
Monday 26 February 2018

Monday Challenge plus Karen's other Challenge card

Karen's Sketch Challenge from last monday's

Good Morning Ladies,

Oh my goodness I am buzzing with excitement ladies, yesterday we had a good sorting out boxes day, I found some of my craft stuff, not all of it but hopefully enough to make a card or too.  I was all set to make one last night but I couldn't find the box with my trimmer and score board in. πŸ™ !! 
So that is my mission today, I can't tell you all how excited I am to start making cards, Paul thought I had gone made yesterday afternoon as I was jigging about with excitement as we found the craft room boxes, it was like Christmas!! 

So onto this week's Challenge.......

I would like you to make a card with a Magazine Free Gift,  if you are anything like me you have plenty to choose from! 
It can be a free stamp or die or something made with free papers, for those of you that don't buy magazines you can use Anything that you have got for Free,  it could be a gift or a prize or anything. 
I have set this as the challenge as I only have access to limited craft stuff but I have a few magazines handy so I thought that I would use those as they usually get put away and forgotten about.  I hope that you all have at least one thing that you can use to take part.  If you haven't I can send you something to use. Just let me know.

Now onto Karen's Challenge Card, Karen used the sketch to make her card, she took a piece of Blue card and added a double sided sticky sheet to the centre, she then added some Iced Snow to the sticky area.  Karen then die cut Snowflake Striplet three times into a piece of White card, then placed this over the sparkly blue background.
Karen then added a piece of White card across the centre of the card and placed the die cut 'Merry Christmas' which has been Matt and layered to match the card. 
I think Navy and White is always a winning combination, so I love this Christmas card Karen, thank you so much for sharing it with us.  Also I am sorry I missed it yesterday. xxxx

Well ladies I am off to look into some more Boxes for my trimmer and score board so that I can make my challenge card or cards, I can't tell you how exciting that sounds! 
Wish me luck ladies x

Have a lovely day ladies

Love and hugs to all of you.



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-I love your challenge card, might borrow that idea if you don’t mind.

    Sandra-I’m so pleased fir you that you have found some of your Craft Stash and can join in this weeks challenge. I’m quite excited about this one, shame I’m off to work soon.


    1. Hi Michele. I'm really looking forward to seeing your CC this week as you are the best at making beautiful cards with magazine freebies. Have a good day x

    2. Hi Michele
      Today's Challenge is right up your street withYour magazine freebies.
      Hope work is going ok. Xx

    3. Hi Michele
      This challenge is made for you with all the magazines you have. Hope work wasn’t to stressful today.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good Morning once again
    KAREN - I love your CC shown above. That colour blue is just beautiful.

    After commenting yesterday morning I found I'd received an email from SANDRA saying could I resend my maiol to her as my pictures hadn't arrived for some reason. Well when I looked at the said mail there's no wonder I HADN'T ATTACHED ANY!!! I immediately resent the mail with attachments. Honestly if anyone finds my one 'little grey cell' could you please send it on it's way back to me lol. I think I really need a keeper lol.

    This week's CC will be interesting as I always look at mags after MICHELE's review but never buy so it will definitely be a search through my stuff. Anything can result!

    I came away from the Opticians a good few pounds lighter and so craft purchases will have to be curtailed at the moment. Like MICHELE said yesterday re AP this is a venue I'll never be able to get to as it would also mean overnight and as I wouldn't be able to get on my own it's even more difficult.
    Anyway I look forward to seeing your picture and of course all your purchases.

    We have a covering of snow here this morning and after seeing the forecast last night more is on it's way this week.
    The CAFE is OPEN and already cosy and for you all to pop in for a while.
    HUGS are already winging their way to you all. Please keep warm and if going out wrap up warm. SANDRA make sure we don't have to come and rescue you from all your boxes Good Hunting. xxxx

    1. Thank you Janet
      I so sympathise with you I’ve lost count the number of times I’ve forgotten to add an attachment
      Funnily I get jealous of you northern gals because you appear to have more craft shows in your neck of the woods compared to us southies
      AP is so close to me it’d be rude not to go

    2. Hi Janet. I echo what Karen said re attachments and craft shops and shows 😊 I hope you stay snug and don't get too much more snow x

    3. Hi Janet
      Whoever finds your one grey cell might just find the few I’m missing. Perhaps they’ve gone away to warmer climates for a spell together. I also envy you with all the craft shops and shows you have up in your region. We’ve had a flurry of snow down here. But I hope you don’t get much more.

  4. Thank you SANDRA for showing my card I really enjoyed making this one It was easy and looks quite expensive with the glitter jewels
    It was the first time I’d used glitter jewels and first time I’d properly used the Striplet I’ve started my Christmas cards Yay!
    PS the sentiment die was a freebie!
    Good luck with the hunting SANDRA
    Have a good day all xx

    1. Hi Karen. I love your card, navy and white are one of my favourite combo for Christmas cards, and any other time in fact. Well done on starting your Christmas cards. I've only managed one so far! You could use the same card for this week's challenge as it had that lovely freebie die 😊 x

    2. Hi Karen your card is lovely like Sue blue & white combo is very striking my favourite colour.
      Are you going AP on the Saturday if so I will see you there.x
      Hug's Lyndaxx

    3. Hi Karen
      A lovely card you’ve made. And you’ve made a start on your Christmas cards.

  5. Morning Sandra and all.
    KAREN lovely card. So like the colour and SO impressed you've started your Christmas cards.x
    Good cc this week Sandra. I have so many free gifts and never seem to use them. I'm sure you'll be up and running with the craft room soon. Sounds exciting.x
    JANET I'm like you, I can't ever see me getting to AP If I fly into Liverpool I've got to make my way down there and if I fly into London I've then got to get up to Liverpool. I've even thought of flying in just for the one day but its a lot of money just for a show. When I win the lottery eh?
    Card making again today. Have a list for the shop as well as some orders. Lovely way to spend my day though.
    Hugs to all.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. It is a shame that you can't get to AP but it is such a long way for you isn't it. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you win the lottery though as it would be wonderful to actually meet up. Have a lovely day crafting x

    2. Thank you VAL
      Sometimes the cost of travelling far outweighs the idea of going to shows etc I’d rather spend the money on craft goodies instead Although it is nice to see things in the flesh

  6. Morning all,
    can feel your excitement Sandra to rummage through the boxes and see what you can find hihi Looking forward to see your cards again. Good cc for this week, I have so many freebies and very rarely use them so it will be a challenge what to use first.
    Very impressed Karen that you started on the x-mas cards, lovely card , nice striplet and I like the colours.
    Had a bad night so going to have a tea and read my book for a bit before thinking of the cc later.
    Wishing you a nice day and sending warm hugs to you all,
    Maria xoox

    1. Hi Maria. Sorry you had a bad night but I hope you start to feel better as the day goes on. I've got loads of freebies too which I never use so spoiled for choice with this challenge which means it will take ages to decide what to use 😊 x

    2. Thank you Maria
      Take care and hopefully you’re beginning to feel better

    3. Hi Maria
      Sorry you had a bad night hope you have a better night tonight.
      Did you manage to make your challenge card
      Take care my friend sending some Hug's xxxx

    4. Hi Maria sorry you're not feeling so good. Hope a day relaxing has done you good.
      Hope your dad is OK.

  7. Morning everyone,

    Very striking card Karen, like you I have already started my Christmas cards. It is so refreshing to do something other than sewing panto costumes.

    Well, I don't know where all the snow that the Weather people said was coming is, it certainly isn't here in my little corner of Somerset. In fact apart from a bit of a chilly wind, the sun is shining at it's most glorious. No frosty start to the day either.
    After yesterday's bedroom clear up it is now time to start on my craftroom, who knows what delicious goodies I shall find today? Love the idea of this week's challenge card. I have so many magazine freebies that I might even do next month's birthday cards with them.

    Enjoy reading your book Maria.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl. I'm sure that you enjoy doing anything other than panto sewing. It would be good to see some of your Christmas cards. I wish I could be as organised as I'm still on number one still! Its really cold here but like you it is frost and snow free, at the moment anyway. X

    2. Thank you Cheryl Only one card though
      Us too Sunshine and a bitterly cold wind

  8. Hello All, very cold but no snow.

    Karen love your card, good to start on the C cards early.

    Sandra good challenge this week, I’ve been trying the rose die that came with my new mag, not impressed with first try, need to did out some more coloured card. Have loads of free stuff, so deciding will br the problem.

    Would love to go to A P, but not this year, as I’m so short of breath, wouldn’t last a few moments, one day maybe.

    Have a lovely day, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Thank you Lilan Such ashame to hear you’re so out of breath still

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today. I am so happy that you have managed to find some of your craft stash and that you manage to find that all important box very quickly so that you can finally get back to crafting again as I know just how much you have missed it. Please don't go falling into any of the boxes while you are searching my lovely xx
    Lynda, I hope your tooth ache isnt as bad today x
    I am going to be crafting today. I must get a card done then I can play with the silk flowers again as even though it takes a while to make a complete one it is really relaxing and I actually made two flowers yesterday that I would be happy to put on a card, which is a first 😊
    I hope the weather is as nice where you are as it is here, the sun has now come out and it looks lovely. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need.
    Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue
      The weather here is freezing cold.Your flowers sound lovely I would love to see them please. Hope you get more made did you get you card made. Tooth is lot better but it's throbbing now I have appointment tomorrow if it's stil aching .
      Hug's xx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I can feel your excitement at finding some of your craft stash Sandra, now the question is do you start to organise it in your lovely new craft station or just get crafting? Oh dear decisions, decisions, decisions.

    KAREN I love your card and choice of colour, Navy and White work so well together, so clean and fresh.

    Like this weeks challenge. My problem is I have so many magazines with freebies, One even arrived this morning. Maybe I should use that, because if I start looking through what I have I will start dithering (nothing new there) and no card to show.

    MARIA, sorry you had such a bad night, I hope your day is starting to improve. xx

    LYNDA, I hope you get some relief from your sore tooth soon. xx

    Take care everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Thank youBrenda
      I really enjoyed making it

    2. Hi Brenda tooth is a lot better thank you but still got this throbbing feeling so it's a decision do I go back to dentist or cancel my appointment.for tomorrow.
      Hug's xxx

  11. I am looking forward to this challenge I have the grand total of 3 maybe 4 craft mags and a freebie pack from the Sandown craft show
    Work has told us to take laptops home in case we cannot travel tomorrow So fat Avery light sprinkling of snow Lots of sunshine and a bitterly cold wind
    We’ll see

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra looking forward to seeing one of your cards, missed them. Looks good challenge this
    Karen lovely card, looks
    Maria hope you feel better & have a better night, how is Dad? Hugs on
    Lynda hope tooth feels better take care hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them, keep safe & warm love Margaret xxx

  13. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Just to say all the challenge cards yesterday were all lovely. I did comment or did I only looking back my comment isn't there grrr
    Well it's freezing today so cold we are just getting a flurry of snow hope it doesn't cover the garden with white stuff. Don't know what happened time wise today not sure where it went I did housework Terry went painting again did two wash ioads &I hung them out on clotheshorse in spare bedroom. Then my hairdresser πŸ’‡came so lot lighter πŸ™„ Going to try & Make my Grandsons 12th birthday card. It's long time since we have seen him dew to his evil mother long long story.
    Sandra hope you found the the box with craft items you have been looking for xx
    Love Lynda xx

  14. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Great card today Karen. I love blue and white for Christmas cards. Silver and blue make a nice combination as well.
    I hope you manage to find your other crafting goodies in one of your boxes Sandra.
    Flurries of snow here today but not much of its settling. The children were so excited this afternoon as they were getting ready to go home. But as quick as they said look it’s snowing, it stopped. But it did come on a heavier later. Fingers crossed that’s all we get. Hospital tomorrow, so no snow required.
