend, our little village was buzzing with excitement all weekend, one off the loveliest sounds was the church bells ringing out in celebration of a wedding on Saturday afternoon, the rest of the weekend bought the sounds of horses hooves clip clopping by quite regularly, lawn mowers, the sound of families enjoying being outside.  Quite lovely, I think we are going to find leaving here quite hard.

Today's card is another Embossing Folder challenge card, the main body of the card being the 'Petal Burst' Embossing Folder, which I used to emboss a piece of 'Mint Macaron' card, I added extra depth of colour by brayering Mint Macaron' ink over the folder before I embossed with it. I used the Ribbon Border Punch to add pretty detail and covered the join with a piece of 'whisper white' Ribbon.  To embellish my card I stamped one of the stampd from the 'Flower Shop' stamp set and punched them out (so much quicker than die cutting)! I punched 3 and layered them finishing with a faceted gem. I then finished with some foliage and the "Just a note" sentiment.
I hope that you like my card.  If you like any of the products used the Stampin'Up! Web page is in the Contact tab at top of blog.

I would like to wish Sue "Bon Voyage", this is your first proper holiday for a while, I hope you both have an amazing time, I will miss you though 😔 xxx

Well back to the old routine, I think today will be a very long one for me, I much prefer a noisy home.

Have a lovely day Ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Another lovely card Sandra. I forget about embossing only part of the card.

    Hubby enjoyed his golf yesterday. I managed to do all the ironing plus gotlots more washing dry as it was such a lovely sunny day. We treated ourselves to a meal at the Indian restaurant last night-pleasant walk through the village there and back then we watch a film.

    Today we’re going to do some weeding in the front garden then go visiting late any/evening. My brother in law should be arriving this morning (from Florida) so we’ll see him at the hospital.


    1. Hi Michele
      A nice treat for you both having a nice relaxing meal. I hope your visit isn’t to traumatic for you all this evening.

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- another very pretty card for inspiration. Thank you.
    I have to say that these days I really do prefer quiet days rather than noisy/busy

    It's K&N this afternoon for me and it's my turn to 'take and make'! I've decided to do one of my boxes so I'm not sure how things will work out. Jim starts his 'duty' week today also.

    The CAFE is OPEN for you all to pop in. Cool drinks are in the fridge with ice cream in the freezer for anyone who wants some.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Have a good day everyone.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I hope K & N went well, and that the ladies liked your boxes. Mind you they are gorgeous. Like you I also prefer a quiet days rather than noisy days. It can get quite noisy when we’re all playing UNO on a Friday and Sunday night up at our daughters with her girls.

  3. Another pretty card and like MICHELE I forget to emboss just past of a card
    I made a start on cc yesterday and managed to do the leaving card
    Weather is gorgeous and I love it It’s just ashame my skin doesn’t! Don’t laugh but I started an Aran cardigan yesterday! Well, did a tension swatch! I haven’t knitted an adult garment in years!
    Lovely to hear about the sounds and activities in your village SANDRA
    My day was very quiet OH did have one winner at the races which meant his day turned out to be a freebie
    Have a good day ladies I hope you’ve recovered after your tumble MARIA xx

  4. Margaret Palmer8 May 2018 at 08:20

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra a lovely card again today. It must be so different for you all living in a small village, nothing better I think,
    Sue says Hi she will try & comment while away, I had a message to say they were sat on plane waiting for take off at 7.40am so should be on way now, have a lovely time
    Petanque this morning, what a contrast in weather, last week played in coats & gloves this week shirt sleeves.
    Sending hugs to all who need them particularly Lilian, Maria,(hope no after effects) & Michele love

    1. Hi Margaret
      Yes, it’s lovely living in a village until you run out of something or when you need to go to the post office.
      Hope you enjoyed Pétanque this morning in this glorious weather.

  5. Hi everyone,
    Very pretty card Sandra. Keep forgetting to try the technique of brayering the EF. Its very effective.

    Nothing much doing today. Stripped my bed when I got up and the bedding is out drying on the line. Took the voiles down from my bedroom windows and they're just about ready to hang out. Just having a coffee then I'll remake the bed and clean the room.
    Then hopefully I'll have some craft room time.

    Sue hope you have a lovely holiday.
    Maria hope you're OK after your fall yesterday.

    Have a good day everyone. Love Valx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies
    Thank you Sandra for more inspiration, I love the way you have created tone and depth by using the same colour stamp pad as the card, now that really is an inspiration. I have to laugh at myself at times because - I’m thinking I would never of thought of that one.
    It sounds as though you had a lovely weekend, your village sounds lovely, maybe you could talk to Mr Sainsbury personally. Ask If he should ever consider selling the property? I’m sure he would prefer it went to a family like yours, who love the house, enjoy the village and the village life. xx

    VAL isn’t it lovely to get all the bedding out on the line. Yesterday I did the bedding and towels plus washing that had accumulated over the weekend. It was just so lovely to get everything outside - and dry. In fact John said he better not standstill - because I think you might push him in washing machine, Now there a thought!!! Ha Ha.

    SUE have a lovely holiday xx

    MARIA What are you like, falling out of bed, you must have been in a deep sleep. Hope you haven’t got any bruises, OR damaged any of your crafting goodies. 😹

    MARGARET enjoy your Pétanque, you certainly have a lovely day for it. xx

    JANET Hope K&N goes well and the ladies enjoy making those gorgeous boxes. xx

    MICHELE, I hope your brother-in-law has arrived safely and not too exhausted after the long flight, it’s going to be difficult for him seeing his father in hospital. I’m sure he was really going to appreciate the support from you and Phil, and be so grateful that you were both here when he couldn’t be. thinking of you all, love and prayers xx

    KAREN, it sounds as if you will be feeling very warm , Knitting a grown up Aran cardigan in this weather sounds quite a task. xx

    Better move myself, time to think of lunch. Hope everyone is having a good day, love and hugs to all, Brenda XXX

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Great card today with just embossing on it. Always forget I can use a folder.
    I was at school this morning. Hospital this afternoon, and the plasterer is coming to see what needs to be done before our new doors are hung after I’ve rung him to let him know we’re back. The doors are supposed to be hung done on Monday fingers crossed. Painted on Thurs and Friday so I’d better keep my mitts off of them. The weather is lovely again today in Oxfordshire but the weather is supposed to get much cooler that latter part of the week.

  8. Hello All, rain this morning, but has just stopped, so washing on the line, it’s very windy, so they will dry well.

    Chilly here today back into my cardigan.

    Sandra lovely card, have found the folder I want to use, it’s a really old one, but I’ve only used it once.

    New hairdresser coming to night, as my usual lady is taking maternity leave, so we shall see what’s her cut is like.

    Hope you all have a good day, enjoy the sun if you have any, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I expect you rain will make its way over to us eventually. Hope your new hairdresser is ok. I’ve had mine for over 20 yrs. still only pay £12.00 for Pete to have his hair cut and a cut and blow dry for me. I’ve told her she ought to charge us. The girls come down as well sometimes and she only charges them £5.00 each.

    2. Should be ought to charge us more.

    3. Pat my hairdresser only charges £5 each 💇💇‍♂️Xx

  9. Hello Sandra & Ladies
    Lovely sunshine again got all the bedding washed & all dry.
    Hairdresser came this afternoon we both had hair cut.
    Sandra love your card & very clever how you have done tone on tone. I haven't done brayering the folder so might give that a go. Thanks for inspiration.
    Sounds lovely your Vilage over the bank holiday with lots going on.Did you pop down to have a look at ?
    I've been in craft room a lot today made CC. It been home a lone this afternoon
    CU didn't get home till 6.30 & wanted lunch I said I will do dinner but no he wanted lunch so I'm now going to do dinner hate having late dinner.
    So off I go.
    Hug's for everyone
    Love Lynda xx

  10. Well Pete had his last Radium injection today. So in 2 weeks time we go back to see the consultant to find out what happens next.
    So that week Pete has appointments on 4 days. Heart Drs on 2 days. Oncology and Dermatology the other 2 days.

  11. Hi Pat does that mean you have a hospital free week next week.
    Bet Pere feels like pin cushion. Hope all goes well.
    Sending Hug's for you both xx🤗🤗

  12. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely card, like the idea of colouring up the EF but still haven't got a brayer Lol
    your village life sound wonderful and they seem to have lots of fun during the summer anyhow, would be a real shame to have to move again now when you got your craft room sorted. Hope you ok.
    Michele, hope your BIL journey was ok and he now get to see his dad tonight. Sending you all some hugs x
    Janet, hope the K&N went alright and the ladies liked making the boxes and no one was moaning.
    Pat, hope you and Pete had a nice day before the storm. It has started to blow up here so we had our dinner indoors tonight.
    Sue- if you see this, I wish you a wonderful holiday and have a proper relaxing time away. Enjoy the good food and drinks.
    Karen- can't wait to see what you making, is it for yourself ?
    Lilian- shame the weather changed for you down there, hope it soon gets better. Glad you had a nice time seeing the family.
    Lynda- hope you had fun in the craft room today. Naughty of CU to ask for lunch when it near dinner. Don't like eating too late myself but if I have one of my nights so have I been seen eating some bread at 2am or later, really bad.
    Nicely bruised on leg and shoulder after landing on the plastic boxes but otherwise fine and just glad the face didn't hit anything, still don't know what happened Lol
    had a nice day and sat out reading and relaxing today but late afternoon it started to brew up to storm so it might be rain tomorrow but hope not because I'm home alone so thought of a walk to Dobbies so we will just have to wait and see. have a nice evening and a good night everyone. Many hugs Maria xxx
