
Monday 5 March 2018

Monday Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

I was thinking about this week's Challenge all day yesterday, I had several ideas but not of felt right.  I spent all day wishing the snow away so that I could see the lovely spring flowers beneath it, it then dawned on me that this week's Challenge should be all about 'Spring'.
So for your challenge this week I would like you to design and create a Spring Theme card.  
It could feature flowers or anything that makes you think of Spring as a season.

For my card I used the Stampin'Up! Number Of Years stamp set for the flowers and foliage, Happy Birthday Gorgeous for the 'Happy Birthday' and 'Butterfly Basics for the little butterflies.
I used the Ribbon Border Punch' to create the detail down the edge of the card. 
I think it has a spring look to it, I hope you do too.

I can't wait to see what you all design,  I hope you like it as much as the last challenge.

Paul found the last box of my crafting stuff yesterday and I got a good part of the craft unit filled.  So we had quite a productive day. Paul got lot of unpacking done, thankfully.

I am going to be shopping for a new chair for my craft desk today, I had forgotten that I got Paul to take my old one to the tip, so I  need quite quickly.  Any recommendations??

I hope that you all have a lovely day.

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra & a great challenge this week especially as the snow is disappearing. There’s so many options to make for this challenge.

    Had a lovely time yesterday-bought quite a bit at the craft show, spent some time with my Fatyin Law chatting. It was a long day though as I was out for 6 and a half hours and still had to go all the housework etc when I got back.
    Hubby went out and bought a new car(well, nearly New) while I was at the craft show then I got a message late yesterday saying our American relatives are all coming over for Easter!! Never a dull moment here.


    1. I spent quite a bit of time with my Father in Law that should say!!!!!!!


    2. Sounds like you had a busy day I hope we get to see your purchases from the show I hope work isn’t too busy

    3. Hi Michele
      Sounds like you had a very productive day. Seems like your going to be busy when your relatives come over as well.
      Like Karen I’d love to see what you bought. Must take pictures of my buys and send to Sandra,

  2. Morning Everyone
    At last the snow has started to move away. We had fog all day yesterday but it must have kept the temps up. This morning we have a little sunshine so fingers crossed it will keep thawing all day.

    SANDRA- Ohhh I like this week's Challenge. Spring is definitely what we all need so I'll be getting my little grey cell working.

    The CAFE is OPEN and for the full day. I'll be looking for something to brighten up the tables today.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends not feeling too good.xxxx

    1. It is good that the snow is disappearing Let’s hope it continues to warm up

    2. Hi Janet
      Our snow is going as well. The rain is washing it away.
      I’ve looked everywhere for the roses stamp that I’d used on Bets card and can’t find it.
      It’s was either a Stampendous cling stamp or a Woodward stamp. I did buy it about 6 years ago though. I expect someone borrowed it and didn’t bring it back.

  3. I love your card SANDRA and pleased to hear Paul has found your last craft box
    I can’t recommend brands as my daughter rescued a chair for me when her office had a reburb But I would go for a supportive high backed chair that swivels and is on wheels so you can navigate around your craft area Mine’s great for turning around to place finished or drying items onto the table behind me
    We didn’t go dancing yesterday afternoon I fell asleep!
    Dentist this afternoon and dancing tonight
    I love the challenge and mind is whirring already

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope the dentist wasn’t to expensive. Enjoy your dancing tonight.

  4. Morning all,
    Love your card Sandra and a lovely cc for this week. Glad the snow seems to be disappearing.
    I think Karen and I have the same chair ha ha. High back, swivels and has wheels. Great for manoeuvring around my craft room. I don't know the make as it was given to Paul who passed it on to me.
    Lynn and Paul are off to Benidorm today for a few days to celebrate Paul's birthday. They went last year and had such a good time. I have the house to myself again which is lovely for a change.
    I don't have to go out, apart from walking Gracie, until crib on Wednesday so I'm going to catch up on card making. Its Spanish Fathers Day on 19th of this month and still making some Easter cards. I've finished the St Patrick Day ones. Anyway at the end of the month two ladies from the village are having a Civil Ceremony. Most of the village have been invited and cards for such an occasion are none existent here so I thought I'd cash in on the idea. I've been getting ideas from Pinterest so I'm all set to go.
    LILIAN so sorry you're not feeling so good. Hope you're cold clears up quickly.x
    Have a good day everyone. Hugs to all who need them.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Great idea Val to make Civic Ceremony cards They don’t exist in uk either

    2. Brilliant bit of thinking Val, Civil Ceremony cards what a great idea. xx

    3. Hi Val
      Wow, sounds like your going to be busy. But what a good idea to make Civil Ceremony cards. I don’t think they sell them in the uk at all.

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lovely card and choice of colours Sandra. Great CC for this week, I've already had a look at my stamps to see if I can find anything suitable, I know I haven't got any dies, but one day this week I will sit and work out the possibilities.
    Pleased your last box of goodies has been found, it must be great for you to have everything to hand at last.
    Craft room chairs, I agree with the other ladies an office swivel type with castors is great.
    Not a lot happening here today, the sun is shining and I have two machine loads of washing pegged out. But that's as exciting as it gets!!

    Have a good day everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      We had sunshine this morning. However, when I left school at 3.15 it was pouring with rain. Then I noticed my car had a puncture. I rang the garage and took it straight down. Cost £18.00 to mend the tyre. Picked up a flint apparently. Probably from Yarnton nurseries as the whole of the car parking area is in such a state there refurbishing it. The potholes in the road are nothing compared to the deep holes in there car park.

  6. Hi Sandra and all.
    Good to see the snow is soon gone and the Spring could arrive in its beauty but until then the idea for this weeks cc is lovely and I think your card in green and yellow is a perfect combination.
    have a nice day everyone and get well wishes to anyone who is not 100 % ,seeing the doctors and going to the dentist.
    Had a outing to Frost this morning and going for a Pub lunch later to celebrate 25 years married, maybe it should be commiseration for being with me so long, bless him Lol
    Love Maria Xoxx

    1. Happy Anniversary Maria. Have a lovely lunch. Valx

    2. Happy Anniversary MARIA Hope my card arrived

    3. Margaret Palmer5 March 2018 at 14:11

      A very happy silver anniversary to you both, enhoy your meal. Love & hugs

    4. HAPPY SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MARIA. Hope you both enjoyed your lunch. Brenda xx

    5. Happy Anniversary Maria, hope you had a lovely lunch

    6. Happy Anniversary to you both. I hope you enjoyed your lunch.

  7. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Gorgeous card SANDRA lovely seeing a spring card challenge I'm going to rummage through my stamps later.
    MARIA HAPPY 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY you think that's a long time for Ric putting up with you This year I would have put up with captain underpants since 1969 I would have got less for murder 😂😂😂😂 Enjoy your meal tonight. Big Hug's for you both.
    VAL enjoy your home alone time & all your crafting Hug's xx
    We have had heavy rain over the weekend so all our snow has melted & looks like rain today it's come over all dark.
    HUG'S for everyone Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      That’s. Pete saying, you’d get less for life. I’ve been with Pete since 1986 and I though that was a long time.

  8. Margaret Palmer5 March 2018 at 14:28

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra so pleased Paul found your last box & you are getting it all in new unit, lovely card & challenge for this week. Hope you can see spring bulbs now, it's lovely having a new garden watching it all come to life. Take care xxx
    Karen hope dentist is not too
    Lynda hope your tooth ache has disappeared now, how lovely you spent time with Harry yesterday, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hello All, very wet here today.

    Sandra very pretty card and a great challenge. When I feel a bit brighter, will have a look through my stash.

    Hope you all have had a good day, hugs Lilian

    1. Margaret Palmer5 March 2018 at 18:03

      Hi Lilian sorry you are still feeling poorly, hugs on

    2. Hi Lilian
      It’s raining here also. I do hope you feel a bit better soon.

    3. Hi Lilian
      Sorry your still feeling unwell sending lots of get well HUG'S.xx

  10. Hi Sandra
    Lovely spring like card on show today. I do hope the weather takes the hint soon and warms up a bit.
    I hope you manage to get yourself a new chair for your craftroom. Glad it’s beginning to take shape, and the firm posts the extra bits you require to finish it off.

  11. Well I’m not sure what’s happening Hospital wise with Pete. I rang them on Friday as we hadn’t had a letter saying what time his appointment was on Tuesday. Hmmm the person I spine to said, I’ll check on the system. No appointments been booked she said. And Jackie the specialist nurse Pete sees is on leave next week. I’ll get Prof Protheroe’s secretary to ring you. Which she did about 5mins later. We’re fully booked next Tuesday and we know that Mr Tinson must be seen and have his bloods done before his Radium treatment next week. He’s on an emergency list and I’ll ring you next week.
    So your guess is as as good as mine as to what’s going to happen.

    1. Hi Pat sorry your having problems with hospital appointment for Pete's bloods. It's not easy for you with getting appointments for Pete is it.
      Sending love & Hug's for you both.xx
