
Monday 23 April 2018

Monday Sketch Challenge with Sneak Peek of New SU Suite...

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

 I hope that you all had a lovely relaxing weekend, the weather was very kind to us, we managed to get all washing dry on the line, which makes me happy, I smells so much fresher (to me)!

I have chosen (with Michele's help) a simple sketch for this week's challenge,  I think sketches are so helpful when you are struggling for ideas for a card.  This sketch would work for everything from Christmas to Christening card, Bon Voyage to Birthday!  You can use whatever you like, you can make your own background or use Patterned paper, embossing folders, masks, stencils, whatever you have to hand.

I have been Naughty and given you a sneak peek of some of the New Products that are in the Brand new Stampin'Up! catalogue, my .goodness there are some amazing new stamps and papers!!

I have used the "Share What You Love" 
which features some stunning Designer Series Paper that has pearlised elements, a lovely floral stamp set, there is also a luxurious Velvet Ribbon in Rich Razzleberry.
I stamped my focal piece in Rich Razzleberry, then used a blender pen with the same ink to colour the flower, the background is stamped in one of the new 'In Colours' Grapefruit Grove,  I stamped the first impression onto scrap paper to give just a hint of colour. I used the same background stamp to add colour to my sentiment, which I stamped I Rich Razzleberry and punched out with the Lovely Label punch
My card base is covered with Rich Razzleberry card that I embossed with the Petal Pair embossing folder and a piece of the new DSP, using such a small piece means I will go a long way. I added strip of ribbon down the centre to tie the two sides together.  I then placed my topper on an angle and added some coordinating pearls.
 I hope you like my card. xx

Love What You Do 
Stamp set

I hope you all enjoy this week's challenge and look forward to seeing your cards.

Have a lovely day,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, this shows off the sketch perfectly. The colours you have used are lovely, I can see them being used a lot!

    Got my mountain of ironing finished yesterday, we had torrential rain all morning then glorious sunshine in the afternoon. Once I’d finished the housework, I actually managed to fit in my craft room. I was asked to make a 60th Birthday Card with an image of a Woodpecker on it (for a Lady). Not the easiest of requests but I made something. It was nice just to relax & spend some time in my craft room.


    1. Hi Michele
      You ladies do get some unusual requests for cards don’t you. Finished my ironing on Sunday before we went out to lunch.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Well it looks as though we're back to our usual weather this morning - dull/grey but dry.

    SANDRA- an interesting Challenge for this week. I'll have to get my 'little grey cell' working.

    A very pretty card and I love the colours.

    As it's Monday it's Mr Tesco delivering first thing and then I hope to get to my craft table and have a quiet crafting day - well I can dream can't

    The CAFE is OPEN and ready for you all to pop in for a quick/long chat and a cuppa.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends who are in need.
    Have a good Monday everyone xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      It’s nit been very warm here today either, and quite windy with it as well. Looks like it’s going to get worse though throughout the week.
      No hospitals again this week yippee. Although we do have the dentist on Wed.

  3. Margaret Palmer23 April 2018 at 09:01

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra a lovely card & love the colours you have used. Challenge looks interesting this week hope to have a go
    It is grey here definitely cooler, back to normal.
    Sending hugs to all who need them especially Lilian, missed you the last few days, & Maria hope your aches & pains not to bad love

  4. Pretty card SANDRA and love the colours
    I do like challenges like this because I do struggle with “unusual” layouts I might even copy the measurements!
    It’s “chill” day and I’m having withdrawal symptoms at not being able to get in my craft room Sometimes I like to just glance in and smile to myself that it’s My Space
    Have a good day ladies I hope all is ok in your world Big hugs for MARIA and LILIAN xx

  5. Morning ladies.
    Lovely card Sandra and another one of my fav colours used. Hope to be able to do some crafting this week, you never know.
    Much colder out today and it look like rain so not going far. OH has hospital later for treatment. I want him to take a taxi but he want to drive so that's me told.
    Thanks for the hugs, I sending many of them back to you.
    Have a good day everyone, love Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope it’s nothing untoward that Rick has to go to the hospital for. Hope the pain clinic is doing you some good as well. Pete drives to the hospital when he goes but I have to drive back. He always feels a bit groggy after he’s had his treatment.

  6. Morning all the weather is dull today not like the beautiful sunshine we had over the weekend, not suprised you got all your washing done. We had chance to sort the gardens out so the little one can play outside.. Beautiful card Sandra using some gorgeous new products. Have a lovely day all. x

    1. Hi Danielle
      It’s nit very warm here either. Would have gone to sit by the canal at Thrupp on Sunday if we didn’t have to go baby sitting. I was a bit cross as Craig said to be over there by 4.30pm. However at 3.45 rang and said you needn’t come over until 6.00pm. If he’d have rung us in the morning we could have stayed out until later ourselves.

  7. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    Like most of you our weather is unpredictable today started out sunny &I now clouding over so hopefully I get the towels dry.sun keeps popping through the cloud's.
    Sandra your card is very pretty & love the new colour's the Die looks beautiful too. Hope you managed to sit out in your garden over the weekend. This week's challenge looks good hope to have a go later.
    Not sure what we are upto today have to put a repeat prescription in doctors. & Terry wants to cut grass back & Front ( hmmm we will see ) he hasn't moved yet
    He said this at 10 am & it's now 1.20pm so it could be a usual saying of his
    Better get rest of ironing finished.Have a good day everyone sending Hug's extra for Lilian & Maria xxx
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hope he’s not to bad at putting things off Lynda. No one could be as bad as Karen’s partner. He’s always going to do something and very rarely does anything. Been going to draw up plans for a proper extension for the past 5 yrs and he’s still not done it. Why Karen doesn’t just ring up a few building firms and get a quote I’ll never know. The grandchildren aren’t very complimentary about their dad I must say.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lovely card from you today Sandra, the Share what you Love is a great stamp set with very useable sentiments. I’m waiting to see what else is new before I commit my pennies!
    This weeks challenge looks good, I bet you ladies are planning your cards already.

    We are lucky to have some sunshine today, although it’s not as warm as yesterday. I have two machine loads of washing blowing away on the washing line, that are ready to come in and be ironed. It’s lovely when the washing doesn’t hang around indoors, get them washed, dried, ironed and put away in the same day is my idea of domestic heaven..... I know - I’m a sad person !!!!!

    Have a good day everyone, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Everyone.
    Such a pretty card Sandra. Love the colour.
    Been to meet a friend for coffee and a catch up. Jackie has a house here but her and her husband now spend more time in the UK as her mum and dad are quite elderly and need some help around the house. Lovely to have a chat and a laugh.
    Just finished off some cards for the shop and started on a order for a rugby ball card for an 11 year old. Thank goodness for Pinterest.
    Lovely news about a new baby Prince being born and on St Georges Day as well. I'm watching Sky News who are waiting for all the Royal family to appear on the hospital steps.
    Have a good rest of the day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Not to sure whether that’s a backing paper at the back or one you’ve made yourself. Great card but the backing design isn’t to my taste.
    Well I’m still trying to deter Pete from digging the whole of our garden. 150ft of it and quite frankly his back etc isn’t up to it. He doesn’t 10 mind digging and is doubled up in pain for the next couple of days. Obviously before he had his pacemaker fitted he could do nothing. Even walking was an effort. So the garden really needs a lot of work.
    Even mowing the lawns are painful. Our bottom one got quite long so I strimmed it on Sat for him first. I’d like to get someone in to clear it off and put quite a bit of it down to lawn and just leave Pete a bit of ground for his veggies. Growing veg is hard work.
    Super Heroes week at school today and we had a treasure hunt as well.
