
Friday 20 April 2018

Something Floral For Friday

Good Morning Ladies,

Can you believe its Friday again?  What a beautiful day it was yesterday, we took Milo and Bella out in the garden for the first time, they loved it, Milo was a little more adventurous than Bella but he has escaped a few times and therefore is a little more familiar with the sights, sounds and smells.  I was waiting for Mr Pheasant to come strutting out, he is bigger than the cats so I'm not sure what would have happened.  It's lovely to watching them react to all the sounds and chasing after flies etc.  We did think that we would have trouble getting them to come in but Bella trotted in on her own and Milo came in when he smelt his dinner.  I think that they will we crying at the back door in the morning, raring to go again.

Today's card is a simple design, I used the Stampin'Up! Perennial Birthday Stamp Set, it has lots of different floral and foliage elements along with some sentiments.
Perennial Stamp set

I cut a piece of Whisper White card to 4 1/4 X 5 1/2 inches and stamped a random pattern of the stamps around the area that I had decided to place my sentiment. I chose Berry Burst as the dominant colour and added a few other colours to compliment.... Old Olive, So Saffron, Pink Pirouhette etc.
I then stamped the Happy Birthday in Berry Burst onto Whisper White card and placed on a mat of Berry Burst, I mounted the stamped card onto Berry Burst and then onto a White card blank.
I hope you like my card.

You will all be glad to hear that yesterday was stress free, everyone was out, I don't usually like being on my own  but it gave my head a much needed rest.  I couldn't shake that headache even over night.
Sophie has really long hair and the Dutch braids aren't the easiest to do on yourself, I don't usually mind helping them, well she only ever asks when she is either going to work or going out.  It was made worse by the string of events I think.  Actually Lucy and I were looking at cheat methods last night. It is pretty much the only thing that they ever ask me to do, I think as a Mum we hold onto that for as long as we can. 

I hope we have another bright and sunny day today,

Love and hugs to all 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra, I love the colours you have used.

    Another busy day yesterday, Tesco shopping seemed to take me forever then I had to phone my Dad. The entire phone call was taken up with him moaning so after 30 minutes of listening I said I needed to make a drink so we ended the call.

    Hopefully today won’t be too crazy but we have 2 adults & a 3 day old baby needing Parenteral Nutrition (IV Nutrition) from us so that’s 9 bags to make up plus allthe chemotherapy for today as we don’t open at the weekends-the main Pharmacy does but not us.


  2. Morning Everyone
    What a wonderful day we had yesterday - sunshine from early morning to late evening. It really does make everyone feel so much better doesn't it. Fingers crossed for today.

    SANDRA a really pretty card this morning. Love the colours.

    Well as it's Friday again it's that 'swear' word day so whether I get to do a little crafting I'll have to see.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all to pop in for a cooling drink which are in the fridge.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you all may be doing.

    HUGS on their way to you all xxxx

  3. Good Morning everyone.
    Very pretty card Sandra. I'm really struggling for ideas for this weeks cc. Making my own background is something I don't usually do mainly because I don't have too much time to spend on one card but will take some goodies along to craft club later and see if I get any inspiration.

    KAREN hope you have a lovely holiday.

    Bye for now. Love Valx

  4. Morning all Another sunny hot day Have got option to do a yoga class in a mo then Sslsa filled by Bachata and Kizomba There’s also a craft session where we can bling our dance shoes - I might watch that as I don’t wear heels for dancing
    Rueda and out to a club at 10pm
    Have a great day Big hugs to those that need them
    I hope the hair techniques work SANDRA I know what you mean about doing things for our kids but you already cook etc for them And the things they ask for evolve xx

    1. Margaret Palmer20 April 2018 at 12:05

      Gosh Karen you make me feel tired just reading about it, enjoy it while you

    2. Hi Karen
      My word you do have a lot to do. Going out at 10.00. You sounds just like my 20 yr old granddaughter Sophie. What a live wire she is. She goes out with a small bottle of vodka tucked down her front.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A great card today. This stamp set is lovely. Well another sunny day in Oxfordshire, but I don’t think it’s as Warm as it was yesterday. I’m glad you had a calmer day yesterday though Sandra. You needed it after Wednesday.
    Looks like we’re baby sitting on Sunday for Craig. He’s just said come over for 5.00, he’s not said where they are going though. Mind you at 14 and 10 you can’t realky call it baby sitting can you. We’ve been asked up to Karen’s for tea. I’m not to sure what we’re having or whose cooking it. It will be one of the girls though. It will probably be Amy or Olivia, Sophie is in Portugal 🇵🇹 at the moment.

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. What a beautiful card, I love it. The combination of colours are so pretty. I am actually sitting at my craft desk as I write this as I have lots of jobs to do but I'm not missing another challenge so doing that first. Not sure what I'm going to do but you will find out layer when I send it to you 😊
    I hope you manage to get another calmer day today and that your headache has finally gone my lovely xx
    Pat your cards yesterday were beautiful. Enjoy the class with Rosella. I bet that stung your purse a bit though! X
    I hope you are all enjoying the wonderful weather, it's meant to get much cooler here from tomorrow so must make the most of it today.
    Mum, looking forward to having you here for the weekend 😀😀😀love to you both xxxx
    Sending love and hugs to you all. Take care xx

  7. Morning ladies,

    Another sunny day here in Somerset = another day inside due to tree pollen and those blasted yellow fields also coming flower with Spring's late appearance this year. My head is banging too with blocked sinuses, not a happy bunny at moment. Only so much housework (ooops! sorry to swear ladies) a woman can do. Now housebound, car needs a new radiator, hopefully my lovely mechanic will be able to do this afternoon. He very kindly informed Jamie of a cancellation hence up early to drop my car off then Jamie could bring me home. Probably hear later this afternoon if she can come home ready mended.
    Just got to finish my bedroom, have lunch then a whole afternoon of crafting YAY!

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  8. Margaret Palmer20 April 2018 at 12:18

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely card & love the colours you have used. Good to hear cats enjoyed their time in garden, there will be no stopping them now, also pleased your headache has disappeared. Enjoy your
    Maria I hope Dad & Mum are going on well & you feel better
    I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend with Sue, Chris & little Chris will make a nice change. See you later love xxx
    sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love your card today and the colours just works so well together. I hope you’re enjoying this sunshine.
    We had to laugh our tortoise has been awake for a couple of weeks now, but barely moving around. Now today it’s as if he’s got a solar panel on him and it’s fully charged, he’s all over the garden, so funny to watch!

    Margaret, have a lovely weekend with Sue and family. XX
    Maria, hope your parents are ok and you feel a little more energetic today XX
    Cheryl, Sorry the pollen has contributed to you being housebound also hope your car gets sorted and the bill isn’t too painful. XX
    Pat, Like you we are babysitting this weekend, if that’s what you call it, the youngest one is 12 years old. Ha ha XX
    OMG Karen, Where do you get your energy from? XX

    Sending love and hugs to everyone, take care, Brenda XXX

  10. Afternoon ladies.
    Another gorgeous day so I limped around doing a walk 8am then it was the pain clinic (only one meet up left) we have been out in the sunshine until now. The Mojo still not back so hope it return soon or it won't be a card from me this week.
    I love the card you made Sandra, love the colours. Glad you had a better day. It must be funny to see the cats explore the new grounds and to hear Brenda's tortoise "running" around the garden, got me thinking of the lawn movers that goes on their own Lol
    Cheryl, yes the hay fever have started and OH is sneezing and eyes watering now for the next few month. Not easy when you like to be outdoors.
    Dad had to go back in to hospital and he is still there after last op, hoping to get hold of mum later to hear.
    Margaret, we having a frame made so picking it all up in a few weeks but I promise to send a photo when I got it back. Have a fab weekend.
    Karen, have a wonderful time. Seem like a lot to do ((o))
    Going to have a cold drink and read my book now on the weed free patio Lol don't last long. Have a nice day everyone, love Maria xxx

    1. Sorry you're not feeling so well Maria. Hope you feel lots better soon. Sad to hear your dad is back in hospital. Hope you get positive news after speaking to your mum

  11. Good evening Sandra
    It's been really hot today got another two lines of washing dry but it keeps making more ironing don't know where it all comes from I can't remember haveing so much washing /ironing when the kids were home.
    Home alone again but not so long today. T came home at 3.30 had lunch &a he was supposed to take me Tesco to pick my prescription up but that didn't happen. So now got to go tomorrow. MEN.
    Was doing my altered coffee jar while I was on my own. Didn't come out to bad. I have put all my make up sponges in it that I use instead of smoothes.get then in pound shop you get loads in pack. I've finished Challenge cads I did four really liked this challenge Sandra.
    KAREN enjoy you holiday my word you sound so fit what a lot you have to do.
    MARIA sorry you still not found your mojo. Sorry your dad is back in hospital sending love & Hugs xx
    MARGARET have a lovely weekend at Sue's enjoy the rest.Hugs xx
    Not sure if anything nice happening tomorrow apart taking 8🐾For walk & Tesco. Have a good evening everyone .
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxx

  12. Hi All, it’s been sunny here again, but a very chilly wind, for some unknown reason my joints have decided it’s time to play up again.

    Sandra really lovely card , very delicate and pretty.

    Have not managed a card yet, might try tomorrow if my hands allow.

    Hugs to all Lilian.

    1. Hi Lilian
      I hope your hands are a bit better tomorrow. Nothing worse then bad joints. Does the sun usually help your joints. Hope the weather over the next few days doesn’t get to cold.
