
Thursday 19 April 2018

Pats Groovi Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's amazing cards have all been designed by Pat, all three are absolutely stunning, so much work going into each design.  My favourite is definitely the first one, although I love the Boat scene very much too, especially having the extra detail of the compass, so much intricate detail to.
I think it's a combination of the pretty, delicate frame around the lily in the first card and the lovely colour and shading that you have achieved on the petals, the ribbon matches perfectly and I love that Linen look card that you have used.
Thank you so much for sharing your cards with us Pat, I can't wait to see the ones you were making today made up into finished cards. XXX

I'm afraid I sat all afternoon at my craft desk and acheived nothing, I just couldn't get motivated, my son was in a particularly bad mood as he was desperate to find a car and anything I suggested was wrong, I think that the stress he was causing just clouded my head, I had a stinking headache too, that was probably down to the fact that Matt's dog was restless all night (maybe because he'd eaten the frozen chicken I had defrosting on a plate on the draining board)!, He disturbed Milo (cat), who decided that as he was up he might as well have his breakfast, now I wouldn't usually give in to his demands but I didn't want him to wake Paul who has to be up at 5:45am. So at 4:10am, I was sharing a sachet of Salmon &Trout terrine between the two cats!! I went bathroom, had a glass of water and slipped back into bed as quietly as I could manage! I try to not make the involuntary ''ooh's and aah's" that seem to be coming more frequent as I get older,  mixed with the cracking and clunking joints I sound like a one man band!!! It doesn't seem to disturb Paul, thankfully.  Once in bed I played a quick round of solitaire, while my pain meds took effect and by about 5:20 am I am just about nodding off.  I was woken woken abruptly at 6:20 am by Sophie who needed me to get up NOW and Dutch Braid her hair as she couldn't possibly leave the house without! So I was up again, with all the hustle and bustle of them all getting ready to leave the house there was no chance of getting back to sleep! 
Fingers crossed for a quieter Thursday !!

I hope you all had a better day than I did, although I will add it was nice to have Pat here to distract me! X

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Pat-three fantastic cards especially the first one, it’s gorgeous.

    Sandra-what a chaotic start to your day yesterday.

    My day went very quickly at work. I decided I would get the train into Southport last night-got to the station and just saw a train leaving. Bought tickets then there was an announcement to say the next 2 trains would be delayed so I went back to the ticket office (it’s a portacabin as the entire station is being refurbished) and politely explained that I couldn’t wait for either train and asked for my money back-no problem. Legged it back to the house-by this time I’m feeling rather warm. Drove to the restaurant and almost collapsed in a seat! There was only 6 of us in the end but we had a great evening, lovely food-didn’t get home until 9:45pm so after a quick chat with hubby it was time for a shower then bed.


    1. Hi Michele
      I’m assuming as usual work was very busy.
      What a palava with the trains yesterday though. Good though that you managed to get a refund on your ticket. Lovely to meet up with friends though isn’t it.

  2. Morning ladies,

    Weather is glorious this last week. Sunny Somerset has lived up to its name finally.

    Gorgeous cards Pat, especially the first one. You really know how to play with your Groovi boards.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Yes, this weather is lovely isn’t it. However, according to the weather people it’s not going to last. Thank you for liking my cards. The second one still has to be finished. The petals were embossed and debossed to give them movement. But you can’t see that in the photo. Not to sure what happened to my birds though.

  3. Morning Everyone
    We had a glorious day here yesterday so much so that I had the back door and windows open until early evening and at the moment the day has started just as nice.

    PAT WOW WOW WOW- beautiful creations more on the side of ART then cards. You really are the 'Groovy Queen'.
    Did you see the new plates on Hochanda last evening?

    I had a good day crafting yesterday and managed to get another CC made. I need to get them photographed today and sent off.

    LYNDA-I had my shingles injection last year when I came into one of the age ranges.

    The CAFE is OPEN and the sun is shining through the windows and door so come on pop in for a sit and a chat.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      We also had a lovely day yesterday.
      I’m glad you liked my cards, but I’m not to sure what happened to the birds 🦅. Looks like they drunk to much.
      I’ve recorded the shows showing the new plates. However, I did shave a sneaky peek during the adverts for Love it or List it on Channel 14 at 6.00 o’clock. I bought her previous ones with the flowers in the circles. I’m thinking about these ones. Need to be a bit selective in what I get, as I’ll probably need to get pricking tools etc.
      I’ve booked myself in for a lesson at Evesham with Rosella Cottrell on the 12th June. Couldn’t have one before then due to Petes hospital appointments. Hope he doesn’t get another one for that date.

    2. Not quite the Groovi Queen. You should see the fabulous cards they have on Groovi Worldwide.

  4. Hi everyone.
    Lovely cards Pat. Love the first one but a great card for a man with the boat and the compass.
    Oh Sandra what a start to your day. I've forgotten what its like to live with teenagers needing things there and then. Hope Matt gets a car.
    I'm spending the morning gardening. Its probably not right to call it gardening as everywhere is flagged but so many weeds come through the cracks in the flags and all the pot plants and trees need weeding as well. Later on I have some orders for cards. There's soon to be a christening in the village and people want personal cards.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      I’m glad you liked my cards. Hope your gardening goes well. Well pulling up the weeds anyway. I bet your going to be very busy making cards.

  5. Hi Sandra
    Well fancy seeing my cards on the blog today. The first card took quite a while to do, I used my Spectrum Noir pencils on the first one but they don’t lay down the colour very well on Parchment, and using blending fluid. I sharpen the petals on the front to give the crocus movement. The second crocus card I used Fabre Castell pencils and blending fluid. Not mine I might add but Carole’s ( the lady who I go to classes with.
    Sandra’s house really was stressful yesterday, between Matt and the dog 🐕 I’m not surprised Sandra had a headache. Yesterday was really a day for going out for lunch. Plus getting up to braid hair. Perhaps Sophie needs to learn how to do it herself. Plenty of utube videos on how to do it yourself. Your not going to be able to do it when she’s at University. Sophie and Amy my granddaughters do their own. Then at least you won’t be called at silly o’clock to do it for them.
    Sounds like I’m having another soapbox day. Would someone move it so I don’t know where it is please.

  6. OMG your cards are beautiful PAT
    I hope you’re able to relax today SANDRA
    Weather here is glorious
    Take care all Karen

    1. Hi Karen
      I’m glad you liked my cards Karen
      Sounds like blogger is playing up again as your had to post as anonymous.

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a stressful day you had yesterday Sandra, I’m sure if Sophie tried she would be able to do her own hair. It’s lLOVELY your children still need you, but silly o’clock would not be a time I would appreciate being aroused to do someone’s hair - sorry! I hope Matt manages to find a suitable car soon, also that your headache has gone, and today is a calm and restful day for you. xx

    PAT your Groovi cards are amazing, I love them all. xx

    Yesterday I had another play with my Splatter Circle stamp. The results are in the bin!
    This morning I entered Splatter Circle Stamp XL into the search bar on my iPad and Emma (from Inkylicious) has two videos on YouTube using it. I have been spritzing my card not the stamp - another senior moment! I might just be able to achieve a reasonable result for my CC background - I wouldn’t hold my breath though.

    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I’m glad you liked my cards.
      I glad that the video helped you re your splatter stamp. Isn’t Utube fantastic for showing us where we’re going wrong.
      I also wouldn’t appreciate being woken up at silly o’clock either. Especially if I didn’t get to sleep until the early hours in the morning.

  8. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Gosh what a stressful day you had yesterday couldn't Lucy have done Sophie's hair for her. Then Matt stressing over getting car & the dog eating the chicken sounds like one of those carry on films. Hope you have a better day & try to relax xx
    Just having 5 minuets sit down I did all the ironing earlier & then cleared up & run the hoover round. As home alone must get my shower soon though.
    PAT your cards are AMAZING the first one is my favourite but they are all gorgeous . I must give mine a go I'm really bad haven't used them yet Margaret bought me the starter kit last year when we went to Barbra Grey show for my 70 th birthday although she had already given me the Todo a year before.
    My 70 I have so many things to play with & silly I know l don't get the time.
    JANET thanks I haven't here'd of the Shingles injection before so I must be in that age group now.🤔 😱🤣
    Well I had better go & have my shower before I go in craft room.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Thanks for liking my Groovi cards.
      My sentiments exactly as to why the girls can’t do each other’s hair. My grandchildren all do their own hair.
      It was really stressful for Sandra yesterday. She’s running around ( well not literally ) after all her children.
      I hope you get to play with your Groovi present 🎁 soon.

  9. Hello All, how lovely to have two beautiful days in a row, expecting sea fog later but at the moment it’s really hot.

    Pat I love your cards, like Lynda I haven’t done anything with mine.

    Lynda we had our shingles injection last year, although R is due until this year she said she would do him as well, as she had plenty, as a lot of people choose not to have it done.

    Went to the range this morning, bought a few things for the garden, but not much new craft stuff there.

    Hope you are all enjoying this lovely weather, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I’m glad you liked the cards. Hope the sea fog isn’t to bad.
      Petes had his shingles jab last year. I honestly can’t remember if I’ve had mine or not.
      I hope your meds have been changed by now, and that your feeling brighter now.

  10. Hi Sandra and all.
    Hope you have a better day today then the chaotic one yesterday Sandra and that matt soon find a car he like. Hope the dog not get poorly eating the chicken Lol
    Oh wow Pat, your groovi pictures are amazing ! I love them all. Hopefully you will go to the Groovi with Rosella when it's on.
    Still haven't got around doing the backgrounds, to many things is going on and my mojo have left me. So annoying but what can you do. hope tomorrow is a better day.
    Wonderful weather we are having, hope it will stay for a while. Hope you all have a nice day. Love Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope that your mojo returns soon. I’m glad you liked my Groovi cards.

  11. Margaret Palmer19 April 2018 at 21:16

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I really hope you have had a better day today, sending you lots of
    Pat your groovi cards are fantastic, all I can say ys well
    Maria hope you managed to find a suitable frame, would love to see a photo. Hope you have a better day tomorrow, hugs on
    Lynda I had the shingles injection when they first started them 5 years ago, well worth
    It has been even hotter here today, do not think it will last long according to forecast.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  12. Thank you all for the heads up on the Shingles injection looks like I was at the end of the queue.
    MARIA hope you find your mojo soon have you not played with your new AP goodies yet. How's your Dad doing.Sending you some Hug's xx
    Love Lynda xx
