
Thursday 1 February 2018

The First Of Our New Home cards

Good Morning Ladies ,

Another cold day here. Hoping  the shines today like it did yesterday afternoon because it really brightened the day up.
Seeing Pat brightened my day up too, we went out to lunch which was lovely.

Todays card is the first of our lovely 'New Home' cards, this one is from Sue, i absolutely love this design, it's so different and so personal, i love the little touches like our village and the date we moved in, the 'faux scrabble tiles' are brilliant. The key is also a fun touch too.  Thank you Sue for such a lovely card. XXX

I am hoping that my new craft unit will arrive any day as my craft room currently looks like this.......

My whole craft room is now just a corridor of boxes, its driving me crazy, i just want to craft! Hopefully we will get this room sorted next, I should hear when the new unit will be delivered any day.

Well I must go now to see if this will publish, the internet in the new house is shocking to say the least!  Too slow speed for any other company than BT to supply internet service as the lowest speed any of them entertain is 5mb, we have 4.5 ! 
A company called Gigaclear have laid cables into the village but I think it's quite expensive to have it connected to the property, we'll have to see.

I hope you have a lovely Thursday, 

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely card from Sue, it’s great.

    Busy day yesterday but not crazy & we had a laugh. My Dad was quite jovial last night which was a pleasant surprise.

    Shopping tonight-hope the weather improves as we have very strong winds again & rain forecast. I’m getting a bit fed up of all this horrendous wind.


  2. Morning Everyone
    A beautiful card SUE - love the idea you used.

    Well we certainly had a 'medley' of weather yesterday. We had everything from sun/rain/hail/snow and wind!!!
    One minute the ground was completely covered in snow and within the next 15mins it was clear. The Weather Gods are certainly having a play time.

    My jobs for today are to photograph my CC and my latest changed bottle. SANDRA might use it on Saturday. I have loved doing the bottle and cannot wait for the next bottle to be

    The CAFE doors are open so you can all pop in.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

  3. What a beautiful card and very clever idea for a aNew Home card
    I did a similar one for our wedding anniversary with the location of wher we got married
    I hope both VAL and SUE are feeling better and that MARIA feels better after your duvet day
    Meal out was good There was as only six of us in the end which meant we could all chat together rather than little splinter groups- if you see what I mean as can happen in larger groups
    Nothing exciting planned today except going to the Post Office to pop a cardigan in the post SUE ....
    Take care all

    1. Hi Karen
      Glad you enjoyed your meal out. A load of us go out every so often. We change places every so often so we get to talk to everyone.
      Hope the cardigan fits Sue. Only joking I know it's a baby cardigan.

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely card that Sue sent you. I've done a similar myself before years ago. I had some black outline stickers that I put onto car and cut the cars out and mounted onto a map.
    Yes we had a lovely lunch yesterday at Lechlade Garden Ctr. We're actually going back today with Doreen. Ask she asked if we could go today for lunch as our friends who we visit on a Thursday will be up at the hospital with her brother at the lung function clinic. He's on oxygen 15hrs a day. He might not have been so bad if he'd followed the consultants instructions. But, if the medication didn't work in the first day he said they were rubbish and didn't work so stopped taking what he was prescribed.
    Hope everyone still feeling poorly will be feeling better soon.

    1. Hi Pat, we have been to Lechlade on several occasions it’s a lovely area. Enjoy your lunch. xx

    2. Thank ou Brenda. We had rather a big lunch at the garden centre. We had the special. Which is a main, plus a pudding plus a tea of coffee. About £9.00 each. We're stuffed now so I don't think I'll be having any tea as such.

    3. Pat, Pleased you enjoyed your lunch, it sounds great value. xx

  5. Hello Sandra ladies,

    Sue I love the card you made for Sandra, Paul and the family it really is - forgive me for saying - spot on! X

    Sandra I hope your new craft unit arrives today, and you can start to get yourself sorted out. Then you can get back to some serious crafting again. X

    We were going shopping first thing this morning, had a message from my daughter, both of her girls are at home and have tonsillitis, her husband is home till early afternoon. Then we are going to go over soon picking up shopping on the way and just be there for until mum returnes from work. It will be a late one today for her as she has to go and be seen at a work function.

    Take care everyone sending love and gentle hugs to Val, Sue and Maria And anyone else who needs them. Love Brenda XXX

    1. Woops ... had a message from OUR daughter.

    2. Hi Brenda
      I hope the girls are feeling better soon.

  6. Hi everyone
    Hope you craft room soon is in ordening so you can craft again.
    Fab card you made them Sue, nice touch with the map and key. well wishes hugs.
    Had a chuckle about the tom tom Pat, glad you found your way and you could go out for lunch.
    Val- take care, well wishes hugs for you too.
    Lynda- hope you alright.
    We had a blackout over the area we live in for about three hours last night. It was hard to read with candle light and it got very cold in the house quickly. I had a chill anyhow so it was nice to crawl into bed. Sun is shining now but it is very cold winds so after a quick visit this morning to Ikea I'm glad being back home.
    Have a good day all, Maria xx

    1. Hope you don't gave a blackout tonight Maria. Reading my candlelight is bad for your eyes. I wonder how they managed without electricity in earlier times. Mind you we had paraffin lamps when I was growing up, no hot water and no running water. My gramps had an outside loo but I can't remember what we had. The same I suppose.

    2. Hi Pat, when going to our summer cottage we didn't have any water for drinking so we had to bring big bottles and the loo was outside but I didn't use that much because of spiders so went in the bushes, just had to be careful so no tick's, they are horrid things Lol hugs xx

  7. Hello All, it’s sunny !!! Have the washing out, it’s very blowy so I hope it stays on the line.

    Love your new home card, I used to use maps quite a lot, my late friend in Oxford used to love them.

    Sandra hope you get your craft room sorted soon, sent my c cards to you this morning.
    Hope everyone has a great afternoon, hugs Lilian

    1. Lilian am I right in thinking you have your op. tomorrow, if so will be thinking of you & hope all goes well, hugs on

  8. Hi Lilian
    Hope the washing stayed on the line today. It's very windy here as well. However, as we were going along the A40 towards you could see the rain making its way along the valley floor. It looked just like fog. Then it hit us for about 10mins. We were travelling towards Lechlade so we're travelling away from the rain.

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card from Sue, great idea. Hope your craft unit arrives soon, miss your cards. Take
    Sue love your card qhat a great idea. Hope you are continuing to improve, good news about the car, love
    Sending hugs to Val, Maria & all who need them love

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Thank you all for your lovely comments. I must say that as is often the way that I saw a similar one on Pinterest. I also collect any keys that are no longer needed, this little one was just the right size for your car my lovely. I do hope your unit turns up really soon. Hopefully next week we will be able to craft together, I'm really looking forward to that 😊
    I am starting to feel better at long last, Just have no voice which is fun!
    Thank you for my hugs xx
    I hope you all have had a good day, or as good as possible. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  11. Hi Sandra & Laies
    Sorry I was missing yesterday I tried 5 times but my comment wouldn't publish the same this morning so trying again hoping this will publish.
    I loved both cards on show yesterday. Sue how clever is your card for Sandra love it. Hope your feeling better xx
    Well yesterday I was up the hospital at Canterbury for ear suction. It takes over an hour to get there & all for 10 minutes. Today I was supposed to go to dentist but I kissed the floor again & couldn't get up so had to lay there untill Terry came home. He was late anyway so he rang the dentist to change my appointment till next Thursday I was a bit cross with him being home late.😡
    Sandra hope your craft unit arrives soon so you can get crafting again. Your craft space looks quiet big.
    VAL I hope your fee.ling better now take care.
    Maria hope your feeling better after your PJ day & you on the mend I hope you don't have another blackout again tonight.
    Well I hope this will publish ok
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Lynda you really have to stop kissing the floor, seriously I hope you are ok. Hugs on the

    2. Hi Lynda
      My word fancy kissing the floor again. Perhaps Terry will have to tie you to a chair dear lady. Glad Terry managed to change your appointment with the dentist. Gentle hugs coming your way. Perhaps we'll wrap you in cotton wool to keep you safe.

    3. Oh Lynda
      not again. What is it with you and kissing the floors ey ? You must take more care of yourself. I really hope you don't hurt too much. Gentle hugs coming to you xx
