
Thursday 26 April 2018

Another Challenge card to inspire you

Good Morning Ladies,

Another challenge card to hopefully inspire you a little bit for this week's sketch challenge.
For this card I used some more new catalogue goodies, the base card is Mint Macaron onto that I added a piece of the New ' Delightfully Detailed Laser Cut Paper' , I only used a tiny piece as I love it and want it to last forever!  I then took a small stamp from the Detailed With Love stamp set that matches the pattern in the Laser Cut Paper' and stamped a pattern on the card base.  I then used the Trio punch to add ribbon threading holes into a narrow piece of the Mint Macaron card and weaved some narrow white ribbon through them. I placed that over the join of the card and then stamped my sentiment onto some Whisper White card and punched out with the Everyday Label Punch, I created a mat for the label with Mint Macaron card and used the edge of the ribbon threader part of the punch to shape the corners.
I finished with a ribbon bow and some tiny Mint Macaron Pearls.
I hope you like it . XXX

Pat and I had a lovely afternoon yesterday, we went to our local Garden Centre for lunch, I had a lovely ' Pulled Ham Hock and Welsh Rarebit panini which was lovely, Pat went for a Cheddar and Tomato sandwich.
We then came back here for some crafting, what more could a girl ask for?!!

My phone consultation with GP was very frustrating, I explained my situation with regard to frequent Water Infections, I told him what Antibiotics I usually have, he agreed that that was best, he then said "I will give you a three day course" I replied "Oh, I usually have 7 days" he said "we will go with three!" So Paul brings my prescription home and I open it in desperation only to find he has only given me 6 X 100mg tablets !!  I usually take 500mg 4 x a day for seven days!
So he hasn't actually given me one days worth!  I have been in this situation so many times, I know that come the weekend it will flare up again and I will be back to square one!  Why don't they listen.?!
I will be drinking Bicarbonate of Soda, consuming handfuls of Cranberry Tablets for the next two weeks!

I hope that you ladies are all okay,

I hope you have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely card, so pretty. I love all the detail on it.
    No wonder you’re frustrated if the GP hasn’t listened-did your medical notes not get transferred when you changed doctors? If so, there’s no reason for the GP not knowing about your medical history.

    Yesterday was ok, not too busy. The meeting was interesting but was running late so we left them at 5pm.
    Managed to spend some time in my craft room yesterday evening which was nice & relaxing. I’m shopping (Tesco) tonight then out for a meal & to see Bill Bailey tomorrow evening with my crazy friend then I have a table booked on Saturday morning at the Car Boot Sale so a very early start.


    1. Oh Michele, you lead such a busy life. I wish I had half your energy. Sounds as though you're in for a busy but happy few days. Have fun.x

  2. I am so sorry to see you’re still suffering
    Your card is lovely I must do cc tonight I have quite a few UFO’s that I really need to sort out too
    Seeing Oscar yesterday was a real treat I cannot describe how wonderful it is
    Dentist later today for a tooth extraction - what joy!
    I must must must send you some photos SANDRA of my kitchen and stuff

    1. Oh Karen good luck at the dentist. Glad you had a good time with Oscar with plenty of cuddles.
      Would love to see your kitchen photos.

    2. Hi Karen, glad you enjoyed some me time with Oscar. They grow up so fast these days that before you know it they're at school x

    3. oh good luck at the dentist Karen, bless you. Glad Oscar had a nice birthday, many hugs for him :>)

    4. Hi Jaren
      Good luck with the dentist and hope it isn’t to expensive for you. Hope you had lots of cuddles with Oscar yesterday and that he enjoyed his Birthday 🎂.

    5. Hi Karen, so pleased you enjoyed your time with Birthday boy Oscar yesterday. hope all goes well at the dentist hugs Brenda x x

  3. Morning Everyone
    from an extremely wet and cold Sheffield. It started raining mid morning yesterday and it's still doing it. It was torrential most of the time and I for one am getting really down in spirits. I need some sunshine and warm weather.

    SANDRA-a very pretty card today. I love love love that mint colour. I really must try and find some.

    VAL-so pleased that you are not bug free. They really are horrible creatures aren't they.

    Today I must get down to do a CC for this week and hopefully my mojo will kick in.

    The CAFE is OPEN for business with everything ready for you all to pop in for a while.

    HUGs are winging their way to you all. Have a good day everyone.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Happy to say were bug free this morning for the first time in ages.
      Sorry your weather is so miserable. We to have rain for the second day running. Don't know where our sunshine has disappeared to this year.
      Hope your mojo turns up and you get your cc done.x

    2. Hopefully the weather will improve for you up there soon. We have a bit of sunshine this morning but heavier clouds are around. Hope to cut the grass later as rain tomorrow. hugs xx

    3. Sorry the weather getting you down Janet, it’s not much better here, the sun comes out for a while then we have pouring rain, I have lost count of the showers some quiet heavy we have had today and it’s so cold. Stay dry and keep warm. xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all,
    Lovely card again Sandra, very pretty colours. What a disappointing outcome with your doctor. He's obviously not looking at your records when he prescribed. Hope you get sorted out and you're not in too much pains
    I have a lovely free day and as its raining I'm going to spend some time in my craft room. I might even get my cc done early for a change.
    PAT glad you and Sandra had a good day yesterday. Both your lunches sound delicious.
    Hugs being sent to poorly friends especially Lilian, Maria and Sue.
    Have a good Thursday whatever you're up to.
    Love Valx

  5. Margaret Palmer26 April 2018 at 09:01

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra why do the Doctors think they know best, you know your own body, hope you get it sorted today. Glad you were able to get out to lunch with Pat. I love your card, love that colour & new paper, there are so many new things I am going to be spoilt for choice. hugs on
    Janet sorry you are having rain I think we will get it tomorrow, hope your mojo
    Sending hugs to Cheryl,Lilian, Lynda, Maria & Sue hope they all feel better soon, we need more
    Karen good luck at dentist, lovely to spend time with Oscar, Penny is 1 today, where has that year gone?xxx
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Morning ladies,

    The sun is out in full force with the sky interspersed with grey/white clouds moving in from the west. Yesterday ended up with squalls of rain in the afternoon but still plenty of sunshine. Washing dried outside smelling of fresh air when I brought it all in. I just love that smell of cleanliness.

    Crafting again today til lunch, then a couple of hours sorting through no longer needed paperwork, would you believe I still have all the documents regarding my divorce in 1985 from husband No.1? My brother informs me I only need the Nisi and Absolute so a lot of shredding to do. Heavens knows why I kept them and it will be very satisfying shredding off the past.

    Sandra, I'd ring the doctor again and insist he gives you another script for ABX as you won't be able to get them at the weekend if he has only given you 3 days worth yesterday.

    I'd like you all to do something today for me......wrap your arms around your shoulders and squeeze gently, now you have a hug from me.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I'm so happy to be able to look into the blog today. No more dizziness or migraines 😊😊😊
    Sandra, I'm sorry to hear that you have another water infection and I hope you manage to get the correct dose prescription before the weekend. Why do some doctors think they know best? As Michele has said, he only has to look at your notes to see what strength and how many days of meds you need.
    I love all of the cards you have made this week, so pretty, I'm glad we don't have to choose a favourite as they are all gorgeous. And it's great to see that you can make a beautiful coloured matt and layered card by just using white card and some ink pads. I'm sorry I missed seeing you on Tuesday but sending you big gentle hugs my lovely xx
    Brenda, your c cards are gorgeous. The XL stamp is fabulous and in that lovely Berry Burst too 😊 x
    Lilian, I'm sorry that you are not feeling so good again. I will be crossing everything for you when you see the doc next month that they can actually do something to help you. Big gentle hugs to you X
    Maria, I'm sorry to hear that you aren't so good at the moment. Sending you big gentle hugs X
    As I haven't been up for the last 3 days I have lots of catching up to do so busy day for me.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian, Maria and all in need. Take care xx

    1. thank you so much Sue for your comments.
      Hope you're feeling better X-Files

    2. Oh OOPS Where did the X-Files come from?
      Actually that should be a lesson to me. I was ‘trying’ to be clever (not a good idea) and dictate my comment. I was sitting in the car waiting while John had popped into Screw Fix.
      Pleased you feel you can get out of bed, Just don’t start trying to do to much. Your health is more important! ........ I hope you are listening to me. Ha, Ha. Seriously Sue take care. Hugs xx

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Gorgeous card and such a lovely new colour. It's in lead with the gorgeous card and the berry burst one yesterday. Your cards are all lovely. So sorry to hear tho that you got a water infection once again. You do have them too often. Call the surgery again and get them to understand that you need the stronger meds. wish you better.
    Also wish that Sue, Lilian ,Cheryl,Lynda and anyone else not feeling 100% are soon better. Big hugs to you all. Will make an effort to make some cards today but still need to make some space up in the kitchen as it look like a bomb gone off with craft stuff, dishes and things that will go back in the lounge when it's finished. Fireplace in on Friday and sofas coming Tuesday,yay.
    Have a good day all, hugs Maria xoxx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    What a lovely card you’ve made. Sat and watched you do some of it. A great colour as well. Love the little stamp you’ve used as well. Not quite sure how some of the embossing powder ended up on your face though.
    Wow, I think your Dr must be mad. He could see from your notes what you take and dosage you have. He could also see that when you were given 3 days supply you had to have more straight away. The mind boggles doesn’t it. From what he said to you he didn’t sound very pleasant either.
    I know that all our Drs are very nice. I think it must be a new breed as most of them say call me, by whatever their first names are.
    Well Petes back and side are still very painful. Not to sure if it’s caused by the bit of gardening he’s been doing or his Cancer. Apart from everywhere else, he has it in his Lower Spine, his Pelvis and his Sacrum. But who knows. I hope he mentions it on Tuesday just in case. If not, it might be Big Bad Pat mentioning it.
    Pete says he has arthritis in his Lower Back, but that’s never been mentioned in all the scans he’s had.

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Your trip to the garden centre yesterday with Pat sounds lovely and to have lunch out as well is a real treat.
    Thank you, today's card is lovely and great additional inspiration. I need all I can get, my mojo has flown out of the window. I like so many of you have not been sleeping very well for a while. I would understand if I had anything to worry about. Maybe in my case its an age thing! Ha, ha.

    I need to go back and read your comments as I hve forgotten what I was going to say. Now that's definitely an age thing. !!!
    Love and hugs, Brenda XXX

  11. Hi everyone I have had lot of trouble publishing comments today I tried several times but no luck.Im feeling lot better although my Tinnitus is still extra loud but thankful my headache almost gone.
    Sandra love you card so pretty Hope you are feeling better today but your GP doesn't sound much good.
    I must try CC tomorrow.
    Well going to see if this will publish .HUG'S & extra Hugs for Maria Sue & Lillian
    Love Lynda xx
