
Wednesday 25 April 2018

Hand stamped Background Detailed With Love card

Good Morning Ladies,

Ooh it's chilly, proper April weather, showers on and off, I had two loads of washing waiting to go out but it ended up on the airer!

Now today's card started out as a piece of white paper, I took all the little stamps from the 'Detailed With Love' stamp set and played with them creating different patterns, I lost about two hours and burnt one of the curries whilst playing but I really it was really therapeutic! 
For this pattern I chose the colours Berry Burst and Lemon Lime Twist, then added little tiny diamonds which I stamped in Versamark and added Silver Embossing Powder, just to add a little hint of luxury.
I then stamped my main sentiment piece and die cut it with Stitched Oval die, then mounted it onto the next size up in Lemon Lime Twist card then created a rectangle mat that I used the trio punch on, to round the corners and punch the little details.
Another feature of the trio punch is a Ribbon Threader Hole punch, I used this to create a border which I theaded Berry Burst Foil Edged Ribbon through, then added a bow which I topped with one of the new Embellishments in the Love What You Suite Embellishment kit.
I finished it off with a flower that I made using the Pansy punch, I popped a Glitter gem in the centre and used the Leaf Punch to make the leaves.
I hope you like it ladies. XX

Detailed With Love stamp set

(Sshhhh sneak peek)

I made my card patterned paper with the small bracket looking stamp and the little flower, the main sentiment piece was the oval stamp. A very useful stamp set with some nice sentiments.

Sadly Sue didn't make it over yesterday as she was too poorly, I hope and pray you feel better today my lovely, I am free for rest of week if you are up for a visit. xxxx

Lilian, I feel so frustrated for you, this has got to the point that it is having a significant effect on your health, both mentally and physically to the point that it's stopping you from doing the things that you enjoy. I do hope they can give you some positive news and get you back to your old self.  Sending love and hugs dear friend xxxx

Maria I was sorry to hear that you were suffering with a lot of pain, the medication that they prescribe is usually strong and can make you feel really rubbish, tired and nauseous.  These side effects sometimes where off after a few days, fingers crossed for you my lovely. xxxx

Val I hope your Terminator managed to deal with your nasty critters!  Oh the are horrible things, pointless bugs!  Just the thought of them has me itching! I hope the stuff the chap put down works fast. xxxx

Well ladies I have been trying to finish this blog post for today for the past two hours, I could scream as I have started with the symptoms of a water infection, I only finished my antibiotics a week ago today.  I will call GP this morning. I tried drinking Bicarbonate of Soda last night, it was super salty, I am still waiting for the results, so I can recommend this method to you.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-another gorgeous card. I love the colour combination you have used on this card. Sorry to hear your not feeling well again-hope you can get into see (or speak) to your GP today.

    Yesterday was another really busy day-thus seems to be the usual now. If we had our full quota of staff it wouldn’t be too bad.
    Pat-we are considerably busier than last year. We’re averaging on 2-3 new patients each week which doesn’t sound like a lot but we’re a small town and our resources haven’t increased to allow for this. Once we receive a new prescription, it can take anything up to 3 hours to check the prescription, patients blood results then prepare the treatments (assuming we have the drugs in stock). We’re lucky that the specialist nurses now liaise with us when they see any potential new patients so I can plan the drug orders & fit the patients on the following weeks list.

    I’m going to a meeting this afternoon-once a month me & my boss attend the Cancer Services MDT meeting so I’ll need to make sure everything is organised before we go.


    1. Hi Michele
      Yes, I can understand how frustrating it must be to not have enough resources to do your job without feeling rushed.
      Petes previous treatment took all day. Bloods had to be taken and checked first which could take 3 hrs of more. Longer if one of the units was down.
      Now he has to go up to the Churchill the week before his Radium treatment for his bloods to be taken and to make sure he’s well enough to have it. It’s then ordered and administered the week after. Took longer last week as his blood count was low so his bloods had to be done again.
      At least the Specialist nurses order it a week in advance.
      A week Tuesday will be his last injection. So he’ll be back under his consultant. We might see his again on Tuesday as he’s waiting for results of the tests they did on Petes biopsies they took years ago. Something to do with Gene Technology and your DNA. Way beyond me I must say.
      Hope your meeting went well today.
      Your work is much appreciated by all the patients.

  2. Morning Everyone
    We had enough rain yesterday to fill all the dams around which supply our water. It was torrential from just before lunch until well into the evening. The roads were just like rivers. This morning we are dry with a little blue in the sky so fingers crossed we have a better day.

    Had a lovely time at K&N yesterday afternoon. It was lovely seeing everyone.

    .The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all to pop in.

    HUGS are on their way to you all with loads extra today for LILIAN and MARIA. You are both in my thoughts Dear Friends. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Hope the rain cleared up. We’ve had showers on and off all day today.

  3. Morning all,
    Love your card Sandra. The background is particularly beautiful. You have so much patience.
    Sorry you're not feeling so good. Hope the Bicarb helps. Never heard of that remedy before.
    We opened the kitchen/utility room door this morning to a cockroaches graveyard. Most were dead but the few that were alive were very dosy. We were warned this would happen. I cringe getting rid of them even when they're dead but fortunately Paul isn't as squeamish and soon got rid of the bodies. I've just spent an hour with the antiseptic spray cleaning all the worktops. Problem is I can't mop for a week as having 4animals its usually done every day but if that's what it takes to rid us of these revolting creatures so be it.
    Its crib day today so just got to get a few cards ready to post whilst I'm out.
    LILIAN and MARIA hope you're both having a better day today. Sending hugsx
    Bye for now Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      Ohh not a pretty sight, coming down to that this morning. Good job Paul isn’t that squeamish about clearing up dead cockroaches. Hope you won at crib.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Great card SANDRA I wouldn’t have the patience
    I hope the bicarb helps
    Take care LILIAN and MARIA Thinking about you
    So back in U.K. and work!
    Today is Oscar’s birthday So hopefully we’ll see him later

      Karen enjoy spending time with your little man on his birthday,please give him a special birthday hug from

    2. Hi Karen
      I hope Oscar had a super birthday today. I bet he had extra cuddles to make up for when you were away.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I’m so sorry to read you have yet another water infection Sandra. I’ve never heard of taking Bicarbonate of soda, But if it works go for it. Hope you managed to talk to or get an appointment with your doctor keep warm and drink plenty of fluids xx
    it was lovely to hear about your day on Monday with Becca. Isn’t it lovely when we manage to have one to one time with our children. These are really special times to treasure. xx
    Now today’s card - all I can say is you have the patience of a saint and understand about the curry getting burnt! The concentration you needed to complete this card is amazing you must’ve been totally engrossed. It really is a lovely card, you know I love both of these colours and they compliment each other so beautifully.
    VAL it sounds like your bug blaster man did a great job. Now the difficulty will be keeping pets out of that area for the next week. I hope this is the last you will see those horrid critters.xx
    LILLIAN and MARIA I hope you both had a good nights sleep and are able to face the world today. Sending gentle hugs to both of you. xx

    Take care everyone, love and hugs, Brenda XXX

  7. Afternoon ladies,

    A very damp start to the day here in Cannington but glorious sunshine has now appeared and the towels and other washing on the line blow-drying in the wind.

    Made a couple of male friends cards this morning and they are now on their way. Having a play with different backgrounds using some almost dry ink pads. I'm quite pleased with them so far and have made a couple of Frozen character cards for little girls, picking out the colours of the toppers for the backgrounds.

    Still not eating right, this chest infection and hayfever are driving me to distraction, luckily crafting helps me to concentrate.

    Comfort blanket hugs to all in need of them for whatever reason especially Maria and Lillian. Soft squashy one for Sandra.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I hope your chest infection clears up soon. Sounds like you’ve had a bit of fun making your cards.

  8. Margaret Palmer25 April 2018 at 20:11

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what beauty, no wonder you burnt the curry this must have taken you hours, I also find it therapeutic stamping a background. Hope you have managed to get some meds & soon feel better, hugs on
    Sue, Cheryl, Lilian & Maria sending love & hugs & hope you all feel better
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  9. Hi Sandra & ladies
    First sorry Sandra i didn't get in yesterday i had really bad tinnitus which gave me a horrible headache & couldn't focus my eyes properly. Still suffering.but not as bad.
    Sorry you have another water infection Sandra. Hope you get a doctors appointment. Your card is gorgeous such a Labour of love. Beautiful colour's too.
    BRENDA your cards & design yesterday was stunning love the colour.
    Sending Hug's & extra for LILIAN & MARIA .
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Gentle hugs coming your way and I hope your feeling a bit better this evening.

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card today. Love the colours and the stamps you’ve used for it as well.
    Sorry that you’ve got another water infection. Hope the bicarb helps. Such a shame that the new dr doesn’t understand that a 3 day course of antibiotics doesn’t help. Doesn’t really matter that the usual dose is only 3 days when you know from experience that you need a 5 or 7 day dose. Hope Paul manages to pick them up.
    Great that we managed to go out for lunch, just what was needed a change of 4 walls.
