
Wednesday 7 March 2018

Spring is in the air!

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and enjoying this slightly warmer weather, our garden looks like it's starting to recover from being suffocated with the thick duvet of snow!

Today's card is another 'Spring' theme Challenge card, which I made to give you a little inspiration.  I used my new Lisa Horton stamps that I bought from Hochanda last week.  I used the ''Summer Wreath' & ' Layered Buds and Butterflies' .....

Both really pretty stamp sets that you could create so many different cards with, something for most occasions. 
The card is completely flat apart from the butterfly and banner, the butterfly has sparkly wings too but that was tricky to show in the photograph.
The colours I used are..Berry Burst, Pear Pizzaz, So Saffron, Daffodil Delight and Sahara sand,  all of which are Stampin'Up! Inks, I chose to use these because I know I have the cardstock to match the ink which makes it some much easier when it comes to matting and layering.  I used Berry Burst to create a mat for this card.
I hope you like my card. 

Sue and I did some more organising yesterday, we waited for my chair to arrive but it didn't arrive until Sue was leaving, luckily it only took about 15 minutes to assemble, it's very comfortable too! 
I think Sue was looking forward to getting home to organise her own new craft space, she has always had to put her craft things away in the midst of creating as the dining table is needed for meals.  No longer a problem though as Sue has given my old craft room furniture a new home, I am so pleased that it's being used rather than being stored away in a garage.  It's really good sturdy office furniture that will last for years.  I can't wait to see a photo of it all filled and ready to craft on. 

Pat is coming over today if they don't hear from the hospital, I am hoping to get some cards made today, I have an order for one of my boxed cards that I really need to do ASAP, plus Mother's Day cards too, I will admit I was a bit caught out this year as it's about 2 weeks early.  

I hope you all have a lovely day however you are spending it.

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra, it’s really lovely. Glad your chair is comfortable and I’ll bet Sue is going to have great fun arranging the furniture and filling it with crafty supplies.

    Busy day yesterday and I was tired as I hadn’t slept well. Phil was told that it could be 4 weeks before he gets an appointment but the referral was still with the consultant so he has to wait until it gets sent to appointments! He’s meant to be traveling down to Welwyn Garden City this morning for 3 days but it’s quite uncomfortable sitting in the car so he’s hoping not to go. I’m going to Glasgow on Friday to a funeral-my Sister in Laws Dad passed away last Monday. Of course my Dad has decided he’d like a day out and will join me but as Phils not well enough to travel to Glasgow & back in one day I’m going by train. Not sure if this will suit my Dad but that’s his only option!

    Off to an all morning meeting on the other hospital site so early start for me.


    1. Poor Phil I hope he gets it all sorted soon Of all the places inUK he has to visit Welwyn Garden City! Maybe you could come down with him one time and we could meet up
      Hope work is ok today

    2. Hi Michele
      Poor Phil having to wait that long for an appointment. I wonder why the consultant still had his referral. Hope they can actually do something once he sees the Dr at the hospital. Hope your meeting isn’t to long winded and the hospital isn’t manic again today.

  2. PS - Pat, you won something on Christine Emberson’s Blog!!! Well done.


  3. Morning Everyone
    For the first time in ages we have a dry start to the day here.

    A very pretty card SANDRA.

    I did quite well yesterday and managed to get my CC done so it just needs sending off now.

    Other than that not must on my agenda for today so perhaps a nice peaceful day is in order.

    The CAFE is OPEN and ready for you all to pop in.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.
    PAT- hope hope the hospital appointments have been sorted.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      No hospital appointment as yet. I’ll have to ring again tomorrow if I don’t hear anything. Petes Radium needs to be ordered a week in advance. So they check his bloods and see how he is on a Tuesday. They ring us on Wed to say yes everything’s ok, you can have your treatment next Tuesday. The only problem is with Jackie ( the specialist nurse Pete sees ) being on holiday has the Radium been ordered for him. If you miss a treatment you can’t have any more as it has to be constant for 6 Months.

  4. Fab card SANDRA
    I’ Sure SUE will enjoy filling it all up AND ooh the joy of not having to clear stuff away as well!
    I hope you’re able to visit PAT and congratulations on your win
    Having fish and chips with MIL today They all meet up in the hall and get waited on by the warden It’s lovely
    Right off to work now

    1. H Karen
      I hope you enjoy your fish and chips with your MIL today.
      I wasn’t able to visit Sandra as she was unwell. So I’m hopefully visiting in Friday, fingers crossed.

  5. Morning Ladies,

    Spring has decided to appear in Somerset now. The sun is shining quite brightly and warmly, the sky is clear blue and no wind to speak of. By Sunday our three days of snow had disappeared like magic.

    Pretty colours used for your card Sandra, I have a couple of those colours and had to look on YouTube how to use them. My first attempt was so blotchy, the ink went everywhere! So messy to use those pads until I got the nod up.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Glad to hear your snow has all disappeared now. We’re down your end at the end of this month so I hope the sun is shining then.
      Those ink pads are very juicy aren’t they which makes them a devil to use.

  6. Margaret Palmer7 March 2018 at 09:02

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card today, I am sure your chair will ne well used now you have craft stuff sorted. I can well imagine Sue is pleased with her new furniture it was not easy for her
    Michele sorry Phil did not get good news about his appointment, hope you have a good journey on
    Lovely sunny morning so Petanque should be enjoyable this morning.
    Will look in later, sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card today. Wasn’t really impressed with these stamps but they look nicer when made into a card. We haven’t heard from the hospital yet and Pete is stressing. I did say come out with me today then realised his Dr wants to see him to talk him through the treatment he’s been having and that’s at 11.05.
    Although he’s had medication prescriptions from her he hasn’t actually met her. Although she’s rung to speak to him a few times as well.
    It’s sunny here at the moment. Wonder if it’s a bit warmer outside as well.

  8. Hi Ladies
    Just read on Michele’s comment that I’d won something on Christine Embersons blog. Yippee,

  9. This may be old news to you but I just thought I’d say that Spellbinder and Cricut are joining Hochanda - Interesting!

    1. That is interesting Karen. Maybe they feel that they have been missing out on sales. Will watch with interest. xx

    2. Yes, Christine Emberson said on her blog she was going onto Hochanda. Did know that cricut was though.

  10. Hello Sandra and Ladies,

    Sandra I love your card, I think you will have fun using all those dies, the possibilities are endless. Have fun using them and thank you for your wonderful inspiration.

    Have had a busy day so far , John wanted to go to Kingston so I went along to keep him company. It’s only about an hour away, with one change of train. Stopped at Wimbledon on the way home, I popped into Lakeland (I love that shop ..... sad or what?) the weather was kind to us while we were out, although by the time we got back home there had been a very heavy shower, which we had totally missed.

    I will catch up with what’s been happening later.
    Sending Love and Hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and friends, hope you all have had a good day whatever you have been up to.
    lovely card, so pretty made with all the new stamps you bought. So many uses, love to see what else you make. Glad you happy with the chair, important when sitting for long times. Another day have disappeared for me with nothing to show and so annoyed with myself but tomorrow is another day and I hope that you Sandra and Lilian and anyone else not too good feel better soon.
    Warm hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Sorry I'm so late in. I see my comment on Monday went walkabout and yesterday zoomed by as is usual at Sandra's and after starting to lovely cupboards I sat down to blog then woke up about 3am with my phone still in my hand!!!
    Sandra, I love today's card, those new stamps really are so pretty and I think they will become "go to" stamps. The colours are so pretty too. I have spent the earlier part of today once again trying to work out what to put where in my lovely craft units then our usual afternoon/evening school run and swimming etc. with our two biggest grands and now I am typing this leaning against the sofa as if I sit down I think I will nod off as I did last night!!! 😊 I hope to get my CC done tomorrow, at my new desk, I can't wait 😊
    Sandra, I hope you are feeling better my lovely.
    Lilian I'm so sorry you are still suffering. I do hope the brighter days and warmer weather that we had today continues and helps you feel a little better mentaly if not physically which in turn should then help you fight off your lingering illness. You have had a really tough few months you poor thing. Sending you big gentle hugs X
    Maria, belated Happy Anniversary for yesterday. I'm sorry to hear that the meal was a let down, and that you didn't even get a refund. Such a shame on this special occasion, maybe you could go to a different restaurant to make up for the bad one? Hugs are on the way X
    Lynda, how's your tooth feeling now? Sending you and UC big hugs xx
    I hope the lovely spring weather we have had today continues for us all, it certainly does make me feel brighter
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  13. Hi Sandra &everyone
    Gorgeous card Sandra love those stamps. Must say they are better than her usual ones. Terry had another painting day so I lost myself in craft room. I made Sam & Margaret's card both have birthday on the 10th.couldn't beleave how long they took me mind you I had just finished Margaret's & on putting my sparkle pens away dropped one yes you guest it flicked onto the middle part of her card. So I had to re make it. Luckily it looks ok.i have taken pictures as they could be suitable for cc. But might do another for cc tomorrow. Just finished putting Dies away & Terry came in 6oclock so had to start dinner.
    SANDRA hope your chair is comfortable bet your so pleased your crafting again.
    PAT glad you had nice time with Sandra today, did you make a card?
    Congratulations on your win xx
    MICHELE sorry Phil is still in a lot of pain. Safe journey on Friday.
    Take care love. Lynda xxxx

    1. Sorry Lynda
      Seems we got our wires crossed as I didn’t go to Sandra’s as she wasn’t feeling to good. Hospitals not withstanding I’ll be going over on Friday.
