
Wednesday 18 April 2018

Another Background challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

Happy 'hump' day, Wednesday always comes around fast but it takes ages to get from Wednesday to Friday for some reason, no two days go faster than Saturday and Sunday though.

I thought I would have another go at this weeks 'Background' Challenge, this time I chose my new
Inkyliscious XL Splatter Circle.......

I inked the stamp with some of my Distress Oxide inks, I used Shaded Lilac, Broken China, Cracked Pistachio & Twisted Citron. I then spritzed the ink with water mixed with some Mica powders.
(I had to use my stamp tool as the stamp is quite big) I closed the stamp tool and applied the ink to my paper. It's quite exciting, you never know what result you are going to get even if you use the same ink, both Sue and I got quite excited every time I opened the stamp tool.  
Once I had dried the ink I stamped the 'Thanks' (also an Inkyliscious stamp) into the centre and added clear embossing powder and heat set. I added some white gel pen around the letters to try and make them stand out from the background.  I used the small dotty stamp that comes with the large stamp to add some versamark around the outside of the circle and added some silver embossing powder, just to give a little sparkle.  
I hope it gives you another idea for this weeks challenge.

Pat is coming over today, so more crafting on the cards for me! yay!!

I hope you all have a lovely day, we are in for a treat with the weather for the next few days so make the most of it.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Love your card Sandra, the colours are great.

    Busy day yesterday-quite frustrating as I didn’t achieve as much as I’d hoped as there were s few problems. I had a great evening of fun in my craft room& produced 2 backgrounds.
    Today my day is starting with a meeting from 8:30-10am but I’m off out for a meal this evening with a small group of work friends which will be nice.


  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- a lovely CC - colours are lovely and it definitely comes into my less is more album.

    Although we had a dull day yesterday the rain held off until well into the afternoon so I'm hoping for some of the forecasted sun today lol

    I'm not sure what I'll be doing today it will have to be a 'see what happens day'.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in for a chat and a nice cuppa. HUGS are winging their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends in need today. xxxx

  3. Well we have beautiful sunshine and I go away tomorrow- typical!
    Lovely background idea SANDRA I have an idea in my head but I’m not sure I’ll have enough time to do it Itried to make Oscar’s Birthday card for next week last night and (new printer tired brain) printed it onto the wrong side of the paper and it’s all smudged
    Hope you have a fun day with PAT
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi everyone.
    Lovely card Sandra. I really like that stamp. Glad you had a good time with Sue. Enjoy your afternoon with Pat.x

    Off to play crib shortly. It will be so nice to play outside for a change.

    I've been playing with my pixie powders this morning. Not produced anything exciting but somehow I've got ink all over my fingers.

    Have a good day everyone.

  5. hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra, Love your card, I too was playing with this die yesterday, I wanted to use it for a background on my challenge card, but not really happy with the results. Maybe I should have another play with it later. Enjoy your play time with Pat. xx

    Yesterday was quite a busy day, starting with my blood test, no problems there, thank goodness, I don’t have to go back again for two months, that’s even better. We did a little shopping and then had some lunch, after that we took a tram, I went into Hobby Craft. John wanted to go into Curry’s and John Lewis. Back home, I made a very quick card and went to the Post Office to catch the afternoon collection. After that it was a lovely cup of tea and a piece of cake.
    No big plans for today, this morning I had to fiddle with the computer and remove cookies, I haven’t been able to pick up my emails for a couple of days. Pleased to say the fix worked.

    Now it’s time for lunch, then maybe I can play again with my Inkylicious die again this afternoon, Hopefully this time the results will be better. Ha ha

    Sending love and hugs to all, Brenda XXX

  6. Hello All, beautiful day here, hope it is with you. Have pottering in the garden, not able to much of the work, but lovely to be out in the sunshine. Going to be dull here again tomorrow, so had to make the best of today.

    Sandra love your card, super background, must have a go later have an idea, but it’s getting out of my head that’s the difficult thing.

    Hope everyone is having a good day, Lilian

  7. Hello Sandra & Ladies
    Gorgeous sunshine today I got two lines of washing dry but the downside is I have to iron them 🤓.
    Not sure what happened to my comment yesterday but it disappeared when I looked in to see if any night owls were in.
    Margaret came round yesterday to pick her parcel up. She ordered the new Nuevo powders ( like pixy powders ) which she has loads of.
    CHERYL you card yesterday was gorgeous my favourite colour.
    Sandra your card yesterday was also gorgeous & I love today's card too.
    Hope you ad a good day with Pat today.
    Last evening the phone rang Terry answered it I was in kitchen when he finished he said you have got appointment for a Shingles injection next month. Who rang then he said the doctors surgery. He didn't make one for himself though. So I've got another injection to look forward to. Have any of you been offered a shingles injection or am I the only lucky one😩😭.
    I was home alone again Terry went painting. So after I cleared up. Had my shower then craft room I have made four CC with differant backgrounds.
    Might make some more backgrounds tomorrow l really enjoy making differant ones with differant products.also have a project I want to try. The time really flys by before I know it I have a husband who comes in saying he's he's 💤💤😴 Well he won't want dinner for couple of hours. Will go & get washing in now so enjoy the rest of your evening everyone.
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Margaret Palmer18 April 2018 at 18:11

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra another lovely card, I am not sure that I will get a CC done this week, we have son staying till Friday & then I hope to go to stay with Sue over the weekend, the Drama Group are putting on their April play & as I belonged to it for about 30 years it is good to go back, so I am sorry. Hope you have had a good crafting session with
    It has been a lovely sunny & warm day here, it was lovely playing Petanque this morning after all the rain we have had.
    Lynda hope you are ok miss your comments xxx
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    This is a really lovely card. Love the colours you’ve used as well. Must say it’s great that I get to see your cards in the flesh.
    Spent a lovely day with Sandra. Pete did a bit of digging while I was out. He then decided to cycle up the Burford Rd to take a photo of the destruction of the Windrush Valley to send to his brothers. Somehow a building company received planning permission to build a new estate of houses. The valley is quite steep with the river Windrush at the bottom. So when we have rain like we’ve had just lately, it floods. So at the moment it’s one big soggy mess. Our local councillor was against any new building of houses until the infrastructure was put in place. New schools, proper drainage, new roads, plus a new Drs as 4500 patients were already left without a dr when their surgery closed. They had a new leader of the Conservative and somehow he got sacked from the planning committee just before a vote was taken to build more houses in Witney.
    Better put the soapbox away before I wear it out.
    Gentle hugs to all who need one.

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I'm so glad that you used that pretty background, I love it, the colours work beautifully together with the pop of black on the word.
    I hope everyone had a lovely hot day. It has been gorgeous here and is meant to stay like this for a few days now 😁. Its been a few days again. Where are the days going?
    I hope to get a background finished tomorrow for the challenge my lovely. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

  11. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Sorry being late but have had a busy day with weed cleaning the patio and cutting some bushes. Probably can't move tomorrow but hope to start making some back grounds. Have some ideas so will see if it be anything.
    Glad you had a nice day with Pat today.Pat, sound crazy to build houses when they know it is flood risk in the area. Don't think I would buy a house there.
    Michele, hope you had a nice meal out with your friends. Karen, hope you managed to make the card for young Oscar. Think how quick he growing up.
    Janet, hope you had a nice day whatever you did in the end and could enjoy some sunshine.
    Margaret, going to a shop tomorrow hopefully to find a frame for the cross stitch you so kindly made up for me. I can't thank you enough. Hugs for you and Pop. Have a nice time when you see Sue next.
    Lilian, sorry you don't seem to get any answers to what is wrong. Keep strong and I am glad you back and doing some card making etc. Your cards are always wonderful.
    Brenda, hope you had a nice day. Glad to hear your blood is behaving itself.
    Lynda, hope you ok and the pain in your legs and feet are some better. My mum have suddenly got some excruciating pain in her legs after having back pain for a long time sp she is going to see the doctors. My dad had another op on Monday, they sent him home the same afternoon but after some hours at home he had to be taken back to hospital for he still was peeing blood and the catheter was blocked or something so no fun for them at the moment.
    Val, sound lovely to be sitting outside in the morning drinking your coffee. Hopefully we all can do the same tomorrow as it going to be a beautiful warm day.
    Wonderful background on this card Sandra, love it !
    Have a good night everyone, love Maria xxx
