
Tuesday 17 April 2018

Cheryl's Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, we had a glorious day yesterday, the sun shone and there was a lovely breeze, so my towels were blowing nicely on the line.  I also had the windows open, it's so lovely having the fresh air blowing through the house.
Our resident Mr Pheasant was in fine song, goodness me they are noisy birds, so magnificent to look at too. 
I had a lady from a few doors down knock at the door yeaterday afternoon, she was handing out Envelopes for a local Hospital, (for you to donate ).  She welcomed us to the village and filled me in on some activities in the village, she told me about the pheasant and how he visits different houses for food, well he lucks lut at our house, I have no idea what to feed a pheasant anyway.  She invited me to the village coffee morning on Thursdays (when the post office is open), she even offered to pick me up at 9am as she was on the rota for doing teas and coffees, I politely declined and reassured her that I would get Matt to bring me along, if not maybe Sue or Pat, she seemed happy with that, then invited me to play Cribbage (I have no clue), which I explained and she offered to teach me, which is so kind.  She told me that I was welcome to call in for coffee any time, it's so lovely to be made welcome.  She was just walking away and turned suddenly to come back to tell me that we should have "Residents Pass" through the door in the next few days, I just nodded, she then explained that we have to display it in our car over the weekend of the Royal International Air Tattoo, which is in July at RAF Fairford, which is the next village, offer don't have our Pass we won't be allowed to enter our village, as it's closed off accept for Emergency vehicles and residents.  Sounds like a fun weekend, i think we may need to stock up and stay home that weekend.  On the plus side we will have a great view of the aircraft.

Today's card is Cheryl's Challenge Card for last week's Tic Tac Toe Challenge,  it uses Categories: Die cut/Circles/Favourite colour.

I absolutely love the colour theme you have used, that lace is so beautiful, a real delicate weight too so it just blends with the background.
This new card style that you are designing really is Stunning, your cards are simply stunning, it's given your card making a new lease of life and it looks like you have fallen in love with card making again, All of your recent cards have been ''WoW' cards.
Thank you so much for taking part in the Challenge Cheryl. XXX

That's all for today ladies, I am hoping to film some tutorials today and I have my fingers crossed that i have a visitor too !!

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl-what an absolutely beautiful card, it’s gorgeous. I love the colour you have it.

    Sandra-sounds like your neighbour was full of useful information and I think staying in the weekend of the Airshow sounds perfect.

    Busy day at work yesterday then I went to the Social committee meeting at the church (where I had a stall at Christmas) as they were discussing the Summer Fun Day. I’ve somehow ended up “offering “ to have a table doing Make + Take Father’s Day Cards!!! They have no idea how many children might tuyup ir what she they might be...that certainly makes it tricky to plan then! I didn’t get home until 9pm so I watch a programme with hubby that we’d recorded.
    Tonight I photo go straight into my craft room as hubby is away so I can stay in there all evening.


    1. Good luck with that one MICHELE Is the committee supplying the crafty goodies for the kids to play with

  2. Morning Everyone
    Yesterday was a glorious day here sunny and warm so much so that I thought this is IT. SPRING has definitely sprung but no we're back this morning to very dull and cold!!

    CHERYL- WOW what a beautiful creation. I love the colour and the centre die you have used. Can you please tell me the name of the die you have used.

    I managed to get a CC done yesterday and so I want to carry on today to see if I can get another one done.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual and just waiting for you all to pop in for a cuppa and a chat.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.xxxx

  3. A very pretty card from CHERYL I loved ve the colour too
    How lovely of that lady to call and invite you to the events in the village and explain about the parking pass for the air show
    Off to work in a mo I hope to do cc later today
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    What a lovely card Cheryl. I love the Octogon dies but can’t justify the price of them. I might ask Sandra if I could cut a card out of hers and then cut some parchment out as well to go on top. We shall see.
    How lovely that someone at last has knocked on your door Sandra and welcomed you to the village. I hope you do manage to get to the village hall on Thursday. I know you were going to wait until you could use your motorised chair to go round. But if Matt is at home he could go round with you. I used to play crib years ago.
    School this morning again. My word the children were hyper yesterday. The TA was sent home as she was ill in the morning. Lots of chicken pox and Scarlet Fever going round the school just before the holidays. So whether she has that I don’t know.

    1. Hi Pat. Gosh hadn't realised Scarlet Fever was still around. That was what I had as a baby which left me blind in my right eye. I'm sure with advanced medicine its a lot more treatable today than it was 70 years ago. You must have a lot of patience working in a school Pat. I know I couldn't do it. Hope its a quieter day for you.x

    2. Hi Val
      Yes Scarlet Fever seems to be rife in Oxfordshire and I heard on the news yesterday Bedfordshire has it bad as well.
      I’ve worked in the school for the last 9 years and thoroughly enjoy it. They keep changing the reading system and not always for the better in my opinion. However, I think the system they have this year is very good. There called Ditty Books which have small stories in them. Funny how these help. It’s great to see how the children come on throughout the year. I also concentrate on the children who aren’t so quick to learn as well. I also help special the children who are behind in their phonics,
      It certainly was noisy again in reception stage as well as Year 1 yesterday.

  5. Hi ladies. Pretty card Cheryl in my favourite colour.
    What a nice welcome to your village Sandra and good you've been told you can get a pass in July. You'll have front row seats for the Airshow which will be great.

    Gardening this morning then off out for lunch. Our local Chinese Restaurant have bought the building next to them and Wow they've made such a beautiful place and fortunately not increased the prices but they have an additional vegetarian menu del dia. Now I do eat meat but if there's an interesting veggie option both Lynn and I prefer it.
    Not much else on today. I'm off to drink my coffee in the sun before I do anything.
    Have a great day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Va
      Oh you are making me jealous. Sitting out in the sun. So I wonder where our sun is. Pete, who has Hormone injections and whose never cold, was cold yesterday. Today is even colder and very windy. Hope you enjoy your Chinese meal. I wonder what delights you’ll find on the vegetarian menu.

  6. Good morning Sandra and ladies
    CHERYL what a beautiful Challenger card you made, I’m sure whoever receives this will be totally blown away it’s gorgeous.

    How lovely to have a visiting pheasant Sandra, I too wouldn’t know what to feed them on, but I’m sure any offerings you leave out will be gratefully received, and not if not eaten by them, I’m sure the other birds and wild life will be more than grateful.

    This morning I’m going for a blood test, my minder is coming with me, I have a little shopping to do and then afterwards we will eat out, then home, maybe I can play later.

    Hope everyone has a good day, love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      Apart from having a blood test it sounds like your going to have a lovely day. Lunch out and crafting, I can’t think of anything better.

  7. Morning everyone.
    Gorgeous card by our Cheryl.
    Woke to a very windy morning but still had a walk with hubby. It look like it could be rain here later, just have to wait and see. Hope to play doing some back grounds later but must get the hover out first and do around my side of the bed. I have so many boxes on the floor with crafting stuff in that need dusting out or the eight legged creeps will have a cosy home.
    Good of your neighbour to come around and invite you to meet up. Hope you get to know them well and have some fun days.
    I wish you all a nice day and many hugs to you all and extras for you who need some. Maria xxx

  8. Margaret Palmer17 April 2018 at 20:34

    HI Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sounds as if you had a friendly visitor yesterday + your friendly pheasant. Hope you had your visitor
    Cheryl what a beautiful card & I love the
    Sorry I did not get in yesterday when I did our internet decided to disappear just as I was finishing my comment. I hope to have a go at CC tomorrow.
    I do not know where spring has gone it has been very cold & windy today hope tomorrow is better.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love
