
Wednesday 28 February 2018

Lynda's Beautiful Butterfly card and Harry in the Snow

Happy Birthday 

Good Morning Ladies,

First of all I would like to wish our Janet a very Happy Birthday, Thank you for all you do to keep our 'cafe' running smoothly. XXX

Goodness me it's cold, yesterday I have the coal fire on all day and I even lit the Aga, 
Our kitchen is really big with high ceiling it has no radiators either, so it's really cold.
The bonus of having it in to hear the kitchen was that I could cook tea on it too, it was lovely to cook on plus you have the oven already heated up too, so I could just pop the bread in To go with dinner without preheating the oven. It made quite a difference to the heat in the kitchen. 
 Sue came over yesterday, she bought a snow blizzard with her, luckily it didn't settle, otherwise she would have had to go straight back, we are in a very rural area so if we get a good amount of snow we may have problems.  
We got to work and got the doors fixed the doors to me craft unit, Paul has it in position now which made it easier.  The only problem is now there are no more instructions and I still have 4-5 boxes of bits to add to it!  I am going to call them tomorrow to give them my opinion! I guess they want you to pay the £200 (it's gone up £50 in 3 weeks) to have them fix it together. 

Today's card was made by Lynda, she used a Free magazine die to create this gorgeous card, die cutting it twice and layering over a piece of Clarity Northern Lights patterned paper, it works so well, I do love that background.  The die looks like an expensive detailed die, it's so pretty.  
Lynda has embellished the cards with some Sue Wilson Butterflies, that have been die cut in a complimentary colour. 
A truly stunning card Lynda, thank you so much for making it for me to share my lovely XXX

Weather permitting I am hoping to see Pat today, I don't want her driving out here if it's icy though.  We are very much out in the sticks here with deep ditches and the snow will cover some huge pot holes.  I have made some Leek and Potato Soup just in case though! 

I am off to start emptying my boxes of craft stuff into the storage boxes for the unit, I am hoping my new stamps will be arriving in a day or so.

Have a lovely day whatever you are doing, stay warm and safe. 

Lynda I hope your new Antibiotics work quickly XXX

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning everyone from a very frosty, snow-free Somerset.

    Pretty card Lynda, your butterflies enhance the die.

    Not good having parts left over from your craft deck Sandra. Can you explain the parts to me so I can help further than your phone call instructions from the company earlier? Email me the parts in a picture.

    Milly-May coming out with Mum & Dad this morning to play with a large box of crafts that Uncle Jaime gave her for Christmas. Looking forward to that, she is learning so only have to show her what to do once then she's off on her own.

    Stay safe if you are snow bound. We have had a warning to stay at home when the snow does get to us, maybe tomorrow.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Thank you Cheryl for your lovely comment on my card.
      Have a lovely day with Milly-May lots of cuddles.
      Warm Hug's xxx

    2. Have a wonderful day with Milly-May. Do take care if you get any snow. It's white here in Bucks. xx

    3. Hi Cheryl
      Hope you had a lovely day with Milly-May crafting. Stay safe if you have snow tomorrow.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-your Card is lovely, that Die is such a useful one. Great photo of Harry in the snow.

    Sandra-not good have do many spare parts. Bet you’re glad to be crafting again though.

    The snow thawed in some places yesterday but now it’s frozen! We have much more snow forecast tomorrow & Friday so I’m going to do the Tesco shopping tonight just in case!


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you Michele for your lovely comment on my card.
      Harry loved the snow first time he's seen it.
      Hug's xx

    3. Take care going to work and Tesco, we don't want any broken bones xx

    4. Hi Michele
      I hope your journey to work and to Tesco’s will be uneventful. Stay safe if you have lots of snow.

  3. Morning everyone
    We have a white world here and it's still snowing. It snowed on and off all day yesterday but started properly last night.

    I'm hoping we don't get too much as I have to go for bloods taking tomorrow at the surgery -first part of my annual MOT.

    Had a lovely afternoon yesterday at K&N.

    LYNDA- beautiful Challenge card. I love it.

    The CAFE is OPEN but may be shortened hours today because of the weather lol.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Happy birthday Janet, enjoy your

    2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANET, I hope the weather hasn’t put a damper on your celebrations, have a lovely day. xxx

    3. Happy Birthday Janet and I hope you can start your MOT OK

    4. Many Happy returns of the Day, Janet, hope it’s a lovely one.

    5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANET 🎉🎁🎈Have a lovely day
      Thank you for your nice comment on my card.
      Birthday Hug's on the way xx

    6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Janet !! Have a wonderful day.Big hugs winging it's way to you xxx

    7. Happy Birthday Janet
      I hope you gad a lovely day today and you were thoroughly spoilt. Hope you manage to get to your MOT tomorrow.

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANET. Have a wonderful day with lots of treats.Hope the weather doesn't spoil your celebrations XXX
    Will call in later.x

  5. It must make all the difference having the Aga lit I hope PAT can make it and what a pain re the unit I hope you can get that sorted
    A terrific card LYNDA and it looks like HARRY was having some real fun
    We didn’t get a lot of snow yesterday but it’s snowing quite heavily now and settling We may be sent home from work soon (well those that struggled in that is!)
    Home alone tonight so craft craft and more craft!
    Take care all xx

    1. Thank you KAREN lovely comment on my card. Yes Harry loved playing in the snow with all the children in the street. First time he's seen it.
      Hug's xxx

    2. Have fun crafting tonight. I might get something done as hubby got football on tv tonight and that something I can take in small quantities hihi xx

  6. Hello Sandra and all,

    I hope everyone is safe and warm today as this Siberian weather hits the country. I know most of you will be worse off than we are in South London. Please be careful if you have to venture out.xx

    LYNDA, lovely card. Isn’t Harry growing into a lovely little man. He looks very happy with his Snowman. Hope the antibiotics are helping. xx

    Sandra hope Pat finds her way to you today. Enjoy your lovely soup. The kitchen must feel so homely with the Aga working.

    Time to put the coffee machine on, what shall I choose? Better check the stock before I make a decision. Thinking I fancy a frothy coffee.

    Send snuggly warm hugs to you all. Love Brenda xxx

    1. BRENDA Thank you for your lovely comment on my card.
      Harry really loved playing in the snow Sam sent me a video of him rolling the body of his snowman up.
      Warm Hug's xx

    2. You and John take care too if going out. Wrap up warm. hugs xx

    3. Hi Brenda
      It certainly is some funny weather we’re having over these last few days. Blizzards one minute and sunshine the next. Stay safe if you need to go out.

  7. Hello All, well we’ve had light snow showers, and it is bitterly cold.

    Lynda love your card, that die looks lovely, great to see little Harry, enjoying the snow.

    Sorry to hear about your craft unit Sandra, would anyone pay £200, after the significant cost, plus the cost of delivery, I have garden supplies in bulk, and they come on a pallet, over 30 bags, and they deliver for free and put them in the garage for me.

    Keep safe everyone. Hugs Lilian

    1. Thank you Lilian for your lovely comment on my card.
      Oh to be three Harry loved the snow. I don't HaHa I'm hibernating.
      Hug's xx

    2. Hope you feeling better Lilian, sending you hugs xx

    3. Hi LiliN
      Hope your going on ok. You haven’t said how your feeling just lately.

  8. Hi all, hope your morning have been good and you taking it easy if going out. It is snowing quiet heavy here at the moment and then suddenly the sun comes back out, very weird.
    Janet- have a great day and hope you do something nice with the family.
    Val- do you ever get any snow where you live ? Hope you have a nice day.
    Sue- enjoy having the kids around. Do you do any crafting with them ?
    Margaret- hope to see you soon. hugs to you and Pop.
    I wish you all a good day and I hope Sandra that you can keep yourself warm and have some fun making cards again. Funny you got so many bits and boxes left, be interesting to see where they should go......
    Dad still in hospital. They have found a lump so are now doing more tests. Mum is of course very worried. Not easy to be in another country when all you want to do is give them a hug.
    Love to all, Maria xoxx

    1. Sorry Lynda I forgot to say how much I love your card and the photo of Harry, he is such a cutie ! :-) hugs xx

    2. Oh Maria I hope Dad is ok, not easy for you, sending you some

    3. Hi Maria
      I do hope that your Dads test will come back ok. It’s such a worrying time for you. As you say especially when your in another country.

    4. Hi Maria, I hope your Dad gets the results of his test soon. It's such a worry for you, it's not like you can pop in and see them. Hope you get some news soon. xx

  9. Hello Sandra &Pat if she is with you.
    Thank you Sandra for showing my card & Harry's picture he had so much fun in the snow.
    Sandra Hope you have sorted where the other pieces go for your craft unit. That's a lot of money for them putting it together & to put it up £50 in three weeks. It's Disgusting hope they sort the missing instructions out.
    Terry took me Tesco to post Alfie's card & it was freezing the wind was like ice whistling round my ear's. Think I'm going in hibernation.
    Hope everyone is keeping warm take care I'm going to have my antibiotics now
    Love Lyndaxx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Love you card today. The picture of Harry is lovely. He sure looks like he’s having fun. Stay safe over the next couple of days.

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you have sorted out the problem with your unit. Good job you have an aga I think tomorrow you will need it. Please take
    Lynda your card is lovely, complete with your trademark butterflies. A lovely photo of Harry looks as cheeky as ever. I hope the antibiotics work this time, take care hugs on
    I really hope you are all safe & warm, it is blowing a gale at the moment, I have cancelled Embroidery tomorrow, not worth risking it. Sending hugs to all who need them love

  11. Good evening everyone. Well I’ve just lost a long post as blogger wanted me to log in. First time I’ve ever had to.
    I know I wish Janet a very happy Birthday. Commented on the snow blizzards that have lasted about 5-10 mins.
    What a lovely card Lynda and I love the freebie Die you’ve used. A great picture of Harry as well playing in the snow.
    Keep safe everyone tomorrow and Friday.
