
Friday 2 March 2018

Something Floral For Friday

Good Morning Ladies,

Two 'Something Floral For Friday' cards this week, the first is from Janet (it was one of her challenge cards for last week)! The second is from Pat. 

Janet's card was made with a piece of coloured card from Janet's stash which she stamped with a Crafter's Companion 'Music Stave' Stamp, this created the background, the focal element was stamped with Crafter's Companion 'Floral Dance' stamp and coloured with Aquacolour Markers.
The stamp you have used is lovely Janet and I live that lovely lilac shade you have coloured the Lillies.  Thank you so much for

Pat's card is one she made for her friend Bet, Pat is going to tell us the the name of this stamp when she pops in today, it is a really lovely design.  You have coloured it I such lovely shade of purple too.  I'm sure Bet loved it when she opened it. 
Thank you so much for sharing Pat xxx

Yesterday turned out to be a really nice day as everyone was home in the afternoon, the girls school closed at 11am and Paul finished the same time as they were closing some of the roads on camp, Matt had the day off as well, we even had Becca home late afternoon.  The fire was roaring up the chimney, the Aga was on in the kitchen too, so the house did feel warm, we are slowly switching their curtains for ours that are thicker so that should help keep the heat in a bit. The Pantry was like a fridge, we ended using a draft excluder on the outside to stop the breeze blowing through, my veg and bread are lasting so much longer being in there though.

I finally started to fill my craft unit yesterday afternoon, although I can't fit all the shelves on as I don't have enough fixings for 11 shelves, yes eleven!!! I rang them again yesterday and will be calling them again today, yesterday we noticed that there weren't enough bolts for two main shelves, Paul was assembling the door shelves and ran out of fixings after only 5!! They now know it's me when I call, I did ask them today if they packed my unit on a Friday afternoon, the girl just laughed.  It isn't funny though, it's Bloomin' frustrating!!  I have a few boxes filled already,it's quite hard deciding what to put where. 

I hope you are all safe and warm,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet & Pat-both Cards are really lovely.

    It’s absolutely freezing here in Southport-we have “very strong “ winds (gale force) on top of the snow & ice from yesterday. Thank goodness it’s Friday!!
    My Mother in Law bought tickets to the Sincerely Yours craft show for this Sunday for us but the only problem is the weather-my journey would be awful if it’s this bad and I’m just not prepared to risk it go fo to a craft show. Let’s hope it’s very different by Sunday.


    1. Hi Michele. It sounds like we have the same weather here. Please take care getting to and from work. Its a shame if you can't make the show on Sunday but I would be the same as you, it's not worth the risk is it. The only good thing about not going is that you won't be spending any money on the goodies that were bound to jump into your basket 😊 x

  2. Two beautiful cards JANET and PAT I am very envious of those of you that colour/paint etc
    Thank you all for your lovely comments about my card yesterday I tend to use Serif for background papers of which Ihave my favourites and if my laptop and printer behave I’ll never run out of them If I mess something up I can print it again If I have space on the page I’ll print a Christmas paper in readiness
    In the office we were talking about the big freeze of 62/63 I have to say that I was the only one that had actually lived through it! My biggest memory was the snow coming over the top of my wellies and the washing freezing on the washing line It’d be a clear sunny day but too cold to dry
    In work today hope it stays fine so that I can get home Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen. I hope you do get home ok later on. We didn't have any more snow overnight but the wind is getting stronger and stronger. The back garden looks odd as 80% has 3"+ of snow and the other 20% only has a very thin layer that you can see the ground through! It is the way the wind blows around our garden but it does look odd. I hope you get home safe and sound x

    2. I can remember the freeze of 63. I'd not long started work and trying to give a good impression but most mornings had to walk the eight miles into town to work and then back home again as the busses weren't running. Very few people had cars in our street, only one in fact, so couldn't even get a lift. I think it lasted from Christmas until March..
      Good luck getting home safe tonight.x

    3. I have heard of that cold winter as I wasn't here myself. Take care going back from work. Have a good day xx

    4. I remember when I loved in Combwich, a few miles away for Cannington, and in the winter of late 75 we had such a snow storm the like of which I have never seen again and waking up the next morning to find us totally cut off from the main road which was 100yds away! Our stone walls were 4ft high and the snow completely covered them and the road. we had to be careful not to open our front doors or the snow would cascade in. Then in June 76 we had that glorious 4 month long heatwave.

    5. I remember that freeze in the 60s, my sister broke her ankle fetching water from outside, as the house supply all froze, had to go and help look after her little ones. Lasted weeks, pavements were a nightmare.

  3. Morning Ladies,

    Well after all the hoo-hah over "The Beast from the East" and Storm Emma colliding creating a super storm to hit us at 15.00 hours, I can report that although we have approx. 4" of snow, all the excitement must have been in the Met Office because it certainly was not here. Snow started early with small flurries occasionally then around 4ish it started to snow in earnest (Poor old Ernest, he certainly does get a lot happening in his name), and now my garden has a snowy white blanket covering everything.
    Only saving grace that I could actually appreciate was no traffic coming through the village courtesy of our Rodway Hill being so steep, cars could not travel up it. And those that did manage somehow to traverse to the top came a cropper going down. Slipping and sliding and banging and crashing into the idjits trying to come up the other side. Abandoned cars have been reported at the bottom of the hill.
    Some drivers obviously think that adverse road conditions do not apply to them. Wonder if the insurance companies will pay out in these conditions as we are still on 'Amber alert'?

    We have been advised to stay in and keep warm, going out only when absolutely necessary. And the government has given pensioners and benefits peeps a added bonus of an extreme weather payment of £25 which will be paid out in the next 14 days. Check if you receive yours ladies.

    Latest report NO BREAD on the supermarket shelves (no coffee either) with all the panic buying. Yet the main roads are still open lol.

    Another day for crafting for me then, yay! love it.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl. We have the same amount of snow by the sound of it. You gave me a giggle over your "Earnest " comment, thank you 😊
      Panic buyers make me laugh. Most people have enough food to last several days at the very least.
      Why do drivers think that "THEY" are not going to be affected by the snow/ice then they often end up crashing into other people's cars that are safely parked up? Much as I hate how insurance companies try and wriggle out of paying out I do wish they would only pay if it is proved that the drive was really necessary.
      Have a lovely day in your craft room x

    2. Well I never understood the panic and silly things people do when you get a bit of snow in the Uk with school closing etc. We seem to have the same amount down here with a freezing wind so we did have the heating on low all night. Take care xx

    3. This panic buying is silly I overheard somebody in the cafe (not this one!) That he’d seen somebody stocking up on toilet rolls of all things
      I hope it doesn’t last too long for you

  4. Janet & Pat, I adore your cards they are so beautiful xxx

  5. Morning Everyone
    from a very snowy/icy and windy Sheffield.

    It was a nice surprise to open up this morning and see my card on the board. I just love these set of stamps. The majority of them are musical instrument with a couple of floral ones for corners etc. The more I use the Aqua Pens the more I like them. I never thought I would be able to 'paint' but they really do all the work.

    PAT- I love that stamp and I'm impatiently waiting for the name of it. Love the deep purple colour too.

    Once again it's come to that 'swear' word day and the washer is already on. I think it may just be a quick round today. I'm hoping that I can get out tomorrow to do some shopping. The snow finally stopped just after lunch yesterday leaving us with 4inches on the garden/paths etc.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so pop in when can. HUGS are winging their way to you all. To all Dear Friends who have to venture out today please take care. Wrap up warm.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Your card is beautiful and in one of my favourite colours. You are so good at "painting" with the Aqua pens.
      Thank you for keeping the Café so welcoming during g this cold weather 😊 x

    2. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Two lovely cards to greet us today.
      Pat I love this card and the gorgeous deep purple. No doubt Bet loved it. I hope you have sorted the shower now X
      Sandra, you must be almost ready to send the unit back. What a disgrace, and to have the girl laugh just adds insult to injury. Have fun filling the rest of the boxes, even though you still can't put them all into the unit! At least you are snug with your lovely open fire and Aga 😊 xx
      Val, I'm so sorry to hear that Oliver is not well. It's always so hard when you have to make sad decisions. I hope you can enjoy your Quilling class today X
      Lynda, I'm glad you managed to get your boiler fixed yesterday. Hopefully the meds are starting to kick in now. Sending hugs to you and Terry xx
      Maria, I'm so sorry to hear of your Dad's illness. IIhope the op will sort it all out. Sending you big hugs X
      Mum, sorry I won't see you and Pop today. I hope you can get some crafting done. Love to you and Pop xxxx
      Karen, I hope you get to and from work safely of you go in x
      Brenda and Lilian, I hope you both stay snug and safe indoors x
      Like a lot of you I'm going to have a craft day and get my CC done and sent to you Sandra. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    3. Hi Janet
      I love those stamps you’ve used. Must see if Sandra has that. I used normal colouring pens on my card as they don’t bleed through to the other side. As soon as Pete moves the ladders I can get to the box to see what is was called. Stay safe if you go out tomorrow. It’s blowing a blizzard here at the moment. Petes cleared the drive 3 times already.

    4. Lovely card stamping and colouring
      Don’t swear too much it’ll still be there tomorrow

  6. Hi everyone.
    Beautiful cards today JANET and PAT. The colouring is stunning and I do envy you your talent.
    MARIA so sorry to read your dad isn't so good. Hugs winging their way to you.XXX
    Off to craft club today yeh. Enjoyed quilling yesterday. Love the picture were doing now.
    Meant to say I got back to my goal weight at slimming club on Tuesday. I'd put half a stone on since before Christmas but somehow I've lost it again. Means I don't have to pay now which is great.
    Stay safe everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. Congratulations on reaching your goal weight, you should be proud of yourself especially as you had your holiday too. Im glad you enjoyed quilling yesterday, I got muddled up and thought it was today, enjoy craft club instead x

    2. Congrats Val, that is brilliant. I'm struggling with ww so wonder if doing something else but my friend is going and she drives us there and then we have a girlie morning together which is nice so I guess I try harder next week. Got to get in the cossie end of May. So sorry to hear about Oliver, hope you be ok. hugs xx

    3. Congratulations Val Sorry to hear about Olive Take care

    4. Margaret Palmer2 March 2018 at 19:57

      Congratulations Val on reaching your target weight. Hope Olive

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely card today from Janet. I must say I do like the music feature on this one Janet.
    I stamped and coloured my card awhile back. Bet doesn’t appreciate hand made cards so I don’t tend to do anything that involves a lot of work as they end up in the bin. I wasn’t able to get into the bedroom where my craft stuff is as Pete had a ladder up into the loft as the pipe was still frozen until we went to bed. Luckily it had unthawed by then. But I will go and look later. Pete still has to go back up into the loft as he’d left the heater up there, but he did hook the extension lead over the back bedroom door. Didn’t want to be hanging ourselves or tripping over leads if we got out in the night.
    It’s stopped snowing here but it’s still bitterly cold. Lots of snow still, and some of it’s gone into quite big drifts in the garden. Petes put washing on today ( silly man ) as asked do I want to go and scrape the snow off of the garden path and hang the washing out. No thanks was my reply.
    Stay safe today ladies if you need to go out.

  8. Hi ladies
    Well I’ve just gone into my craft room to look in the box I keep my stamps in. Pete had put both the step ladder and the ladder right in front of where I need to get to. Needless to say I’m not going to move them both to get to my box. As soon as I can I’ll let you know the name of the stamp.

    1. I hope Pete don't get stuck in the loft and your heating is working properly. Love to know the stamp name as it is just gorgeous and you have done a fantastic card and coloured it in the best colour ever. Have a lovely day, hugs xx

  9. Morning ladies.
    Love the cards from our Janet and Pat. I love the stamps and your colouring in are just stunning. Going to look up the pens you have used Janet. I have been looking at some watercolour pencils but not sure which make and I don't want to spend a fortune, some costing up to £ 85 ! Anyone got any recommendations ?
    Sandra I really hope this craft station of yours will be sorted asap, I would complain to the highest and maybe get someone in to help,free of course as you done most of the job yourself already. Liked to be a fly on the wall and listening to your phone call to them :-) how rude of the girls laughing about it.
    Have Matt a lot of lambs coming again this year ? A lot of troubles with this weather we have if they coming now.
    Lynda- hope you ok. Glad you got the heating sorted. Did read today tho that Uk will soon have shortish with gas so that doesn't look good. Take care
    Lilian- you take it easy and stay indoors until the snow is gone if you can. Hopefully your Mojo is around and you can make some gorgeous crafting, Love your paintings and colours you use on your cards.
    Spoke to dad this morning, he is like me and not too worried until after the op and they have tested the lump/tumour. It has already been moved to the 13th the op so he will have a nice-ish birthday anyway. Son is going to the post office for me so I can get back to putting together a cc or two.
    Brenda- keep cosy and hugs to you and John.
    Sue- have a good day and hopefully you can get over to Mum and Pop soon, give them both a real hug from me :>)
    Sending plenty of warm hugs to you all and if you looking in do come and say Hi in the cafe'
    Love Maria xx

  10. Hello again ladies,

    After preparing a large stew pot for tea tonight, I decided to rearrange my craft boxes. Wrong decision as they are now all over the place and I can't move lol. Still, I am finding more treasures that I hid away for a rainy day but I guess they would work just as well for a snowy day too. roll on when i am finished. If you are like me Sandra you will find out you have put the wrong items in the wrong place then another brainstorm will suggest something else. Fun and games to ensue xxx

  11. Hi All, still white but a fraction warmer, or I suppose you should say less cold.

    Love both cards from Janet and Pat , I have that rose stamp that came in bundle from Kanban crafts on qvc many years ago, probably a copy from another.

    Have woken with bad sore throat and the beginning of a cold, R has one for a while was hoping I’d miss it, no luck.

    Sandra hope your unit missing pieces turn up soon, I would certainly think twice about buying one of those even if I could afford it.

    Sent my card to Sandra yesterday so am being lazy today, hugs to all.

    PS Have they changed the rules for the cold weather payments, Cheryl, it used to be only for means tested benefits and has to have been 0 deg. or lower for seven consecutive days, so we are pensioners but won’t get it.

  12. Margaret Palmer2 March 2018 at 14:29

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sounds as if you enjoyed having everybody home yesterday, your aga & open fire sound lovely. I hope your missing bits arrive asap. Keep warm &
    Janet & Pat love your cards both are striking well
    Karen I comnented last night about 62/63. Hope you get home
    Maria hope Dad's op. does not get put back again, hugs on
    Lynda pleased to see you had heating back on, keep warm hugs on
    Snowing hard again at the moment but slightly warmer. Sending hugs to all love

  13. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Two beautiful cards that really compliment each other on display today.
    JANET, your musical themed card is gorgeous. Love the stamps and colours you have used.
    PAT, What a beautiful card you made for Bet. The rose spray stamp reminds me of a Honey Doo Crafts stamp.

    Well the weatherman said snow would start falling about 2pm. I looked out at 2.03 low and behold it was snowing and still is. Where the paths were cleared they are now covered in snow AGAIN!

    Sandra, It must have been lovely having everyone at home yesterday and Becca turning up as well .... Well you did have the home fires burning, so they all returned to the nest. xx

    LYNDA, so pleased the heating was sorted out so quickly.

    Sending love and hugs, take care and try to keep warm. (says she who is sitting about 6” from a radiator! ) Brenda xxx

  14. Just lost a long comment. Got home ok Got a taxi as it’s so windy and now it’s snowing heavily
    I hope you get the unit sorted SANDRA- right fiasco
    The new kitchen is almost finished I can start filling the cupboards So I’ll be playing “pass the soup tins” later I just want to clean everywhere down first Where did I put the j-cloths
    Stay warm xxx

  15. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    JANET & PAT I love both cards I would love to know the names of both sets of stamps please. You have both coloured the beautifuly.
    So pleased we have heating today it was so cold indoors yesterday.
    We did venture out earlier as had to pick our tablet prescription from doctors the get them from Tesco while we did some shopping. It was very quiet in their not many customers.first we had to sit in the car for the windscreen to clear of ice it was solid.then it stated snowing again. By the time we came out of Tesco the car park had a covering again so a slow drive home.
    Congratulations Val on getting back to your goal weight wish I could say the same mine is very slow coming off.
    MARIA sorry to read your dad's operation has been moved again sending him & you some Hug's xx
    Sandra bet you had a lovely day yesterday with all your lovely family home & the open fire & Arga on sounds lovely. Xx I agree with everyone re your craft unit diabolical service !!!
    Love Lynda xx
