
Tuesday 24 April 2018

Brenda's Challenge Cards

Going Morning Ladies,

I only received Brenda's Challenge cards yesterday morning, our internet is a flippin' nightmare, we did have bad thunderstorms on Saturday night but I didn't think that it stopped our internet.  I always check our email up until midnight before I publish the blog just in case there are any late entries.

The upside is that these two absolutely stunning cards get a day all to themselves!
Brenda's first card is stamped with the Inkyliscious Flourish XL Stamp and Stampin'Up! Berry Burst ink (i must have missed this stamp Brenda otherwise I Am pretty sure it would be in my possession!) .
It has stamped beautifully Brenda, the simple Berry Burst Foil Edged ribbon bow is the perfect finishing touch.
Brenda's second card was made using the 'Waves' mask with glitter paste through it, finished with Berry Burst Ribbon and a beautiful flower spray that features Brenda's handmade ribbon roses, some die cut leaves and a pretty wired pearl spray.
Two stunning challenge cards Brenda, thank you so much for taking part, I'm sorry I missed them on Saturday my lovely although I am so pleased that they get their own special day. XXX

I ended up going from having a boring day to having a lovely Mummy/Daughter date with Becca, we had some stuff to sort out for her first but then we went and had our nails done and had some lunch, it was a lovely treat, so nice just to have the time to have relaxed conversation.  I was going to have a conservative/ neutral colour but was easily persuaded to go for a deep red!  Well if your going to do i, do it big !!!

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-both your cards are stunning, absolutely beautiful.

    Busy day again yesterday, today looks even busier and we have someone from the Trust wanting to take photos of the department! They’ll only be allowed into the outer area if they venture near the Unit-let’s see what happens.


    1. Thank you Michele.
      Hope your day isn’t to crazy, you alway seems to be so busy, it’s such an important and demanding job you do. I’m sure you must collapse at the end of the day. Hugs Brenda xxx

    2. Hi Michele
      Hope your day wasn’t to crazy today. I assume that being busy is normal in your line of work. I must say our Cancer hospital seems to get busier and busier.

  2. Morning Everyone
    We have another dull/windy and cold start here so everything is back to 'normal'.

    BRENDA- what gorgeous/beautiful cards you created for the Challenge. I love everything about them particularly the gorgeous colour.

    I didn't have a very good day yesterday crafting wise. I just didn't seem to settle down to anything so I really don't know what was wrong. Anyway today -this afternoon- is K&N so I have to push myself this morning. I have a couple of photos to print off for Jim and then get myself sorted for this afternoon.

    The CAFE is OPEN and ready just for you all to pop in for a while. Coffee/Tea pots all full and ready.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a ogood day whatever you all get up to. xxxx

    1. Thank you Janet, yes the colour Berry Burst is gorgeous. It’s my favourite ‘go to’ colour at the moment. Have a great afternoon with your K&N group. Hugs Brenda xx

    2. Hi Janet
      I hope you enjoyed you K & N club today. It’s been raining here for most of the day. I managed to get to school when it was just spitting. I had the fire on this afternoon as Pete was so cold, now we have the heating on. Mind you Pete has been snoozing on and off for most of the day.

  3. Morning Ladies,

    Ooooh, Brenda luscious cards from your imagination. Simply love them. So bright and cheerful.

    After the trouble with my car's radiator resulting in going into the garage on Friday, picked it up yesterday. We only have one bus an hour so my car is an essential to me, especially having to go to Taunton MPH for all my scans etc. We do have a newish Community Hospital in Bridgwater replacing the old Victorian old but they only have a Minor Injuries Unit not an A&E and the NHS have decided in their wisdom(?) that Musgrove Park Hospital is their flagship hospital for Somerset and everybody HAS to have an appointment there. These people do not know that whenever there is an accident on the M5, A39 or A38, ALL other routes get blocked by people trying to get home or work. It's a nightmare situation for everyone. I do so wish the planners would take note of what us beleaguered residents are telling them. Improve what you already have or build bypasses. The old adage that main roads through towns will bring in shoppers does not work anymore. Today's traffic want to get from A to B in the shortest possible time and with shops open til 10 pm or offering a 24 hour service means they can shop whenever it is convenient for them.
    Soap box back in the corner.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Thank you so much Cheryl.
      I agree the people who make these plans do not look at the bigger picture, I think they have tunnel vision, that only extends to the end of their noses. WOOPS I borrowed your soap box, sorry should have asked first. xxx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      We have the same problem in Oxfordshire. Our main hospital is the John Radcliffe in Oxford. P,us we have the Churchill which is a flagship Cancer Hosputal. On one of the main roads into the Churchill you go past the JR. This road is a hill with 2 schools on it, so with limited parking it’s blocked for most of the morning. As cars queue to get into and passed the JR. Now they want to put a cycle lane in both directions and traffic lights at the roundabout half way up the hill leading into the JR. Luckily for the moment the contractors went bust.

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Brenda what stunning cards you’ve made. I have the wavy mask but have never used it. It looks lovely on the Berry Burst card. Love the XL stamp from inkylicious as well.
    Well off to school soon. I’m hoping to get into my craft room later.
    It’s quite cold and cloudy here as well today. So I’m not to sure what Pete will be doing today. He’ll be going down to see his friend just before I come home though. So he hopefully won’t be to miserable that he can’t get outside.

    1. Thank you so much Pat for your comment.
      Hope you had a good day in school and Pete has behaved in your absence. xxx

    2. Hi Brenda
      I had a lovely day at school. Pete on the other hand is frustrated that he can’t get into the garden. The problem with that is, he’s in no fit state to do any gardening. He digs a bit and his back pain is so bad he has to rest up for 2 days. Even mowing the lawn hurts his back.

  5. Beautiful cards BRENDA and certainly deserve to have a day of their own
    Oh CHERYL I am totally with you They took away our A&E and now if anything major happens on the A1 we cannot get through to the “sister” hospital
    OH packing I’m trying to stay out of the way!
    Have a good day all

    1. Thank you so much Karen for your lovely comment. Have a good day xxx

    2. Hi Karen
      OH is packing. Petes never packed anything at all for holidays. Then as we’re going down the motorway he’s saying. Have you packed this, have you packed that. Would be much better if I could get him to pack for himself.

  6. Hi everyone.
    BRENDA beautiful cards. Just love that rich colour.
    Gales force winds here today. Quite frightening actually. I keep seeing things flying past the window.
    Just waiting for the fumigation man to arrive. We seem to have a cockroach problem in the kitchen and utility room. So hate the little blighters. Hopefully he can sort it out with drops as if he decides to fumigate the house we have to be out of the house for 24 hours.
    Off out for an Indian meal yesterday, my favourite.
    Nothing else planned.
    Enjoy your day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Ugg, cockroaches make me shudder. We sometimes had them when we were abroad in the hotels. But you very rarely see them now thank goodness. Pete’s brother in Australia said he could feel one crawling up his leg. He has a rare form of Parkinson’s so once in bed cannot move. So Gill his wife had to get out of bed to deal with it. She said she’d never had one in the bed before. It made me shudder I can tell you.

    2. Thank you so much Val for your comment. Yes that Berry Burst colour is gorgeous. Put together with the matching ribbon - the job is done for you.
      Ugg Cockroaches are yucky. Hope you can get rid of them quickly. Some years ago I went to Tanzania with my sister. She had to visit several religious houses (mostly convents) at one we stayed at, there were a group of novices standing sayings there evening prayers. We respectfully stood waiting for them to finish, before my sister addressed them, when I spotted this cockroach - iWELL t was about the size of a rat...... BIG. Well I don’t know what my expression was but these young ladies started to quietly giggle - not making a sound, but there body’s were shaking. I felt really embarrassed and did apologise to the Novice mistress afterwards. so when anyone mentions cockroaches, I remember the disruption I caused to the young Novices. The size of that critter will live with me forever.
      Good luck xxx

    3. It shows from your comments that I'm not the only one who hates the horrible creatures. I'm sure God put them on earth for a reason, but for the life of me I can't think what.
      The chap found new eggs underneath the dishwasher and apparently they like the warmth. Any way he's put drops all over the utility room and the kitchen and we have to keep the door closed and not use either room until tomorrow morning. I'd already brought the animals food and bowls into the living room as well as snacks and drinks for us so we don't have to open the door. He said last year he'd been called out to over 80 houses on our urbanization. Perhaps its the sort of thing that people feel embarrassed talking about.
      Anyhow what he's done should sort the problem out until next year yeah.
      Hope you're having a good Tuesday. I'm off to my craft room for an

    4. Oh ugh, Val. Hope the horrid critters will go after being killed off. We had big ones in Sri Lanka and they could fly ! One big one came out in the basin when brushing our teeth, not a nice experience xx

    5. Hi Val
      We were told in Majorca not to stamp on them as they carry their eggs under their shell on the back. If you stamped on them the eggs would be carried away on your shoes. Not to sure if that was true or not though.

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a surprise I had when I opened your blog this morning seeing my challenge cards sitting there. Isn’t it strange how sometimes our email seems to arrive instantly, then on other it seems to have taken the long route (wonder if it was the scenic route Ha Ha). The Flourish XL stamp I got from Inkylicious, it was on offer as part of a pack with the Paint Spray Drips stamp. When Deby was on Hochanda it was one of the deals on offer. They had stock left over so were selling them off at Ally Pally. To be truthful I didn’t think I would use it much. But the deal she had it almost worked out free. I have to say it’s fantastic, you do need a stamping platform as the stamp is big, almost 5” x 5” this was the first time I had used it, even I stood back and said wow. The second card using the Wave mask is very easy, it looks rich using old gold card with a gold texture paste, and very dramatic in black and white, a really great background. Big thank you Sandra for showing my cards, next time I will try and make sure they behave and come straight to you. XX

    Not a lot on today , May go pottering in the garden after lunch. Whatever you’re doing I hope you’re enjoying it. Anyone feeling under the weather sending gentle hugs just for you. XX

    Take care everyone, love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      I think both cards are fantastic. Especially love the first stamp. Might have a look to get that one.
      Enjoy your pottering if you get out in the garden. Petes really feeling the cold at the moment. I’m not to sure why, as he’s usually very hot due to the Hormone injections he has. I even had to have the fire 🔥 on yesterday he was so cold. Mind you he’s freezing again today although I don’t think it’s that cold today.

    2. Hi Brenda, glad your cards got it's own showing because they are both so Beautiful ! The colour is absolutely stunning, love it. many hugs xx

  8. Hi All, wet and cold today.
    Sorry not been in for a few days, feeling bad again, still no new meds, but another appointment at the hospital in a months time, really fed up.

    Brenda your cards are great, as were all of the Sunday cards. Hope to get one made this week.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

    1. Thank you so much Lillian I really appreciate your comments.
      I can understand you being really fed up, it seems to be taking so long to sort out your medication. I hope when you do get to the hospital they can come up with a solution. Try to keep your spirits up, and believe me life will get better.
      Sending you Love and gentle hugs. XXX

    2. Hi Lilian, so sorry you are feeling so bad and are fed up. Remember we are here for you and you can always send a private message if you like to talk. I really hope that when you go to hospital that they can help you. Sending you many warm cyberspace hugs Take care Maria xxx

    3. Hi Lilian
      My word, I can understand why your fed up. The hospital seems to be taking an age to sort your meds out, and what the underlying cause of your problem is. Fingers crossed they can give you answers when you go. Gentle hugs coming your way.

  9. Hello all,
    very happy to see the wonderful backgrounds that our Brenda made for the last cc, thank you for sharing them with us today.
    I hope you all have had a good day and maybe manage to make some crafting. Me, I have slept this day away. Might be the pills I took last night that made me do it, not sure. Blooming pain is not going so just taking one day at the time. Many warm hugs to you all (it's gone cold again)
    Maria xxxx

    1. Thank you so much Maria for your comments. You must be absolutely exhausted, I hope you get some relief from that pain soon. Sending gentle hugs. xxx

    2. Hi Maria
      Some tablets do make you very tired sometimes. Is the pain clinic helping or are you not seeing them any more?. Hope your feeling much better tomorrow.
      Pete stopped taking his painkillers last Friday he’s been gently weaning himself off of them to see whether he needs them any more. We shall see. But I’m not to sure how long painkillers take to go out of your system.

  10. Margaret Palmer24 April 2018 at 21:19

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I agree it is lovely to spend a day with your Daughter, I love spending time with Sue. So pleased you had a good day with Becca
    Brenda your cards deserve a day to themselves they are beautiful, well
    Lilian & Maria sorry you are both feeling poorly, special hugs to you
    I have spent afternoon making my CC, trouble was I kept changing my mind. Played Petanque this morning & it was bitter again, everyone had their winter coats on again, lets hope tomorrow is better although it is raining at the moment.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Thank you so much Margaret for your lovely comment. xxx
