
Thursday 1 March 2018

Karen's Stunning Floral Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Janet I hope you saw your lovely birthday messages yesterday, I hope that Jim spoilt you, just as you deserve.  Hopefully the paths are clear enough for you to go for your appointment, although looking at the weather I have my doubts. Stay warm and safe my lovely XXX

Today's gorgeous card was made by Karen, she was asked to make some cards for a lady and this is one of the designs.
Karen made this card with a Serif Kit called "Victoria Nelson Birthday".  I might have to get this set as it's so pretty, those flowers look almost 3 D.  Karen created the card base in Serif and then added that pretty Embossed Frame around the sentiment and then embellished the card with those beautiful rolled roses and flourish.
Such a lovely card Karen, thank you for sharing XXX

Yesterday was a busy day, Sue's husband Chris came over to collect some of my old craft room furniture, it was way to good to get rid of, I am so pleased that it will get used rather than getting thrown away.  I hope it serves Sue as well as it did me! 
Pat came over too, still too much chaos to craft, but we had some lunch and watched craft TV which is always more fun with someone else, although there wasn't much on!  Sadly Pat ended up leaving early as the gentle snowfall became a blizzard! 
Better safe than sorry!  Although bi was sad to see her go! 

I then decided to get on with more of my craft unit. 
I called them to ask about the magnetic board, first of all she asked if I had access to a drill !! I replied "I spent almost £2,000 on this unit I am NOT taking a drill to it" she told me she would call me back , when she did she said that they were sending me some double sided tape to stick it on with !!  
I went back to assembly only to discover that there were no Barrel Bolts to hold the table into the unit, back on the phone I went, they are adding them to the parcel!  I only hope that they haven't posted it yet, as when I tried to continue assembling the unit I discovered that there aren't enough small bolts to put all the shelves in either! 
I am so disappointed, yes I can use it with the bits I have but that's not the point.  I think that the fact that they are the only manufacturers of these units has enabled them to get away with poor service, they clearly want you to pay the extra for assembly, my only reference now is the photo of the unit, I am having to guess the rest, which isn't good enough.  
Cheryl I will definitely let you know what bits I have left and send you photo of each part.  I thought you had yours assembled. 
The lady on the phone today tried to tell my that mine was only the 2nd unit that they had sent out to be assembled by the customer, I find that very hard to believe, I have pretty much assembled the whole thing, with Sue's help on the main part and then Paul put the top on as I couldn't reach, if the instructions were better I would say anyone could do it. Most of you, like me would prefer to spend £200 on craft stash, not paying someone to assemble something you could do yourself. 
The saga continues......

Maria, I hope that you get better news about your Dad, it's so worrying when you are so far away from them, sending hugs XXX

Take it easy if you have to go out today my lovelies, even better stay home and craft! 

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-what a beautiful card.

    Janet-I hope you had a wonderful birthday yesterday & the weather didn’t cause you to change your plans.

    We have had more snow overnight which will make getting into work tricky so I’ll be setting off nice & early. Glad I did she shopping yesterday though.


    1. Be safe and drive carefully Michele.x

    2. Drive carefully Michele. Hope the snow won’t be to bad up your end of the country.

  2. Oh my! I wasn’t expecting to see my card on display Thank you SANDRA for sharing and your kind words I use these Serif papers a lot and it’s years since I’ve made any rolled flowers

    It’s ridiculous the way this company is treating you You’ve paid an awful lot of money I bet a local chippy wouldn’t charge £200 to construct it To he told to take a drill to it, missing parts, no instructions is diabolical

    We have snow but not a lot The forecast is we’ll get more over the weekend Stay safe ladies I’m working from home today I hope you had a lovely birthday JANET
    Must get showered before the builders arrive

  3. Morning Everyone
    First I wish to thank all of you for my BEAUTIFUL BIRTHDAY CARDS AND WISHES YESTERDAY. Cards have been arriving over the last week and so it was exciting to open all of them. They are all in pride of place where I can see them.

    We hadn't planned to go anywhere and as it happened it was a good thing as we wouldn't have been able to go anyway. It hasn't stopped snowing since Tuesday evening and so we have more than enough snow. So much so that I've had to cancel my appointment for the first half of my annual MOT this morning. I am well and truly snow bound until it stops and the paths and road begins to clear. Although we are on a bus route we haven't seen a gritting lorry or a snow plough yet. When it snows like this the motorway gets all the attention and the surrounding areas are left.

    I still haven't done anything towards my CC for this week so perhaps today I can try and do something.

    The CAFE is OPEN and it's already nice and warm and cosy just waiting for you all to pop in.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. If you are venturing out today please take great care and wrap up warm.xxxx

    1. Hope you had a lovely day yesterday Janet. I bet it looks so picturesque from your window but I think you're wise not venturing out today.
      Stay warm and safe.x

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi Janet
      I hope you had a lovely day yesterday. Sorry to hear your MOT had been cancelled. But if you’ve had all that snow it would be for the best. Doreen rang this morning to say that her dentist had cancelled her appointment for tomorrow.
      Best not to venture out in the snow. We’re staying put today as well.

  4. Gooood morning from a snowy Somerset!

    Snowflakes are swirling in the wind, pitching slowly but we now officially have snow. Yay! A good excuse to shut myself in my craft room and craft, the heating has been turned up because obviously I will be sitting down and I do get a tad chilly when not moving so as much as normal.

    Sandra, I cannot believe you paid nearly £2000 for your crafting station. Mine is larger and only cost £1125 with the magazine discount and that was only 3 years ago. My gosh, their overheads must have gone through the roof to charge you that. I always find there are more smaller pieces added to a packet of fixings just in case you lose some to the Borrowers.
    Our extra pieces were for the shelves. There are two columns of holes running down the larger pieces for the small barrel shaped bolts which hold the shelves in place. They in turn have a half barrel inset where they rest on the bolts.

    Swimming is off for Tiegan today, she pulled a ligament in her foot/ankle playing rugby on Sunday and is now on crutches, bless her. Dad rung last night saying he thought she should go and exercise it in the water.

    Whatever it is you are doing today, be careful when out other wise stay warm and craft.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. We could add extra shelves if necessary.

    2. Well if you were 'only the 2nd' to self assembly Sandra, Jamie and I must have been the first. lol Honestly customer services do come out with a load of tosh.

  5. Good morning Sandra and all,
    Sandra this sounds like a nightmare. Can't believe you've had so much trouble with this company. Their customer service sounds none existent. Hope you can get it sorted soon.x
    LYNDA loved your card yesterday. The butterflies looked lovely on it. You got in first using the free gift as I was going to make my cc with it. Never mind I've got plenty of others to choose from ha ha.
    Hope the anti biotics have worked and the pain has gone away.x

    Sorry I didn't get back in yesterday. Our small cat Olive was not well and we had to take her to the vets. They kept her in to do some tests and we picked her up at 6. She has a kidney infection but her kidneys are failing and we're soon going to have to make that awful decision. Mind you having feline aids, her and her brother have lasted a lot longer than I expected so I guess that's a bonus.

    See ing Wendy today to go to quilling class. Wendy was away in UK last week and spent the day with Mr Lockwood at Hochanda so excited to hear what it was like.

    The whole of the UK looks blanketed in the white fluffy stuff today. Some areas worse than others. If you have to go out please take care dear friends. I don't want to read of any broken limbs. Keep safe everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Karen, I love your card. I really thought you had added some flowers, it wasn't until I read Sandra's comment that I realised they are printed like the rest of the card! You certainly prove that CDs can make wonderful cards X
    Sandra, I wonder how long you will.havevto wait until the bolts and double sided tape turn up? Talk about bad service! I refuse point blank to believe that usually pay the extra to have their units built. Most crafter's hate having to spend money on anything except crafting goodies, I know I would be thinking how many wonderful goodies I could buy with £200! At the end of the day if the company sells the units as self builds then the instructions and parts should all be correct. They know they have people over a barrel as the only company selling this type of unit in this country. Hopefully that will change. I hope you manage to get lots of the boxes filled. I wonder how many times you will change your mind about what goes where 😊 xx
    Lynda, I will have to ask Sandra then let you know as I have already forgotten the company name where I got the silk from, sorry. I lived your gorgeous card yesterday, the die is so pretty. And your gorgeous little Harry is growing up so fast. Christopher doesn't like snow because "it makes my hands go cold so my fingers don't work!" bless him. He is more than happy to watch everyone else making snowmen, snowballs etc. though 😊 I hope the stronger meds sort out your toothache. Hugs to you and Terry xx
    Maria, I hope your not feeling too bad today. The girls were all good yesterday. After dropping the two big ones off at school we had Penny all to ourselves which was lovely for a change. She is so like her Daddy, both in looks and in temperment, very cheeky and easy going. We are waiting for her first steps as she spends a lot if time standing playing with toys etc. without support but won't take those first steps. She looks at you when you try and encourage her, she giggles,then sits down, cheeky little monkey 😍
    Well, we have had a bit of snow but not enough to cover everything yet so we will wait and see what happens as the day goes by. I hope you are all able to stay in or if you are having to go out to work that you have safe journeys. I have to get the ironing done then a bit of Beaver paperwork so a boring day for me. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Love the card Karen. Love how you seem to get the best out of your Serif. Well it’s veen blowing a blizzard here this morning. I was going over to Abingdon for another Groovi session. But Carole cancelled yesterday due to the weather and she wasn’t feeling to good. She’s just come back from Arizona, where it was blowing a blizzard as well. She was driving through Yosemite National Park along the South Rim and you could hardly see out of the window for the snow. Luckily in Las Vegas the sun was shining.
    Pete also has to try and get into the loft as our shower wouldn’t work this morning. We have no loft ladder as the beams in the loft are very low. In some places you nearly have to bend over double, not to sure why that pipe froze up as they’d all been lagged quite a few years ago. When the plumber changed our water tank.
    Stay safe out there everyone, hugs to all who need one today,

  8. Margaret Palmer1 March 2018 at 12:11

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry you are having soo much trouble with your unit, must be soo frustrating for you. Hope Paul was able to get out this morning. Stay safe & warm. xxx
    Karen I love your card it is soo pretty, well
    Lynda hope the antibiotics are taking effect, hugs on the
    Maria hope you have better news of Dad, thinking of you hugs on
    It is blowing a gale here, snow & bitterely cold so crafting is what I will be doing.
    Take care everyone & stay in the warm, hugs on way to all love

  9. Hello All, snowing at the moment.

    Karen lovely card, love the little flowers.

    Lynda do hope the tooth is settling down with the new antibiotics.

    Not doing much, huddle over the radiator,have a good day, stay warm, Lilian

  10. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Well 1st of March where did January & Febuary go. Well our day didn't start on a very good note the boiler has stoped working so no heating or hot water. Phoned landlady she has just text the Plummer will get to us as soon as possible. So still in my dressing gown as warmer than getting dressed.with blanket. It's still snowing with strong winds so blizzard outside.
    I think I might go in craft room with fan heater on. Getting colder.
    KAREN gorgeous card frome you today very pretty.
    MARIA hope your feeling little better today. How's your dad hope he's also feeling better. Take care.Hug's xx
    VAL hope your little cat Olive got on ok at the vets. Thank you for your lovely comment on my card yesterday.
    SANDRA I hope the craft unit gets sorted ASAP. Diabolical how your being treated you've payed for goods that aren't compleat Hug's.
    See you later Love Lynda xx

    1. Oh dear Lynda
      I do hope the plumber managed to get to you before you got to cold. Our shower wasn’t working this morning. Pete went and got a fan heater and it’s up in the loft. Apparently the snow is coming in under the roof tiles so that’s why the pipe had frozen. Pete had a real job getting into the loft and got stuck getting out. A few choice words were used I can tell you.

    2. Oh my goodness Lynda. What an awful time to be without heating or hot water. Have the pipes frozen?
      Hope the plummer gets out to you asap. I think I'd be cuddling up to a hot water bottle unless CU is a lot warmer!!!
      Lovely photo of your grandson in the snow yesterday by the way.
      Has the toothache stopped? So hope so.
      Love Valx

    3. Oh Pat hope you've managed to unstick Pete. I can image the language!!! Hope the heaters done the trick anyway and you now have a working shower.
      Take care .love Valx

    4. Hi Val yes the plumber turned up about 4.30 & yes it was a frozen pipe. So all sorted &warm again.Thank you. Hug's xx

    5. Hi PAT I had a chuckle reading your comment I could see Pete dangling from the loft saying a few choice words HaHa.
      Sending you both Hug's xx

  11. Thank you ladies for your lovely comments I quite enjoyed making the Spellbinder rolled flowers
    I hope the plumber has managed to sort your heating out and that the toothache has eased LYNDA
    I might ask this question tomorrow if I get in early enough Who remembers the big freeze of 62/63? I was 6 years old and I can remember standing in the garden with the snow going over the top of my wellies and washing freezing on the washing line because it’d be a dry sunny day but just so so cold

    1. Margaret Palmer1 March 2018 at 20:04

      Hi Karen I do remember. We had just got married & had an old cottage in Purton, we were both working in what is now Royal Wootton Bassett & only had a Vespa Scooter, we set of & managed to get to a little hamlet called Hook when we came across a snowdrift which was about 5ft high. The Coucil workmen were digging on the other side, luckily my cousin lived nearby so while I stayed with Alan & her husband went digging out. As soon as there was enough room for us to get through we went on our way. We borrowed landrover from the garage where Alan worked to go home to pick up clothes & stayed with inlaws for 6 weeks just going home weekends. That time the snow lasted from Boxing Day till well into March. Hope this lot doesn't last as long.

    2. Hi Karen thanks yes frozen pipe was the culprit lovely & warm now
      Hug's xx

    3. Glad the p,umber managed to sort your heating out. Pete put a fan heater up in the loft. Been in there for about 6hrs and the shower still isn’t working. Petes got himself into a right state today,

  12. Hi everyone.
    Gorgeous card from our Karen , love the papers and your flowers are so pretty.
    Oh dear Lynda, I really hope you by now have heating back in the house or you will just have to snuggle up to Terry extra close tonight. I'm sure he don't mind (((8)))
    Have been playing with pixies and done some stamping today. I have so many stamp freebies over the years and not used many so will see which one I like to keep or not in this way thanks to cc this week.
    Dad having an op on the 7th to remove the lump so don't think he will have such a good birthday on the 11th. It is not the prostate but not sure what the word is in english. Thanks for your hugs, I'm sending you many,many back and hope you take care if going out. Have a good night all, Maria xx

  13. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    How disappointing to have so many problems with your craft unit, I hope you will complain to the MD. if you are offered the option of self assembly, then the instructions should be clear and easy to follow.

    KAREN love your card, the rolled roses are so pretty.

    Oh dear, I started to write this message about 8.30pm then daughter rang, we chatted for about 45mins. I forgot to come back to complete my message ............. another senior moment!

    I'm off to bed now, hope everyone is tucked up safe an warm. Forgot to say Lynda and Terry hope the heating got sorted out. I've just shivered thinking about it. xx

    Sleep well and if you have to go out PLEASE be careful.

    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx
