
Saturday 17 March 2018

Mixed Up Saturday

Good morning ladies,

Welcome to another Mixed craft Saturday, as usual we have another amazing selection of crafts on on display.
The photograph above are off my new Craft Unit, I realised the not the best photographs but I took them quite late in the day just so that I could share them with you today, I will update them with some clearer ones showing the full amount of storage underneath at a later date.  You can clearly see how many craft products you can fit in quite a small space, everything is within Arms reach.  Although it was a pain to put together mainly because of the lack of instructions and parts needed to assemble it I I'm totally happy with it now. 

Now let's get on and see your crafts......


Karen has knitted this gorgeous baby jacket she explained it was to go in her stash for either one of her friends or to donate to the Harefield Hospital.  I absolutely love it Karen I love how you match the buttons to the colour tones in the wool it really picked out the yellows. I absolutely adore seeing babies in hand knitted jumpers. Thank you so much for sharing your project today. XXX


Janet has shared two fantastic cards, the first card is a beautiful countryside scene it it lo it looks like Janet has used Watercolours to create that beautiful view. 
The second card is a totally new look, I've never seen an image like this and I absolutely love it what a perfect man card. Was it a stamp or a stencil Janet??
Thank you for sharing your project today. XXX


Michelle found this bright and cheerful Easter ribbon while she was out shopping the other day and it was obviously a bargain we expect expect nothing else from the from Michele.  She then had the genius idea of using it as decoration behind an Easter Egg aperture, it works perfectly!! Now I'm pretty sure this technique has a name but do you think I can think of it??!! I even looked on Pinterest for clues! 
I am pretty sure that one of you will know.  Or It will come to me at 4am !!  That's what usually happens! 
Thank you so much Michele for sharing your great idea.XXX


Lynda made another one of her beautiful floating tea cups for a friend yesterday. 
It is so pretty Lynda and well worth the burnt fingers!  Your friend will love it .
Thanks for sharing my lovely Xxx

A gift I received from Danielle

I received this beautiful Handmade Journal this week from Danielle, it is absolutely gorgeous, she has put so much work into adding details to every single page.  There are Tags, pockets, pull out note cards, stamped vellum.  I was so overwhelmed, such a thoughtful gift, there is nothing that warms your heart more than receiving a gift that someone has spent hours making. 
Thank you Danielle, I love it !! XXX

Now speaking of Danielle I want to give you all the ''heads Up' that she is doing another give away, all you have to do is comment on her Blog.....

Her craft projects are so beautifully made that you will love your prize, there are a few lovely projects in this giveaway so it's well worth a comment. 

These lovely Clipboards are only part of the prize, I think I might have to have a go at one of these.  Thanks for allowing me to share Danielle.  XXX

That's all for today ladies, tomorrow we have your amazing Sketch Challenge cards on display.

Today I will be 'supervising the installation of the washing line posts!! Fingers crossed Ladies x

Have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your craft unit looks amazing & I’d love to see some more photos of it. Did you manage to contact Trading Standards yesterday?

    Lots of great photos of lovely projects today. Once I’d bought the ribbon, I though it was too bright so I had the idea of using it behind an aperture.

    The new furniture arrived on time yesterday, the drivers were so helpful & polite. The charity that was meant to collecting our old sofas decided they were “too faded “ for them to bother with!! I wish they’d come out to view them earlier as we now have 4 sofas & 2 armchairs to manoeuvre round until the council will collect them (for a fee)! The fence panels were replaced, old ones taken away and the garden bloke came as we’d like some more alterations to one side of the border. I had hopyto spend some time I my craft room but hubby decided we’d go and visit his Dad (& stepmother) and to be honest, I’m glad we did. He hasn’t been well again so it was a nice distraction for Wendy. I’m meeting a friend for coffee today at Dobbies then I’m definitely going into my craft room!


    1. Hi Michele, love your card today. What a great way to use ribbon.What a pain having to pay the council to take furniture away and can't believe the charity shop wouldn't take it!
      Glad Phil got to see his dad yesterday. So hope he's OK.
      Enjoy coffee with your friend and enjoy crafting.x

    2. Michele love your Easter cards good use of the ribbon
      Enjoy your crafting.xx

  2. Morning ladies, Sandra your unit looks amazing bet your so glad to be crafting again. So glad you lked the journal I made. Ladies I would love it if you would leave a comment on my blog thank you in advance if you do. There are a few lovely prizes to be won.. Thank you so much for sharing and talking about my projects Sandra.. Love the projects from you all this week the baby jacket is fantastic Karen. Love the floating tea cup Lynda so cleaver. Hope you all have a great day. xx

    1. Hi Danielle. Such a beautiful journal you have made for Sandra. I bet she'll treasure it.
      Will pop over to your blog after commenting.x

    2. Thank you Val, I got your comment. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment xx

    3. Thank you so much Danielle for you lovely comment.
      Hug's xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    We have snow this morning and it's still coming down.

    KAREN- a gorgeous jacket. I still love love Aran knitted garments.

    MICHELE- beautiful cards as always and I love the Easter Ribbon.

    DANIELLE- a lovely journal and I know SANDRA will treasure it forever.

    My cards are made from Sheena Douglas 'A little bit Sketchy Wimter Trees' stamp set and coloured with Aqua pens and another Sheena Douglas 'Remember When' Stencil Series called 'Satisfaction'. I have really fallen in love with all her products. They are so lovely to use and of excellent quality.

    Well I'm off to do my usual Saturday shopping before we get more snow so I'd better get a move on.

    The CAFE is OPEN and there will be goodies behind the counter for Afternoon Tea later.
    HUGS are on their way. Take care if going out. xxxx

    1. Oh Janet. Not snow again. Hope you can do a quick shop and get back in the warm again.
      Love both your cards today. Sheena Douglas does have some beautiful projects and you've really done them proud today.x

    2. Thanks Janet I hope you don’t have too much snow We have a smattering That has settled on grass only

  4. Morning everyone.
    What a treat to see so many lovely things this wintry morning, yes it is snowing outside.
    How nice to get to see your work station Sandra. It must be lovely to have so much space for your "things" and to have them so close for making your wonderful cards etc.
    Looking forward to see some more. Hope you and Paul have a nice day.
    Karen- I love the little jumper ! Beautiful made with a nice patterned and the cute buttons to match, well done.
    Janet- love the two cards from you this morning. Fantastic card for the men !
    Michele- fun make of a Easter card, great way to use ribbon.
    Lynda- wow, please tell us how you made this floating cup. So many gorgeous flowers. It's stunning.
    Danielle- Have to say that this is a lovely gift you made for our Sandra. A lovely keepsake. Had a look in your blog. You have made some very nice things. Fingers
    crossed :>)
    Haven't had much sleep, to many thoughts and achy parts. I comment late,it was actually this morning. Waiting for OH to wake up for we might go and look at some fireplaces, I so want one even if it is electric but like OH saying you do lose a wall for the sofa so will see. Have you got a fireplace in your home, what do you think ?
    Have a nice day everyone and take care if going out.
    Hugs Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria sorry you've had a bad night. Problems always seem worse when you're in bed, awake.
      Personally we haven't got a fireplace or a chimney great and like you all our walls have furniture against them. However we've had a fireplace in every house in UK usually with a gas fire and its lovely to look at.
      Hope your dad is recovering well.hugs x

    2. Thank you MARIA You know I love my knitting I hope you’re successful with the fireplace buying and that you have a better night’s sleep tonight

    3. Hi Maria thank you so much for a lovely comment on my floating cup.
      They are really easy.
      Hope your dad is improving each day. Sorry you had a bad night.
      Love & Hug's xxx

  5. WOW! SANDRA! What a lot you can put into a small space I’m so pleased that you can craft at last
    I know you will treasure your beautiful gift from DANIELLE too
    Your floating tea cup is so pretty LYNDA
    Your cards are lovely JANET I don’t do a lot of stamping but I so enjoy watching Sheena Her stuff looks amazing and for you to endorse its quality
    I love your quirky Easter card MICHELE Is the technique you’re after Iris Folding or Teabag Folding SANDRA?
    I love to knit It’s my passion and always have something on the go At the moment I am making cardigans for a friend who’s expecting twin girls I have a bag of items I must parcel up and send to the Preemie and Angels group on FB
    I watched JL’s show on Rewind last night and I may treat myself to those Gerbera Daisy frames I have loved LYNDA’s cards made with them too My go to size cards are 5x7 and 6x6 so I think it would be rude not to especially as I have the Gerbera Daisy dies I think you will love them BRENDA
    Crafty friend is coming to play this afternoon - what a chore (not!) I think she wants to have a play with ScanNCut not that I use mine very often I still prefer my dies
    Take care all and stay warm and dry xxx

    1. Gosh I hadn’t realised I’d written such a long comment I hope ai haven’t bored you all
      I hope you’re feeling brighter VAL and hope your dad is progressing well MARIA

    2. Thanks Karen.feeling OK now thanks.
      Just love your cardigan. The cable stitching look really good. I do knit every night whilst watching tv but its only animal blankets for the charity, using up wool that people kindly donate. I used to make all my own children's clothes when they were young but haven't knitted an actual garment for years.
      Enjoy your time with your crafty friend this afternoon.x

    3. Thanks VAL I knit every day My arthritic hands can’t cope with the weight of adult:big pieces hence the baby clothes

    4. Hi Karen thank you for liking my floating tea cup love making them
      I love your cardigan it's gorgeous. ( did you get my email )
      Hug's xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Its so good to see your unit finally finished and full up. It really doesn't take up much floor space even when it is fully opened out either does it. Enjoy being able to craft again my lovely xx
    Karen, what a lovely warm jacket, just what is needed today here! Penny loves both of the cardigans you knitted for her as much as Tim and Roz. She always smiles and cuddles it 😊 I must remember to send a pic to Sandra to share. You are so clever with all of the crafts you do x
    Janet, two lovely cards. And both great for the men. The second one made using stencils is something a bit different too, I love it x
    Michele, what a great way of using these Easter ribbons X
    Lynda, another brilliant floating cup, I love it. I really want to have a go so must sort out the bits for it. I just need to find the cups and saucers that were left over after a Beaver Scout activity! X
    Danielle, I am lucky to have seen this gorgeous journal. Sandra was almost speechless with emotion when she saw it. You have put so much work into it and it is going to be treasured, that is for sure. You have given both Sandra and me a really good idea of how to make one. I also love your clip boards so will be visiting your blog X
    I hope you all have a good weekend. We have snow flurries here but as the ground is wet the snow can't settle. Not sure how long that will be the case though. Please take care when/if you go out ladies.
    We have a busy weekend with Phoebe, Paige and Chris, fingers crossed we get enough snow to build a snowman together. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. I’d love to see a photo I had a panic the other day I hopefully did make the bigger size for Penny I was knitting another and kept thinking this seems a helluva lot bigger than the one I made for you

    2. Hi Sue
      thank you for liking my Floating tea cup.Takes a couple of hours & few burnt fingers ouch!!!

    3. MRS B- how lovely you got to see my journal wish I could of seen Sandras face, one day for sure ill go over for a visit.x

  7. Morning everyone.
    Sandra I'm so impressed with your lovely unit and what a lot of space to hold lots of goodies. I bet you love sitting there crafting.

    LYNDA your floating tea cup is so pretty and so beautifully decorated. X

    Off to meet my chatty friend for coffee later. Should do some housework first but I'm leaving it and having an hour crafting instead.

    Have a good Saturday everyone.
    Love Valxcc

    1. Craft away! The housework can wait and was it Oscar Wilde that said something like - you don’t get any more dust settle after an inch - or words to that effect

    2. Hi Val thank you so much for your lovely comment on my floating cup
      Hug's on the way xx

  8. Morning ladies,

    Just looked out my craft room window and we have snow! It looks like someone up high is sprinkling icing sugar through a sieve. Only light tiny flakes at the moment but snow all the same. So methinks, how long will it take for our local council to issue a warning to stay inside so everything will close down? Bets on ladies.

    Lovely unit Sandra, bet you will change things around in the future. It is something I do every year as some boxes empty and others craft items take seniority.

    Beautiful hoodie cardigan Karen, whoever receives it will snug and warm inside it.

    Gorgeous cards from Janet and Michele make lovely viewing of Saturday's mix up and Lynda's amazing floating teacup is simply stunning.

    Danielle's Journal is absolutely fabulous darling, love the colours and composition. I will pop over to your blog when finished this comment.

    I managed to get an early appointment yesterday morning and after the examination she said I was correct, my lower back pain was caused by the spasms. Given diazepam to relax the muscles and to continue with the Zapain tablets which is the strongest she could prescribe if I hadn't already previously collected some on my repeats. Strongly advised NOT to drive which I could understand later on after taking both...I felt as thought I was a kite flying aloft. Pleasant enough feeling that totally wiped me out, I could not move from my settee lol.

    However you are planning to spent your weekend, be safe and happy

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and taking time to leave a comment xx

    2. Thank you very much Cheryl for your lovely words on my floating teacup.
      Take care while taking those tablets. I'm on Zapain tablets they are strong but affective.
      Hug's on the way xx

    3. Take it easy until you feeling better, nice to be floating sometimes Lol hugs xx

    4. Hi Cheryl
      Lovely to feel as if your floating for awhile. The strongest we’ve every been given is Naproxen and Codeine. I had these with my hip pain but they made me pass out while we were away. The dr told me they were the strongest he could give me.

  9. hello again everyone
    Not been back long from shopping and it's blowing a blizzard. Really am hoping it doesn't stay around.

    LYNDA I'M SO SO SORRY I forgot to mention your beautiful piece of art. I really am green with envy when you do one of these special pieces using the floating cup technique. I gaze in amazement at them and think I really ought to try but I'm such a coward. I could do with you by my side to do xxxx

    1. Thank you very much Janet. You should have a go at making one but they come with a warning they CAN BURN!!! But satisfaction is worth the blisters. We have the whit stuff too.
      Warm Hug's xxx

    2. Hi Janet
      Sounding like your white stuff is heavier than ours. Take care if you have to go out tomorrow.

  10. Fantastic storage unit love all the little bits and so accessible .Laura O Springfield

  11. Hello Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA I love your craft unit gosh didn't know you could get so much in them. I can see you wising up & down on your new chair so pleased for you.its so neat & tidy.xx
    I have commented on way down. We have some white stuff can't beleave weather yesterday was so warm & now freezing again.
    Must go & tidy up my craft room & Finnish my challenge card.
    Stay warm everyone I'm going to have a look at Danielle blog.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Loved your floating teacup ☕️.

    2. Thought you’d like to know Lynda Pete is giving it zzzzz at the moment. Has been for at least an hour.

  12. Hi Sandra
    I wonder whether you got your washing line put up. I bet it was to cold to stand outside today, as it’s absolutely freezing.
