
Tuesday 6 March 2018

Michele's Acid Drops Cards

Good Morning Ladies

I had a good day unpacking more boxes yesterday, I can't believe there are so many, way more than will fit in my unit, I must have ended up packing 50 + boxes!! That doesn't include the cupboard full of stuff I gave to sue for the girls to play with and Beavers of course, that was contents of a double built in wardrobe. I hadn't opened the doors in two years so my thinking was I really didn't need it. Even now I am looking at stuff thinking 'Am I ever going to use this' !! 
I only want to have things that I use often in arms reach, anything else can be stored away. 
I also ordered my chair, it is High Backed, on wheels, adjustable height, lumbar support etc, so thank you all for your recommendations. It is being delivered today which is really handy as my "Handywoman" is coming over today, so she can help me assemble it, hopefully.
  Mind you if you had seen us last week you would have thought we were ' Laurel and Hardy'
I have never seen so many dropped screws, screwdrivers, I nearly knocked the door that I was supposed to be holding over onto my head!  The trouble is neither of us move with any amount of grace (or we are both clumsy) and were working in a limited space, which didn't help but we got the doors on. 

Today's cards were made by Michele for a friend, they are made using toppers from a company called '' Acid Drops and Whatnots" I have seen them at craft shows and their toppers are quite funny as you can see from Michele's cards.

They are cards that you can imagine sending to certain people in your life, I found that just looking at Michele's. 
They are fantastic cards Michele that really would bring a smile to a friends face.  Thank you so much for allowing me to share them XXX

I am so glad to read that you were all getting back to normal yesterday.

Karen I do hope that the Dentist visit didn't stop you going dancing xx

Val, amazing idea to cash in on the Civil Ceremony, there are some lovely ideas on Pinterest, don't forget to share the photos of them with us.  Enjoy the peace and quiet. Xxx

Maria Congratulations on your 25th Anniversary, I hope you and Ric had a lovely meal out last night. Xxx

Pat, sorry to read that hospital messed you about, I know what a worrier Pete is, I hope you hear from them today. XXX

Lilian I do hope you are feeling brighter today my lovely XXX

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your description of you & Sue building the unit had me giggling. I hope your chair arrives early so you can get it assembled then you might get time to play with some craft stash.

    Phils kidney stone was on the move Sunday night/Monday morning so he phoned the GP again on Monday and they’ve definitely sent the referral, he then phonythe hospital outpatient department who couldn’t find his referral and have asked him to phone again today!!!! I was really mad when he told me this but it was too late to phone them back.

    Another busy day today-we were at critical level with patients queueing in A&E yesterday. Panic stations by 4pm as it was the worst it’s ever been. Wonder what fun today will bring???


    1. Love your cards Michele., I have some Acid Drop stamps some where in my stash.
      Sorry Phil's in so much pain. Hope you can sort out his appointment.
      Work sounds awful.Hope its not as busy as you think.x

    2. Hi Michele
      I love your cards to be honest I haven't here'd of Acid drops!!
      Hope you get Phil's appointment sorted soon. Sorry he's in so much pain.Hope work isn't so manic today.xx

    3. Hi Michele. Love your cards and the saying on them are great fun. Hope your Phil have his appointment sorted soon. gentle hug. Hope work is not as bad as you thought it would be, take care x

    4. Hi Michele
      4 lovely cards today. I’ve see Acid Drops stamps at Newbury show. But haven’t seen them since. Newbury is quite a small venue, so perhaps they only go to the smaller shows.
      Hope you manage to get Phils referral sorted out. It’s so frustrating isn’t it.
      Sounds like your A & E Dept wa manic, so I hope it’s a bit better today.

    5. I’ve seen Acid Drops and Whatnots at shows but never thought to buy them (til now!) Great cards and I hope work calmed down and that Phill’s referral gets sorted

  2. Morning ladies,

    Love the Acid Drops Michele. Very good sentiments.

    Hope it's all thawed out near you. Yesterday was the first day I had a snow free ca and drive so went into town for the basics plus some more RUB boxes extra craft storage.
    The roads were not too bad just very wet so took it carefully only to see the idjits flying past as though their lives depended upon speed.

    Extra comfort blanket hugs to all those need one.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, hope you ok ? Seeing some terrible drivers on the roads, they are just lucky not having a crash and killing someone the way they drive. Have fun filling your new boxes. hugs x

    2. Hi Cheryl
      I had to go into Witney yesterday as I had a puncture. Pete followed me down in case I needed a new tyre which had to be ordered. Anyway they fixed it and decided to come home through Crawley as Witney was manic. Pete said he nearly got wiped out by someone coming the other way who wanted all of the road and was going quite fast. The snow was banked up his side. Pete said he stopped but the car coming towards him slide on the ice where it was going to fast.

  3. Morning Everyone
    At last we are snow free!!! It rained most of the day yesterday and as it had started to thaw on Sunday evening the rain just finished the job.

    MICHELE- I love these Acid Drops. I bought a couple of sets a few years ago and still have most of them in my stash drawers.

    PAT- I hope that you get things sorted out today for PETE and the hospital. It's so frustrating for you both.

    My job for today is Mr Tesco this morning (they didn't do any deliveries SAT/SUN and yesterday so it feels odd having a delivery on TUESDAY) and then an attempt at my CC. We shall see how the day goes.

    The CAFE is open and back to normal hours so pop in when you can. HUGS are winging their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends in need. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet so pleased the snow has disappeared from your part of the country. Glad the delivery van can get through at last.
      Enjoy your crafting.x

    2. Hi Janet. Deliveries down here are also bad and the post is not coming through like it should but glad you now get some food in again. Have fun crafting today x

    3. Hi Janet
      Glad your at last snow free, and your food delivery was delivered. Better late than never.
      Nothing sorted for Pete today. It’s so frustrating as we arrange our week around hospital visits. Two this week again.

  4. Hi Sandra and all,
    Glad your craft room in getting organised Sandra. Glad you got your chair and hope its easy to put together today.x

    Another full day of card making. We have a beautiful blue sky and warm sun at the moment but the forecast is rain for later so my washing is out and will hopefully dry before the weather changes.
    Have a good day everyone and hugs for all who need them.
    PAT I hope Pete's appointments get sorted out today.x
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val, the weather sound lovely in your parts. You are being busy. Cards for husband/husband and wife/wife is a good idea. Have a nice day x

    2. Hi Val
      Sounds like your having a busy day making your cards Val. Sounds like your weather is much warmer than ours. Hope your washing dries before it rains.

  5. Good morning Sandra and Ladies,

    Michele l love your Acid Drops cards. I'm sure your friend was delighted with them. I hope work is better today. Also I hope the hospital find Phils referral and can then sort out his treatment. xx

    Sandra I hope the chair arrives in time for you and your helper to get it sorted out! Daughter had two office chairs delivered a few weeks ago. She said the boxes they were to big to go through the front door, hope you don't have the same problem.

    Getting organised earlier today, I'm going for a blood test this morning , then we
    are going to hairdresser friend. We cancelled last week as she lives in an exposed area and had lots of snow and snowdrifts.

    Have a good day everyone, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Pat, hope the hospital gets Petes appointment sorted xx

    2. Hi Brenda. Hope your blood test is fine. Have a nice time with your friend, hope she is ok ? Take care, hugs xx

    3. Hi Brenda
      Hope your bloods went ok. No appointments for Pete today. Hope they don’t decide on Thurs as it’s our friends birthday and we always go out to a Toby Carvery on a Thursday for birthdays.

  6. Hello Sandra & everyone,
    We have a dry day but expecting rain later.sun breaking through the clouds at the moment
    Not sure what I'm upto today must get in craft room as I've got to make two birthday cards for the 10th Sam's & Margaret's so thinking cap on.
    Just been watching Phil Martin on Hochanda demoing Sue's Hexigon dies wow they are so bigbut lovely. Chocolate Baroque's on now. I do like their stamps. Can you believe CU is sleeping 😴💤🤣 So I better get housework started.
    Washing finishing hopefully get it out on the line while it's dry.
    SANDRA I hope your chair turns up & you can assemble it with Sue's help.
    Well better get on so I can make my cards.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda. I saw Phil too on Hochanda, they are huge the hexagons and octagons and a bit pricey for my pocket as I would only use like the 4 smaller ones for card making but I like the shapes. Got my ticket for the 7th April, I will see you there, yay.
      Did you wake Terry with the hover or did you let him sleep. Mine is always going for a nap these days :>)
      hugs to you both xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      I hope you managed to make your cards today. Or at least made a start. I started a Groovi one for Amber she 14 on the 18th March. I’m sure I don’t know where the time goes to Birthday wise.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely cards Michele. I made an acid drops card at the Newbury Show the year before last. I thought how good the sayings were.
    I hope your chair arrived today and you and your little helper manage to get it put together today ready to use. Wonder if the extra bits arrived today. Seeing that you asked them to send the double sided tape ASAP on Wed so you could finish building your unit. And when you rang them on Friday re the screws they said none of it would go until Monday. So much for sending it ASAP.
    It was quite mild here today as I walked to school. No sun though as it’s overcast. I hope those who’ve had really bad weather are able to get about freely now.
    Well no phone call from the hospital today. I hate not knowing what’s happening as Pete always thinks the worse. He’s telling me he feels odd, but not exactly what. As our hospital is a centre of excellence and they come from all over the country for treatment, I can understand why they are so busy. I wouldn’t mind uf we could just go up tonhave his bloods done, but they need to make sure he’s well enough to have the treatment next week.

    1. Hi Pat. sorry you having such a problem to get an answer from the hospital what will happen next, understand you both so worried so don't need all this extra stress. Hope it all get sorted soon and he get a date before the treatments begin next week. Hugs to you both xx

    2. We just have to wait I suppose Maria and hope they get back to us soonest. I don’t suppose it will be the end of the world if he doesn’t get seen. But they’re super hot on blood tests to make sure his white cells are ok. I asked could we just go up and have bloods done but they want to see him as well.

    3. Hi Pat you must both be so frustrated waiting for Pete's bloods. To be tested hope you get phone call soon as possible.
      Sending you both Hug's xx

  8. Hi Sandra.
    Great cards from our Michele today.
    Hope you and Sue have been able to put the chair together by now. Did she take you for a
    wheelie before playing with some paper and maybe some foam ,making flowers, which seem to be a big thing right now :>) Hope you have a good day together.
    Thank you all for your wishes. We had a very nice day but unfortunately the restaurant we went for a meal were new for us and the food was rather poor. We did complain there and then but no feedback so I'm going to write.
    Lilian, sending you well wishes and hugs.hope you feeling better soon.
    Margaret, hugs for you and Pop x
    Hope you all have a nice day. Warm hugs to you all (even to you who are looking in) you are welcome to join us in the cafe. Open 24/7 :>)
    Love Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria
      I’m sorry to hear the food at the restaurant wasn’t up to standard. I’m assuming you complained but you should have had something knocked off your bill.

    2. So Sorry your meal wasn't very good. Glad you complained as Pat said they should either given you a free meal or a reduction of the bill.
      Shame it spoilt your evening.
      Hug's xx

  9. I am late today Time just went
    Dentist was OK and dancing was good
    I love your cards MICHELE The sentiments would suit friends of my age group
    Did you manage to get the chair sorted SANDRA and SUE
    Disappointing your meal was bad MARIA
    I need to make a couple of cards tonight AND think about starting the cc
    Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen
      I’m glad the dentist wasn’t to bad and I’m glad you enjoyed your dancing.

  10. Margaret Palmer6 March 2018 at 20:19

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you got your chair today & Sue was able to help put it
    Michele love your cards, I can think of a few they would suit. Hope Phil gets sorted soon & work not soo busy
    I had a go at CC this afternoon not too sure about it, will look at tomorrow.
    Pat hope they sort Pete's appointment
    Maria sorry your meal was not very good, such a shame.Hugs on
    Lynda hope your tooth is better, hugs on
    Lilian hope you are beginning to recover from your cold, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love
