
Thursday 15 March 2018

Lynda's Spring Floral Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's stunning floral card was made by Lynda for her Daughter Sam's Birthday.
Lynda used the John Lockwood's Gerbera Frame die as the centre, then a black square frame that Lynda has embellished with some of John Lockwood's Gerbera Daisies, stamped and then die cut with matching dies, Lynda has made them burst with colour by inking the centres and adding those pretty beads has really added a touch of luxury.  
I bet Sam absolutely loved this card Lynda, thank you so much for allowing me to share it. XXX

Pat came over yesterday and we did some messy crafting, she wanted to make some of the blended background cards I shared on the blog yesterday, so that's exactly what we did, well Pat did, she created 4 amazing cards.  
I will add that Pat had completely clean fingers at the end of the day, I however had inky fingers and an inky face!!  Well that's what crafting is all about  isn't it ?!!
Hopefully Pat will send us some photos of her finished cards.

I am hoping that Sue feels up to coming over today, so that I can get 'messy' all over again! These days really are the highlight of my week, now that I have room to craft it's even better. 

I will be putting in a Stampin'Up order in in the next couple of days, so if any of you want to take advantage of the last couple of weeks of Sale-A-Bration Freebies, Or even better you would like to get £190 worth of product for £99 with no obligation to buy more or sell! Let me know.  Margaret joined a year ago and has enjoyed it, she will also tell you that she has had no pressure to sell.                                                                                                    Well I must go and get ready for Sue coming over.

I hope you have a lovely day, we are going to make the most of the sunshine as we are forecast more snow this weekend.

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-what a beautiful card, I’m sure your daughter loved it.

    Good news from the hospital yesterday(after being kept waiting for over an hour) the consultant said he was fairly sure Phil has passed the stone. He did another ultrasound to check then gave Phil some harsh diet/lifestyle advice. Easy to say drink lots more when you don’t sit in s car for hours.
    We were both so relieved that we went for a pub lunch to celebrate-Phil had a pint of Guinness!!

    We have rain here again this morning but it looks like it’s going to brighten up-I’m off to Tesco then hopefully meeting my crazy friend at Dobbies. She’s got a GP appointment this morning & is getting herself really worried so I thought it would be a nice distraction for her. I hope to do some crafting this afternoon then we’re off out this evening for a meal with our ex neighbours.


    1. So relieved for PHILL and you
      Like you say it’s all very well saying drink more etc but sometimes it’s just not easy to put into practice

    2. So pleased that Phil doesn't have to have further treatment.
      Enjoy the rest of the day.x

    3. Good news for Phil and yourself Michele xxx

    4. Thank you for your lovely comment on my card
      ( Sam is my son's partner )
      Pleased Phil is better such a relief for you both.
      Enjoy the rest of your day xx

    5. Hi Michele, That is such good news for Phil, I am thrilled for both of you XX

    6. Good news Michele, hope now it is gone and he will feel a lot better. xx

    7. Hi Michele
      Good news Michele. Hope Phil enjoyed his Guinness and you both enjoyed your lunch 🍴. Enjoy you meal 🥘 this evening with friends. I quite fancied going over to Lechlade Garden Centre today for lunch with Doreen. However, Pete had already arranged to go for a breakfast 🍳 this morning so we didn’t go.

  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very wet Sheffield. Yes once again we have rain. When will we get some Spring weather.

    MARIA- so pleased your Dad's surgery went well.
    MICHELE- lovely to see it was good news for PHIL.

    I managed to get my CC and birthday cards finished and sent off yesterday.

    I might just have a play at one or two boxes today. We'll see what happens.

    SANDRA- I hope SUE gets to you today for another messy craft day.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in when you can. HUGS are on their way so have a really good day whatever you're all up to. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Sorry to hear that once again it’s raining ☔️ up your neck of the woods.
      It was sunny ☀️ here earlier but has been raining since. Hope it clears up soon. Must get my birthday cards finished. Sorted some brads out this morning but I’m still trying to get some small white ones.

  3. I hope you get to see SUE today a) it’ll mean you’re in less pain SUE and b) more messy crafting-yay
    So pleased to hear your dad’s op went ok MARIA
    I hope you’re feeling a little brighter today VAL and the funeral went smoothly
    Went dancing last night and so cc will have to be finished today
    Lunch with friend was lovely We put the world to rights and enjoyed some lovely food
    Will finish card today after work and then a nice relaxing evening crocheting I hope Although I’ m using a darkish blue and eyes don’t cope very well with dark yarn under electric lighting
    Have a great day ladies

    Ooh by the way thanks for the heads up LYNDA about my win on Christine’s blog I’m so excited as these dies are way out of my comfort zone I’m really looking forward to playing with them

    1. Thank you Karen, feeling OK today
      Congratulations on winning some dies on Christine's blog. Must nip over and see what they are.
      Enjoy your day.x

    2. I thought I’d ready said in comment You’ve made a lovely card LYNDA I bet SAM loved it I love how you’ve created a bigger card using a smallish frame

    3. Thank you KAREN yes Sam did love it. Yes I didn't want to not use
      The Die but I think it would look silly on smaller card that one is a
      7 x7 card which isn't that big but works. Hug's xx

    4. The dies you won will be great for making cards for little Oscar, they are rather cute. Glad you had a nice meal out. Always nice to meet up with friends. xx

    5. Enjoy your dinosaurs Karen. Will be interested to see what you make with them. Glad you enjoyed your lunch,

  4. Morning Sandra and all
    Beautiful card LYNDA. Those gerberas are so pretty. I still haven't had a chance to play with mine yet. pleased your dad is OK after his op.x
    SUE Glad you're feeling better and well enough to have a play at Sandra's today.

    Thank you ladies for your kind words yesterday. As well as going to the funeral it would have been Allan's 74th birthday. I know its 15 years since he passed away but it just gets to me at times. When I got home Wendy emailed me to say that the owner of the restaurant where we hold our craft class had died. He had a head on car crash a couple of weeks ago and as well as a few broken bones had damaged his aorta and was put in an induced coma. However last Friday the news was quite hopeful and he was being brought around again. Sadly he didn't make it. Paul his partner is such a lovely man and I'm sure will be devasted. You just never know the minute do you.
    Wendy is picking me up later to go to our next to last quilling class. I'll be sad when it finishes as I've really enjoyed it. Before that, this morning I'm making 5 religious Easter cards for one of Lynn's customers so better get a move on.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Oh VAL what a horrible few days Big hugs for you
      Hopefully you’ll be able to have a little bit of a laugh at quilling class too

    2. Hello VAL thank you for your lovely comment. I love the Gerbera Die & stamps they cut like a dream. I have cut out Lots & saved them in a box. Hope your feeling a bit better. Enjoy your quilling look forward to seeing what you have made.

    3. Hi Val, So pleased you got through yesterday it can’t have been easy and then to come back to such sad news, thinking of you XX

    4. The biggest hugs that possible winging it's way to you. Take care xx

    5. Hi Val
      What an awful couple of days your having. Couldn’t have been easy yesterday for you. And to come home 🏠 to such devastating news.
      Hope you enjoy your quilling today with Wendy.

  5. Morning ladies,

    Lovely card Lynda, love the composition and the cheeky little bird on the tag.

    Another load of washing dried on the line yesterday so I am now up to date with the laundry, thank goodness as the rain has started to appear in my little corner of Somerset, quite heavily late last night. Big grey clouds this morning are skidding past leaving bright sunshine streaming through the windows. How long for is anyone's guess.
    I have been in agony all week with spams in my lower back. Good job Zapain is on my repeat prescriptions list. If it gets any worse I will try to get doctors appointment. Only trouble is now they have turned electronic, nearly all the appointments are booked online weeks and months in advance by patients. Last time I went for my flu and pneumonia jabs there was not one receptionist in view. Booking in has been DIY for the last 6 years so I will not be holding my breath for a quick appointment.

    Enjoy your day ladies,
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. spasms not spam, I cannot stand the stuff lol

    2. Hi Cheryl thank you for your lovely comment on my card.
      Hope your back gets better. Yes thank goodness for Zapain I take them as well.
      Big Hug's xx

    3. Hope you can get some doctors appointment soon-ish if your back still trouble you. We have to go on first thing in the morning and with luck you can get an appointment but you can't book for more than daily unless phoning up. Take extra care xx

    4. Hi Cheryl
      Doesn’t sound very nice Cheryl your back. I hope you manage to get a Drs appointment soon. At least at our surgery you can see any dr if you go down first thing of a morning. If you want to be your own dr we usually have to wait weeks for one.

  6. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    Wow I'm early today haha It's chucking it down today after such a beautiful sunny day yesterday. Not upto much today well nothing planned. Hopefully get my cc done & then more messy playing doing backgrounds I like to keep a few for stock. I can't seem to get my head round this weeks challenge another one ended up in the bin yesterday.
    MARIA pleased your dad's operation went well hope he makes a speedy recovery. Big Hug's on the way for you & family.
    SANDRA & SUE have a lovely day crafting & both getting very messy.🤡Xx
    Too wet to go out so Just got to finish housework then I'm in my craft room.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Lovely card you made for Sam. You have made a good job with the flowers, very nice. Hugs for you and CU xx

    2. Thank you MARIA for your lovely comment
      Hug's xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I hope Sue makes it over today Sandra and you can repeat the fun you had yesterday! XX
    Lynda your card is beautiful, I’m sure Sam will be thrilled with it, I’m really tempted to get those Gerbera dies. I think you could have twisted my arm!! Ha ha XX
    Must get on, trying to keep the housework up-to-date, I have a friend coming to stay at the weekend until Tuesday, when she will be took returning home to Crete. She has been in the UK for three weeks now, I bet she can’t wait to get back home and away from our unpredictable climate.
    Have a good day everyone love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Have a nice time seeing your friend over the weekend, wouldn't be nice tho to gone to Crete to see her. Sure the weather is sunnier over there.
      Don't overdo things. Hope to see you in a few weeks xx

    2. Thank you BRENDA for your lovely comment. I love the Gerbera flowers & die set.😊Xx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies in from the cold and wet.
    Love the card for Sam Lynda !
    Sue and Sandra, have a fun day together.
    Sending many warm hugs to you all and hope you have a nice day. Maria xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Thanks for showing Kyndas lovely 😊 card today. Love those Gerbera flowers Lynda. They look lovely in the flesh as well. As I had some on my birthday card.
    Received my Groovi order today although they’d sent me A5 plates instead of A4. Sorted out with a phone call this morning.

  10. I see blogger changed your name Lynda. Meant to say I hope Alfie liked his card. But what’s not to like.

  11. Crikey I’m just not with it today Lynda.
    Sandra said you’d made the card for SAM not Alfie. My brain must be having a meltdown today. Nice and Sunny ☀️ here now. Sorry if it’s still raining up by you Janet.

    1. Hi Pat glad I'm not the only one having a brain meltdown 🙄
      Thank you for liking Sam's card ( she is Darren's partner not my daughter as Sandra said ) I quit like the name kynda makes a change 🤣🤣🤣 Hug's xxx

  12. Margaret Palmer15 March 2018 at 20:50

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sounds as if you had fun with Pat yesterday, hope Sue visited
    Lynda lovely card, I am sure Sam loved it. Hope you have had a productive day, hugs on
    Michele great news about Phil, enjoy the rest of
    Can I reinforce what Sandra said about Stampin Up, all their products are excellent quality & if you become a demonstrator their there really is no pressure from anybody, come on join Sandra's team, I am the only one so far, do not regret it at all.
    Cheryl hope you back improves soon, take
    Maria hope Dad is recovering well, hugs on way to
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx
