
Monday 7 May 2018

Monday Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all enjoying this glorious weather, so rare for a Bank Holiday weekend.  It really makes such a difference to people's moods, wherever you go people seem to be buzzing with excitement.  It reminds me of the Bank holiday weekends as a child, we would all get packed up and go to Clacton or Walton beach, even my Nana would come and have a paddle in the sea, we would finish the day off visiting the pier for a few rides and some lovely hot doughnuts, my goodness they were the best tasting Doughnuts ever!!

This week's Challenge was suggested by our Lynda, the challenge is to use an Embossing Folder as the main element of your card adding not much more than a sentiment.

I used the new "Lovely Floral Dynamic" embossing folder as the main focus of my card, I simply embossed it and added some Distress Oxides with a cotton bud to the different parts of the image. It just makes the image pop a little more.  I use So Saffron card too.

I look forward to seeing what you all create for this week's Challenge.

Enjoy the rest of your Bank Holiday Monday.

Love and Hugs to all,



  1. Morning everyone
    OHHHHH what a lovely extended week-end we're having. Glorious weather at last.

    LYNDA- I love love your Challenge idea and just cannot wait to get on with it.

    We had a lovely slow day yesterday and another is on the cards for today.

    Although it is a Bank Holiday our CAFE is always OPEN so if you can pop in for a quick cuppa or cooling drink please do so.

    HUGS are on their way to you all with loads of extras for Dear Friends who are in need.xxxx

    1. Hi Sandra & ladies
      Beautiful sunshine today we were going out today but think the traffic would be bad with people coming down from London.
      So probably visit craft room instead.
      SANDRA thank you for today's challenge &using my suggestion for card challenge. Hope you having a love day with Paul & girls if they are home.
      Thank you all for letting me know I had won a card from Julia's Friday freebie. That will make three of her cards I've won.
      While in craft room I'm going to label thing as I keep forgetting where I put things ( an age thing or just me ) I spend more time looking for things than actually making.
      MARIA hope your not suffering too much after falling out of bed this
      morning what you like. Sending you extra Hug's xx
      Well I'm off to craft room to work some magic.
      HUG'S for everyone xx
      Love Lynda xx

  2. Hello again -
    MARIA- The Concertina file was so easy to make. I'll put a copy of the instructions into the post so you can have a go. HUGS xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, sorry must have missed your comment earlier but thank you so much for sending the instructions. Hopefully my peabrain will be able to work it out hihihi Hope you have a nice day,hugs x

  3. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra. Great challenge Lynda-hopefully I should be able to join in with this one
    Congrats Lynda-you’r the winner on Julia Watts blog today.

    Hubby out playing a golf match already this morning. I’ve still got the ironing to tackle but other than that we’re not doing much . Not visiting my F in L today as the traffic will be hideous. It was a 5 hour round trip yesterday evening which was exhausting.


  4. Fantastic idea and card
    I will definitely be playing later First I must make a Leaving card for my boss (boo boo) It’ll have to be A4 in size!
    The charity football match was lovely especially as the weather was so nice Seeing Oscar is always great the warmer weather was a bonus
    OH going to Windsor racecourse today A friend from work has a horse running today
    I was interested to see that you’re zooming along with those needles VAL I am going to have to get myself some again
    Enjoy your trip SUE I sure the weather will be glorious there too
    Have a good day ladies Big hug for MICHELE xx

    1. Hi Karen the needles are really good. What a great invention.
      Hope you had a bet on your friends horse and also hope it won.x

    2. Hi Karen
      Sounds like you had a lovely boss at work. I also had a lovely boss when I worked at Oxford University Press. Well he was my bosses boss really, but I worked for him at IPL another publishing company. OUP took us over.

  5. Congratulations LYNDA It looks like you’ve won JULIA’s card this week

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Fabulous cards yesterday from everyone. Loved everyone off them
    Great challenge from our Lynda.
    Spent most of the day out yesterday. A lovely relaxing day. Spent the afternoon down by the river. Then had dinner out, came home and played cards up at Karen’s. Six of us played again yesterday.
    Michele, so sorry that you’ve had to postpone your visit to Dublin. But I think it’s the right decision. Gentle hugs coming your way.

  7. Morning ladies to another glorious day where the two machines of washing already hanging outside and the patio cleaning is on order for today.
    I'm trying not to do too much Lynda but you know how it is, when you started something you like to have it done but after scaring my OH to death this morning at 6am by rolling out of bed, yes you read it right, the big lump of me fell out of bed hahaha
    I'm ok only grazed some bits. The worst bit was to get up again as I have boxes on the side of the bed and got a bit stuck so to say. OH had to push our king size bed to the side a bit so I could get myself up again, sat on the bed and couldn't stop laughing.....anyhow ,no broken bones.
    Hope to make some cc this week, nice easy on to do, she saying and hoping it is. Congrats also Lynda to win a card from Julia.
    Happy to see more people joining us for the cc, your cards are lovely ladies.
    I wish you all and happy ,sunny day and sending hugs to you all, extras for you who need some. Love Maria Xoxx

    1. Hi Maria
      No wonder you laughed at falling out of bed. Not funny at the time of course, but you can laugh afterwards can’t you. Glad your ok though. I’ve turned over in bed 🛏 and nearly fell off but just stopped myself from falling.

    2. Margaret Palmer7 May 2018 at 20:54

      Hi Maria you made me laugh with the description of you trying to get back in bed, I bet you will be stiff but so pleased you didn't hurt yourself. What with Lynda getting trapped by the washing machine you are a good pair. Hugs on

  8. Oops I don't know what happens to my comment it's flown up the top some how
    Perhaps it was trying to fly too cyber space & got stuck half way 🤣🤣
    Love Lynda

  9. Hi everyone,
    Lovely card Sandra. Great challenge idea Lynda. I think well all have fun with this.

    Maria, although you're story of falling out of bed made me smile so hope you're OK and not too badly bruised.x

    Just got back from lunch with a friend. Lynn wants me to colour her hair, then I'll take Gracie for a walk and that's it for the day. I really didn't sleep well again last night probably because I'd had an hours siesta during the day.

    Hope everyone is having a lovely sunny Bank Holiday.

    Bye for now Valx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you had a lovely walk with Gracie and it wasn’t to hot. I must say it’s quite hot here. I hope you managed to colour Lynns hair as well.

  10. Hi All, back home again after a lovely weekend, theatre on Saturday at Richmond, then on Sunday are, Oscar and Amelia ( with son and daughter in law ) came over and we spent the day with them in the garden. Where do they get the energy from, had to explain to Oscar that Gran hasn’t played tennis for many years, was that in the olden days he wanted to know.

    Lovely cards yesterday, and the challenge for this week looks good, think I’ll use some of my older folders, have some that I’ve never used.

    Enjoy all the lovely weather, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I’m glad that you had a lovely weekend with your family. Not to sure how far Oscar was going back with his olden days. Mind you they do have some energy don’t they. I also have some folders that I’ve never used. I think most of them were Spellbinders ones.

  11. Margaret Palmer7 May 2018 at 21:08

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely card today & great challenge, thanks Lynda.
    I hope you have been able to relax in the
    Lilian pleased you had a lovely weekend with
    Michele hope you manage some time out in between hospital visits, hugs in
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  12. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Beautiful card Sandra, I love your embossing folder and that So Saffron colour is just so lush.

    Like Maria I've been cleaning the Patio, Also washing machine was working very hard. It would have been criminal not to make the most of the sunshine. I don't think I could have found anymore washing if I tried.

    Lillian pleased you had a lovely weekend. Hope the journey home was uneventful. xx

    Sleep well everyone, I certainly think I will.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx
