
Friday 16 March 2018

Something Floral For Friday

Good Morning Ladies,

For today's Floral Friday card I thought I would transport you to a Summery Floral Meadow!!  Just to give you all something to look forward to, totally the opposite of this weekend forecast of snow!  I saw this card on Pinterest and thought I would have a go, the lady that made the original is 'Stamp with Jenn'

For the card I used Stampin'Up! 'Wild About Flowers' stamp set, the stem and leaves are a separate stamp to the flower heads making them more versatile, I stamped the stem of the plant about three times across the card, I used second generation ink to stamp the lighter shade of green in-between giving the illusion of them being further away, I then stamped a few more times across the bottom of the card to fill in any white areas with green stems, next I stamped the flower heads, I used bright cheerful colours, 'Daffodil Delight', 'Pumpkin pie' and 'Melon Mambo', as with all SU stamps they line up beautifully and stamp clearly.  After finishing the flowers I took an 'Inkyliscious Brush' and added some more Pear Pizzaz (Green,) to the bottom of the card and then I used 'Soft Sky' ink to fill in the sky in-between the flowers.
I hope the card brightens your day a little.
Wild About Flowers 

Sue came yesterday, we had lunch and then got busy crafting, Sue was playing with Distress Oxide inks and played with the resist technique, I sat and made today's floral Friday card, which I really enjoyed, I love sitting and crafting but sitting crafting with a friend is so much nicer!  Sadly the time flew by so fast it was soon time for her to leave but we get to do it all again next week.

Paul finishes early on a Friday (YAY!!) so he should be home at lunchtime, not sure what we are doing, although we still need to sort washing line, it's really frustrating me, we have had 2 or 3 good sunny/windy days so perfect for drying washing! Fingers crossed we get it sorted, I'm not sure we'd be allowed to concrete poles in for a rope line, having said that you need to use cement for a rotary too.  I might call them to see where we stand, I can't go any longer without drying outside.

Now ladies I have a warning for you, please let my mistake save you money!!!

About 21/2 weeks ago I was looking for the Penny Black Scene stamps that a lovely lady at the last craft show had been demonstrating, they were lovely, so popular that they had sold out at show. So I came home and searched online, they were not easy to find in stock,  I found them in stock on a site called  their price was £3 less than advertised, they were in stock and shipped within 24hrs, so in my basket they went, order placed.  My first clue that all was not right was that after almost 2 weeks they hadn't arrived, so I emailed them and was told they would look into it.  (No mention of the fact that they were coming from USA)
Then yesterday I received a card from Post Office to say that they couldn't deliver an item as there was a Customs Charge to pay of £11:09, at first I thought 'i have not ordered anything from out of the UK so it can't be mine" so I checked with girls etc and they weren't waiting for anything, It then clicked, it's those stamps!! So I call the company and was told that although they are a '' company they are in fact a global company!
It seems wrong that you order something under the impression that you are buying from UK, you are then liable to pay the customs fee (VAT) as you are the importer, not the company that you have paid for the stamps.  They are selling them so they should import them, it doesn't say anywhere that you haven't paid the VaT !
I was told that I could just '' not bother to collect them from post office", she couldn't understand that I would then be £20 down for buying them in the first place!     I am going to contact Trading Standards to ask their advice.  But to you my dear friends my advice is..........


Cheryl I do hope that your back spasm has eased today, hugs on their way XXX

Val, special hugs on route to you my dear friend, I am sorry you have had such a sad few days XXX

Maria I hope your Dad is on the mend, fingers crossed for a speedy recovery XXX

Have a lovely weekend my lovelies, stay warm and safe !

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning ladies,

    Pretty card again today Sandra.

    I too have fallen foul of these Customs and Excise rules. I ordered a sewing machine foot from Sew Easy, paid the shipping and US taxes then got clobbered for another £11.09 in charges. Sew Easy would not even enter into a dialogue over why they classed the foot as being of a higher value than I paid them. Needless to say my review on their website and Facebook page was not very complimentary.
    I contacted Revenue after receiving a notice from my Post Office re the customs tax. Apparently it is because the senders have to state what the value of the parcel is worth in US$. Anything over £15 from abroad is classed as not a gift so therefore Customs and Excise taxes of £8 apply, the rest is made up from the Post Office's storage and handling fees of your item until you collect it. A lot of international firms get away with it by not declaring their items for tax purposes by posing them as gifts or by placing a smaller value on it so neither of you pay the C&E taxes.

    Back spams still so painful which is the reason why I am wide awake now. Doctors it is this morning.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Blasted spellcheck, should read US dollars, for some reason the dollar sign comes up as the squiggle

    3. Hi Cheryl
      I hope you got some relief from your back spasms from your doctor 👩‍⚕️. Not to sure why C & E have a limit if £15.00 as many gifts are over that limit.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card. I love all the flowers you have stamped & coloured.

    I cannot below that you have to pay so much in tax to collect your order. That company should make it clear when you order that YOU have to pay the tax after placing the order. Good luck today with trading standards.

    We had a lovely meal last night, great up catch up with our ex neighbours. Today we have our new sofas etc being delivered then a local animal rescue charity is collecting our old sofas. We’re having 2 new fence panels fitted as the originals have almost collapsed.

    Thank you all for your lovely comments about Phil, we’ve both been quite worried so it was such a relief when he saw the consultant.


    1. Glad you had a lovely meal with your ex neighbours. Customs and excise do charge, but the post office charges are astronomical as well. Mine were more that the excise duty.

  3. Lovely card SANDRA Here’s to warmer days!
    I got caught out buying from Etsy like this So a £9.99 mug cost me about £20
    Out of curiosity how to sellers from China on eBay don’t do it Ah but do they sell anything over £15?
    I hope you’re OK Val What an horrendous week you’v had
    I hope you get on OK at the doctors CHERYL
    and is your dad doing OK MARIA
    I have a friend coming to craft tomorrow so ai really must tidy up my room The bits of paper are following me down the stairs and I must move the old microwave out of the way too
    Have a good day all and stay warm

  4. Morning Everyone
    from a very very foggy and wet Sheffield.
    So SANDRA your card this morning was definitely needed to bring a little of Spring/Summer.
    Who can believe that a week tomorrow we put the clocks forward!!! with the horrible weather we're having.

    I too am one of those who has fallen foul of 'tax' by buying from the internet. I was searching for a Tiger one piece dressing up suit for a gift at Christmas and found just what I wanted on Ebay from a company who stated they were UK based and yes a card came through the letterbox from the post office saying that I needed to pay £11.00 before delivery could take place. I now am very very careful when purchasing on line.

    It's that swear word for me today so must get a move on. The CAFE is OPEN just waiting for you all.
    HUGS are on their way with loads of extras for CHERYL, VAL and other Dear Friends in need. xxxx

  5. Morning all,
    Wow Sandra, never been involved in anything like that but thanks for the warning. Such a pretty card you're showing us today. Love those flowers.
    I'm having a rare day of just playing in my craft room today. Usually I making cards for the shop or orders but today is my own. Sadly the bar where we have the craft club is closed until further notice. I'm sure Paul will wait until after the funeral to decide what to do next.
    Have a good Friday everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you managed to play all day in your craft room.

  6. Margaret Palmer16 March 2018 at 10:32

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely card, good job I have not put my order in yet as I love this
    Woke up with blood shoot eye so have Dr appointment at 11am.
    Val enjoy your time in craft room, just what you need after
    Hugs to all love

    1. Hi Margaret
      I hope the dr managed to sort your bloodshot eye out for you.

  7. Hi Sandra
    Lovely 😊 card today. Love the stamps, glad that Sue was able to see you yesterday.
    If you remember I had the same problem with stamps I ordered at Christmas from StampTV. Although they did say I’d probably have to pay import duty. As I wanted and like the stamps and frame but wouldn’t do it again.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I love your card Sandra, it is really fresh and bright, you have certainly made these stamps look inviting! I can see so many possibilities when looking at them.

    Thank you for the warning about Internet company's.

    LYNDA, OK I cracked up saw John Lockwood on Hochanda this morning, I have ordered the Gerbra dies, if OH asks questions I shall refer him to you! Ha Ha xx

    Take care everyone, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Think 🤔 I need to get the Gerberas as well. I’ll blame Lynda as well. They looked fantastic on the birthday card she made me.

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. This card is gorgeous, so simple but fabulous, I love it. I hope you and Paul enjoyed the few hours to yourselves today, no doubt you were doing some sorting or something equally boring though.
    Thank you for the warning about, there is absolutely nothing on the payment page about any extra charges, companies that are run this way are simply ripping you off. Its disgusting g that they get away with it.
    I've had a lovely day with Mum, Pop and little Chris today, yesterday day was lovely playing with the Oxide inks with Sandra. I could just sit and play with them for hours as you get so many different effects with them. I am hoping to get my CC done tomorrow, we have little Chris and the two big girls for the weekend doubt Phoebe will want to make a card too...won't that be a shame lol 😊
    Maria, fingers crossed that the results are good for your Dad x
    Lynda, your card yesterday was beautiful, I love those flowers X
    Val, sorry to hear of your sad news X
    Cheryl, I hope your back pain clears very quickly. Thank goodness for pain killers. Where would most of us be without them? X
    Lilian, I hope you are ok x
    Michele, good news about Phil.x
    Must go and get an early night now.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hi all,
    Beautiful card Sandra, had a look on your site for SU but as we soon going to AP I have to be careful with the pennies. Hope you understand.
    Dad is doing ok thank you, he is back home and now we just have to wait for the results. I don't know how you do it Pat. sending you and Pete some hugs.
    Michele- so glad to hear it seem to gone away the stone/s,bless him. Speak soon. hugs for you both.
    Many warm hugs to you all !
    I hope you all had a good day and now will have a good night. See you again in the morning. love Maria xxx
