
Wednesday 31 January 2018

Double delight today, 2 fab cards.

Good Morning Ladies,

Two absolutely fabulous cards today, both 'stamped' designs, both very different.
The first card is Maria's, a pretty stamped window with flowers growing all around it, I loved the spring colours that you chose to colour your image with Maria. The flower frame that you stamped you imagine works brilliantly too.   Thank you so much for sharing your lovely 'New Home' card My lovely. XXX

The second card was designed by Pat, a gorgeous 'Seaside Scene', it looks like a 'Jenny Mayes' (Hobby Art) stamp but I think it might be a 'Clarity' scene stamp,  I'm sure Pat can set me straight!  A lovely scalloped border separates the stamped scene from the sentiments, both sentiments work so well with the theme of the card Pat. Your colouring is incredibly accurate too. Thank you so much for sharing your card with us My lovely. XXX

I loved reading all of your cleaning tips yesterday, how funny that so many of us use the same products, probably because they are the best, I did leave one thing out though, you can't use it on everything but for cleaning enamel baths, sinks and taps you can't beat 'Vim' powder, although I do wonder if it's also made up of baking soda, I love the smell too. Thanks for all of your tips and tricks ladies.

I am having a day off today and hopefully meeting up with Pat, I'm looking forward to a change of scenery and some lovely company! 

Val I hope you continue to feel better, this horrible bug is really knocking people down.  Sending hugs XXX
Sue, I hope you are starting to feel better today my lovely xxx

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Two gorgeous cards-Maria & Pat, you have both stamped & coloured the images in perfectly.

    I decided this year I needed to start using some of the huge stash of stamps I have -guess what...I still haven’t made the effort!

    The meal last night was lovely-there was 6 of us & we had a great time. It was nice to have a laugh with colleagues. Hubby should be home tonight in-time for us to eat together but I’m calling at my Dads in the way home as I have a few Diecut trees for him to use on his model railway layout.


    1. Hi Michele
      Glad you were able to meet up with friends and enjoy yourself. Nothing like a good night out to lift your spirits. I haven't used my stamps in awhile either, so I need to make the effort.

  2. Hi all,
    Two lovely cards today Maria and Pat and both beautifully coloured.
    Thank you Sandra ,I'm feeling a bit better each day now but think I'll miss crib this week. Still haven't looked at the craft stuff I bought in UK so will do that later and send in a photo Sandra.
    Hugs to all.
    Sue sorry you're not feeling too good. Hope you are better soon.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I'm glad to hear your feeling a bit better. Good idea to miss crib I think just in case.

  3. Morning Everyone
    MARIA- I love your 'Window' card particularly the roses round the window. Your colouring is just beautiful.

    PAT- Oh the seaside. Makes me thing of Summer and won't we all be so pleased to see some better weather. I love the boats sailing on the water.

    I managed to get my cupboard sorted yesterday and as a result there are two bags waiting to go to the Charity shop. Today I hope to make a start on my CC so fingers crossed that my one little grey cell will start

    The CAFE is now OPEN and ready for you all to pop in today.
    VAL and SUE extra hugs on their way to you in the hope you're both feeling better. Take care. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Yes, a lovely card, can't remember who the stamps are by but I'll look later and let Sandra know.
      We certainly need some warmer weather and sooner rather than later I say.

  4. Two very pretty cards I am very envious of you “stampers” But I am getting there I now look at stamps online and at shows Whereas I used to totally ignore stalls selling them
    It’s good to see you’re on the mend VAL and I hope you’re beginning to feel better too SUE
    I’m off out for a meal with my team from work tonight which is a welcome surprise that I’ve managed to get a lift
    Take care all and enjoy your “day off” SANDRA with PAT xx

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope you have a nice time out with your team this evening. I haven't bought any stamps for ages.
      Now I've seen some lovely cards done in parchment so have been having a go with that.

  5. Hello Sandra and all,
    Two lovely cards today.
    MARIA what a lovely card for a new sure the recipient loved it.
    PAT A beautiful seaside scene. Roll on those warm sunny days.

    SANDRA and PAT Enjoy your time together today. Will you be going our for lunch?

    I will e back later.
    Love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      Glad you liked the card.
      Yes, we went out for lunch today. Otherwise when I go over I'll take lunch with me as Sandra has no shops by her. So a proper shop needs to be planned,

  6. Hi everyone.
    Have a nice time catching up with Pat, Sandra. Pat, I love your card and so looking forward now to warmer weather and some sunshine.
    Thank you for your nice comments on my card. I'm trying to make more stamping, need to practise on making trailing flowers and better colouring in as I don't think it look right. Some of you ladies are fantastic to put colours together.
    Having a bad tummy day so unfortunately I don't feel like doing any cardmaking or anything right now, having a duvet day and watching a film.
    Val and Sue, healing hugs to you both
    Have a good day otherwise ladies, take care
    Many warm hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      A lovely card and it looks fine to me, hope you enjoyed your duvet day today and I hope your feeling better soon.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Wow, wasn't expecting to see my card today. I think the stamps are by stampasorous if that's how it's spelt. But I'll hook them out of my stamps and let you know.
    Maria a lovely card from you and great colouring.
    Had a lovely meet up with Sandra today. However, my Tomtom in the car doesn't know it's left from its right. It told me my destination would be on my left when I got into the road Sandra lives. At the end of the rd you go out of the village. So the postman was parked up so I asked him where Manir Lodge was. He said down this road about halfway and it's on your left. So I gad to go back the way I came, and it was on my left. On the right coming the way I'd originally came. Plus, coming home it told me to turn left onto Schofield Ave and my house would be on the left. When in fact I needed to turn right onto Schofield Ave and my house would be on my left. Bizarre or what.

    1. Hello Pat, So pleased you and Sandra had the opportunity to go out for lunch together. I’m sure it was a lovely change for both of you.
      SORRY I had to laugh at your Tom Tom journey. Wonder where you would have ended up if you hadn’t asked the postman. At least closer to home you already knew where you were going! xx

    2. Hi Brenda
      Where I stopped was just before the village ended as I could see the national speed limit sign and no more houses. I'd have had to knock on someone's door to ask. Manor Lodge is on the wall going into the drive but you can't see it coming from the right as I was. Once I'd turned round after speaking to the postman I saw it. Good job he had his window open a bit as he was in a van. Great that we could get out. Now just need to find somewhere closer than Lechlade to have some lunch if we decide to go out.

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I'm glad you are having a day off my lovely. You certainly must need it after the last few weeks. I hope you and Pat had a nice time together.
    Maria, you're card is beautiful, your colour choices and your colouring are both wonderful. Thanks for my hugs. I hope you are feeling a bit better now X
    Pat, what a pretty card, I love the Relax sentiment and the colours you have used. I hope your sat nav stops confusing you! X
    Brenda, thank you for your kind words. Its one of those bugs that doesn't let you forget it that's for sure!
    I'm feeling a bit better today, have a little more energy and managed to get new car ordered thank goodness. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hello Everyone, The message I left earlier I sent from my phone, I really am not good using my phone on the internet. Anyway this morning I said to John that I would like to go and look at The Range. The nearest one is Surrey Quays. A bus ride, then approximately 30mins on London Overground, about an hour in total if you don’t count waiting time. I had a good nosy around. Only spent £14 and that included some household items. So think I was good (well for me that was very good). We are back home now and John has made my a very welcome cup of tea. Although we had lunch out, I always appreciate a cuppa when we return home. Hope everyone has had a good day xxx

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I am pleased you had a day off today, you deserve it. I managed to finish my cc this afternoon & send it. Must think about little Chris's birthday in the next couple of weeks, it doesn't seem possible he will be
    Maria that is a very pretty card that you made & everything about it is perfect. Hope you feel better for having a duvet day, hugs on
    Pat that is a lovely card & thank you for reminding us of the summer, mind I haven't seen the sea for several years. Hope you enjoyed your time with
    Val pleased you are feeling better, hugs on
    Sending hugsto all who need them love

  11. Hello All,

    Maria and Pat two lovely cards, must get my groovie out and have another go.

    Managed to do my c cards this morning, will post them tomorrow.

    Maria hope you are feeling better now. Glad you managed a day out with Pat, how I miss my car.

    Have you been watching Sue Wilson’s new dies, there are some very pretty ones, trying to resist, I like the small sentiments she showed today.

    Hope you all had a good day, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I also loved the small sentiments that Sue showed today. Hope you manage to have a play with your Groovi plates.
