
Tuesday 27 February 2018

My Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Well here it is, my first card forward seems like months.  It was made on the coffee table in the lounge with a magazine Freebie and a piece of So Saffron card and a piece of White card. I couldn't find my coloured gems or ribbon, so there are no fancy embellishments.  I did add the sentiment which is from Stampin'Up! 'Best Birds' stamp set, I stamped it on a piece of So Saffron card and die cut it, I cut another die cut and cut it in half to create a white mat to go behind the yellow. The rest of the card is what was in the magazine. 

I can't tell you how good it felt to be crafting again even if it was using things I never even think of using, unless it's a die I usually put the free gift in a drawer and forget about them. So it was a real ' Challenge' for me to use  the free gift.  Luckily these toppers and papers were actually fairly decent quality.

Did any of you see the Creative Expressions shows on Hochanda yesterday, it was Lisa Horton demonstrating some Lovely stamps, I was sold within 5 minutes of them showing the sample cards, such a lovely versatile collection. I will add a picture below....

Here are some of Lisa's Samples...
Aren't they stunning?!

Well I checked and I am still a Freedom Member so they just happened to fall into my basket, the whole collection, I can't wait for them to arrive!!  Did any of you get them??

I hope that you all have a lovely day, try and keep warm!

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-you’re Crafting.....!!!!!! I’m so happy that you can start to make cards again -I’ll bet you’re thrilled. The papers in the free pack were quite good quality which was a nice change.
    Love the stamp set you’ve ordered -they’re lovely.

    Woken up to a vey white morning! It’s very unusual for us to have snow and even more unusual for it to stick. Looks like I’ll be setting off early & taking it slowly getting to work.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope you managed to get to work ok today, the weather here can’t make up its mind what it wants to do. Sometimes we’re having very light snow. Then we’re having think snow, luckily it’s not laying. Fingers crossed it doesn’t,

  2. Morning everyone

    SANDRA - lovely to see you crafting again. No doubt there'll be no stopping you now.

    The snow managed to disappear by lunch time yesterday but it's back this morning and at the moment large flakes are falling. I have everything crossed that I can cross that it doesn't stop me from going to Knit and Natter this afternoon.

    The CAFE is OPEN and just waiting for you all to pop in. HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay warm. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I hope you got to knot and batter today.

  3. Morning Sandra and all,
    Sandra great that you can finally have a go at card making. Bet you'll make up for lost time. I love your card. I have this mag and gift set and its really good quality.x
    Off to slimming class this morning and then out for an Indian meal to a restaurant we've never been before but which has been highly recommended.
    Keep safe everyone if you're caught up in the bad weather.
    Love Valxxx

    1. I hope the Indian restaurant lived up to the recommendation. Hope slimming club was ok.

  4. Good morning Sandra & everyone
    Woke this morning to find the white stuff all over the grass. Might look very pretty but I don't like it. I'm back to dentist this afternoon tooth has stoped aching but it's still sensitive & throbbing so thought I had better keep my appointment.
    SANDRA lovely card from you it's been so long since we have seen one from you.i watched Lisa's show yesterday & yes her samples were lovely but didn't buy them I need pennies for AP. Really looking forward to going although I'm really sad I won't meet Sandra this time. Hoping to meet up with Maria & anyone else going on the Saturday.
    Well better get the ironing done. Stay safe if venturing out.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I hope the dentist managed to sort your tooth out for you. Doreen also had to gave antibiotics last week and will have a couple out on Friday.

  5. Morning ladies,

    Lovely card Sandra, I have the same magazine but you beat me to the craft room to get mine done lol

    Well, we have a mixed bag of weather today here in Cannington. Started off bright clear skies and a sun shining so much it looked like spring had arrived early for my garden. Made a cuppa half and hour ago and we had our first flurry that lasted five minutes max then Poof! like magic it's gone.
    Now it is coming down quite steadily but not pitching, the sun won't let it. And lo and behold, I've just looked out the window and the snow cloud has passed over leaving just a residue of minute snowflakes floating by like dandelion clocks. More clouds are on the way according to the weather people but considering they told us it would be -6 or lower for yesterday with a blanket of snow everywhere I won't be a hurry to believe them just yet. I actually finished off the laundry box and dried it all out on the line, even Jamie's winter work wear dried out thoroughly.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  6. Hello All, lovely and sunny here today, but bitterly cold, snow tomorrow so they say. Hate the stuff.

    Lovely to see one of your cards again Sandra, crafting is an addiction, so I’m sure you feel better to get back to your craft stuff.

    Lynda hope you make it to the dentist and they sort out your tooth.

    Keep warm everyone, and take care if going out, hugs Lilian

  7. Hooray! You can finally craft SANDRA I know how I’d feel if I couldn’t do something Sometimes I just walk into my craft room and have a little smile to myself - it’s my sanctuary
    I loved Lisa’s stamps - very different style for her I know I need to buy stamps but as I’ve just bought JL’s gerbera/daisy I’d better wait for a bit
    We’ve had a sprinkling of snow that’s almost gone now We’ve still had to bring our laptops home just in case
    I hope you get on OK at the dentist LYNDA
    I love your card SANDRA I might play with free papers later
    Take care al xx

    1. Hi Jaren
      I hope you manage to get into work tomorrow. I didn’t get see the programme yesterday that Lisa did but I’m not to keen on those anyway. Think I prefer Johns Gerebera daisies.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    How lovely to see you are able to craft again Sandra, you must have felt it was like Christmas again. Oh nearly forgot to say - I Love your card.

    We had to go out this morning but were back home by 12.30. By the time we returned the snow was falling steadily, now it’s thick and fast, looking out at the houses across the road is like looking through a thick fog. Our area is relatively sheltered. Dread to think what it like further out of town.

    Lynda pleased you are keeping that dentist appointment. Best getting it checked out, Good Luck. xx

    SUE How are the flowers coming along? I did have a play yesterday, no great success there. But I’m working on it. xx

    Hope no one is snowed in. Take care and wrap up warm.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      We’re just having a light dusting off snow and the moment. Although it is bitterly cold outside. Look luck with the flower making.

  9. Oh dear. I spoke to soon re the snow, it’s now a blizzard and settling. Petes gone to take a photo of it to send to Australia. Pete’s brothers grandsons wanted to see it the last time we had it. But it had gone by the time they came over to their house. They’ve never seen snow.

  10. Well Pete took a photo and as like magic the snow has stopped. What tipsy turvy weather we’re having.

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    🎉Congratulations on your first lovely card made in your new home. Your choice of challenge this week really was meant to be wasn't it 😊 And here's to many more my lovely🎉 Hopefully by next week you will have found a new home for all of your everyday craft stash.
    Lynda, I hope you got on well at the dentist. I will send a pic of some finished flowers soon. This silk looks just like the foam but I find it much easier to use and you don't heat it so once you've cut them out you can sit and shape them anywhere so they are great for filling in time if you are stuck some where. I would recommend the silk to anyone that struggles with paper/card/foam flowers. Xx
    Maria, I hope your Dad is ok x
    Lilian, I'm sorry to hear you are still so short of breath. Please stay in the warm as the cold air will only make you even more breathless X
    The snow has been on and off today. At one point ony way to Sandra's the sun was shining in a lovely blue sky on the left hand side of the car window and there were snow flakes falling from a loaded white sky on the right hand side of the window, I've never seen it snow like that before but it did it again at Sandra's later in the day too....very strange. I hope it's not too bad first thing tomorrow as I'm on babysitting duty for the girls as Tim and Roz have an early hospital appointment so fingers crossed it doesn't snow too much tonight. Do you lie in bed like I do when you wake up in the morning after snow has been forecast listening to see if the world sounds quieter and more muffled when it snows like I do? Chris laughs at me and says why don't you just look out of the window then you will know straight away 😁
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi everyone
      I have more stronger antibiotics to see if that sorts tooth out but if still hurting next Tuesday she said might have to have it out..
      Where did you get the silk for your flowers ? Please Sue
      The snow we had last night had all gone by time I went dentist. Now we have had more this evening & still falling.might have to get the snowplough out 🌧 Harry is loving it first time he's seen snow
      Sam text me this morning said he's been out the front at 7am this morning with all the other children in the street. Sam helped him make a big snowman ☃️.oh to be three. I hate the white stuff.
      Love Lynda xx

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra great to see one of your cards today, there will be no stopping you now. Hope you & Sue had a good
    Lynda hope the dentist was kind to you you & you are no longer in pain, hugs on
    Maria hope you are better today hugs on
    We have had a mixture of weather today, played Petanque in sun, cold & snow this morning quite a challenge. We must be mad but had a good game.
    Sending hugs to all who need them, keep safe & warm love

  13. Evening all,
    nice card made Sandra from the free pack. Seem like a few of us got it so be fun to see what you make of it all.
    Lynda- hope dentist went ok and you not having too much of toothache , sending you hugs
    Lilian- sorry to see you getting so out of breath. Have you spoken to your doctor about it , hope they can help you when you see them next. Take it easy, hugs.
    I hope anyone who ventured outside today took it slowly, it has been a really weird day weatherwise and it will get worse I believe in the next few days. It is -6 here at the moment and a light snow dusting over everything.
    Sue- have fun looking after the kids tomorrow. Hope mum and dad are alright.
    My dad had some test today checking the prostate. I keep in contact with mum per messages and facetime, she thought he be back home tomorrow so I guess that's a plus.
    Have been out all day visiting OH cousin down in London, long day so hoping for a good night sleep Lol ! that all I'm saying about that. Popping in to town in the morning but then I hope to make some cards or it will be some bought ones and that would be a no no.
    Stay warm all, love Maria xxx
