
Sunday 4 March 2018

Your Challenge Cards

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Wow you have loved this Challenge, it gives me such a huge buzz when I get such an overwhelming response to a Challenge, this one certainly got us all rummaging around for those Magazine Freebies.
You have really proved that you can make some really stunning cards with the Free Gifts that we sometimes overlook when we get our magazines each month, having said that the free gifts have improved a lot to the horrible shiny magazine free papers that we used to get.  The only magazine that did decent papers years ago was the Making Cards magazine.  These days there are some lovely gifts to tempt you into buying the magazines, there was 'The' Embossing Folder a year or so ago and we also get some lovely dies too.  
I have waffled enough though, lets see your amazing cards.....


Brenda has made two gorgeous cards for this weeks Challenge.
The first card was made using the Freebies that came with the Chloe Magazine that Brenda bought this week, I will add Brenda's description.....
" I used the free die from my Stamps from Chloe magazine, it cuts into the card, then you can raise the cut pieces, it looked lovely just white but I decided to give the Butterflies some colour. I had a strip of paint colours I had picked up at a DIY store!!! Starting with the darkest shade I placed it on the top butterfly on the die, then moved onto the next shade arranging each colour along the die. After putting them through my machine I nipped them out using a small pair of scissors, them glued them onto the matching size butterfly. Hope that makes sense!! I dithered over should I use some of the papers included with the freebies, but ended up deciding to stay with the plain look, I felt the papers lovely as they are would distract the eye from the focal point."

Brenda's second card was made using the Free papers that came with the Chloe magazine and Brenda added a Glitter circle Frame from her 'bits box'.
Such a lovely card Brenda, that glitter frame adds a real 'Chloe Sparkle' to the card, I love how you have laid the card out too.
Thank you so much for two stunning cards Brenda.


Cheryl used some free papers to create this beautiful card, she added some beautiful Lace/ribbon rose trim from her stash.  Some little girl is going to absolutely love this card Cheryl.
Thank you so much for taking part in the Challenge this week Cheryl, it is so lovely to have your cards in our weekly line up.


Karen this card is so pretty, I love that ombre style paper, or have you done some blending?
Karen made this card with the free die that came with Papercraft Essentials magazine issue 149.
Karen used this card as the inspiration for her card, such pretty colours, I love that Free corner die Karen, I love your card too.
Thank you so much for taking part.


Lilian used this Hydrangea stamp that came free with a magazine last year to make this fantastic card,
I love that brick wall background Lilian, it looks so real. The foliage stamp that Lilian has used to create a frame around the card is one that she has had in her stash for a while, it is so delicate and pretty.
Thank you so very much for taking part my lovely.


Lynda made 2 beautiful cards for this weeks challenge.
The first card was made using a 'All Occasion' stamp set that came with Simply Cards and Papercaft Magazine, Lynda coloured that gorgeous flower in with her Spectrum Noir Sparkle pens, it is so pretty Lynda.
The second card was made with the free Embossing Folder and die that came with the Simply Cards and Papercraft Magazine, I absolutely love this card Lynda, It would make a lovely anniversary or birthday card, that embossing really stands out too.
Two stunning cards, thank you so very much for taking part.

Maria has shared 4 lovely challenge cards with us this week, they are all so different and so lovely too.  It just shows what a fantastic variety of cards that we can make if we actually use the free goodies that we get with the magazines that we buy.
The first two cards look like Maria has done a fantastic Pixie Powder background and then stamped over it with some free stamps. I love the colours you have created in both if those backgrounds Maria.
The second two cards feature super cute images that Maria has decoupaged perfectly.
Thank you so very much Maria for sharing such a lovely variety of cards with us.


Four beautiful cards from Margaret for this weeks challenge, I am sure its a combination of being stuck inside because of the weather and the fact that you enjoyed this challenge that you managed to make all of these cards this week.
Cards 1 is just so pretty Margaret, a beautiful stamp that you have coloured perfectly.
Card 2 Such a pretty scene your have created with your free stamps, could be used for many occasions.
Card 3, pretty flower fairies for this card, I love the colours you have used Margaret, here is Margarets description....
"Here is my card, first time I have used a topper. It was a freebie with Cardmaking & Papercraft as was the paper etc I just added purple card from stock."

Card 4 is so pretty, I love those embossed corners and your colouring is gorgeous, here is Margarets description...
"This again is a freebie embossing folder & stamp from Cardmaking & Papercraft. I coloured the flowers with my new Spectrum Noir Aqua crayons"

Four fantastic cards Margaret, thank you so very much my lovely.


Michele has also managed 4 challenge cards this week, they are all so pretty.
Here is Michele's description......
"Challenge cards-made using done VERY old papers & toppers. They were from a magazine called Creative Cardmaking which hasn’t been published for a number of years! I’ve included the magazine articles as “evidence “-ha ha!!
You always make such amazing cards with freebies Michele, these prove that, your matting and layering is always perfect as are your finishing touches.
Thank you for taking part Michele.


Sue, wow what a stunning Pop Up Box, omg such cute snowman images, maybe Michele will have an idea of which magazine they are from.?   I know that Snowmen images are your favourite Christmas card theme, so I know how much you will have enjoyed making this amazing card. I was so excited to see your email saying 'CC' in the title.  I know that life often gets in the way of you taking part, which is why it is so special when you do.
Thank you so much for taking part my lovely.

Val's amazing Challenge card was made using the Free papers and Main image that were in Making Cards magazine a few months ago.  Those birds are so bloomin cute, they look almost like a  Lilli of the Valley style topper.
Thank you Val for such a lovely challenge card.

Such an amazing gallery of cards 22 of them, all very different, all absolutely amazing.  I know I say it every week but I am so incredibly grateful that you all take time to join in these challenges.  So thank you so very much, I am glad you all enjoyed this one. 

Janet I do hope you are ok, I really miss having your cards in our weekly gallery. We are all looking forward to your Sunday Roast tomorrow so I hope you can make it in 😉😉.  Sending lots of love and hugs xxxx

Have a lovely Sunday ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    WOW-what an absolutely amazing collection of challenge cards today. I think Sandra needs to run this challenge again later in the year. It certainly made me look through my stash. I wasn’t actually planning on making the cards I did, thought I’d make an Easter card with the free Dies from Diecutting Essentials but they’re still on my craft table!

    Sue’s Pop up Card was a gift with Quick Cards Made Easy and is a lovely Kit. I think you can still order the back issues.
    Mew hx end bright, clear morning and NO SNOW !!! I’ll be setting off just after 9am to my In Laws then onto the Sincerely Yours craft show in Leigh. I have £30 vouchers to use (Christmas present) so it will be nice to buy things without spending any money! I won’t be there too long as it’s quite a small show but will stop at my In Laws for a cuppa and a catch up with my Father in Law as he’s not been very well the last few months.


    1. The second part of my message should read “it’s a bright, clear morning “!!! No idea how that gibberish ended up there-ha ha!

    2. Enjoy the sho sndcI hope FIL is ok

    3. More gibberish! I meant to say Enjoy the show and I hope FIL is ok

    4. Hi Michele,
      I used to have a subscription to Making cards when I was in the UK. It was a really good magazine and don't understand why they stopped issuing it. Love your freebie cards. I remember getting that set.
      Enjoy your day our and be careful on the roads.x

    5. See I knew that Michele would know which magazine Sue's card was from. You are our resident Magazine Guru !!

    6. Hi Michele
      I hope you enjoyed the Sincerly show. I think there was one in Bracknell as well last weekend. Hope you FIL is feeling better when you visit today.
      I remember I bought a back issue of a magazine that had the pop up boxes in it. I think the ones I had had poinsettias on.
      Love the slugs and snails card as well you’ve made. Sophie my granddaughter would have loved that card years ago as she was into slugs and snails.

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Wow, what a lot of wonderful challenge cards this week, and as always each and everyone so different. I'm sorry I don't know which magazine mine are from as I usually throw away the outer packaging that usually has the name on it! This set has 4 boxes to make and I have another set of 4 Christmas flowers/plants images, from a different magazine so will get them all finished now I have them out.
    We are enjoying the ice free pavements and roads here, the snow is melting fast. I hope you are all in the same position if you have to venture out today. We are moving furniture again today.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue. Love your pop up box. I have an aversion to making them but get the all ready to assemble sounds great.
      Glad to read your snow is almost gone and enjoy your day.x

    2. Love the pop up boxes Sue. I think I have the other ones you have. I bought the magazine after Sandra had shown Michele’s ones she’d made before, quite awhile ago now.

  3. Happy Sunday morning ladies,

    My oh my, a lovely collection to see this morning. I forgot to mention where my freebies came from haha, they are from 'make special Cards' issue 10, spring 2018. I bought this magazine before I went to my sister's last month. Apart from the 4 pages toppers, there were loads of paper and the most gorgeous bunny stamps to match along with some sentiments. I forgot to take it with me to Bev's for my great niece Sophie (Bev's granddaughter) so bought her another one.
    Whilst there I also indulged myself with another couple of craft mags to read on the train.

    The sun is shining so hopefully it won't be long before the snow has gone. It started to drizzle yesterday so my car is now almost clear of snow but I still cannot get out of the drive yet. Another crafting day on the cards methinks. Yay!
    And joy of joys, I spotted a Redwing in my garden, first time ever, I believe they are coming in from the fields to hoover up any birdfeed left on bird tables. Funny that apart from the resident blackbird and his missus plus my robin, I did not see any birds in the garden at all from just before the snow came til now. I can hear the rooks waking up all and sundry with their raucous squawking.
    Keep warm and safe.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Lovely card today from you. Pete said he hasn’t seen a Redwing in years. I’m not into birds like Pete is, so might just look on google to see what it looks like.
      Hope the snow goes off your car soon. I brushed the snow off my car yesterday while Pete cleared the drive again. He’s cleared it 5 times now.

  4. Morning Everyone
    What a WOW WOW WOW Challenge result for this week. All are so very different and it really shows how crafters can be so 'creative' with 'free' goodies.

    I'm sorry that I didn't make it this week but for some reason I just couldn't get my ideas flowing. I don't buy mags but I'm sure that somewhere I must have a freebie or two. This last week has been a really up side down one what with the horrible snow etc. We had another layer yesterday morning but no more throughout the day but yet again another thin layer this morning. I really cannot wait to see the back of it. Anyway I really will get things sorted and I'll have a CC made whatever comes up tomorrow morning.

    The CAFE is OPEN but the closing time may just be a little earlier because I don't want anyone out and about late lol. The lunch menu is Roast Pork so please place your orders. A big thank you PAUL for breaking off searching SANDRA's boxes for crafting things and getting the extra boards needed for this week's challenge lol.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Stay safe and wrap up warm. xxxx

    1. Oh Janet the weather sounds horrible up your way and I hope you don't have to venture out any time soon. I know a lot of people are without power and happy you're not one of them. Stay warm and safe.
      A lovely roast pork lunch sounds just what I need. I'll be in later and could I have lots of apple sauce please.x

    2. Hi Janet
      Sounds like your weather is worse than ours, as we haven’t had any snow yesterday or today. Hope you don’t have to venture out.
      I’m afraid we went to Yarnton again for lunch and we all had beef. I must say they do a very nice lunch. Pete and Doreen had Peach Sponge and custard for afters. It was a huge portion today.

  5. Ooh I do like Sundays (never used to admit meant the weekend was over)
    Fantastic cards and roast pork for lunch courtesy of JANET
    I enjoy seeing everyone’s ideas I might see if I can get that Chloe mag because that you used BRENDA is ridiculously gorgeous AND to use a paint chart to highlight the butterflies is a lovely idea
    I must make the effort to go into the town centre more often and see what WH Smith have on offer (or try and get OH to take me to Hobbycraft in Stevenage)
    The example in the mag was a ink blended background I “cheated” and created mine on Serif!
    The snow has practically gone So may go dancing later in Stevenage Ha ha!
    Listen out for the fire engines later I’m attempting to use my new oven for the first time today!
    Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen. You're a real whiz on Serif. Beautiful card.
      Enjoy using your new oven.x

    2. Thank you Val and I really don’t use it to its full potential

    3. There are two magazines I would like to purchase this month, the Chloe mag, although it was a total sell out on Hochanda and the Creative Stamping Mag as it has a sheet of fantastic stamps, all travel related. Perfect for men's cards.

    4. Hi Karen
      Love your card, great that you can do backgrounds on your Serif. Especially like the colours you’ve used. Enjoy using your new oven. And hope you manage to go dancing.

  6. Morning everyone.
    WOW what a wonderful array of cards today. Obviously we've all got lots of freebies in our stash.I think its a great challenge Sandra and yes it would a good idea to repeat this one.
    BRENDA love both your card from Chloe magazine. Haven't used mine yet to hope to have a play later.x
    Glad to see that the snow is slowly disappearing for some of you. Those poor little spring bulbs must be having a heck of a job trying to push their way through the snow. Roll on better weather.
    I have a bit of housework and ironing to do today and then the day is my own and I'm spending it in my craft room.yeh.
    Hugs to all but special ones to Maria, Lynda and all in need.
    Love Valxxx

    1. It's so sad to see the Snowdrops and Daffodils that were flowering in the garden all flopped over and dying!! It was beginning to look very spring like.
      Enjoy your crafting Val xxxx

    2. Hi Val
      Lovely card today. Hope you manage to get into your craft room today. I bet your weather is better than ours.

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What an amazing display you have today Sandra, each card so different and equally gorgeous. I have to admit I really enjoyed this challenge, It was helped by my magazine arriving last Monday morning, Instant inspiration you could say! The freebies are really good quality. Val I hope when you start to use yours agree with me.
    Well we’are snow free here, yesterday when we got up we had a good 3 inches all across the garden, as the day drew on and the temperature increased it started to melt. Then about 6 o’clock we had rain so that washed the remaining snow away. I know the snow is still hanging on in some areas, giving great problems to communities, my heart goes out to people who are so cut off.

    Have a good day everyone. Janet am I to late to order a roast pork dinner? Please xx

    Love and Hugs for everyone. Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      2 lovely cards today. My favourite is the first one. Now one of the ladies sent me a birthday cards with butterflies done like this. Can’t remember who so must go and have a look. Mine had stamp under them. This might have been done either using a stencil or one of John Lockwood plates. I loved it I must say,

  8. Hello ladies.
    Oh wow just look at all the cards you have on show today Sandra. It's fantastic and I have been up and down a few times already looking at them all. I wouldn't mind having this cc again one day but as I told you I will try to make some more now and have a stock for future Birthdays, Thank you, Just a note etc. Going to have a coffee and have a proper look at them all again, love them all !
    Did some shopping and ran the hover around this morning. OH watching football and I'm thinking of doing some crosswords, working the little grey cells meant to be good for you.
    Sending warm hugs to you all ,extras for you who need one and hope you have a nice Sunday.
    Love Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria
      Fantastic cards. Love the stamping on your first two. And the teddy bears are so cute,

  9. Margaret Palmer4 March 2018 at 16:15

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely selection of cards, this was a super challenge which made us stop & look at what we had, thank
    I am pleased to see snow gone & can now get out. We went to Tesco, not my favourite, shelves weren't too bad, alot of people about though.
    Dending hugs to all who need them love

    1. 4 fantastic cards Margaret. I hope you managed to get what you needed at Tesco’s. Someone in Bournemouth put on Facebook that they’d been to the bigger supermarkets and none of them had any milk due to the snow. His front bedroom window looked like it was a frosted window, but was in fact rain that had frozen to the window as it landed.

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    What a fabulous selection of cards today. Once again not one card the same. It’s rained very hard this afternoon while we were at Yarnton. So nearly all the snow gad disappeared. And at least it’s not so cold today.
    I hope those of you that have been feeling under the weather are feeling better today. Roll on Spring and some warmer weather.

  11. Hello All, glad to say the snow has all gone from here, the rain washed it away.

    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday, this cold has knocked me for six, haven’t had one for several years.

    Lovely challenge cards, must admit I didn’t do very well, as I gave away most of my mags with the free goodies.

    Keep well all, hugs Lilian

  12. Hi everyone sorry late just got home from Darren's a unexpected invite for dinner. Had a lovely time & cuddles with my little man he's 3 going on 33 haha.
    Wonderful challenge cards this week. BRENDA I love your card with the free chloe stamps I must look for that magazine.
    MARIA love your Pixie powder backgrounds Hope your dad's doing ok.x
    A good challenge this week Sandra. Look forward to seeing what you have for us tomorrow.
    Hope you all had a good day I will say good night sending Hug's all round.
    Love Lynda xx

