
Saturday 3 March 2018

Mixed Craft Saturday


Good Morning Ladies,

 This Week's Mixed Crafts Saturday is mostly our favourite pastime.....Shopping!!!
Although we a few Fabulous Craft items too, so without further delay, here we go....

The first photo today is of a stunning Gift Bag, made by Danielle, the bag is made from one sheet of paper and no cutting is required!! 
If you want to find out how to make this bag pop over to Danni's blog, also if you leave a comment you could win a prize, so well worth a visit, I will leave the link ......

Thanks for sharing your project with us Danielle. XXX


Omg look at Sue's FIRST attempt a Silk foam flowers, they are stunning Sue, such fantastic results, the photo doesn't do them justice to be honest, they are gorgeous and so soft to touch.  These flowers have been enhanced with a little Peacock feathers distress ink. You have done an amazing job Sue, can't wait to make some with you XXX


Val and Lynn have been busy making these cute little lambs to display around the shop for Easter, they are made with a Cotton Pad, I think they are so cute, the shop is going to look amazing by the time you have finished. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely lambs with all of us. XXX

I had to include the remaining two Challenge Cards from Janet, I just can't have anyone going to the trouble of making cards and me not showing them.  

Janet's first card is made using: Sheena's Brick Wall stencil from her 'remember When' collection.  The main image is from a collection called "Clara and Edward is Immortal" from Visible Image.  Janet coloured them with Aquacolour and Sparkle pens.  Crafters Companion Twine and flowers from Janet's stash.
Janet's second card uses: Die'sire Lace Corners and Sue Wilson's 'Fillables' Jewelled Heart Die.  The ribbon and pearls are from Janet's stash.
Thank you so much for two fabulous cards Janet XXX



Val has bought some lovely craft goodies this week, first up some fantastic Die storage folders, you'll have them filled in no time Val !! 
Val bought the collection of John Lockwood's stamps, such a useful collection too, I live the flowers and the Dragonflies. I look forward to seeing how you use of all them.
Val also bought the lovely Chloe's Magazine, I saw this featured on Hochanda, you got a lovely collection of Free gifts with it.  I love watching Chloe create her cards on TV,  her cards are stunning.
Thank you so much for sharing your craft Shopping with us Val XXX


Brenda also couldn't resist the lovely Chloe's Magazine, I am not surprised though, just look how many free gifts you get, Brenda says the papers are amazing quality. You got Stamps, background and Flowers and Butterflies, a mask and a die, an Embossing Folder and those Free papers!  What a fantastic deal, I actually think it was a sell out on the show.  Thank you so much for sharing Brenda XXX


Margaret got some lovely craft goodies while we were at the Craft Show at Bracknell last Saturday.  
Some Aquacolour pens, (they were a great price)! Some Colall Glue and some fine tip applicators. 
Some pretty foiled card, a fantastic Woodland Stencil and Brayer
Some tools for shaping flowers, stamens some Silk foam to make flowers and some more glue pens.  (I believe that Sue and Margaret are going to do a Glue Review after testing a good selection) It will be featured on here sometime soon.  Thank you so much Margaret for sharing your shopping with us. XXX


Sue's first bargains were from the Sale Department at Hobby Craft, each die was just 50p!! The washi Tape too, Sue says she uses it as low tack tape for her dies etc as it is so much cheaper than buying the scotch tape.
Thanks Sue for sharing your shopping with us. Xxx

Sue managed to find some bargains at the craft show too,  the same Ball Tool and Silk foam for making flowers, some distress oxide inks, a variety of glue and applicators, a lovely script effect mask, some glitter and wood effect paper, 

My Shopping

I couldn't resist this Collection of Stamps designed by Lisa Horton, you get such a great variety of stamps including a fantastic set of Sentiments. I can't wait to play with them.

That's all for this week, I spent the whole day yesterday emptying boxes in my craft room , I am a little frustrated as I can't find the box with my Stampin Up ink and Punches in, it has to be here somewhere!  Paul couldn't get on the garage to check yesterday as the door was behind a snow drift.  The search will continue today, the unpacking will too, it's hard to decide what to put where though. 

We have a quiet day today as everyone is off work, Sophie's visit to Coventry University has been postponed which I am glad about as I didn't want them to travel in the snow. 

I hope you all have a fab day,

Love and hugs 



  1. Morning Ladies from Snowy Southport

    What an amazing selection of cards, craft projects & crafty shopping. There’s some wonderful items on display today.

    Hubby saw the GP yesterday-there’s a stone stuck & his left kidney is inflamed. GP sending an urgent referral first thing on Monday for Phil to see a Urologist-let’s hope the waiting list isn’t too long.
    I’m off to the hairdressers this morning-the snow that appeared overnight isn’t too bad, at least the winds have died down now. I’m dropping something off st Dads on y way out and then calling at my crazy friends house to deliver the golden wedding card she needed desperately and hasn’t collected! After that I’ll be straight home and into my craft room to make my challenge card.


    1. I hope Phil gets the appointment soon Canvhe take something to help ease the inflammation

    2. Hi Michele. I hope the hospital takes note that its an urgent federal and deals with him quickly.
      Glad the snow isn't too bad by you but be careful driving.x

  2. Ooh DANIELLE that box is very pretty
    Oh my I love all of the shopping I obviously missed the Chloe shoe (not like me at all)
    I’ll be interested in seeing the glue review I use that collall all if the time for matting and layering because it’s got so much “slippage” and excess glue just rubs away Bit of a pain on mirri card though - it doesn’t rub away very easily I use CS glue for embellishments and a fine tip applicator and of course good old Pinflair gel at times I think you’ll enjoy using them SUE and MARGARET but I’d like to know about other products
    Your cards are lovely JANET
    Those flowers are amazing SUE As I enjoyed making the rolled roses earlier in the week I’d be interested to know if it’d work with those - the die might be too intricate though Wil it cut on ScanNCut to make bigger versions?
    I hope you like using the wallets VAL I back each magnet with the packaging a) to strengthen the magnet and b) to remind me what’s in there so I don’t lose one MARIA’s idea is great too I also double up each wallet with an extra sheet of magnetSo two sets can be stored in one pocket The handle is strong and I label the tab with whatever is in there eg flower dies My crafty friend creates a tag and ties it onto the handle
    More snow for us overnight Should have been going to Duxford today for a nose at a quilting show but friend decided it was too risky
    Will be filling up the kitchen cupboards instead and a bit of crafting

    1. Hi Karen, I'm yet to start on filling the wallers but thanks for the ideas.
      Looking forward to seeing a photo of your kitchen.
      I think you're wise not going out today if you don't have to.x

  3. Morning all
    What a lovely lot of deliciousness today from a lovely bag, cards and shopping goodies. A lot of lovely craftiness.
    I think this is the first one of Chloe's magazine. I don't know how often its being published but it seems really good value and of course ordering it from Joanna Sheen there was no postage.
    Off for coffee with my chatty friend shortly then visiting my friend who had the cataract op last week. I know so many people who had this op and all a total success but sadly Tony's seems to have gone wrong and he's lost the sight altogether at the moment although the surgeon has said the sight will return. He has Macular Degeneration in the other eye so in a sorry state at the moment and feeling very sorry for himself. I've bought him some chocolate biscuits, his favourite, so hopefully cheer him up for a little while at least.
    I hope everyone has a good weekend and doesn't go out unless its really necessary. A good time to craft.
    Love Valx

    1. I love your little lambs you and LYNNE made Can we get those cotton pads in UK I use cotton wool pads to remove make up but yours look like they have stitching around the edge

    2. I meant to say I hope your friend’ssight comesback soon

    3. Hi Karen. The pads are stitched but I honestly thought that was the norm.
      Tony was supposed to go back to see the surgeon yesterday but the hospital cancelled the appointment and you can't even blame the snow! He can see shadows now so an improvement but its difficult to convince him.
      Hope you've had a good day.x

  4. Sandra thank you sharing my project along with everyone else..Lots of lovely goodness to look at. Hope your all keeping warm in this awful weather were having.. x

  5. Margaret Palmer3 March 2018 at 16:54

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I have just lost a long comment so will keep it short. Thank you for showing all the lovely things
    Danni gorgeous bag, Sue's flowers are lovely, love you, Janet lovely cards, Val your sheep are great, well done to you & Lynn, enjoy your goods, Brenda looking forward to see what you
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely Saturday display,
    Daniele, love your bag.
    Val, the little lambs are so cute. Like your taste in magazines!
    Janet, Two lovely cards.
    Val, Sue, Margaret and Sandra Great shopping.
    Hope everyone has had a good day.
    Take care, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    What a wonderful mixed craft Saturday. Danielle, I love your gift bag, both the style and the gorgeous paper and you can never go wrong with vellum. I will certainly be popping over to hour blog to see how you made it. Thank you for sharing it with us x
    Janet, what beautiful cards, both will be loved by the recipient X
    Val, what cute little sheep. Do you use them just as decoration or do you sell them? I'm sorry that I renamed Olive to Oliver yesterday. I hope she is ok. Your poor friend, how awful for him to have problems on both eyes. I have known several people who have had cataract operation with no problem at all ( apart from you Mum with the dilating trouble of course X) I do hope his sights improves quickly poor chap. You will have fun filling your die storage and we are looking forward to seeing your cards with John and Chloe's
    lovely stamps X
    Brenda, enjoy Chloes mag. Please share your males with us. Have you managed to move away from the radiator now it's not quite so cold? You know I'm only teasing, you are in the most sensible place. I haven't left the house since Wednesday myself! X
    Mum, I hope you have had some time to craft over the last few days. Love to you and Pop xxxx
    Thank you for your kind words about my flowers. The silk is so easy to mould just with the heat from your hands and it takes ink pad colour easily, I have used all types and they all seem to be fine. I made a few primroses yesterday, and had to make myself stop to make my CC. It is so easy to.make all styles of flowers and I am loving using this silk foam 😊
    Lynda, the silk foam is from Oyster craft. I hope you and Terry are ok and staying warm now xx
    Lilian, sending you hugs. I'm sorry to hear you have caught R's cold. All the more reason to stay snug and safe indoors x
    We have been busy moving furniture around today, it's it's one of those times like you had the other day Sandra, having to move one thing then another into its place like one of those picture square puzzles 😊 we will be doing some more tomorrow and should get it finished, I hope! The snow melted a lot during the day but it started again late afternoon after some rain so who knows what tomorrow will bring. Chris collected little Chris this morning as all of the roads where clear and they went shopping on the way back but the shelves were all very bare. People do go into panic mode don't they!
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  8. Good evening Sandra & everyone
    Like Margaret my comment earlier has vanished gremlins are at it again.
    Lots of lovely shopping you have all bought.
    SUE your flowers are gorgeous I must get some of that silk foam.
    Dannie your bag is lovely & your you tube was very easy to follow. Thank you for sharing
    VAL I love your sheep you & Lynn made for the shop so cute. Sorry about your friend .sending him some Hug's & really hope his sight comes back.
    JANET Your cards are lovely as usual love the the caricature's they are great.
    I must check Chloe's magazine out lovely free gifts.
    SANDRA lovely stamps from Lisa Horton some of her better ones.
    Hope you all have fun useing your fabulous crafty shopping
    Love Lynda xx

  9. SUE Your silk flowers are beautiful xxx

  10. Hi everyone.
    oh so many lovely things in the cafe' today.
    Like the bag you made Danielle.Gorgeous card.
    Love the silk foam flowers Sue, they are lovely.
    Cute little sheeps Val, what a neat idea to use cotton pads. Hope your friend soon get his eyesight back.
    Brenda- good shopping, looking forward to see what you make with it all and also Sandra, Sue, Val and Margaret.
    Love the cards you made Janet, you always makes such nice once.
    Lilian- sorry to see you now got a cold , hope it won't go on to your chest and you have it too long. Wish you better.
    Sure I left a message this morning but it seem like the gremlins have had a good day today.
    Wishing you all a good night. Love Maria xx
